Composers – G
Composers: Gaathaug - Galli
- Gaathaug, Morten (b.1955)
- Gabaye, Pierre (1930–2019)
- Gabel, Fabien (b.1975)
- Gaber, Harley (1943–2011)
- Gable, Christopher
- Gablenz, Jerzy (1888-1937)
- Gabler, Egon (1876-1959)
- Gabriel, Edgar
- Gabriel, Peter (b.1950)
- Gabriel, Virginia (1825-77)
- Gabriel, Wolfgang (b.1930)
- Gabriel-Marie, Jean (1907-70)
- Gabriel-Marie, Jean Prosper (1852–1928)
- Gabrieli, Andrea (1533–85)
- Gabrieli, Giovanni (1557–1612)
- Gabrielli, Domenico (1659–90)
- Gabrilovich, Ossip (1878–1936)
- Gabucci, Agostino (1896–1976)
- Gabunia, Nodar (1933-2000)
- Gabunija, Nodar (1933–2000)
- Gaburo, Kenneth (1926–93)
- Gabussi, Giulio Cesare (1555-1611)
- Gabussi, Vincenzo (1800–46)
- Gach, Jay Anthony
- Gade, Axel (1860–1921)
- Gade, Jacob (1879–1963)
- Gade, Niels Wilhelm (1817–90)
- Gadenstätter, Clemens (b.1966)
- Gadó, Gábor (b.1957)
- Gaffi, Tommaso Bernardo (1667–1744)
- Gaffurio, Franchino (1451–1522)
- Gäfvert, Hans Åke (1914-56)
- Gagliano, Giuseppe (1912-1995)
- Gagliano, Marco da (1575–1642)
- Gagliardi, Agostino (18th century)
- Gagliardi, Gilberto
- Gagnaire, Henri
- Gagnebin, Henri (1886-1977)
- Gagneux, Renaud (1947-2018)
- Gagnon, André (b.1936)
- Gahn, Peter (b.1970)
- Gaidamaka
- Gaigerova, Varvara (1903-44)
- Gail, Sophie (1775–1819)
- Gaillard, Johann Ernst (1687-1747)
- Gaines, David (b. 1961)
- Gainsbourg, Serge (1928-91)
- Gais, Serge
- Gaito, Constantino Vicente (1878–1945)
- Gajarek, Sigismund Martin (fl. 1721-60)
- Gál, Bernhard (b.1971)
- Gál, Hans (1890–1987)
- Galais, Bernard (1921-2009)
- Galán, Cristóbal (c.1630–1684)
- Galante, Carlo (b.1959)
- Galanti, Antonio (b.1964)
- Galbiati, Antonio (b.1960)
- Galbraith, Craig (b.1975)
- Galbraith, Nancy (b.1951)
- Gale, Jack
- Galeotti, Cesare (1872–1929)
- Galeotti, Stefano (1723-70)
- Galilei, Michelagnolo (1575–1631)
- Galilei, Vincenzo (c.1520-91)
- Galíndez, Otilio (1935-2009)
- Galindo, Blas (1910–93)
- Galindo, Pedro (1906-89)
- Galinne, Rachel (b. 1949)
- Galiot, Johannas (fl.1380-95)
- Gall, Notker of (c.840-912)
- Gallagher, Jack (b.1947)
- Gallagher, Jonah
- Galland, Stéphane (b. 1969)
- Gallassi, Antonio (c.1750-c.1790)
- Gallay, Jacques François (1795–1864)
- Gallén, Joseph Pradas (1689–1757)
- Gallerano, Leandro (1580-1632)
- Galles, José (1761–1835)
- Gallet, Luciano (1893-1931)
- Galli, Antonius (d.1565)
Composers: Galli - Garcia Abril
- Galli, Domenico (1649–97)
- Galli, Raffaello (1824–89)
- Galli-Curci, Amelita (1886-1973)
- Galliano, Richard (b.1950)
- Galliard, John Ernest (1687–1749)
- Galliculus, Johannes (c.1490-c.1550)
- Gallienne, Dorian Le (1915–63)
- Galliera, Arnaldo (1871–1934)
- Gallina, Jan Adam (1724–73)
- Gallo, Domenico (c.1730–c.1768)
- Gallo, Ramiro
- Gallois-Montbrun, Raymond (1918–94)
- Gallon, Gabbier Noël (1891–1966)
- Gallot, Jacques (c.1625–c.1695)
- Gallus, Jacobus (1550–91)
- Galperine, Evgueni (b.1975)
- Galuppi, Baldassare (1706–85)
- Galvani, Marco (b.1994)
- Gálvez, Gabriel (1510-78)
- Galynin, German (1922–66)
- Gambardella, Salvatore (1871–1913)
- Gambarini, Elisabetta de (1731–65)
- Gambaro, Vincent (1746–1810)
- Gambe, Kazuhiro
- Gamberini, Elisabetta de (1730-65)
- Gambini, Carlo Andrea (1819–65)
- Gambling, Keith R
- Gamboa, Eduardo (b.1960)
- Gamburg, Grigory (1900-67)
- Gamer, Carlton (b.1929)
- Gamsachurdia, Demetre
- Gamstorp, Göran (b.1957)
- Ganassi, Silvestro di (1492–1565)
- Ganatchian, Parsegh (1885-1967)
- Ganchoff, Moshe (1905–97)
- Gand, Jean-Louis
- Gander, Bernhard (b.1969)
- Gandera, Sebastian
- Gandini, Gerardo (1936–2013)
- Gandino, Adolfo (1878–1940)
- Gandolfi, Michael (b.1956)
- Gandrille, Jean-Charles (b.1982)
- Gandy, John-Paul
- Gang Chen (b.1935)
- Gangi, Mario (1923–2010)
- Ganglberger, Johann Wilhelm (1876–1938)
- Gann, Kyle (b.1955)
- Ganne, Louis (1862–1923)
- Ganryu, Yoshiharu (b.1937)
- Gänsbacher, Johann Baptist (1778–1844)
- Gansch, Thomas (b.1975)
- Ganspeckh, Wilhelm (1687–1770)
- Gant, Andrew (b.1963)
- Gant, Mathieu de (c.1212–c.1260)
- Gantez, Annibal (1607-68)
- Ganz, Rudolph (1877–1972)
- Ganzer, Jürgen (b. 1950)
- Gao, Chunhar (b. 1959)
- Gao, Wen
- Gao Hong (b.1964)
- Gao Ping (b.1970)
- Gao Wei-jie (b.1938)
- Gaos, Andrés (1874–1959)
- Garat, Joseph Dominique Fabry (1774-?)
- Garay, Ramón (1761–1823)
- Garban, Lucien (1877-1959)
- Garbarek, Jan (b.1947)
- Garbarino, Giuseppe
- Garber, J Ryan (b.1973)
- Garbizu, Tomás (1901–89)
- Garcia, Blas (?-1891)
- García, Daniel
- Garcia, Fernando (b.1930)
- Garcia, Gerald (b.1949)
- Garcia, Juan (1619-78)
- Garcia, Manuel (1775–1832)
- García, Orlando Jacinto (b.1954)
- García, Simón (b.1977)
- Garcia, Voro
- Garcia Abril, Antón (b.1933)
Composers: Garcia Caturla - Gasull
- Garcia Caturla, Alejandro (1906-40)
- Garcia de Jesus, Belisario (1892-1952)
- García de León, Ernesto (b.1952)
- García Gago, Josep
- García-Tomás, Raquel (b. 1984)
- García-Velásquez, Pedro (b. 1984)
- Garcimunos (fl.1507)
- Gardane, Antonio (1509–69)
- Garde, Pierre de la (1717-92)
- Gardel, Carlos (1890–1935)
- Gardelin, Gerardo
- Gardella, Federico (b.1979)
- Gardemar, Hans
- Gardiner, Henry Balfour (1877–1950)
- Gardiner, Mary (1932-2010)
- Gardiner, William (1770–1853)
- Gardner, Alexandra (b.1967)
- Gardner, Bobbie-Jane
- Gardner, Evan (b.1978)
- Gardner, James (b.1962)
- Gardner, Johann von (1898–1984)
- Gardner, John (1917–2011)
- Gardner, Maurice (1909-2002)
- Gardner, Samuel (1891–1984)
- Gardner, Stephen (b.1958)
- Gárdonyi, Zoltán (1906–86)
- Gardonyi, Zsolt (b.1946)
- Gardzina, Richard
- Garello, Raúl (1936–2016)
- Garfein, Herschel (b.1958)
- Garfias, Maria (1848-?)
