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Popular Composers: Opera
- Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827)
- Bellini, Vincenzo (1801–35)
- Berlioz, Hector (1803–69)
- Bizet, Georges (1838–75)
- Donizetti, Gaetano (1797–1848)
- Gershwin, George (1898–1937)
- Giordano, Umberto (1867–1948)
- Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87)
- Gounod, Charles François (1818–93)
- Handel, George Frideric (1685–1759)
- Lehár, Franz (1870–1948)
- Leoncavallo, Ruggiero (1857–1919)
- Mascagni, Pietro (1863–1945)
- Massenet, Jules Emile Frederic (1842–1912)
- Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791–1864)
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91)
- Offenbach, Jacques (1819–80)
- Puccini, Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria (1858–1924)
- Purcell, Henry (1659–95)
- Rameau, Jean Philippe (1683–1764)
- Rimsky Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich (1844–1908)
- Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio (1792–1868)
- Strauss, Johann (1825–99)
- Strauss, Richard (1864–1949)
- Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich (1840–93)
- Verdi, Giuseppe (1813–1901)
- Vivaldi, Antonio (1678–1741)
- Wagner, Richard (1813–83)
- Weber, Carl Maria von (1786–1826)
- Weill, Kurt (1900–50)
More Composers: Opera
- Abel, Mark (b.1948)
- Abraham, Paul (1892–1960)
- Adam, Adolphe Charles (1803–56)
- Adamo, Mark (b.1962)
- Adams, John (b.1947)
- Adès, Thomas (b.1971)
- Adolphe, Bruce (b.1955)
- Albéniz, Isaac (1860–1909)
- Albert, Eugene Francis Charles d' (1864–1932)
- Albinoni, Tomaso (1671–1751)
- Alfano, Franco (1875–1954)
- Almeida, Francisco António de (1702–55)
- Alonso, Francisco (1887–1948)
- Alwyn, William (1905–85)
- Amaya, Efraín (b.1959)
- Amram, David (b.1930)
- Andriessen, Louis (b.1939)
- Arensky, Anton Stepanovich (1861–1906)
- Argento, Dominick (1927–2019)
- Arne, Thomas (1710–78)
- Arnold, Samuel (1740–1802)
- Arrieta, Emilio (1823–94)
- Ash, Peter
- Auber, Daniel François Esprit (1782–1871)
- Bach, Johann Christian (1735–82)
- Balfe, Michael William (1808–70)
- Barber, Samuel (1910–81)
- Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo (1823–94)
- Barry, Gerald Anthony (b.1952)
- Bartók, Béla (1881–1945)
- Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney (1867–1944)
- Beeson, Jack (1921–2010)
- Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827)
- Bellini, Vincenzo (1801–35)
- Benatzky, Ralph (Rudolph Josef Frantisek) (1884–1957)
- Benda, Georg (Jiri Antonin) (1722–95)
- Benedict, Julius (1804–85)
- Benjamin, George (b.1960)
- Bennett, Richard Rodney (1936–2012)
- Berg, Alban (1885–1935)
- Berkeley, Lennox (1903–89)
- Berkeley, Michael (b.1948)
- Berlioz, Hector (1803–69)
- Bernstein, Leonard (1918–90)
- Bertin, Louise (1805-77)
- Berwald, Franz Adolf (1796–1868)
- Bianchi, Giuseppe Francesco (1752–1810)
- Birtwistle, Harrison (1934–2022)
- Bizet, Georges (1838–75)
- Bliss, Arthur (1891–1975)
- Blitzstein, Marc (1905–64)
- Bloch, Ernest (1880–1959)
- Blodek, Vilém (1834–74)
- Blomdahl, Karl-Birger (1916–68)
- Blow, John (1649–1708)
- Boccherini, Luigi (1743–1805)
- Boeck, August de (1865–1937)
- Boesmans, Philippe (b.1936)
- Boieldieu, François Adrien (1775–1834)
- Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de (1689–1755)
- Boito, Arrigo (1842–1918)
- Bolcom, William (b.1938)
- Bononcini, Giovanni Battista (1670–1747)
- Borodin, Alexander Porfiryevich (1833–87)
- Bortnyansky, Dmitri Stepanovich (1751–1825)
- Boughton, Rutland (1878–1960)
- Boyce, William (1711–79)
- Braga, Francisco Antonio Ernani (1868–1945)
- Braunfels, Walter (1882–1954)
- Bretan, Nicolae (1887–1968)
- Bretón, Tomás (1850–1923)
- Britten, Benjamin (1913–76)
- Broschi, Riccardo (1698–1756)
- Bruneau, (Louis Charles Bonaventure) Alfred (1857–1934)
- Busoni, Ferruccio (1866–1924)
- Byrd, William (c.1540–1623)
- Caballero, Manuel Fernández (1835–1906)
- Caccini, Francesca (1587–c.1640)
- Caccini, Giulio (1551–1618)
- Cage, John (1912–92)
- Caldara, Antonio (1670–1736)
- Cambert, Robert (c.1628–1677)
- Campion, Thomas (1567–1620)
- Campra, Andre (1660–1744)
- Carlson, David (b.1952)
- Carter, Elliott (1908–2012)
- Casken, John (b.1949)
- Catalani, Alfredo (1854–93)
- Catán, Daniel (1949–2011)
- Cavalieri, Emilio de (c.1550–1602)
- Cavalli, Pietro Francesco (1602–76)
- Cellier, Alfred (1844–91)
- Cellier, Francois (1849-1914)
- Cesti, Pietro Antonio (1623–69)
- Chabrier, Alexis Emmanuel (1841–94)
- Chapí, Ruperto (1851–1909)
- Charpentier, Gustave (1860–1956)
- Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643–1704)
- Chausson, Ernest (1855–99)
- Cherubini, Luigi (1760–1842)
- Ching, Michael (b.1958)
- Chueca, Federico (1846–1908)
- Cilea, Francesco (1866–1950)
- Cimarosa, Domenico (1749–1801)
- Coccia, Carlo (1782–1873)
- Copland, Aaron (1900–90)
- Corghi, Azio (b.1937)
- Cornelius, Peter (1824–74)
- Coward, Noël (1899–1973)
- Cui, César (1835–1918)
- Dallapiccola, Luigi (1904–75)
- Dargomïzhsky, Alexander Sergeyevich (1813–69)
- Daugherty, Michael (b.1954)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell (1934–2016)
- Davis, Anthony (b.1951)
- Dean, Brett (b.1961)
- Debussy, Claude Achille (1862–1918)
- Delibes, Clémont Philibert Léo (1836–91)
- Delius, Frederick (1862–1934)
- Desmarest, Henry (d.1741)
- Destouches, André Cardinal (1672–1749)
- Dibdin, Charles (1745–1814)
- Donizetti, Gaetano (1797–1848)
- Dostal, Nico (1895–1981)
- Dove, Jonathan (b.1959)
- Dukas, Paul (1865–1935)
- Dunhill, Thomas (1877–1946)
- Dusapin, Pascal (b.1955)
- Dvořák, Antonín (1841–1904)
- Eccles, John (1668–1735)
- Egk, Werner (1901–83)
- Einem, Gottfried von (1918–96)
- Ellstein, Abraham (1907–63)
- Enescu, George (1881–1955)
- Eötvös, Peter (b.1944)
- Erkel, Ferenc (1810–93)
- Facco, Giacomo (1676–1753)
- Fall, Leo (1873–1925)
- Falla, Manuel de (1876–1946)
- Fauré, Gabriel Urbain (1845–1924)
- Feldman, Morton (1926–87)
- Feo, Francesco (1691–1761)
- Ferneyhough, Brian (b.1943)
- Fibich, Zdenek Antonin Vaclav (1850–1900)
- Fioravanti, Valentino (1764–1837)
- Flagello, Nicolas (1928–94)
- Flotow, Friedrich Adolph Ferdinand von (1812–83)
- Floyd, Carlisle (b.1926)
- Foerster, Josef Bohuslav (1859–1951)
- Foroni, Jacopo (1825–58)
- Fortner, Wolfgang (1907–87)
- Foss, Lucas (1922–2009)
- Franchetti, Alberto (1860–1942)
- Franck, César Auguste (1822–90)
- Fraser-Simson, Harold (1878–1944)
- Frid, Grigory Samuilovich (1915–2012)
- Friml, Charles Rudolf (1879–1972)
- Galuppi, Baldassare (1706–85)
- Gasparini, Francesco (1661–1727)
- Gay, John (1685–1732)
- Gazzaniga, Giuseppe (1743–1818)
- Generali, Pietro (1773–1832)
- German, Edward (1862–1936)
- Gershwin, George (1898–1937)
- Giacomelli, Geminiano (1692–1740)
- Gianettini, Giovanni Antonio (1686-1702)
- Giménez, Gerónimo (1854–1923)
- Ginastera, Alberto (1916–83)
- Giordano, Umberto (1867–1948)
- Glanville-Hicks, Peggy (1912–90)
- Glass, Philip (b.1937)
- Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804–57)
- Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87)
- Gnattali, Radames (1906–88)
- Godard, Benjamin Louis Paul (1849–95)
- Goehr, Alexander (1932–2024)
- Goetz, Hermann (1840–76)
- Goetze, Walter Wilhelm (1883–1961)
- Goldmark, Karoly (1830–1915)
- Golijov, Osvaldo (b.1960)
- Gossec, François-Joseph (1734–1829)
- Gotovac, Jakov (1895–1982)
- Gounod, Charles François (1818–93)
- Granados, Enrique (1867–1916)
- Graun, Carl Heinrich (1704–59)
- Gretry, André Ernest Modeste (1741–1813)
- Grieg, Edvard Hagerup (1843–1907)
- Grossmith, George (1847–1912)
- Guerrero, Jacinto (1895-1951)
- Guridi Bidaola, Jesús (1886–1961)
- Haas, Pavel (1899–1944)
- Hadley, Henry Kimball (1871–1937)
- Hahn, Reynaldo (1874–1947)
- Halévy, Jacques (1799–1862)
- Hallén, Andreas (1846–1925)
- Handel, George Frideric (1685–1759)
- Hanson, Howard (1896–1981)
- Hartke, Stephen (b.1952)
- Hasse, Johann Adolph (1699–1783)
- Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732–1809)
- Hayes, Philip (1738–97)
- Heggie, Jake (b.1961)
- Henze, Hans Werner (1926–2012)
- Herbert, Victor August (1859–1924)
- Hernández, Rafael (1892-1965)
- Hérold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand (1791–1833)
- Herrmann, Bernard (1911–75)
- Hervé (1825–92)
- Heuberger, Richard Franz Joseph (1850–1914)
- Hindemith, Paul (1895–1963)
- Hita, Antonio Rodríguez de (1724–87)
- Hoiby, Lee (1926–2011)
- Höller, York (b.1944)
- Holliger, Heinz (b.1939)
- Holst, Gustav Theodore (1874–1934)
- Holzbauer, Ignaz (1711–83)
- Honegger, Arthur (1892–1955)
- Horneman, Christian Frederik Emil (1840–1906)
- Humperdinck, Engelbert (1854–1921)
- Hvoslef, Ketil (b.1939)
- Hwang, Jason Kao (b.1957)
- Indy, Vincent d' (1851–1931)
- Isouard, Nicolas (1775-1818)
- Jacquet de la Guerre, Elisabeth (1665–1729)
- Janáček, Leoš (1854–1928)
- Jarno, Georg (1868-1920)
- Jennefelt, Thomas (b.1954)
- Jessel, Leon (1871–1941)
- Jommelli, Niccolò (1714–74)
- Joplin, Scott (1868–1917)
- Kalman, Emmerich (1882–1953)
- Kats-Chernin, Elena (b.1957)
- Kattnigg, Rudolf (1895–1955)
- Keiser, Rheinhard (1674–1739)
- Kerry, Gordon (b.1961)
- Khrennikov, Tikhon (1913–2007)
- Kienzl, Wilhelm (1857–1941)
- Knaifel, Alexander (b.1943)
- Knussen, Stuart Oliver (1952–2018)
- Kodály, Zoltan (1882–1967)
- Kokkonen, Joonas (1921–96)
- Kollo, Walter (1878–1948)
- Korngold, Erich Wolfgang (1897–1957)
- Krasa, Hans (1899–1944)
- Krenek, Ernst (1900–91)
- Kreutzer, Konradin (1780–1849)
- Kreutzer, Rodolphe (1766–1831)
- Künneke, Eduard (1885–1953)
- Kutavicius, Bronius (b.1932)
- Lachenmann, Helmut (b.1935)
- Lachner, Franz (1803–90)
- Laitman, Lori (b.1955)
- Lalo, Edouard (1823–92)
- Lampe, John Frederick (c.1703–1751)
- Landi, Stefano (1587–1639)
- Langgaard, Rued Immanuel (1893–1952)
- Launis, Armas (1884–1959)
- Leclair, Jean-Marie (1697–1764)
- Lecocq, Charles (1832–1918)
- Lehár, Franz (1870–1948)
- Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste (1751-96)
- Leoncavallo, Ruggiero (1857–1919)
- Liebermann, Rolf (1910–99)
- Lieberson, Peter (1946–2011)
- Ligeti, György (1923–2006)
- Lincke, Paul (1886–1946)
- Liszt, Ferencz (1811–86)
- Literes, Antonio de (1673–1747)
- Lleó Balbastre, Vicente (1870–1922)
- Lloyd, George (1913–98)
- Loder, Edward James (1809–65)
- López, Francis (1916–95)
- Lortzing, Albert (1801–51)
- Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632–87)
- Luna, Pablo (1879–1942)
- Lysenko, Nikolay (1842–1912)
- MacFarren, George Alexander (1813–87)
- Maconchy, Elizabeth (1907–94)
- Maderna, Bruno (1920–73)
- Madetoja, Leevi Antti (1887–1947)
- Magnard, Albéric (1865–1914)
- Maillart, Aimé (1817–71)
- Manoury, Philippe (b.1952)
- Mantzaros, Nikolaos (1795–1872)
- Marais, Marin (1656–1728)
- Marchetti, Filippo (1831–1902)
- Marschner, Heinrich August (1795–1861)
- Martinů, Bohuslav (1890–1959)
- Mascagni, Pietro (1863–1945)
- Massenet, Jules Emile Frederic (1842–1912)
- Matthus, Siegfried (b.1934)
- Maw, Nicholas (1935–2009)
- Mayr, Johann Simon (1763–1845)
- Mazzocchi, Domenico (1592–1665)
- Méhul, Étienne Nicholas (1763–1817)
- Melartin, Erkki (1875–1937)
- Mendelssohn, Felix (1809–47)
- Menotti, Gian Carlo (1911–2007)
- Mercadante, Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele (1795–1870)
- Merikanto, Aarre (1893–1958)
- Messager, André (1853–1929)
- Messiaen, Olivier Eugène Prosper Charles (1908–92)
- Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791–1864)
- Milhaud, Darius (1892–1974)
- Millöcker, Carl (1842–99)
- Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanea de (1711–72)
- Moniuszko, Stanislaw (1819–72)
- Monk, Meredith (b.1942)
- Monsigny, Pierre-Alexandre (1729–1817)
- Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de (1667–1737)
- Montemayor, Cristoforo (fl.1500)
- Monteverdi, Claudio Giovanni Antonio (1567–1643)
- Moran, Robert (b.1937)
- Mortelmans, Lodewijk (1868–1952)
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91)
- Musgrave, Thea (b.1928)
- Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich (1839–81)
- Myslivecek, Josef (1737–81)
- Nathan, Isaac (1790-1864)
- Nessler, Victor Ernst (1841–90)
- Nicolai, Carl Otto Ehrenfried (1810–49)
- Niedermeyer, Abraham Louis (1802–61)
- Nielsen, Carl August (1865–1931)
- Nini, Alessandro (1805-80)
- Nono, Luigi (1924–90)
- Nyman, Michael (b.1944)
- Offenbach, Jacques (1819–80)
- Orff, Carl (1895–1982)
- Orlandini, Giovanni Maria (1675–1760)
- Pacini, Giovanni (1796–1867)
- Paisiello, Giovanni (1740–1816)
- Pasatieri, Thomas (b.1945)
- Pedrotti, Carlo (1817–93)
- Penella, Manuel (1880–1939)
- Perez, Davide (1711–78)
- Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710–36)
- Peri, Jacopo (1561–1633)
- Persiani, Giuseppe (1799–1869)
- Petrella, Errico (1813–77)
- Pfitzner, Hans (1869–1949)
- Philidor, François-André Danican (1726–95)
- Piazzólla, Astor (1921–92)
- Piccinni, Niccolò (1728–1800)
- Picker, Tobias (b.1954)
- Pierné, Henri Constant Gabriel (1863–1937)
- Pizzetti, Ildebrando (1880–1968)
- Planquette, Robert (1848–1903)
- Ponchielli, Amilcare (1834–86)
- Porpora, Nicola Antonio (1686–1768)
- Porta, Giovanni (1675–1755)
- Portman, Rachel (b.1960)
- Poulenc, Francis (1899–1963)
- Pound, Ezra Weston Loomis (1885–1972)
- Previn, André (1929–2019)
- Prokofiev, Sergei Sergeievitch (1891–1953)
- Puccini, Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria (1858–1924)
- Purcell, Daniel (1664–1717)
- Purcell, Henry (1659–95)
- Rabaud, Henri (1873–1949)
- Rachmaninoff, Sergey Vassilievich (1873–1943)
- Rameau, Jean Philippe (1683–1764)
- Rautavaara, Einojuhani (1928–2016)
- Ravel, Maurice (1875–1937)
- Raymond, Fred (1900–54)
- Reich, Steve (b.1936)
- Reichardt, Johann Friedrich (1752–1814)
- Reimann, Aribert (b.1936)
- Respighi, Ottorino (1879–1936)
- Reyer, Ernest (d.1909)
- Reznicek, Emil Nikolaus von (1860–1945)
- Ricci, Federico (1809–77)
- Ries, Ferdinand (1784–1838)
- Rihm, Wolfgang (b.1952)
- Rimsky Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich (1844–1908)
- Romberg, Sigmund (1887–1951)
- Rorem, Ned (b.1923)
- Rossi, Luigi (1597–1653)
- Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio (1792–1868)
- Rota, Nino (1911–79)
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–78)
- Roussel, Albert (1869–1937)
- Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich (1829–94)
- Saariaho, Kaija (1952–2023)
- Sacchini, Antonio (1730–86)
- Saint-Saëns, Charles Camille (1835–1921)
- Salieri, Antonio (1750–1825)
- Sallinen, Aulis (b.1935)
- Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (1700–75)
- Sarro, Domenico Natale (1679–1744)
- Sarti, Giuseppe (1729–1802)
- Sartorio, Antonio (1630–80)
- Satie, Erik Alfred Leslie (1866–1925)
- Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660–1725)
- Scartazzini, Andrea Lorenzo (b.1971)
- Schillings, Max von (1868–1933)
- Schmidseder, Ludwig (1904–71)
- Schmidt, Franz (1874–1939)
- Schoeck, Othmar (1886–1957)
- Schoenberg, Arnold (1874–1951)
- Schreker, Franz (1878–1934)
- Schubert, Franz Peter (1797–1828)
- Schulhoff, Erwin (1894–1942)
- Schuman, William Howard (1910–92)
- Schumann, Robert (1810–56)
- Schweitzer, Anton (1735–87)
- Sciarrino, Salvatore (b.1947)
- Scriabin, Alexander Nikolayevich (1872–1915)
- Sedelnikov, Gleb (1944–2012)
- Serov, Alexander Nikolayevich (1820–71)
- Serrano, José (1873–1941)
- Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906–75)
- Sibelius, Jean (1865–1957)
- Sitsky, Lazarus (Larry) (b.1934)
- Smareglia, Antonio (1854-1929)
- Smetana, Bedrich (1824–84)
- Smith, John Christopher (1712–95)
- Smyth, Ethel (1858–1944)
- Soler, Vincente Martin y (1754–1806)
- Sorozábal, Pablo (1897–1988)
- Sousa, John Philip (1854–1932)
- Soutullo, Reveriano (1880–1933)