- Garfield, Bernard (b. 1924)
- Gariboldi, Giuseppe (1833–1905)
- Garin, Didier Marc (b. 1963)
- Garland, Peter (b.1952)
- Garland, Tim (b.1966)
- Garner, David (b.1954)
- Garner, Erroll (1923–77)
- Garnero, Fernando (b.1976)
- Garnier, Joseph-François (1755-1825)
- Garofalo, Carlo Giorgio (1886–1962)
- Garrepy, Seth (b.1986)
- Garreta, Julio (1875–1925)
- Garrett, George Mursell (1834–97)
- Garrett, Marques L A (b. 1984)
- Garrido, Angel J (1880-1924)
- Garrido, Eduardo (b.1975)
- Garrido, Tomás (b.1955)
- Garrido, Vicente (d.2003)
- Garrido-Lecca, Celso (b.1926)
- Garriga, Carlota (b.1937)
- Garrop, Stacy (b.1969)
- Garson, Michael (b.1945)
- Garson, Mike (b.1945)
- Gartenlaub, Odette (1922-2014)
- Garth, John (1721–1810)
- Gärtner, Eduard (1862–1918)
- Garton, Graham (b.1929)
- Garuta, Lucija (1902-77)
- Garvarentz, Georges Diran (1932-93)
- Garvey, Guy (b.1974)
- Garwood, Margaret (b.1927)
- Garzon, Eleazar
- Gasco, Alberto (1879-1938)
- Gascongne, Matthieu de (fl.1517, d.1529)
- Gaskill, Clarence (1892-1947)
- Gaskill, Elizabeth (b.1950)
- Gaslini, Giorgio (1929–2014)
- Gasparian, Gerard (b.1960)
- Gasparini, Francesco (1661–1727)
- Gasparini, Michelangelo (1670-1732)
- Gasparini, Quirino (1721-78)
- Gass, Felix (1715–52)
- Gass, Glenn
- Gassick, Damien le (b.1943)
- Gassmann, Florian Leopold (1729–74)
- Gastaldon, Stanislaus (1861–1939)
- Gastinel, Gérard (b.1949)
- Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo (c.1554–1609)
- Gasull, Feliu (b.1959)
Composers: Gatayes - Geist
- Gatayes, Guillaume Pierre Antoine (1774-1846)
- Gates, George (1920-2004)
- Gato, Gonçalo
- Gatonska, Michael (b.1968)
- Gatti, Ercole
- Gatti, Luigi (1740–1817)
- Gatto, Anthony (b. 1962)
- Gaubert, Philippe (1879–1941)
- Gaucet, Serge (c.1866-c.1914)
- Gauchat, Mará Misael (b. 1983)
- Gaucquier, Alard (1534-1582)
- Gaudi, Bricio
- Gaudibert, Éric (1936-2012)
- Gaudioso, Domenico
- Gauger, Thomas
- Gaul, Harvey Bartlet (1881-1945)
- Gauldin, Robert 'Bob' Luther (b.1931)
- Gaultier, Denis (b.1603)
- Gaultier, Jacques (c.1595–1660)
- Gaultier, Pierre (1599–aft.1638)
- Gaultier (le vieux), Ennemond (1575–1651)
- Gaunt, Ben (b. 1984)
- Gauntlett, Henry J (1805–76)
- Gause, D
- Gaussin, Allain (b.1943)
- Gauthier, François (b.1953)
- Gautier, Théophile (1811–72)
- Gavazza, Giuseppe (b. 1957)
- Gaveaux, Pierre (1761-1825)
- Gavett, Jeffrey
- Gavin, Val (1935-2003)
- Gaviniès, Pierre (1728-1800)
- Gavrilin, Valery Aleksandrovich (1939–99)
- Gawlick, Ralf Yusuf (b.1969)
- Gawthrop, Daniel E (b.1949)
- Gay, John (1685–1732)
- Gay, Noel (1898–1954)
- Gay, Paul (b.1931)
- Gayfer, James McDonald (1916-97)
- Gazanov, Gazan
- Gazarossian, Koharik (1907-67)
- Gazda, Péter (b.1948)
- Gazes, Manuel (15th century)
- Gazzaniga, Giuseppe (1743–1818)
- Gazzotti, Luigi (1886–1923)
- Gbeho, Philip (1904-76)
- Ge Gan-Ru (b.1954)
- Ge Yan
- Gearhart, Livingston (1916–96)
- Gebauer, François René (1773-1845)
- Gebauer, Johan Christian (1808-84)
- Gebel, Franz Xaver (1787–1843)
- Gebel the younger, Georg (1709–53)
- Gebirtig, Mordechai (1877–1942)
- Gedalge, André (1856-1926)
- Geddes, John Maxwell (1941–2017)
- Gedizlioğlu, Zeynep (b.1977)
- Gee, Erin (b.1974)
- Geehl, Henry (1881–1965)
- Geel, Oene van (b.1973)
- Geers, Douglas (b. 1968)
- Gees, Michael (b.1953)
- Geffen, Aviv (b.1973)
- Geffrard, Nicolas (1871-1930)
- Gefors, Hans (b.1952)
- Gehlhaar, Rolf (1943–2019)
- Gehot, Joseph (1756-1820)
- Geierhaas, Gustav (1888-1976)
- Geiger, Isy (1886-1977)
- Geijer, Erik Gustaf (1783–1847)
- Geilsdorf, Paul (1890-1976)
- Geis, Camil (1902–86)
- Geiselhart, Markus (b.1977)
- Geiser, Walther (1897–1993)
- Geisler Wyganowski, Tadhé (1913–89)
- Geisse, Gunnar (b. 1964)
- Geisselbrecht, Flora Marlene (b.1994)
- Geissler, Fritz (1921-84)
- Geist, Christian (1650–1711)
- Geist, John
Composers: Geist - Gerometta
- Geist, Paul (1865-95)
- Geistweidt, Jason Ernest (b.1969)
- Gelabert, Joan Fuxà (1819-90)
- Gelalian, Bogos (1927–2011)
- Gelbart, Mikhl (1889-1962)
- Gelbke, Johannes (1846-1903)
- Gelbrun, Artur (1913-85)
- Geldof, Bob (b.1951)
- Gelfand, James (b.1959)
- Gelgotas, Gediminas (b.1986)
- Gelineau, Joseph (1920-2008)
- Gelinek, Josef (1758-1825)
- Geller, Timothy
- Gellhorn, Peter (1912-2004)
- Gelli, Giambattista (1498-1563)
- Gellman, Steven (b. 1947)
- Geloen, Ludo (b. 1962)
- Gembalski, Julian (b.1950)
- Gémesi, Géza (b.1961)