- Spohr, Louis (1784–1859)
- Spontini, Gaspare (1774–1851)
- Staden, Sigmund Theophil (1607-55)
- Steffani, Agostino (1654–1728)
- Stephan, Rudi (1887–1915)
- Stolz, Robert (1880–1975)
- Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich (1690–1749)
- Storace, Stephen (1762–96)
- Strassburg, Robert (1915–2003)
- Straus, Oscar (1870–1954)
- Strauss, Isaac (1806-88)
- Strauss, Johann (1825–99)
- Strauss, Richard (1864–1949)
- Stravinsky, Igor Feodorovich (1882–1971)
- Sullivan, Arthur Seymour (1842–1900)
- Suppe, Franz von (1829–95)
- Susa, Conrad (1935–2013)
- Szymanowski, Karol (1882–1937)
- Tamberg, Eino (1930–2010)
- Tamkin, David (1906-75)
- Tan Dun (b.1957)
- Taneyev, Sergei Ivanovich (1856–1915)
- Tate, Phyllis (1911–87)
- Tavener, John (1944–2013)
- Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich (1840–93)
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681–1767)
- Terradellas, Domènec (1713–51)
- Testi, Flavio (1923–2014)
- Theodorakis, Mikis (b.1925)
- Theofanidis, Christopher (b.1967)
- Thomas, Ambroise (1811–96)
- Thomson, Virgil (1896–1989)
- Tippett, Michael Kemp (1905–98)
- Todd, Will (b.1970)
- Tomasi, Henri Fredien (1901–71)
- Torrejon y Velasco, Tomas de (1644–1728)
- Torroba, Federico Moreno (1891–1982)
- Traetta, Tommaso (1727–79)
- Turnage, Mark-Anthony (b.1960)
- Ullmann, Viktor (1898–1944)
- Usandizaga, José María (1887–1915)
- Vaage, Knut (b.1961)
- Vaccai, Nicola (1790–1848)
- Varney, Louis (1844–1908)
- Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872–1958)
- Vecchi, Orazio (1550–1605)
- Verdi, Giuseppe (1813–1901)
- Villanueva, Felipe (1862–93)
- Vinci, Leonardo (1690–1730)
- Vivaldi, Antonio (1678–1741)
- Vives, Amadeo (1871–1932)
- Vivier, Claude (1948–83)
- Wagner, Richard (1813–83)
- Wagner, Siegfried (1869–1930)
- Wagner-Regeny, Rudolf (1903–69)
- Wagstaff, Julian (b.1970)
- Wainwright, Rufus (b.1973)
- Wallace, William Vincent (1812–65)
- Waltershausen, Hermann Wolfgang von (1882-1954)
- Walton, William Turner (1902–83)
- Ward, Robert (1917–2013)
- Weber, Carl Maria von (1786–1826)
- Weigl, Joseph Franz (1766–1846)
- Weill, Kurt (1900–50)
- Weinberger, Jaromir (1896–1967)
- Weir, Judith (b.1954)
- Weisgall, Hugo (1912–97)
- Wellesz, Egon (1885–1974)
- Winter, Peter von (1754–1825)
- Wolf, Hugo (1860–1903)
- Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno (1876–1948)
- Wolpe, Stefan (1902–72)
- Wuorinen, Charles (b.1938)
- Ysaÿe, Eugene (1858–1931)
- Zandonai, Riccardo (1883–1944)
- Zeller, Carl Johann Adam (1842–98)
- Zemlinsky, Alexander von (1871–1942)
- Ziehrer, Carl Michael (1843–1922)
- Zimmermann, Bernd Alois (1918–70)
- Zimmermann, Udo (b.1943)
- Zingarelli, Nicola Antonio (1752–1837)
- Zollner, Carl Friedrich (1800–60)
Popular Works: Opera
- Bellini: Casta Diva (from Norma) (138)
- Bizet: Carmen (111)
- Bizet: L'amour est un oiseau rebelle 'Habanera' (from Carmen) (137)
- Borodin: Prince Igor: Polovtsian Dances (125)
- Donizetti: Una furtiva lagrima (from L'elisir d'amore) (190)
- Gershwin: Summertime (from Porgy and Bess) (198)
- Gluck: Orphée et Euridice: Dance of the Blessed Spirits (136)
- Handel: Lascia ch'io pianga (from Rinaldo) (144)
- Handel: Ombra mai fu (from Serse) (175)
- Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana: Intermezzo (137)
- Mozart: Così fan tutte, K588 (107)
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K620 (129)
- Mozart: Don Giovanni, K527 (160)
- Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K492 (152)
- Mozart: Voi che sapete (from Le nozze di Figaro) (116)
- Offenbach: Barcarolle (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (119)
- Puccini: Che gelida manina (from La Bohème) (182)
- Puccini: E lucevan le stelle (from Tosca) (238)
- Puccini: La Bohème: Act 1 (131)
- Puccini: Nessun dorma (from Turandot) (292)
- Puccini: O mio babbino caro (from Gianni Schicchi) (321)
- Puccini: Recondita armonia (from Tosca) (135)
- Puccini: Si, mi chiamano Mimi (from La Bohème) (127)
- Puccini: Tosca (122)
- Puccini: Un bel di vedremo (from Madama Butterfly) (237)
- Puccini: Vissi d'arte (from Tosca) (222)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Flight of the Bumble Bee (277)
- Rossini: Una voce poco fa (from Il barbiere di Siviglia) (129)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus Overture (143)
- Verdi: Aida (124)
- Verdi: Il Trovatore (112)
- Verdi: La donna è mobile (from Rigoletto) (187)
- Verdi: La Traviata (158)
- Verdi: Rigoletto (115)
- Wagner: Das Rheingold (117)
- Wagner: Die Walküre (162)
- Wagner: Die Walküre: Ride of the Valkyries (207)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung (124)
- Wagner: Siegfried (116)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Prelude & Liebestod (169)
All Works: Opera
- Abel, M: Home Is a Harbor (opera in 3 acts) (1)
- Abraham: Ball at the Savoy Excerpts (1)
- Abraham: Die Blume von Hawaii (13)
- Abraham: Hawaii Rozaja Excerpts (1)
- Abraham: Viktoria Excerpts (1)
- Abraham: Viktoria und ihr Husar (9)
- Adam: La Poupée de Nuremberg (1)
- Adam: Le chalet (5)
- Adam: Le Postillon de Lonjumeau (2)
- Adam: Le Toréador (2)
- Adam: Mes amis, écoutez l'histoire (from Le Postillon de Lonjumeau) (10)
- Adamo, M: Alcott Music from the opera Little Women (1)
- Adamo, M: Little Women - An Opera in Two Acts (2)
- Adams, J: A Flowering Tree (3)
- Adams, J: Am I in Your Light? (4)
- Adams, J: Choruses from The Death of Klinghoffer (1)
- Adams, J: Doctor Atomic (3)
- Adams, J: El Niño (2)
- Adams, J: I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky (3)
- Adams, J: Nixon in China (2)
- Adams, J: Nixon in China - Highlights (1)
- Adams, J: Pat's Aria (from Nixon in China) (2)
- Adams, J: The Death of Klinghoffer (1)
- Adams, J: The Gospel According To The Other Mary (4)
- Adams, J: This is Prophetic (2)
- Adès: The Exterminating Angel (1)
- Adès: The Tempest (1)
- Adolphe, B: Mikhoels the Wise (excerpt) (2)
- Albéniz: Henry Clifford (1)
- Albéniz: Merlin (2)
- Albert, E: Intermezzo (from Tiefland) (1)
- Albert, E: Tiefland (12)
- Albert, E: Tiefland: scenes (3)
- Alfano: Cyrano de Bergerac (3)
- Alfano: Risurrezione (2)
- Alfano: Sakuntala (1)
- Almeida, F A: La Spinalba ovvero Il vecchio matto (Spinalba, or the mad old man) (1)
- Almeida, F A: La Spinalba, ovvero Il vecchio matto (2)
- Alonso, F: Romanzas and Duets from Zarzuelas (1)
- Alwyn: Miss Julie (2)
- Amaya: Clepsydra - An Operatic Installation with 13 Performers (1)
- Amram: The Final Ingredient (excerpts) (2)
- Andriessen, L: La Commedia (1)
- Andriessen, L: Rosa - The Death Of A Composer (1)
- Andriessen, L: Writing to Vermeer (1)
- anon.: 4 English Masques (c.1600) (1)
- Arensky: Strastiyu I negoyu sertse trepeshchet (Her heart is trembling with passion and languor) (from Rafael, Op. 37) (1)
- Arensky: Zarema's Aria from The Fountain of Bakhchisarai (2)
- Argento: Postcard from Morocco (2)
- Arne: Alfred (1)
- Arne: Artaxerxes (2)
- Arne: Artaxerxes: arias (1)
- Arne: Overture to Alfred in E flat (2)
- Arne: Rise, Glory, Rise (Rosamond) (2)
- Arne: Rule, Britannia (from Alfred) (46)
- Arne: The Masque of Comus: By the rushy-fringed bank (1)
- Arne: The Masque of Comus: Thrice upon thy fingers tip (1)
- Arne: The Soldier Tir'd of War's Alarms (Artaxerxes) (5)
- Arne: Vengeance, O come inspire me! (from Alfred) (1)
- Arnold, S: Polly (2)
- Arrieta: Marina (3)
- Ash: The Golden Ticket (1)
- Auber: Fra Diavolo (4)
- Auber: La Muette de Portici (14)
- Auber: La Muette de Portici (highlights) (1)
- Auber: La Muette de Portici: Ballet Music Nos. 1 - 5 (1)
- Auber: Le cheval de bronze (8)
- Auber: Le Domino noir (1)
- Auber: Les diamants de la couronne, S. 34 (4)
- Auber: Manon Lescaut (1)
- Bach, J C: Amadis des Gaules (3)
- Bach, J C: Amadis des Gaules: Ballet Music (1)
- Balfe: I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls (from The Bohemian Girl) (10)
- Balfe: Sventurata Ildegonda ... Chiuso nell'armi e splendido (insertion aria for Marliani Ildegonda nel Carcere) (1)
- Balfe: The Bohemian Girl (1)
- Balfe: The Maid of Artois (1)
- Barber: A Hand of Bridge, Op. 35 (3)
- Barber: Antony & Cleopatra (7)
- Barber: Give me my robe (from Antony and Cleopatra) (4)
- Barber: Give Me Some Music (from Antony and Cleopatra, Op. 40) (5)
- Barber: Must the winter come so soon? (from Vanessa) (4)
- Barber: Vanessa (8)
- Barber: Vanessa - excerpts (2)
- Barber: Vanessa - Intermezzo (5)
- Barbieri, F: El barberillo de Lavapies (7)
- Barbieri, F: El barberillo de Lavapiés: El noble gremio ... (1)
- Barry, G: The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant (1)
- Barry, G: The Importance of Being Earnest (2)
- Bartók: Duke Bluebeard's Castle, Sz. 48, Op. 11 (38)
- Beach, A: Cabildo, Op. 149 (2)
- Beeson: Lizzie Borden (1)
- Beethoven: Abscheulicher! Wo eilst du hin? (from Fidelio) (33)
- Beethoven: Fidelio, Op. 72 (81)
- Beethoven: Fidelio, Op. 72 - Act II (51)
- Beethoven: Fidelio, Op. 72 - Finale (1)
- Beethoven: Fidelio, Op. 72 - Harmoniemusik (3)
- Beethoven: Fidelio, Op. 72 (highlights) (9)
- Beethoven: Fidelio, Op. 72 (original 3-act version, 1805) (1)
- Beethoven: Gott! Welch Dunkel hier! (from Fidelio) (21)
- Beethoven: Ha! Welch ein Augenblick! (from Fidelio) (7)
- Beethoven: Hat man nicht auch Gold beineben (from Fidelio) (6)
- Beethoven: Heil sei dem Tag! (from Fidelio) (2)
- Beethoven: Jetzt Schätzchen, jetzt sind wir allein (from Fidelio) (4)
- Beethoven: Leonore (12)
- Beethoven: O namenlose Freude! (from Fidelio) (3)
- Beethoven: O wär' ich schon mit dir vereint (from Fidelio) (12)
- Beethoven: O welche Lust! In freier Luft den Atem leicht zu heben! (from Fidelio) (22)
- Bellini: A te, o cara (from I Puritani) (12)
- Bellini: Adelson & Salvini (3)
- Bellini: Ah, non credea mirarti (from La Sonnambula) (30)
- Bellini: Ah! bello a me ritorna (from Norma) (6)
- Bellini: Ah! non giunge uman pensiero (from La Sonnambula) (11)
- Bellini: Ah! Per sempre io ti perdei (from I Puritani) (6)
- Bellini: Ah! Se una volta sola...Ah, non credea mirarti...Ah! non giunge uman pensiero...(from La Sonnambula) (9)
- Bellini: Beatrice di Tenda (14)
- Bellini: Bianca E Fernando (5)
- Bellini: Care compagne, et voi, teneri amici ... Come per me sereno (from La Sonnambula) (14)
- Bellini: Casta Diva (from Norma) (138)
- Bellini: Col sorriso d'innocenza (from Il Pirata) (12)
- Bellini: Credeasi misera, da me tradita (from I Puritani) (3)
- Bellini: Deh! Con te li prendi ... Mira,o Norma (from Norma) (4)
- Bellini: Dopo l'oscuro nembo (from Adelson e Salvini) (6)
- Bellini: È serbato a questo acciaro (from I Capuleti e i Montecchi) (3)
- Bellini: Eccomi in lieta vesta...Oh! quante volte (from I Capuleti e I Montecchi) (23)
- Bellini: Ernani: highlights (1)
- Bellini: I Capuleti e I Montecchi (22)
- Bellini: I Puritani (33)
- Bellini: I Puritani (highlights) (5)
- Bellini: Il Pirata (12)
- Bellini: Introduction and Druids' Chorus (from Norma) (1)
- Bellini: La Sonnambula (30)
- Bellini: La Sonnambula (highlights) (3)
- Bellini: La straniera (2)
- Bellini: Meco all´altar di Venere (from Norma) (9)
- Bellini: Mira, o Norma (from Norma) (2)
- Bellini: Norma (53)
- Bellini: Norma (highlights) (1)
- Bellini: O rendetemi la speme...Qui la voce sua soave...Vien, diletto (from I Puritani) (35)
- Bellini: Oh! s'io potessi dissipar le nubi (from Il Pirata) (12)
- Bellini: Oh! Sole! Ti vela di tenebre oscure (from Il Pirata) (5)
- Bellini: Prendi l'anel ti dono (from La Sonnambula) (6)
- Bellini: Qui la voce sua soave...Vien, diletto (from I Puritani) (7)
- Bellini: Son salvo, alfin son salvo...A una fonte afflitto (from I Puritani) (2)
- Bellini: Son vergin vezzosa (from I Puritani) (21)
- Bellini: Svanir le voci! (from Norma) (3)
- Bellini: Tantum Ergo Sacramentum (2)
- Bellini: Torna, vezzosa Fillide (Chamber Aria from Il Pirata) (8)
- Bellini: Vi ravviso, o luoghi ameni (from La Sonnambula) (5)
- Bellini: Vien, diletto, è in ciel la luna (from I Puritani) (7)
- Bellini: Vieni, fra queste braccia! (from I Puritani) (5)
- Bellini: Zaira (3)
- Benatzky: Die drei Musketiere (3)
- Benatzky: Im weissen Rössl (The White Horse Inn) (11)
- Benatzky: L'Auberge du Cheval Blanc (1)
- Benatzky: White Horse Inn (highlights in English) (1)
- Benda, G: Ariadne auf Naxos (2)
- Benda, G: Medea (2)
- Benda, G: Pygmalion (2)
- Benda, G: Romeo und Julie (2)
- Benjamin, G: Lessons in Love and Violence (5)
- Benjamin, G: Written on Skin (8)
- Bennett, R R: The Mines of Sulphur (1)
- Berg: Lulu (16)
- Berg: Marie's Act 1 Aria (from Wozzeck) (1)
- Berg: Wozzeck (28)
- Berkeley, L: Ruth (1)
- Berkeley, M: Baa Baa Black Sheep (1)
- Berkeley, M: For You (1)
- Berkeley, M: Jane Eyre (1)
- Berlioz: Ah! Je vais l'aimer, mon cœur me l'annonce (from Béatrice et Bénédict) (3)
- Berlioz: Ah! Je vais mourir (from Les Troyens) (9)
- Berlioz: Ballet des Sylphes (from La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24) (28)
- Berlioz: Ballet music from Les Troyens (2)
- Berlioz: Béatrice et Bénédict (8)
- Berlioz: Béatrice et Bénédict: excerpts (1)
- Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini (14)
- Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini: excerpts (1)
- Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini: Mais, qu'ai-je donc? (3)
- Berlioz: Chasse royale et Orage (from Les Troyens) (26)
- Berlioz: D'amour l'ardente flamme (from La Damnation de Faust) (23)
- Berlioz: Devant la maison (from La Damnation de Faust) (13)
- Berlioz: Dieu! Que viens-je d'entendre?…Il m'en souvient ... Je l'aime donc? (from Béatrice et Bénédict) (5)
- Berlioz: Inutiles regrets…En un dernier naufrage (from Les Troyens) (8)
- Berlioz: Je vais le voir (from Béatrice et Bénédict) (2)
- Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24 (35)
- Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24 (excerpts) (7)
- Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24: Chanson gothique 'Autrefois un roi de Thulé' (4)
- Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24: Nature immense, impénétrable et fière (12)
- Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24: Rákóczi March (65)
- Berlioz: Les Troyens (18)
- Berlioz: Les Troyens (highlights) (3)
- Berlioz: Marche troyenne (from Les Troyens) (11)
- Berlioz: Merci, doux crépuscule! (from La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24) (11)
- Berlioz: O blonde Cérès (from Les Troyens) (4)
- Berlioz: Une puce gentille 'Flea Song' (from La damnation de Faust) (6)
- Berlioz: Voici des roses (Air de Méphistophélès) (6)
- Berlioz: Vous soupirez, Madame? ... Nuit paisible et sereine (from Béatrice et Bénédict) (1)
- Bernstein: A Quiet Place (4)
- Bernstein: Trouble in Tahiti (8)
- Berwald: Estrella di Soria (7)
- Berwald: Estrella di Soria: Overture & Polonaise (1)
- Berwald: Estrella’s Aria (from Estrella de Soria) (1)
- Berwald: I enter a Monastery (1)
- Birtwistle: Gawain (1)
- Birtwistle: Punch and Judy (1)
- Birtwistle: The Mask of Orpheus (1)
- Birtwistle: The Minotaur (2)
- Bizet: A cette voix quel trouble… Je crois entendre encore (from Les Pêcheurs de Perles) (10)
- Bizet: Au fond du temple saint (from Les Pêcheurs de Perles) (57)
- Bizet: C'est toi! (from Carmen) (5)
- Bizet: Carmen (111)
- Bizet: Carmen (highlights) (29)
- Bizet: Carmen Suite (29)
- Bizet: Carmen Suite No. 2: excerpts (5)
- Bizet: Carmen: arias (1)
- Bizet: Carmen: Danse Bohème (6)
- Bizet: Carmen: Entr'acte to Act II (Les Dragons d'Alcala) (3)
- Bizet: Carmen: Entr'acte to Act III (Intermezzo) (21)
- Bizet: Carmen: Entr'acte to Act IV (Aragonaise) (5)
- Bizet: Carmen: Entr'actes (3)
- Bizet: Carmen: excerpts (13)
- Bizet: Carreau! Pique! La mort! (from Carmen) (4)
- Bizet: De mon amie (from Les pêcheurs de perles) (5)