- Geminiani, Francesco (1687–1762)
- Geminiani, Paolo (b.1960)
- Gemke, Gerhard (b. 1962)
- Gemmingen, Ernst von (1759–1813)
- Gemrot, Jiri (b.1957)
- Gen Chen, Fu
- Gendall, Chris (b.1980)
- Gendel, Scott (b.1977)
- Genée, Richard (1823-1895)
- Generali, Pietro (1773–1832)
- Genessey-Rappo, Dominique (b. 1953)
- Gengembre, Jean Claude
- Genin, Paul (Pierre) Agricole (1832–1903)
- Genin, Vladimir (b.1958)
- Gennaro, Marcel
- Gensreff, Abraham (1577-1637)
- Gentil, Philippe (b.1928)
- Gentile, Ada (b.1947)
- Gentili, Giorgio (1669–1737)
- Gentilucci, Armando (1939-89)
- Gentilucci, Marta (b.1973)
- Gentry, Christian A
- Genzmer, Harald (1909–2007)
- Geoffray, César (1901-72)
- Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633–94)
- Georg, Hans
- George
- George, Garrett Michael
- George, Ron (1937-2006)
- George, Ryan (b.1978)
- George, Thom Ritter (b.1942)
- Georges, Alexandre (1850-1938)
- Georgiadis, Alexandros
- Georgiev, Martin (b.1983)
- Georgievskaya, Olga
- Georginis, Vasilis
- Georgy-Engelhardt, Günter
- Geraedts, Jaap (1924–2003)
- Gérard, Luc (b.1962)
- Gerarde, Theodoricus (c.1530–1580)
- Geraso (fl.1700-20)
- Gerassimez, Alexej (b.1987)
- Gerassimez, Wassily (b.1991)
- Gerber, Heinrich Nikolaus (1702-75)
- Gerber, René (1908–2006)
- Gerber, Steven Roy (1948–2015)
- Gerbert, Martin (1720-73)
- Gerbič, Fran (1840–1917)
- Gerenabarrena, Zuriñe F. (b.1965)
- Gerhard, Roberto (1896–1970)
- Gerhardt, Paul (1607–76)
- Geringas, David (b.1946)
- Gerlach, Günter (1928–2003)
- Gerle, Hans (1500-70)
- German, David (b.1954)
- German, Edward (1862–1936)
- Germani, Fernando (1906-1998)
- Germanus, Sander (b.1972)
- Germeten, Gunnar (1947-99)
- Gernsheim, Friedrich (1839–1916)
- Gerometta, Isabella
Composers: Gerrard - Gibbs
- Gerrard, Lisa (b.1960)
- Gerriurius, Marcus (fl. after 1628)
- Gerschefski, Edwin (1909-92)
- Gershwin, George (1898–1937)
- Gerson, Georg (1790–1825)
- Gerster, Ottmar (1897-1969)
- Gervais, Charles-Hubert (1671–1744)
- Gervaise, Claude (1525–83)
- Gervasio, Giovanni Battista (1725–85)
- Gervasio, Raffaelle (1910–94)
- Gervasoni, Arturo (b. 1962)
- Gervasoni, Stefano (b.1962)
- Gervasoni Florez-Estrada, Antonio (b.1973)
- Gerwin, Thomas (b.1955)
- Geržinič, Alojz (1915–2008)
- Gesensway, Louis (1906-76)
- Gesius, Bartholomäus (c.1562–1613)
- Gessel (18th century)
- Gesseney-Rappo, Dominique (1953-2022)
- Gesualdo, Carlo (1566–1613)
- Geszler, György (1913–98)
- Getty, Gordon (b.1933)
- Geuns, Waldo
- Gevaert, François-Auguste (1828–1908)
- Geysen, Frans (b.1936)
- Geyter, Pierre de (1848-1932)
- Ghandar, Ann (b.1943)
- Gheciu, Diamandi (1892-1980)
- Ghedini, Giorgio Federico (1892–1965)
- Gheorghiu, Valentin (b.1928)
- Gherardeschi, Giuseppe (1759–1815)
- Ghersem, Gery de (1573–1630)
- Ghesquiere, Remi Aloys (1866-1964)
- Gheyn, Matthias van den (1721–85)
- Ghezzi, Ippolito (1650–1709)
- Ghezzo, Dino (1941-2011)
- Ghibellini, Eliseo (1520-81)
- Ghidoni, Armando
- Ghielmi, Vittorio (b.1968)
- Ghiradella, Tarik
- Ghiselin, Johannes (fl.1491, d.1507)
- Ghisi, Daniele (b.1984)
- Ghizeghem, Hayne van (1450–1521)
- Ghizzolo, Giovanni (1580–1625)
- Gholmieh, Walid Georges (1938-2011)
- Ghys, Florent (b.1979)
- Ghys, Joseph (1801-48)
- Giacchino, Michael (b.1967)
- Giaccio, Orazio (d.1660)
- Giacobbi, Girolamo (1567-1628)
- Giacoma, Carlo Della (1858-1929)
- Giacomelli, Geminiano (1692–1740)
- Giacometti, Bartolomeo (1741-1809)
- Giacomo, Salvatore di (1860–1934)
- Giacone, Marc (b. 1954)
- Giallombardo, Jay
- Giamberti, Giuseppe (1660–c.1662)
- Giammusso, Francesco (b.1970)
- Giampieri, Alamiro (1892–1963)
- Giandomenico, Luciano di (b.1966)
- Gianella, Luigi (c.1778–1817)
- Gianettini, Giovanni Antonio (1686-1702)
- Giani, Caterina (1630-73)
- Gianneo, Luis (1897–1968)
- Giannettini, Antonio (1648-1721)
- Giannidis, Kostas (1903-84)
- Giannini, Vittorio (1903–66)
- Giannotti, Alessandro
- Gianoncelli, Bernardo (fl.1650)
- Giarda, Goffredo (1886–1973)
- Giardini, Felice (1716–96)
- Giay, Giovanni Antonio (1690-1764)
- Giazotto, Remo (1910-98)
- Gibb, Robin (1949-2012)
- Gibbons, Christopher (1615–76)
- Gibbons, Edward (1523-1625)
- Gibbons, Ellis (1573–1603)
- Gibbons, Orlando (1583–1625)
- Gibbs, Alan (b.1932)
- Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong (1889–1960)
Composers: Gibbs - Giménez-Comas
- Gibbs, Connor
- Gibbs, Joseph (1698–1788)
- Gibbs, Stacey V.
- Gibel, Otto (1612-82)
- Gibert, Paul-César (1717-87)
- Gibilaro, Alfonso (1888-1957)
- Gibson, John (b. 1940)
- Gibson, John Wesley (b.1946)
- Gibson, Jon (b.1940)
- Gibson, Mara
- Gibson, Richard (b. 1953)
- Gibson, Robert (b.1950)
- Gibson, Sarah
- Gibson, Timothy (1903-79)
- Gideon, Miriam (1906–96)
- Gidiuli, Antonio (1869-1941)
- Giefer, Willy (b.1930)
- Gielen, Michael (1927–2019)
- Gies, Oliver (b.1973)
- Gieseking, Walter Wilhelm (1895–1956)
- Gieshoff, Arne (b.1988)
- Giesriegl, Annette (b. 1966)
- Gietz, Heinz (1924-89)
- Gifford, Brenda
- Gifford, Fredrick (b. 1972)
- Gifford, Helen Margaret (b.1935)
- Gigante, Marcello (1923-2001)
- Gigault, Nicolas (1627–1707)
- Giger, Jannik
- Giger, Paul (b.1952)
- Gigout, Eugène (1844–1925)
- Giguère, Patrick (b. 1987)
- Gil, Alfredo
- Gil, Carlos Martínez (b. 1957)
- Gil, Daniel
- Gil-Marchex, Henri (1894-1970)
- Gilardi, Gilardo (1889-1963)
- Gilardino, Angelo (b.1941)
- Gilbert, Anthony (b.1934)
- Gilbert, Harry Mathena (1879-1964)
- Gilbert, Henry Franklin Belknap (1868–1928)
- Gilbert, Jan (b.1946)
- Gilbert, Jay W (b.1958)
- Gilbert, Jean (1879–1942)
- Gilbert, Peter (b.1975)
- Gilbert, Robert (1899-1978)
- Gilbert, Yves
- Gilbertson, Michael (b.1987)
- Giles, Nathaniel (1558–1634)
- Gilfert, Charles (1787-1829)
- Gilkyson, Eliza (b.1950)
- Gilkyson, Terry (1916–99)
- Gill, Harry (1897–1987)
- Gill, Jeremy (b.1975)
- Gill, Joanna
- Gill, William Henry (1839-1923)
- Gillard, Richard (b.1953)
- Gillerot, Noe
- Gilles, Jean (1668–1705)
- Gilles, Joseph (1903-42)
- Gilles, Peter (1776-1839)
- Gillespie, Amos (b. 1980)
- Gillespie, Dizzy (1917–93)
- Gillespie, eldress Mary Ann (1829-87)
- Gillet, Maren
- Gilligan, Heather
- Gilliland, Allan (b.1965)
- Gillin
- Gillingham, David (b.1947)
- Gillioz, Elisabeth
- Gillis, Don (1912–78)
- Gillis, Lewis Dean 'Lew' (1927-89)
- Gillock, William (1917-93)
- Gilmore, Bernard (1937-2013)
- Gilmour, Russell (b.1956)
- Gilse, Jan van (1881–1944)
- Gilson, Paul (1865–1942)
- Gimbayashi, Masaé
- Giménez, Gerónimo (1854–1923)
- Giménez-Comas, Núria (b. 1980)
Composers: Ginastera - Glennie
- Ginastera, Alberto (1916–83)
- Giner, Xelo
- Ginoux, Lionel (b.1978)
- Ginste, Stephane Vande (b.1971)
- Ginter, Adam Franz (1661-1706)
- Gintzler, Simon (fl. 16th century)
- Ginzburg, Grigory Romanovich (1904-61)
- Ginzel, Reiner
- Gioé, Joseph Giuseppe (1890-1957)
- Gionet, Carl Philippe
- Giordani, Giuseppe (1751–98)
- Giordani, Tommaso (1730–1806)
- Giordano, Giovanni
- Giordano, Umberto (1867–1948)
- Giorgi, Giovanni (?-1762)
- Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane (1735–1804)
- Giorza, Paolo (1832-1914)
- Giosa, Nicola De (1818-1885)
- Giovacchini, Giovacchino (1825-1906)
- Giovane da Mola, Giovanni Domenico del (c.1510-92)
- Giovannelli, Ruggiero (c.1560–1625)
- Giovannini, Francesco
- Gippenbusch, Jacob (1612-64)
- Gipps, Ruth (1921–99)
- Giramo, Pietro Antonio (1619–30)
- Girard, Anthony (b.1959)
- Giraud, Hubert Yves Adrian (1920-2016)
- Giray Han, Gazi (1554-1607)
- Girnatis, Walter (1894-1981)
- Girod, Odilo
- Giroud, Jean (1910–97)
- Giroust, François (1737-99)
- Giroux, Julie (b.1961)
- Giske, Svein Henrik
- Gísladóttir, Bára (b. 1989)
- Gismonti, Egberto (b.1947)
- Gistau, Salvador Castro de (1770–aft.1831)
- Gistelinck, Daniël (b.1948)
- Gistelinck, Elias (1935–2005)
- Gistou, Nicolas (c.1560–1609)
- Giteck, Janice (b.1946)
- Gitlis, Ivry (1922-2020)
- Giúdice, Oscar (1906-74)
- Giuffre, Jimmy (b.1921)
- Giuggiola, Guglielmo Il (fl. 16th century)
- Giuglini, Antonio (1825-65)
- Giuliani, Giovanni Francesco (1760–1818)
- Giuliani, Mathias (b. 1974)
- Giuliani, Mauro (1781–1829)
- Giuliani, Vittorio
- Giuliani-Guglielmi, Emilia (1813-50)
- Giuliano, Giuseppe (fl.1750)
- Giurgiu, Ana
- Giuseppe, Francesco Di (b.1979)
- Giustini, Lodovico Maria (1685–1743)
- Giustiniani, Leonardo (1388–1446)
- Gjeilo, Ola (b.1978)
- Gjerstrom, Gunnar (1891-1951)
- Gjertsen, Ruben Sverre (b.1977)
- Gjoni, Simon (1925–91)
- Gladstone, Francis Edward (1845-1928)
- Gladwin, Thomas (1710-99)
- Glaeser, Carl Gotthelf (1784–1829)
- Glamonte, Federico
- Glanert, Detlev (b.1960)
- Glantz, Leib (1898–1964)
- Glanville-Hicks, Peggy (1912–90)
- Glanzberg, Norbert (1910–2001)
- Glaser, Werner Wolf (1913–2006)
- Glass, Louis (1864–1936)
- Glass, Paul (b. 1934)
- Glass, Philip (b.1937)
- Glasser, Albert (1916-1998)
- Glasser, Stanley (b.1926)
- Glazunov, Alexander Konstantinovich (1865–1936)
- Glæser, Franz Joseph (1798-1861)
- Gleck, Allen
- Gleich, Andreas (1625-93)
- Glenck, Hermann von (1883–1952)
- Glennie, Evelyn (b.1965)
Composers: Glentworth - Goh
- Glentworth, Mark (b.1960)
- Glerup, Rune (b.1981)
- Glesser, Frederic (b. 1956)
- Gletle, Johann Melchior (d.1683)
- Glick, Hirsch (1922-44)
- Glick, Srul Irving (1934–2002)
- Glickman, Sylvia (1932-2006)
- Glière, Reinhold (1875–1956)
- Glindemann, Ib (1934-2019)
- Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804–57)
- Glinsky, Albert (b.1952)
- Globokar, Vinko (b.1934)
- Glojnaric, Sara (b. 1991)
- Glorieux, François (b.1932)
- Glorvigen, Per Arne (b. 1963)
- Glover, Charles William (1806-63)
- Glover, John
- Glover, Richard (b.1981)
- Glowicka, Katarzyna (b.1977)
- Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87)
- Glück, Friedrich (1793–1840)
- Glyn, Gareth (b.1951)
- Gnattali, Radames (1906–88)
- Gnesin, Mikhail (1883–1957)
- Gnessel, Ignatio von (fl.c.1660)
- Gnessin, Mikhail (1883-1957)
- Gnocchi, Pietro (1689–1775)
- Gobatti, Stefano (1852–1913)
- Gobbaerts, Jean-Louis (1835-1886)
- Gobbi, Ignazio (c.1742-1835)
- Gobeil, Gilles (b.1954)
- Goberna, Roberto (1858-1934)
- Gobert, Gilles (b.1971)
- Gobi, Sergio
- Godár, Vladimír (b.1956)
- Godard, Benjamin Louis Paul (1849–95)
- Godard, Marcel (b.1917)
- Godard, Michel (b.1960)
- Goddaer, Norbert (b.1933)
- Goddard, Marcus (b.1973)
- Godecharle, Eugene (1742-98)
- Godefroid, Félix (1818–97)
- Godfrey, Daniel Strong (b.1949)
- Godfrey, Fred (1837-82)
- Godfrey, John (b.1962)
- Godfrey, Paul Corfield (b.1950)
- Godfrey, Percy (1859-1945)
- Godfrey, Philip (b.1964)
- Godfrey, Robert John (b.1947)
- Godin, Nicolas (b.1969)
- Godin, Scott Edward (b. 1970)
- Godin (né Henry Albert Brown), Felix (c.1864-1925)
- Godinho, João
- Godolin, Pierre (fl.c.1610)
- Godowsky, Leopold (1870–1938)
- Godoy, Marc Lopez (b.1967)
- Godøy, Rolf Inge (b.1952)
- Godric of Finchale (c.1065-1170)
- Godsey, Andre E.