- Bizet: Dieu puissant, le voila (from Les Pêcheurs de Perles) (3)
- Bizet: Djamileh (4)
- Bizet: Don Procopio (2)
- Bizet: En vain pour éviter les réponses amères (from Carmen) (3)
- Bizet: Fantaisie brillante sur Carmen (3)
- Bizet: Ivan IV, an opera in five acts (1)
- Bizet: Je crois entendre encore (from Les Pêcheurs de Perles) (40)
- Bizet: Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante (from Carmen) (24)
- Bizet: Je vais danser en votre honneur (from Carmen) (3)
- Bizet: L'amour est un oiseau rebelle 'Habanera' (from Carmen) (137)
- Bizet: L’orage s’est calmé (from Les pêcheurs de perles) (6)
- Bizet: La fleur que tu m'avais jetée (from Carmen) (99)
- Bizet: La jolie fille de Perth (1)
- Bizet: La jolie fille de Perth suite (13)
- Bizet: La jolie fille de Perth: Intermezzo (1)
- Bizet: La jolie fille de Perth: Serenade (7)
- Bizet: Le Docteur Miracle (3)
- Bizet: Les Pêcheurs de Perles (15)
- Bizet: Les Pêcheurs de Perles - excerpts (1)
- Bizet: Les Pêcheurs de Perles (highlights) (2)
- Bizet: Les tringles des sistres tintaient (from Carmen) (17)
- Bizet: Les voici, voici la quadrille (from Carmen) (6)
- Bizet: Me voilà seule…Comme autrefois (from Les Pêcheurs de Perles) (16)
- Bizet: Non, tu ne m'aimes pas (from Carmen) (1)
- Bizet: Parle-moi de ma mère (from Carmen) (13)
- Bizet: Près des remparts de Séville (Séguedille) (from Carmen) (35)
- Bizet: Si tu m'aimes, Carmen (from Carmen) (2)
- Bizet: Tra, La, La, Tra, La La!...Quand la flamme d'amour (from La jolie fille de Perth) (3)
- Bizet: Votre toast je peux vous le rendre 'Toreador Song' (from Carmen) (29)
- Bliss: The Olympians (1)
- Blitzstein: Regina (1)
- Bloch, E: Macbeth (1)
- Bloch, E: Macbeth Acts 1 & 4 (1)
- Blodek: In the Well (2)
- Blodek: In the Well: Intermezzo (1)
- Blomdahl: Aniara (2)
- Blow: Venus and Adonis (7)
- Blow: Venus and Adonis: A Mournful Masque (1)
- Blow: Venus and Adonis: Act II Act Tune (1)
- Boccherini: La Clementina, G540 (1)
- Boeck: Princess Sunray's Aria (Winter Night's Dream) (3)
- Boesmans: Julie (1)
- Boesmans: Wintermärchen (1)
- Boieldieu: La Dame Blanche (2)
- Boieldieu: Viens, gentille dame (from La Dame blanche) (8)
- Boismortier: Don Quichotte chez la Duchesse, Op. 97 (4)
- Boito: Dai campi, dai prati (Mefistofele) (21)
- Boito: Ecco il mondo, vuoto e tondo (from Mefistofele) (11)
- Boito: Giunto sul passo estremo (from Mefistofele) (20)
- Boito: L'altra notte in fondo al mare (from Mefistofele) (40)
- Boito: Mefistofele (15)
- Boito: Mefistofele (highlights) (1)
- Boito: Nerone (4)
- Boito: Prologue from "Mefistofele" (12)
- Boito: Son lo Spirito che nega (from Mefistofele) (14)
- Bolcom: A View from the Bridge (1)
- Bononcini, G B: Griselda (1)
- Bononcini, G B: Per la gloria d'adorarvi (from Griselda) (12)
- Borodin: Greshno tait, ya skuki ne lyublyu (from Prince Igor) (7)
- Borodin: How goes it? (from Prince Igor) (2)
- Borodin: Medlenno den ugasal (Slowly the day has faded) (from Prince Igor) (5)
- Borodin: Merknet svyet dnevnoy (from Prince Igor) (6)
- Borodin: Ne málo vrémeni (from Prince Igor) (1)
- Borodin: Ni sna, ni otdikha izmuchennoi dushe (from Prince Igor) (10)
- Borodin: Prince Igor (7)
- Borodin: Prince Igor (highlights) (3)
- Borodin: Prince Igor: Polovtsian Dances (125)
- Borodin: Zdorov-li, Knaz? (from Prince Igor) (4)
- Bortnyansky: La féte du signeur: Babetta's aria (2)
- Bortnyansky: Le fils rival, on la moderne Stratonice: Leonora's aria (2)
- Boughton: Midir's 'Faery Song' from The Immortal Hour, Act II (1)
- Boughton: The Immortal Hour (1)
- Boyce: Peleus and Thetis (1)
- Braga: 1492 - Epopea lirica d'America (1)
- Braga: San Domenico de Guzman (1)
- Braunfels: Die Vögel (3)
- Braunfels: Prinzessin Brambilla (1)
- Braunfels: Verkuendigung (1)
- Bretan: Golem and Arald (1)
- Bretan: Horia (2)
- Bretan: Luceafarul (The Evening Star) (1)
- Bretón: La Dolores (2)
- Bretón: La verbena de la paloma (6)
- Bretón: La Verbena de la Paloma: Preludio (2)
- Britten: A Midsummer Night's Dream (7)
- Britten: Albert Herring (7)
- Britten: Billy Budd (12)
- Britten: Billy Budd (Excerpts) (2)
- Britten: Choral Dances from Gloriana, Op. 53 (15)
- Britten: Courtly Dances from Gloriana, Op. 53 (3)
- Britten: Curlew River (2)
- Britten: Death in Venice (10)
- Britten: Embroidery in childhood (from Peter Grimes) (3)
- Britten: Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from Peter Grimes, Op. 33 (14)
- Britten: Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes, Op. 33a (55)
- Britten: Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes, Op. 33a: I. Dawn (2)
- Britten: Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes, Op. 33a: II. Sunday Morning (3)
- Britten: Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes, Op. 33a: IV. The Storm (6)
- Britten: Gloriana (11)
- Britten: Gloriana (extracts) (1)
- Britten: Gloriana: 2nd Lute Song (4)
- Britten: I know a bank where the wild thyme blows (from A Midsummer Night's Dream) (3)
- Britten: Look! Through the port comes the moonshine astray (from Billy Budd) (3)
- Britten: Noye's Fludde (5)
- Britten: Owen Wingrave (3)
- Britten: Passacaglia from Peter Grimes, Op. 33b (22)
- Britten: Paul Bunyan (1)
- Britten: Peter Grimes (18)
- Britten: The Burning Fiery Furnace, Op. 77 (1)
- Britten: The Little Sweep, Op. 45 (3)
- Britten: The Prodigal Son (1)
- Britten: The Rape of Lucretia (10)
- Britten: The truth, the pity and the truth (from Peter Grimes) (1)
- Britten: The Turn of the Screw (13)
- Broschi, R: Se al labbro mio non credi (insertion aria for Hasse's Artaserse) (2)
- Broschi, R: Son qual nave (insertion aria for Hasse's Artaserse) (8)
- Bruneau: L'attaque du moulin (1)
- Bruneau: Messidor (1)
- Busoni: Arlecchino (4)
- Busoni: Die Brautwahl (1)
- Busoni: Doktor Faust (6)
- Busoni: Doktor Faust; Scenic Intermezzo (1)
- Busoni: The Duchess of Parma's aria (from Doktor Faust) (1)
- Busoni: Turandot (opera) (2)
- Byrd: My Lord of Oxenford's Masque (6)
- Caballero, M F: El dúo de la africana: Se marcha furioso ... (1)
- Caccini, F: La liberazione di Ruggerio dall'isola di Alcina (2)
- Caccini, G: Euridice (2)
- Caccini, G: Il Rapimento di Cefalo (1)
- Cage: Europeras 3 & 4 (1)
- Caldara: Sebben crudele me fai languir (7)
- Campion: Lord Hay's Masque (1)
- Campra: Idoménée - Highlights (1)
- Campra: L'Europe Galante (8)
- Campra: Le Carnaval de Venise (5)
- Campra: Tancrède (1)
- Campra: Tancrède: Act 4, Scene 1 (2)
- Campra: Tancrède: Act 5, Scene 1 (2)
- Carlson, D: Anna Karenina (1)
- Carter, E: What Next?, opera in 1 act (1)
- Casken: Golem - an opera (1)
- Catalani: Ebben? Ne andrò lontana (from La Wally) (104)
- Catalani: La Wally (9)
- Catalani: Loreley (9)
- Catalani: Loreley: Danza delle ondine (3)
- Catán: Rappaccini's Daughter (highlights) (1)
- Cavalieri: Rappresentazione di Anima e di Corpo (9)
- Cavalli: Artemisia (1)
- Cavalli: Elena (2)
- Cavalli: Ercole Amante (5)
- Cavalli: Giasone (2)
- Cavalli: Gli amori d’Apollo e di Dafne (3)
- Cavalli: La Calisto (2)
- Cavalli: La Calisto (selected arias) (2)
- Cavalli: La Didone (4)
- Cavalli: La virtù de’ strali d’Amore (1)
- Cavalli: Xerse (2)
- Cellier, Alfred: Dorothy (1)
- Cellier, Alfred: The Mountebanks (1)
- Cellier, Francois: Captain Billy (1)
- Cesti: Il pomo d'oro, amore et Imeneo (1)
- Cesti: Orontea (2)
- Cesti: Orontea (excerpts) (1)
- Chabrier: Briséïs (1)
- Chabrier: L'Étoile (9)
- Chabrier: L'Étoile (highlights) (1)
- Chabrier: Le Roi Malgré Lui (21)
- Chapí: El rey que rabio (3)
- Chapí: La bruja (3)
- Chapí: La patria chica (2)
- Chapí: La Revoltosa (6)
- Chapí: La Revoltosa: Preludio (1)
- Charpentier, G: Depuis le jour (from Louise) (69)
- Charpentier, G: Louise (4)
- Charpentier, G: Louise (excerpts) (1)
- Charpentier, M-A: Actéon (3)
- Charpentier, M-A: David et Jonathas (5)