- Godziemba-Trytek, Szymon (b.1988)
- Godzinsky, George de (1914-94)
- Goeb, Roger (1914–97)
- Goebbels, Heiner (b.1952)
- Goedicke, Alexander Fyodorovich (1877–1957)
- Goehr, Alexander (1932–2024)
- Goemanne, Noël (b.1926)
- Goemans, Pieter (1925-2000)
- Goens, Daniel van (1858–1904)
- Goepfert, Carl Andreas (1768–1818)
- Goepfert, Karl Eduard (1859-1942)
- Goethals, Lucien (1931–2006)
- Goettsche, James Edward (b.1943)
- Goetz, Hermann (1840–76)
- Goetze, Walter Wilhelm (1883–1961)
- Goeyens, Fernand
- Goeyvaerts, Karel (1923-98)
- Goffin, Dean (1916-84)
- Gogolewski, Wojtek (b.1953)
- Goguel, Rudi (1908-76)
- Goh, Americ (b. 1982)
Composers: Goh Toh Chai - Gompper
- Goh Toh Chai, Zechariah (b.1970)
- Goheen, Katherine (b.1973)
- Göhler, Georg (1874-1954)
- Goicoechea, Vicente (1854-1916)
- Góis, Damião de (1502–74)
- Gokita, Takehiko (b.1969)
- Gokkes, Sim (1897–1943)
- Golan, Lawrence (b. 1966)
- Gold, Ernest (1921–99)
- Gold, Murray (b. 1969)
- Goldberg, Johann Gottlieb (1727–56)
- Goldberg-Baldwin, Anne H.
- Golden, Monroe
- Goldenthal, Elliott (b.1954)
- Goldenweiser, Alexander (1875–1961)
- Goldfaden, Abraham (1840–1908)
- Goldfarb, Israel (1879-1967)
- Goldins, Maks (1917–2009)
- Goldman, Edwin Franko (1878–1956)
- Goldman, Jean-Jacques (b. 1951)
- Goldmann, Friedrich (1941–2009)
- Goldmann, Philipp (b.1987)
- Goldmark, Karoly (1830–1915)
- Goldmark, Rubin (1872-1936)
- Goldner, Wilhelm (1839–1907)
- Goldschmidt, Adalbert (1848-1906)
- Goldschmidt, Berthold (1903–96)
- Goldschmidt, Otto (1829–1907)
- Goldsmith, Jerry (1929–2004)
- Goldstein, Gil (b.1950)
- Goldstein, Malcolm (b.1936)
- Goldstein, Mikhail (1917-89)
- Goldstein, Perry (b.1952)
- Goldstein, Raymond (b.1953)
- Goldstone, Anthony (b.1944)
- Goleminov, Marin Petrov (1908-2000)
- Golestan, Stan (1875–1956)
- Golightly, David
- Golijov, Osvaldo (b.1960)
- Golin, Guilielmo (fl. 1540)
- Golinelli, Stefano (1818–97)
- Golland, John (1942–93)
- Golle, Jürgen (b.1942)
- Goller, Martin (1764-1836)
- Goller, Vinzenz (1873–1953)
- Gollnau, Nikodemus
- Golovanov, Nicolai Semyonovich (1891–1953)
- Golovin, Andrei (b.1950)
- Gols, Xavier (1902–38)
- Goltermann, Georg (1824–98)
- Goltermann, Julius (1825-76)
- Goltz, Boris (1913–42)
- Golub, Peter
- Golub, Solomon (1887–1952)
- Golubev, Evgeny Kirillovich (1910–88)
- Golubkov, Sergei (b.1969)
- Gołąbek, Jakub (1739-89)
- Gomariz, Joaquin (b.1971)
- Gombau, Gerardo (1906–71)
- Gombert, Nicolas (1495–1560)
- Gomes, Antonio Carlos (1836–96)
- Gomes, Pedro Faria (b.1979)
- Gomes da Silva, Alberto José (?-1795)
- Gomez, Alice (b.1960)
- Gómez, Blanca Layana
- Gómez, Carlos Castellano (1904-2002)
- Gomez, Domingo Julio (1886–1973)
- Gomez, Francisco (1866-1938)
- Gomez, Guillermo (1880–1953)
- Gomez, Jorge (b.1976)
- Gomez, Jose Antonio
- Gómez, Nelson (b.1953)
- Gómez, Vicente Martinez (1911–2001)
- Gomez, William (1939-2000)
- Gómez Carrillo, Manuel (1883–1968)
- Gomez-Martínez, Miguel A (b.1949)
- Gómez-Tagle Y Del Valle, Leticia
- Gomila, Joseph
- Gomólka, Mikolaj (c.1535-c.1609)
- Gompper, David (b.1954)
Composers: Gonçalves - Gornostaev
- Gonçalves, Francisca Rocha
- Gonçalves, Rogério
- Gondai, Atsuhiko (b. 1965)
- Gondim, Paulo (b. 1934)
- Gonelli, Giuseppe (1685–1745)
- Gong Guo Tai (b.1946)
- Góngora, Ernesto
- Gongyi, Zhu (1922-1986)
- Goñi, Maria Dolores de (1813-92)
- Gonneville, Michel (b.1950)
- Gonzaga, Chiquinha (1847-1935)
- Gonzaga, Francisca (Chiquinha Neves) (1847–1935)
- Gonzales, Chilly (b.1972)
- Gonzalez, Carlos Alberto Cárdenas
- González, Celina (1929-2015)
- González, Francisco (b.1954)
- González, Fray Gerónimo (fl.c.1633)
- González, Hector (b.1961)
- González, Jorge Miguel (b.1979)
- González, José Luis (b.1937)
- González, Luis Jorge (1936–2016)
- González, Pedro Mauricio (b.1959)
- Gooch, Warren (b. 1953)
- Good, Scott (b.1972)
- Goodale, Joanna
- Goodall, Howard (b.1958)
- Goodall, Stephen
- Goode, Daniel (b.1936)
- Goode, David (b.1937)
- Goodenough, David (b.1968)
- Goodenough, Robert Philip (1776–1826)
- Goodey, Paul (b.1965)
- Goodhart, Al (1905–55)
- Goodman, Benny (1909–86)
- Goodman, Jacob E. (1933-2021)
- Goodman, Joseph (1918–2014)
- Goodman, Paul (b.1955)
- Goodman, Todd (b.1977)
- Goodwin, Ron (1925–2003)
- Goodwin, Starling (d.1774)
- Goodwin, William
- Goodyear, Stewart (b.1978)
- Goorhuis, Rob (b.1948)
- Goossen, Frederic (1927-2011)
- Goossens, Eugene (1893–1962)
- Goplerud, Timothy (b.1960)
- Göransson, Ludwig (b. 1984)
- Gorb, Adam (b.1958)
- Gorbenko, Nikolai
- Gorbos, Stephen
- Gorczycki, Grzegorz Gerwazy (c.1665–1734)
- Gordigiani, Luigi (1806–60)
- Gordon, Adoniram Judson (1836-95)
- Gordon, David (b.1965)
- Gordon, David M (b.1976)
- Gordon, Dexter (1923-90)
- Gordon, Gavin (1901-70)
- Gordon, Gavin Muspratt (1901–70)
- Gordon, Geoffrey (b.1968)
- Gordon, Irving (1915-96)
- Gordon, Jay (b.1956)
- Gordon, Michael (b.1956)
- Gordon, Michael Zev (b. 1963)
- Gordon, Ricky Ian (b.1956)
- Gore, Michael (b. 1951)
- Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj (1933–2010)
- Gorecki, Mikołaj (1933–2010)
- Gorelli, Olga (1920-2006)
- Gorelova, Galina (b.1951)
- Gorigoitia, Ramón (b.1958)
- Gorini, Gino (1914–90)
- Göritz, Daniel (b.1965)
- Gorji, Ali (b.1978)
- Gorli, Sandro (b.1948)
- Gorlov, Nikolay Borisovich (b.1926)
- Gorman-Tysoe, Oscar
- Gormley, John (b.1975)
- Görner, Johann Valentin (1702–62)
- Gorney, Jay (1895–1990)
- Gornostaev, Ivan
Composers: Gorodezky - Graesvold
- Gorodezky, Fabian
- Gorodovskaya, Vera (1919–99)
- Gorokholinsky, Alexey
- Gorokhov, Leonid (b. 1967)
- Gorriti, Felipe (1839–96)
- Gorski, Konstanty (1859-1924)
- Gorton, David (b.1978)
- Gorton, William (d.1711)
- Gorwa, Magdalena
- Gorzanis, Giacomo (c.1520–1575)
- Gosfield, Annie (b.1960)
- Goss, John (1800–80)
- Goss, Stephen (b.1964)
- Goss-Custard, Reginald (1877–1956)
- Gossec, François-Joseph (1734–1829)
- Gosswin, Antoine (1546-?)