- Charpentier, M-A: La Descente d'Orphée aux enfers (6)
- Charpentier, M-A: Les Arts Florissans (2)
- Charpentier, M-A: Les Plaisirs de Versailles (3)
- Charpentier, M-A: Médée (7)
- Charpentier, M-A: Médée: extracts (1)
- Chausson: Le Roi Arthus (King Arthur) (2)
- Cherubini: Dei tuoi figli la madre tu vedi (from Medee) (9)
- Cherubini: Elisa (1)
- Cherubini: Les Deux Journées (2)
- Cherubini: Lodoïska (1)
- Cherubini: Lodoiska (highlights) (1)
- Cherubini: Medea (14)
- Ching: A Midsummer Night's Dream (1)
- Chueca: Agua, azucarillos y aguardiente: Preludio (1)
- Chueca: El bateo: Preludio (1)
- Chueca: El chaleco blanco: Seguidillas (1)
- Chueca: La Alegria de la Huerta: Pasacalle (1)
- Cilea: Acerba volutta (from Adriana Lecouvreur) (12)
- Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur (18)
- Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur: Intermezzo, Act II (7)
- Cilea: È la solita storia 'Lamento di Federico' (from L'Arlesiana) (55)
- Cilea: Ecco: respiro appena. Io son l'umile ancella (from Adriana Lecouvreur) (22)
- Cilea: Gloria (3)
- Cilea: Io son l'umile ancella (from Adriana Lecouvreur) (37)
- Cilea: L'anima ho stanca (from Adriana Lecouvreur) (18)
- Cilea: L’Arlesiana (5)
- Cilea: La dolcissima effigie (from Adriana Lecouvreur) (20)
- Cilea: Poveri fiori (from Adriana Lecouvreur) (20)
- Cilea: So che ella dorme (from Adriana Lecouvreur) (1)
- Cilea: Una volta c'era un Principe ... Poveri fiori (from Adriana Lecouvreur) (1)
- Cimarosa: Cleopatra (3)
- Cimarosa: Gli Orazi e I Curiazi (4)
- Cimarosa: Il maestro di cappella (9)
- Cimarosa: Il maestro di cappella: excerpts (3)
- Cimarosa: Il matrimonio segreto (8)
- Cimarosa: L'Impresario in Angustie (4)
- Cimarosa: Le Astuzie Femminili (5)
- Cimarosa: Le Donne Rivali (1)
- Coccia: Caterina di Guisa (1)
- Copland: The Promise of Living (from The Tender Land) (7)
- Copland: The Tender Land (2)
- Corghi: Divara - Wasser und Blut (Water and Blood) (2)
- Cornelius: Der Barbier von Baghdad (4)
- Coward, N: Bitter-Sweet (8)
- Coward, N: I'll See you Again (7)
- Cui: Le Flibustier (1)
- Dallapiccola: Il prigioniero (The Prisoner) (4)
- Dallapiccola: Volo di notte (1)
- Dargomïzhsky: Rusalka (1)
- Dargomïzhsky: Rusalka: Aria of the Prince (1)
- Dargomïzhsky: The Stone Guest (3)
- Daugherty: Jackie O (1)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell: Eight Songs for a Mad King (2)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell: Mr Emmet Takes a Walk, Op. 207 (1)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell: Resurrection (1)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell: Taverner (1)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell: The Lighthouse (1)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell: The Martyrdom of St. Magnus (1)
- Davis, A: Amistad (1)
- Dean, B: Bliss (1)
- Debussy: L'annee en vain...Cependent les soirs (from L'enfant Prodigue) (6)
- Debussy: La chute de la maison Usher (6)
- Debussy: Pelléas et Mélisande (41)
- Debussy: Pelléas et Mélisande (excerpts) (6)
- Debussy: Pelléas et Mélisande (highlights) (1)
- Debussy: Pelléas et Mélisande: Act Two (1)
- Debussy: Pelléas et Mélisande: Mes longs cheveux (10)
- Debussy: Rodrigue et Chimène (1)
- Delibes: Lakmé (12)
- Delibes: Lakmé (highlights) (4)
- Delibes: Lakmé: arias (1)
- Delibes: Le Roi l'a dit (1)
- Delibes: Où va la jeune Indoue? 'Bell Song' (from Lakmé) (41)
- Delibes: Sous le dôme épais (from Lakmé) (73)
- Delius: A Village Romeo and Juliet (7)
- Delius: Fennimore and Gerda (6)
- Delius: Fennimore and Gerda: Intermezzo (20)
- Delius: Koanga (5)
- Delius: Koanga: Final Scene (5)
- Delius: Koanga: four excerpts (1)
- Delius: Koanga: La Calinda (28)
- Delius: The Walk to the Paradise Garden (42)
- Desmarest: Didon (1)
- Desmarest: Didon: Chaconne (troisième acte) (1)
- Desmarest: Vénus & Adonis (1)
- Desmarest: Vénus & Adonis (extracts) (1)
- Destouches, A: Callirhoé (1)
- Destouches, A: Callirhoé (excerpts) (2)
- Destouches, A: Issé (1)
- Destouches, A: Les Elémens (3)
- Dibdin: The Ephesian Matron; or, The Widow's Tears (1)
- Donizetti: A tanto amor (from La Favorita) (4)
- Donizetti: Adelia (1)
- Donizetti: Adina credimi (from L'elisir d'amore) (1)
- Donizetti: Ah! mes amis, quel jour de fête! (from La Fille du Régiment) (34)
- Donizetti: Ah! tardai troppo...O luce di quest'anima (from Linda di Chamounix) (23)
- Donizetti: Al dolce guidami castel natio (from Anna Bolena) (6)
- Donizetti: Alahor in Granada (1)
- Donizetti: Alina, regina di Golconda (1)
- Donizetti: All'afflitto è dolce il pianto (from Roberto Devereux) (1)
- Donizetti: Allegro io son (from Rita) (4)
- Donizetti: Amici miei, che allegro giorno! (from La figlia del reggimento) (4)
- Donizetti: Ancor non giunse! ... Regnava nel silenzio…Quando rapito in estasi (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (12)
- Donizetti: Anna Bolena (14)
- Donizetti: Ardon gli incensi (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (5)
- Donizetti: Belisario (4)
- Donizetti: Bella siccome un angelo (from Don Pasquale) (10)
- Donizetti: Betly, o La capanna svizzera (1)
- Donizetti: Caterina Cornaro (4)
- Donizetti: Chacun le sait (from La Fille du Regiment) (15)
- Donizetti: Che interminabile andirivieni! 'Servants' Chorus' (from Don Pasquale) (2)
- Donizetti: Cheti, cheti immantinente (from Don Pasquale) (1)
- Donizetti: Chi mi frena in tal momento? (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (5)
- Donizetti: Cielo, a miei lunghi spasimi…Coppia iniqua (from Anna Bolena) (7)
- Donizetti: Com' e bello! (from Lucrezia Borgia) (2)
- Donizetti: Com'é gentil…Tornami a dir (from Don Pasquale) (10)
- Donizetti: Come Paride vezzoso (from L'elisir d'amore) (3)
- Donizetti: Convien partir (from La figlia del reggimento) (3)
- Donizetti: Cristoforo Colombo (La scoperta dell'America) (1)
- Donizetti: Cruda, funesta smania (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (5)
- Donizetti: Deserto in terra (from Dom Sébastien, Roi de Portugal) (3)
- Donizetti: Di pescatore ignobile (from Lucrezia Borgia) (3)
- Donizetti: Don Gregorio (2)
- Donizetti: Don Pasquale (24)
- Donizetti: Don Sebastiano (2)
- Donizetti: E sara in questi orribili momenti (from Roberto Devereux) (2)
- Donizetti: E sgombro il loco...Un bacio ancora (from Anna Bolena) (2)
- Donizetti: Elvida (1)
- Donizetti: Emilia di Liverpool (3)
- Donizetti: Enrico di Borgogna (2)
- Donizetti: Fia dunque vero…O mio Fernando (from La Favorita) (14)
- Donizetti: Figlio, e spento...Era desso il figlio mio (from Lucrezia Borgia) (3)
- Donizetti: Fra poco a me ricovero...Tu che a Dio spiegasti l'ali (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (11)
- Donizetti: Francesca di Foix (1)
- Donizetti: Gabriella di Vergy (1)
- Donizetti: Gemma Di Vergy (2)
- Donizetti: I Pazzi per Progetto (2)
- Donizetti: Il Borgomastro di Saardam (3)
- Donizetti: Il campanello di notte (6)
- Donizetti: Il Castello di Kenilworth (4)
- Donizetti: Il diluvio universale (3)
- Donizetti: Il dolce suono mi colpì di sua voce! … Spargi d'amaro pianto (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (42)
- Donizetti: Il Duca d'Alba (3)
- Donizetti: Il faut partir (from La fille du régiment) (3)
- Donizetti: Il furioso all'isola di San Domingo (1)
- Donizetti: Il Paria (3)
- Donizetti: Il segreto per esser felici (from Lucrezia Borgia) (13)
- Donizetti: Imelda de’ Lambertazzi (1)
- Donizetti: Inosservato, penetrava … Angelo casto e bel (from Il Duca d'Alba) (13)
- Donizetti: L'ai-je bien entendu?… O mon Fernand (from La Favorite) (7)
- Donizetti: L'assedio di Calais (1)
- Donizetti: L'elisir d'amore (48)
- Donizetti: L'elisir d'amore (highlights) (5)
- Donizetti: L'Esule di Roma (1)
- Donizetti: L’Ange de Nisida (4)
- Donizetti: La Favorita (10)
- Donizetti: La Favorita: Ballet music (1)
- Donizetti: La Favorite (11)