- Gosswin, Anton
- Gostena, Giovanni Battista della (b.c.1540)
- Gotham, Mark
- Gothe, Mats Larsson (b.1965)
- Gothoni, Ralf (b. 1946)
- Gotkovsky, Ida (b.1933)
- Goto, Kunihiko (b.1964)
- Goto, Yo (b.1958)
- Gotovac, Jakov (1895–1982)
- Gotschovius, Nicolaus (1575-?)
- Gotskosik, Oleg (b.1951)
- Gott, Barrie (b.1947)
- Gottlieb, Ian (b. 1990)
- Gottlieb, Jack (1930–2011)
- Gottlieb, Jacob (1852-1900)
- Gottsch, John D.
- Gottschalk, Arthur (b.1952)
- Gottschalk, Louis Moreau (1829–69)
- Gottschick, Sebastian (b. 1959)
- Götz, Franz (1755-1815)
- Goublier, Gustave (1856-1926)
- Goude, Jean-Philippe (b. 1952)
- Goudimel, Claude (1510–72)
- Goué, Emile (1904–46)
- Gougeon, Denis (b.1951)
- Gough, John (1903-51)
- Gough, Orlando (b.1953)
- Gouinguene, Christian (b.1941)
- Gould, Glenn (1932–82)
- Gould, Janetta (b.1926)
- Gould, John (b.1940)
- Gould, Morton (1913–96)
- Goulding, Edmund (1891-1959)
- Goulet, Maxime (b.1980)
- Gounod, Charles François (1818–93)
- Gourzi, Konstantia (b.1962)
- Gouvy, Théodore (1819–98)
- Goves, Larry (b.1980)
- Gow, David (1924–93)
- Gow, Nathaniel (1763–1831)
- Gow, Neil (1727–1807)
- Gowers, Patrick (1936–2014)
- Gowland, Stephen (b.1955)
- Goyenechea, Hilario (1875-1951)
- Goyone, Daniel (b.1953)
- Gozinsky, Samuel
- Graaf, Christian Ernst (1723–1804)
- Graaff, Huba de (b.1959)
- Graap, Lothar (b. 1933)
- Grabbe, Johann (1585–1655)
- Graben-Hoffmann, Gustav Heinrich (1820-1900)
- Grabert, Martin (1868-1951)
- Gräbner, Hans-Martin
- Grabois, Daniel (b.1964)
- Grabowski, Bogusław (b.1955)
- Grabowsky, Paul (b.1958)
- Grabu, Louis (1665–94)
- Grace, Harvey (1874–1944)
- Grädene, Hermann (1844-1929)
- Gradstein, Alfred (1904-54)
- Grady, Kraig (b. 1952)
- Graebner, Ric (b.1943)
- Graener, Paul (1872–1944)
- Graesvold, Hans Magne (b.1936)
Composers: Graettinger - Gray
- Graettinger, Robert Frederick (1923–57)
- Graetzer, Guillermo (1914-93)
- Graf, Friedrich Hartmann (1727–95)
- Graf, Hans Peter (b.1954)
- Graf, Johann (1684-1750)
- Gräfe, Friedebald (1840-80)
- Grafe, Max (b.1988)
- Grafschmidt, Christopher (b.1964)
- Grafulla, Claudio (1812–80)
- Gragnani, Filippo (1768–1820)
- Gragnaniello, Enzo (b.1954)
- Graham, Janet (b.1948)
- Graham, Peter (b.1958)
- Grahl, Kurt (b.1947)
- Grahl, Traugott (1802-84)
- Grahl, Trevor (b. 1984)
- Grahn, Ulf (b.1942)
- Grain, Johann Jeremias du (1700–56)
- Grainger, Percy (1882–1961)
- Gram, Peder (1881–1956)
- Gramatges, Harold (1918–2008)
- Gramman, Fred (b.1950)
- Granados, Enrique (1867–1916)
- Granata, Giovanni Battista (c.1620–1687)
- Granberg, Magnus (b.1974)
- Grancini, Michelangelo (1605–69)
- Grand, Murray (1919-2007)
- Granda, Chabuca (1920–83)
- Grandage, Ian (b.1970)
- Grandert, Johnny (b.1939)
- Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
- Grandis, Renato de (b.1927)
- Grandjany, Marcel (1891–1975)
- Grandval, Clémence de (1828–1907)
- Graneti, Johannes
- Grange, Philip Roy (b.1956)
- Granillo, Maria (b.1962)
- Granlund, John (1888-1962)
- Granlund, Ray
- Grant, Alicia (b.1979)
- Grant, David (1833-93)
- Grant, Denis Le (d.1352)
- Grant, Donald
- Grant, James (b.1954)
- Grant, Julian (b.1960)
- Grant, Quentin (b.1962)
- Grant, Stewart (b.1948)
- Grante, Carlo
- Grantham, Donald (b.1947)
- Grantham, Richard
- Grappelli, Stéphane (1908–97)
- Grare, Joël (b.1961)
- Gräsbeck, Gottfrid (b.1927)
- Grass, Torbjörn (b.1953)
- Grasse, Edwin (1884–1954)
- Grasse, Jonathon
- Grassel, Timothy
- Grassl, Herbert (b.1948)
- Grasso, Augusto (1923–2010)
- Grasso, Fabio
- Gratiani, Bonifatio (1605–64)
- Grätzer, Carlos (b.1956)
- Grau, Agustí (1893–1964)
- Grau, Durand de
- Grau, Eduardo (1919-2006)
- Grau, Gonzalo (b.1972)
- Graubiņš, Jēkabs (1886-1961)
- Grauel, Markus Heinrich
- Graugaard, Lars (b.1957)
- Graumann, Max (1871-1933)
- Graun, Carl Heinrich (1704–59)
- Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703–71)
- Graupner, Johann Christoph (1683–1760)
- Graves, Benjamin
- Graves, John
- Gray, Alan (1855–1935)
- Gray, Allan (1902-73)
- Gray, Barry (1908-84)
- Gray, DeVon Russell
- Gray, Jerry (1915–76)
Composers: Gray - Grénerin
- Gray, John S
- Gray, Lindsay
- Gray, Steve (1944-2008)
- Graziani, Bonifazio (c.1604–1664)
- Graziani, Carlo (c.1710–1787)
- Graziani, Vicenzo (d.1874)
- Graziani-Walter, Carlo (1851-1927)
- Grazioli, Alessandro (1780-1834)
- Grazioli, Giovanni Battista (1746–1820)
- Grazlinger, Matthäus (1738-96)
- Greatorex, Thomas (1758-1831)
- Greatorex, Walter (1877-1949)
- Greaves, Terence (1933–2009)
- Grechaninov, Alexander Tikhonovich (1864–1956)
- Greco, Gaetano (c.1657–c.1728)
- Greco, José Luis (b.1953)
- Greco, Rocco (?-1717)
- Greco, Vicente (1888–1924)
- Greco, Vivente
- Greebe, Benedict (?-1619)
- Greef, Arthur de (1862–1940)
- Green, Alwyn
- Green, Anthony R.
- Green, Brooke
- Green, Edward
- Green, George Hamilton (1893–1970)
- Green, Johnny (1908–89)
- Green, Jonathan (b.1983)
- Green, Philip (1911–82)
- Green, Ray (1909–97)
- Greenaway, Gavin (b.1964)
- Greenaway, Sally (b. 1984)
- Greenbaum, Matthew (b.1950)
- Greenbaum, Stuart (b.1966)
- Greenberg, Helen (1939-2011)
- Greenberg, Jackson
- Greenberg, Jacob
- Greenberg, Jay (b.1991)
- Greenberg, Robert (b.1954)
- Greene, Edwin
- Greene, Maurice (1696–1755)
- Greenhill, Harold Walter (1902-78)
- Greenhow, Nils
- Greenspan, F
- Greenstein, Judd (b.1979)
- Greenwald, Andrew (b.1980)
- Greenwell, Peter (1929-2006)
- Greenwood, Jonny (b.1971)
- Greenwood, Me-Way-Seh
- Greer, John (b.1954)
- Greger, Luise (1865-1944)
- Gregersen, Vilhelm (1848-1929)
- Gregg, Hubert (1914-2004)
- Grego, Alessandro (b.1969)
- Gregoir, Jacques (1817-76)
- Gregor, Čestmír (1926-2011)
- Gregor, Christian (1723-1801)
- Gregori, Giovanni Lorenzo (b.1663)
- Gregori, Nininha (b.1925)
- Gregoriadou, Smaro (b.1969)
- Gregorian Chant
- Gregorič, Janez (b.1965)
- Gregorio, Guillermo (b.1941)
- Gregorio, Joseph
- Gregory, Andrew (b.1963)
- Gregory, Jonathan (b.1951)
- Gregory, Paul (b.1956)
- Gregory, Will (b.1959)
- Gregson, Edward (b.1945)
- Gregson, Peter (b.1987)
- Gregson-Williams, Harry (b.1961)
- Gregson-Williams, Rupert (b. 1966)
- Greif, Olivier (1950–2000)
- Greiffenstein, Manuel Cubides
- Greiter, Matthias (1495–1550)
- Grell, Eduard (1800-86)
- Grella-Mozejko, Piotr (b.1961)
- Grenager, Lene (b.1969)
- Grénerin, Henry (c.1625-1700)
- Grénerin, Rémy (c.1668-c.1748)
Composers: Grenét - Gronostay
- Grenét, Eliseo (1893–1950)
- Grenet, Ernesto
- Grenet, François Lupien (d. 1753)
- Grenfell, Maria (b.1969)
- Grenon, Nicolaus (c.1375–1456)
- Gresnick, Antoine-Frédéric (1755-99)
- Gressel, Joel (b. 1943)
- Gresser, Emily (fl.c.1913)
- Grethen, Luc (b. 1964)
- Gretry, André Ernest Modeste (1741–1813)
- Gretscher, Philipp (1859-1937)
- Greve, Charlotte
- Greve, Peter (b.1931)
- Grever, Maria (1785–1951)
- Grey, Mark (b.1967)
- Grgin, Ante (b.1945)
- Gribbin, Deirdre Mary (b.1967)
- Gribinčika, Marina (b. 1966)
- Griboyedov, Alexander Sergeyevich (1795–1829)
- Gridin, Viktor (1943–97)
- Griebling, Karen (b. 1957)
- Griebling, Mary Ann
- Griebling-Haigh, Margaret (b.1960)
- Grieg, Edvard Hagerup (1843–1907)
- Grier, Francis John Roy (b.1955)
- Grier, Jon Jeffrey
- Grier, Lita (b.1937)
- Griffes, Charles Tomlinson (1884–1920)
- Griffin, Charles (b.1968)
- Griffin, John C (b.1979)
- Griffith, Daryl
- Griffith, Frederic (1867-1917)
- Griffith, Robert Brooke
- Griffiths, Alan
- Griffiths, Anna
- Griffiths, David (b.1950)
- Grigalis, Raitis (b.1975)
- Grignon, Ricard Lamote de (1899–1962)
- Grigny, Nicolas de (1671–1703)
- Grigoriu, Teodor (1926–2014)
- Grigorjeva, Galina (b.1962)
- Grigoryan, Eduard (b.1955)
- Grigoryan, Leonard (b. 1986)
- Grigoryan, Nina
- Grigsby, Beverly (b.1928)
- Grill, Stanley
- Griller, Arnold (b.1937)
- Grillo, Giovanni Battista (b.c.1570)
- Grimace (late 14th century)
- Grime, Helen (b.1981)
- Grimm, Heinrich (1593–1637)
- Grimm, Julius Otto (1827-1903)
- Grimsley, Jack (1925-2015)
- Grimson, Annie Maria (1870-1949)
- Grinblats, Romaulds (1930-95)
- Gringolts, Ilya (b.1982)
- Grippe, Ragnar (b.1951)
- Grisar, Albert (1808-69)
- Grisey, Gérard (1946–98)
- Grishin, Viktor
- Grisi, Gianfranco
- Grisi, Gwenaël (b. 1989)
- Grisi, Gwenaël Mario
- Grison, Jules (1842–96)
- Grisoni, Renato (1922-2012)
- Griswold, Erik (b.1969)
- Gritskevich, Vsevolod (b.1947)
- Gritton, Eric
- Gritton, Peter
- Grixti, Jesmond (b. 1969)
- Groban, Joshua Winslow 'Josh' (b.1981)
- Grobe, Charles (d.1879)
- Grofe, Ferde (1892–1972)
- Grogg, Alexandre
- Groh, Johann (1575–1627)
- Grokhovsky, Vyacheslav (b.1945)
- Gronau, Alicja (b. 1957)
- Gronau, Daniel Magnus (1685–1747)
- Groneman, Johannes Albertus (1711-78)
- Gronostay, Uwe (1939-2008)
Composers: Groot - Guang
- Groot, Cor de (1914-93)
- Groslot, Robert (b.1951)
- Gross, Augusta (b.1944)
- Gross, Eric (1926–2011)
- Gross, Johann Benjamin (1809-84)
- Gross, Joseph Arnold (1701-83)
- Gross, Murray
- Gross, Robert (1914-83)
- Grossi, Andrea (c.1660–aft.1696)
- Grossi, Giovanni Antonio (1615–84)
- Grossi da Viadana, Ludovico (1560–1627)
- Grossin, Estienne (fl.1420)
- Grosskopf, Erhard (b.1934)
- Grossman, Jorge Villavicencio (b.1973)
- Grossman, Ludwik (1835-1915)
- Grossmann, Jorge Villavicencio (b. 1973)
- Großmann, Michael (b.1961)
- Grossmith, George (1847–1912)
- Grosz, Wilhelm (1894–1939)
- Grote, Ashley (b.1982)
- Grothe, Franz (1902–82)
- Grotte, Nicolas de La (1530–1600)
- Grotthuß, Dietrich Ewald (1751-86)
- Groven, Eivind (1901–77)
- Groven, Sigmund (b.1946)
- Groves, Alex
- Grovlez, Gabriel (1879–1944)
- Grözinger, Jürgen (b.1963)
- Grøndahl, Launy (1886–1960)
- Grua, Carlo Pietro (1665–1726)
- Gruber, Franz (1826-71)
- Gruber, Franz Xaver (1787–1863)
- Gruber, Georg Wilhelm (1729–96)
- Gruber, Heinz Karl (b.1943)
- Gruber, Kerstin (b. 1997)
- Gruber, Ludwig (1874-1964)
- Gruber, Peter N. (b.1956)
- Gruchmann, Jakob (b. 1981)
- Grudencz, Petrus Wilhelmi de (c.1400–c.1480)
- Grudzień, Jacek (b.1967)
- Grudziński, Czesław (1911-92)
- Gruen, Georg
- Gruenberg, Louis (1884–1964)
- Gruescu, Valentin (b.1953)
- Grumbach, Marthe (1871-1932)
- Grünberg, Sven (b. 1956)
- Grünberger, Theodor (1756–1820)
- Grund, Friedrich Wilhelm (1791-1874)
- Grundman, Clare (1913-96)
- Grundman, Clare E (1913-96)
- Grundman, Jorge (b.1961)
- Grundstrom, Brian Wilbur
- Grundström, Per (1886-1975)
- Grunelius, Wilhelm von (b.1942)