- Donizetti: La Favorite (highlights) (1)
- Donizetti: La Figlia del Reggimento (5)
- Donizetti: La Fille du Régiment (13)
- Donizetti: La maîtresse du roi?...Ange si pur (from La Favorite) (10)
- Donizetti: La Zingara (5)
- Donizetti: Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali (5)
- Donizetti: Le Duc d’Albe (2)
- Donizetti: Les Martyrs (1)
- Donizetti: Linda di Chamounix (8)
- Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor (75)
- Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor (highlights) (5)
- Donizetti: Lucia, perdona se ad ora inusitata (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (5)
- Donizetti: Lucie de Lammermoor (8)
- Donizetti: Lucrezia Borgia (8)
- Donizetti: Maria de Rudenz (1)
- Donizetti: Maria di Rohan (2)
- Donizetti: Maria Stuarda (17)
- Donizetti: Maria Stuarda (highlights) (2)
- Donizetti: Marino Faliero (2)
- Donizetti: Nella pace del mesto riposo (from Maria Stuarda) (3)
- Donizetti: O mio Fernando (from La Favorita) (11)
- Donizetti: O nube! Che lieve per l'aria...Nella pace del mesto riposo (from Maria Stuarda) (4)
- Donizetti: O toi, Lisbonne (from Dom Sébastien, Roi de Portugal) (2)
- Donizetti: Olivo e Pasquale (5)
- Donizetti: Orrida e questa notte (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (2)
- Donizetti: Parisina d’este (4)
- Donizetti: Per questa fiamma indomita (from Anna Bolena) (2)
- Donizetti: Per te d'immenso giubilo (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (1)
- Donizetti: Pia de' Tolomei (4)
- Donizetti: Piangete voi? ... Al dolce guidami castel natio (from Anna Bolena) (7)
- Donizetti: Pietro il Grande (3)
- Donizetti: Pigmalione (5)
- Donizetti: Poliuto (11)
- Donizetti: Pour ce contrat fatal...Salut à la France (from La fille du régiment) (6)
- Donizetti: Pour me rapprocher de Marie (from La Fille du régiment) (4)
- Donizetti: Povero Ernesto...cercherò lontana terra (from Don Pasquale) (13)
- Donizetti: Prendi, per me sei libero (from L'Elisir d'amore) (15)
- Donizetti: Quando rapito in estasi (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (4)
- Donizetti: Quanto amore (from L'elisir d'amore) (5)
- Donizetti: Quanto è bella, quanto è cara! (from L'Elisir d'amore) (13)
- Donizetti: Quel guardo il cavaliere (from Don Pasquale) (28)
- Donizetti: Qui di sposa eterna...Ah! Verrano a te sull'aure (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (2)
- Donizetti: Rataplan (from La Fille du Régiment) (1)
- Donizetti: Regnava nel silenzio...Quando rapito in estasi (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (23)
- Donizetti: Rita (6)
- Donizetti: Roberto Devereux (11)
- Donizetti: Rosmonda d'lnghilterra (6)
- Donizetti: Rosmonda D'lnghilterra (highlights) (1)
- Donizetti: Si, vuol di Francia il Rege...Ah! Quando all'ara scorgemi...Ah! Dal ciel discenda un raggio (from Maria Stuarda) (3)
- Donizetti: So anch'io la virtu magica (from Don Pasquale) (2)
- Donizetti: Sogno soave e casto (from Don Pasquale) (5)
- Donizetti: Spargi d'amaro pianto (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (5)
- Donizetti: Spirto gentil ne' sogni miei (from La Favorita) (21)
- Donizetti: Sulla tomba che rinserra (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (4)
- Donizetti: Sur la tombe de mon père (Lucie de Lammermoor) (2)
- Donizetti: Tombe degl'avi miei … Fra poco a me ricovero...Tu che a Dio spiegasti l'ali (from Lucia di Lammermoor) (32)
- Donizetti: Tombes de mes aïeux (from Lucie de Lammermoor) (1)
- Donizetti: Tornami a dir (from Don Pasquale) (2)
- Donizetti: Tranquillo ei posa...Com'e bello (from Lucrezia Borgia) (5)
- Donizetti: Udite, udite, o rustici (from L'elisir d'amore) (8)
- Donizetti: Ugo Conte di Parigi (3)
- Donizetti: Un ange, une femme inconnue (from La Favorite) (6)
- Donizetti: Una furtiva lagrima (from L'elisir d'amore) (190)
- Donizetti: Una parola…Chiedi all'aura (from L'elisir d'amore) (5)
- Donizetti: Una vergine, un'angel di Dio (from La Favorita) (6)
- Donizetti: Venti scudi (from L'elisir d'amore) (7)
- Donizetti: Vieni, amor...Leonora! A' piedi tuoi (from La Favorita) (4)
- Donizetti: Vieni, la mia vendetta (from Lucrezia Borgia) (3)
- Donizetti: Vivi ingrato (from Roberto Devereux) (5)
- Dostal: Clivia (6)
- Dostal: Die ungarische Hochzeit (2)
- Dostal: Monika (1)
- Dove: Flight (1)
- Dove: The Adventures of Pinocchio (4)
- Dukas: Ariane et Barbe-Bleue (6)
- Dunhill: Tantivy Towers (2)
- Dusapin: Medeamaterial (1)
- Dusapin: Perelà - Uoma di fumo (Man of Smoke) (1)
- Dvořák: Alfred (1)
- Dvořák: Armida (1)
- Dvořák: Beda! Beda!...Celý svet nedá ti (from Rusalka) (2)
- Dvořák: Čert a Káča (4)
- Dvořák: Čert a Káča: orchestral excerpts (1)
- Dvořák: Dimitrij (1)
- Dvořák: Jakobín (4)
- Dvořák: Mesícku na nebi hlubokém 'Song to the Moon' (from Rusalka) (94)
- Dvořák: Prince's aria (from Selma sedláck) (1)
- Dvořák: Rusalka, Op. 114 (24)
- Dvořák: Rusalka, Op. 114 (highlights) (3)
- Dvořák: Saint Ludmila (4)
- Dvořák: Selma sedláck (The Cunning Peasant) (1)
- Dvořák: The King and the Charcoal Burner (Král a Uhlír) (1)
- Dvořák: Tvrdé palice (The Stubborn Lovers) (1)
- Dvořák: Vanda, Op. 25 (1)
- Eccles, J: Semele (1)
- Eccles, J: The Judgment of Paris (1)
- Eccles, J: The Judgment of Paris: excerpts (2)
- Egk: Die Verlobung in San Domingo (1)
- Egk: Peer Gynt (1)
- Einem: Dantons Tod (3)
- Einem: Der Besuch der alten Dame (The Visit) (1)
- Einem: Der Prozess, Op. 14 (2)
- Ellstein: The Golem, Act II - Finale (1)
- Enescu: Oedipe (4)
- Eötvös: Love and Other Demons (1)
- Erkel: Bánk Bán (5)
- Erkel: Bánk Bán: highlights (1)
- Erkel: Hunyadi László (4)
- Erkel: Hunyadi László: highlights (1)
- Facco: Recitativo y Aria 'Morir más es vivir' (1)
- Fall, L: Brüderlein Fein (1)
- Fall, L: Der fidele Bauer (1)
- Fall, L: Die Dollarprinzessin (The Dollar Princess) (5)
- Fall, L: Madame Pompadour (4)
- Falla: El retablo de Maese Pedro (12)
- Falla: La vida breve (13)
- Falla: La vida breve: Interlude & Dance (13)
- Falla: Vivan los que rien! (from La vida breve) (5)
- Fauré: Penelope (5)
- Feldman, M: Neither (2)
- Ferneyhough: Shadowtime (1)
- Fibich: Boure (The Tempest), Op. 46 (3)
- Fibich: Hedy: Ballet Music (1)
- Fibich: Sárka (2)
- Fibich: The Bride of Messina, Op. 18 (1)
- Fibich: The Bride of Messina, Op. 18, Act III: Funeral March (1)
- Fioravanti: Le cantatrici villane (1)
- Flagello: I now know what I did not know before, 'Ruth's Aria' from Beyond the Horizon, Op. 76 (1)
- Flotow: Ach, so fromm (from Martha) (19)
- Flotow: Alessandro Stradella (1)
- Flotow: M'appari (from Martha) (51)
- Flotow: Martha (5)
- Flotow: The Last Rose of Summer (Martha) (7)
- Floyd, C: Susannah (3)
- Floyd, C: Wuthering Heights (1)
- Foerster, J: Eva (1)
- Foroni: Cristina Regina di Svezia (1)
- Fortner: Bluthochzeit (Blood Wedding) (4)
- Foss: Griffelkin (1)
- Foss: Introductions and Good-byes (2)
- Foss: The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County - an After-Dinner Opera (1)
- Franchetti: Germania (16)
- Franck, C: Ghiselle: excerpts (1)
- Fraser-Simson: The Maid of the Mountains (5)
- Frid, Grigory: Letters of Van Gogh: a Mono-Opera (1)
- Friml: Highlights from Rose Marie (1)
- Friml: Highlights from The Vagabond King (1)
- Friml: Indian Love Call (from Rose Marie) (3)
- Friml: Only A Rose (from The Vagabond King) (1)
- Friml: Rose Marie (Harbach & Hammerstein) (12)
- Friml: Some Day (from The Vagabond King) (1)
- Friml: The Donkey Serenade (from The Firefly) (3)
- Friml: The Firefly (3)
- Friml: The Vagabond King (3)
- Galuppi: Il filosofo di campagna (3)
- Galuppi: L’Inimico delle Donne (1)
- Gay: The Beggar's Opera (7)
- Gay: The Beggar's Opera: Original songs & airs (1)
- Gazzaniga: Don Giovanni (3)
- Generali: Adelina (1)
- German: Tom Jones (2)
- German: Tom Jones, Act III: For Tonight (Sophia's Waltz-Song) (5)