- Grunenwald, Jean-Jacques (1911–82)
- Grüner-Hegge, Odd (1899-1973)
- Grünert, Matthias (b.1973)
- Grünfeld, Alfred (1852–1924)
- Grünheis, Antonius
- Gruntz, George (1932-2013)
- Gruodis, Juozas (1884–1948)
- Grupillo, Salvador (1893-1956)
- Grusin, Dave (b.1934)
- Grutsch, Felix (1800-67)
- Grützmacher, Friedrich (1832–1903)
- Gruytters, Johannes de (1709–72)
- Gryc, Stephen Michael (b.1949)
- Grychtolik, Alexander Ferdinand (b.1980)
- Gryka, Aleksandra (b.1977)
- Gryspeerdt, Michael (1927–2000)
- Grzeszczak, Krzysztof (b.1965)
- Gstättner, Maria (b. 1977)
- Gu Guanren (b.1942)
- Guaccero, Giovanni (b. 1966)
- Guadagni, Gaetano (1728-92)
- Gualdi, Henghel (1924-2005)
- Gualtieri, Antonio (c.1580-1649/50)
- Guami, Giuseppe (1542–1611)
- Guan Xia (b.1957)
- Guang, Ren (1900–41)
Composers: Guaraldi - Guinovart
- Guaraldi, Vince (1928–76)
- Guarino, Mauro (1900-71)
- Guarnieri, Adriano (b.1947)
- Guarnieri, Camargo (1907–93)
- Guarnieri, Francesco de (1867-1927)
- Guaschino, Daniele (b. 1975)
- Guastavino, Carlos (1912–2000)
- Guay, Nicolas
- Gubaidulina, Sofia (b.1931)
- Gubanov, Yakov (b.1954)
- Gubelmann, Daniel
- Gubitsch, Tomás (b.1957)
- Gubkin, M
- Gubler, Rico (b.1972)
- Gudim, Lars Erik (b.1965)
- Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, Pelle (1932–2016)
- Gudmundsson, Hugi (b.1977)
- Guðjohnsen, Auður
- Guðjónsson, Sverrir
- Guðnadóttir, Hildur (b.1982)
- Guèbrou, Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam (b.1923)
- Guédron, Pierre (c.1565–c.1620)
- Gueglio, Tomás
- Gueglio-Saccone, Tomás
- Guénin, Marie-Alexandre (1744–1835)
- Guenther, Ralph R (1914-2007)
- Guerau, Francisco (1649–1721)
- Guerena, Javier Lopez de (b.1957)
- Guerin, Morgan (b. 1998)
- Guérinel, Lucien (b. 1930)
- Guerini, Francesco (d.1770)
- Guernieri, Maurizio (b.1962)
- Guerra, Addiego
- Guerra, Jorge Fernández (b.1952)
- Guerra Peixe, César (1914–93)
- Guerrero, Antonio (c.1710-76)
- Guerrero, Enrique (1818-87)
- Guerrero, Félix (1917-2001)
- Guerrero, Francisco (1528–99)
- Guerrero, Francisco (1951–97)
- Guerrero, Jacinto (1895-1951)
- Guerrero, Pedro (b.1520)
- Guerrieri, Agostino (c.1630–c.1685)
- Guessford, Jesse
- Guest, Douglas (1916-96)
- Guest, George (1924–2002)
- Guettel, Adam (b.1965)
- Guettler, Knut (b.1943)
- Guevara, Edwin (b.1977)
- Guevara, Gerardo (b. 1930)
- Guevara, Luis Vélez de (1579-1644)
- Gugel, Henri
- Guglielmi, Louis (1916-91)
- Guglielmi, Pietro Alessandro (1728–1804)
- Guhr, Friedrich Heinrich Florian (1791-1841)
- Gui Sook Lee
- Guiard (16th century)
- Guida, Luigi
- Guidé, Guillaumé (1859-1917)
- Guide, Richard de (1909-62)
- Guidini, Elsa Pigrau
- Guido, Giovanni Antonio (c.1675–1729)
- Guidobaldi, Alberto
- Guignon, Jean-Pierre (1702–74)
- Guilain, Jean-Adam (1680–1739)
- Guilhaud, Georges (1851-89)
- Guilherme Daddi, João (1813–87)
- Guillaume, Eugene
- Guillaume, Sydney (b.1982)
- Guillaume IX of Aquitaine, Duke (1071–1127)
- Guillemain, Louis Gabriel (1705–70)
- Guillemyn, Robert (1882-1945)
- Guillonneau, Christian (b.1958)
- Guillou, Jean (1930–2019)
- Guilmant, Félix Alexandre (1837–1911)
- Guimarães, Maria Ines (b. 1959)
- Guinivan, Eric (b.1984)
- Guinjoan, Joan (1931–2019)
- Guinot, Georges Leonce (b.1922)
- Guinovart, Albert (b.1962)
Composers: Guion - Guzzini
- Guion, David (1892–1981)
- Guiot, Raymond (b.1930)
- Guiraud, Ernest (1837–92)
- Guix, Josep Maria (b.1967)
- Gulda, Friedrich (1930–2000)
- Gulda, Paul (b. 1961)
- Gulezyan, H Aram (d.2008)
- Gulielmus, monachus (15th century)
- Guliyev, Tofig (1917-2000)
- Gullickson, Luke (b.1985)
- Gullin, Gabriella (b.1961)
- Gullin, Lars Gunnar Victor (1928-1976)
- Gumble, Albert (1881-1946)
- Gumiela, Marcin (b.1980)
- Gumpelzhaimer, Adam (1559–1625)
- Gümrükçüoğlu, Eren
- Gun Ting Lo
- Gunaropulos, Yrjö (1904-68)
- Gundermann, Karsten (b.1966)
- Gundersen, Andreas (b. 1993)
- Günes, Betin (b.1957)
- Gung'l, Josef (1819–89)
- Gung’l, Johann (1818-83)
- Gunge, Bo (b.1964)
- Gungl, Joseph
- Gunn, Wally
- Gunning, Christopher (b.1944)
- Gunnlaugsdóttir, Elín (b.1965)
- Gunsenheimer, Gustav (b.1934)
- Gunst, Evgeniĭ Ottovich (1877–1950)
- Guo, Yuhao
- Guo Ming Qing
- Guo Song
- Guo Wenjing (b.1956)
- Guo Zhi-Hong
- Guotere (14th century)
- Gupta, Rolf Arvind (b.1967)
- Guraieb Kuri, Rosa (1932–2014)
- Gurak, Monika
- Guram, Tara
- Gurbindo, Jose Fermin (b.1935)
- Gurdjieff, Georg Ivanovich (1866–1949)
- Gurecký, Josef Antonín (1709–69)
- Gurevich, Leonid
- Guridi Bidaola, Jesús (1886–1961)
- Gurilyov, Lev Stepanovich (1770-1844)
- Gurilyov L'vovich, Alexander (1803–58)
- Gurlitt, Cornelius (1820–1901)
- Gurlitt, Manfred (1890–1972)
- Gurney, Ivor Bertie (1890–1937)
- Gurning, Alexander (b. 1973)
- Gurowitsch, S
- Gurría-Cárdenas, José
- Gurung, Amber (1938-2016)
- Gushchyan, Arman (b. 1981)
- Gussago, Cesario (fl.1599, d.1612)
- Gustaf, Prins (1827–52)
- Gustafsson, Kaj-Erik (b.1942)
- Gustavson, Mark (b.1959)
- Gustavson, Nancy
- Gutchë, Gene (b.1907)
- Guthman, Gary (b. 1952)
- Guthrie, Rachel Lee (b.1979)
- Gutiérrez, José Ángel
- Gutiérrez, Manuel María (1829-87)
- Gutierrez, Pedro Elias (1870-1954)
- Gutiérrez Heras, Joaquín (1927-2012)
- Gutman, Delilah Sharon (b.1978)
- Gutmann, Adolf (1819–82)
- Guy, Barry (b.1947)
- Guyot, Jean (1512–88)
- Guza, Artur (b. 1982)
- Guzinger, Johann Peter (1683–1773)
- Guzmán, Adolfo (1920-76)
- Guzman, Blas Tardio de (c.1695–1762)
- Guzman, Constancio de (1903-82)
- Guzmán, Édgar
- Guzmán Antic, Josep Lluís (1954–2017)
- Guzmán Frías, Federico (1824-85)
- Guzzini, Adalberto (b.1935)