- Gershwin: A woman is a sometime thing (from Porgy and Bess) (11)
- Gershwin: Bess, you is my woman now (from Porgy and Bess) (40)
- Gershwin: Blue Monday (1)
- Gershwin: I loves you Porgy (from Porgy and Bess) (14)
- Gershwin: It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess) (68)
- Gershwin: My man's gone now (from Porgy and Bess) (38)
- Gershwin: Oh, I got plenty o'nuttin (Porgy and Bess) (10)
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess (17)
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess - Suite (36)
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess (highlights) (23)
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess (medley) (9)
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess Fantasy (13)
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess Suite (Catfish Row) (22)
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: A Symphonic Picture (14)
- Gershwin: Summertime (from Porgy and Bess) (198)
- Gershwin: There's a boat dat's leavin' soon for New York (from Porgy and Bess) (8)
- Gianettini: Medea in Atene (excerpts from the opera) (1)
- Giménez: La boda de Luis Alonso: Intermedio (12)
- Giménez: La tempránica: Zapateado 'La tarántula é un bicho mú malo' (4)
- Ginastera: Bomarzo, Op. 34 (1)
- Ginastera: Bomarzo, Op. 34: Opera Suite (2)
- Ginastera: Don Rodrigo, Op. 31 (1)
- Giordano, U: Amor ti vieta (from Fedora) (74)
- Giordano, U: Andrea Chénier (42)
- Giordano, U: Andrea Chénier (highlights) (2)
- Giordano, U: Arias from "Andrea Chénier" (1)
- Giordano, U: Come un bel dì di maggio (from Andrea Chénier) (62)
- Giordano, U: Fedora (8)
- Giordano, U: Fedora (excerpts) (1)
- Giordano, U: Fedora: Intermezzo, Act 2 (11)
- Giordano, U: Il Re (2)
- Giordano, U: La Cena delle Beffe (2)
- Giordano, U: La mamma morta (from Andrea Chénier) (64)
- Giordano, U: Mese mariano (1)
- Giordano, U: Nemico della patria (from Andrea Chénier) (25)
- Giordano, U: Si, fui soldato (from Andrea Chénier) (11)
- Giordano, U: Siberia (6)
- Giordano, U: Un dì, all' azzurro spazio (from Andrea Chénier) (47)
- Giordano, U: Vicino a te (from Andrea Chénier) (10)
- Glanville-Hicks: The Transposed Heads (1)
- Glass, P: A Madrigal Opera (1)
- Glass, P: Akhnaten (3)
- Glass, P: Akhnaten (excerpts) (1)
- Glass, P: Einstein on the Beach (4)
- Glass, P: Einstein on the Beach (Highlights) (1)
- Glass, P: Evening Song (from Satyagraha) (7)
- Glass, P: Hymn To The Sun (from Akhnaten) (7)
- Glass, P: Kepler (2)
- Glass, P: La Belle Et La Bête (The Beauty and the Beast) (2)
- Glass, P: Monsters of Grace (2)
- Glass, P: Satyagraha (3)
- Glass, P: Satyagraha, Act III - King: Part 3 (2)
- Glass, P: Satyagraha: Finale (5)
- Glass, P: The Fall Of The House Of Usher (1)
- Glass, P: The Photographer (4)
- Glass, P: The Photographer: Act II (1)
- Glass, P: The Voyage (1)
- Glinka: A Life for the Tsar (6)
- Glinka: Chuyut pravdu...Ti vzoyidyosh (from A Life for the Tsar) (1)
- Glinka: Excerpt from Introduction Act I from Ruslan I Lyudmila (1)
- Glinka: Ivan Susanin (A Life for the Tsar) (7)
- Glinka: Ivan Susanin (A Life for the Tsar): highlights (3)
- Glinka: Ruslan and Lyudmila (4)
- Glinka: Ruslan and Lyudmila: excerpts (1)
- Glinka: Vanya's Aria (from Ivan Susanin/A Life for the Tsar) (1)
- Gluck: Alceste (17)
- Gluck: Alceste (highlights) (1)
- Gluck: Armide (2)
- Gluck: Che faro' senza Euridice? (from Orfeo ed Euridice) (59)
- Gluck: Che fiero momento (from Orfeo et Euridice) (6)
- Gluck: Che puro ciel (Orfeo ed Euridice) (13)
- Gluck: Divinités du Styx (from Alceste) (22)
- Gluck: Ezio (4)
- Gluck: Gli sguardi trattieni (from Orfeo ed Euridice) (1)
- Gluck: Il Trionfo di Clelia (1)
- Gluck: Iphigénie en Aulide (9)
- Gluck: Iphigénie en Aulide (highlights) (1)
- Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (21)
- Gluck: J'ai perdu mon Eurydice (from Orphée et Eurydice) (37)
- Gluck: L'Ivrogne corrigé (1)
- Gluck: Le Cinesi (2)
- Gluck: Le Cinesi: Menuet from 'The Judgement of Paris' (1)
- Gluck: Les Pèlerins de la Mecque (2)
- Gluck: O del mio dolce ardor (from Paride ed Elena) (36)
- Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice (43)
- Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice (highlights) (3)
- Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice: Mélodie (32)
- Gluck: Orphée et Euridice: Dance of the Blessed Spirits (136)
- Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice (19)
- Gluck: Paride ed Elena (4)
- Gluck: Soumis au silence (from Orphée et Eurydice) (1)
- Gnattali: Suite Antiga: Aria (1)
- Godard, B: Berceuse from Jocelyn (39)
- Godard, B: Jocelyn (30)
- Goehr: Arianna (1)
- Goehr: Behold the Sun (1)
- Goetz: Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung (4)
- Goetze, W: Liebe im Dreiklang (highlights) (1)
- Goldmark: Die Königen von Saba (2)
- Golijov: Ainadamar (1)
- Gossec: Le Triomphe de la République (2)
- Gossec: Sabinus - ballet suite (2)
- Gossec: Thésée (1)
- Gotovac: Ero s Onoga Svijeta (1)
- Gounod: Ah! Je ris de me voir (from Faust) (36)
- Gounod: Ah! Je veux vivre dans ce rêve (from Roméo et Juliette) (69)
- Gounod: Avant de quitter ces lieux (from Faust) (23)
- Gounod: Cinq-Mars (1)
- Gounod: Depuis hier je cherche en vain mon maître...Que fais-tu, blanche tourterelle (from Roméo et Juliette) (5)
- Gounod: Faites- lui mes aveux (from Faust) (6)
- Gounod: Faust (38)
- Gounod: Faust - Ballet Music (48)
- Gounod: Faust - Waltz, Act II (15)
- Gounod: Faust (highlights) (5)
- Gounod: Faust: Gloire immortelle de nos aïeux (12)
- Gounod: L'amour, l'amour... Ah, lève-toi soleil (from Roméo et Juliette) (38)
- Gounod: La Colombe (1)
- Gounod: La nonne sanglante (The Bloody Nun) (3)
- Gounod: La Reine de Saba (1)
- Gounod: Le Médecin Malgré Lui (1)
- Gounod: Le tribut de Zamora (1)
- Gounod: Le veau d'or est toujours debout (from Faust) (15)
- Gounod: Margarethe (highlights) (1)
- Gounod: Mireille (5)
- Gounod: Mireille - arias (1)
- Gounod: Mireille (abridged) (1)
- Gounod: Ô ma lyre immortelle (from Sapho) (18)
- Gounod: Polyeucte (2)
- Gounod: Quel trouble inconnu me pénètre… Salut! Demeure chaste et pure (from Faust) (51)
- Gounod: Roméo et Juliette (24)
- Gounod: Roméo et Juliette (highlights) (5)
- Gounod: Salut! Demeure chaste et pure (from Faust) (14)
- Gounod: Vous qui faîtes l'endormie (from Faust) (19)
- Granados: Goyescas (opera) (3)
- Granados: Goyescas: Intermezzo (76)
- Granados: María del Carmen (3)
- Graun, C H: Montezuma (3)
- Graun, C H: Montezuma (excerpts) (2)
- Gretry: Andromaque (3)
- Gretry: Ballet music from operas (1)
- Gretry: Guillaume Tell (1)
- Gretry: L'Épreuve Villageoise (2)
- Gretry: La Caravane du Caire (3)
- Gretry: Zémire et Azor (1)
- Grieg: Olav Trygvason Op. 50 (9)
- Grossmith: Cups and Saucers (1)
- Guridi Bidaola: El Caserío – Zarzuela in Three Acts (1)
- Guridi Bidaola: El caserío: Preludio II acto (1)
- Haas, P: Sarlatan (1)
- Hadley, H: Cleopatra’s Night, Op. 90 (1)
- Hahn, R: Ciboulette (2)
- Halévy: La Juive (6)
- Halévy: La Juive (highlights) (1)
- Halévy: La Reine de Chypre (1)
- Halévy: Rachel, quand du Seigneur (from La Juive) (33)
- Halévy: Si la rigeur (from La Juive) (5)
- Hallén: Harald der Wiking: excerpt from Act III) (1)
- Handel: Acis and Galatea (27)
- Handel: Acis and Galatea: highlights (2)
- Handel: Admeto, Re di Tessaglia HWV22 (8)
- Handel: Agrippina (10)
- Handel: Agrippina (Highlights) (1)
- Handel: Ah! mio cor! (from Alcina) (15)
- Handel: Alcina (15)
- Handel: Alcina (highlights) (3)
- Handel: Alcina: Act 3 Sinfonia (7)
- Handel: Alessandro Severo HWVA13 (2)
- Handel: Alessandro, HWV21 (5)
- Handel: Almira (4)
- Handel: Amadigi di Gaula (2)
- Handel: Ariodante (13)
- Handel: Ariodante (Ariodante): Sinfonia to Act 2; Recit + Scherza infida (2)
- Handel: Armida abbandonata (2)
- Handel: Armida abbandonata (highlights) (1)
- Handel: Arminio (5)
- Handel: Atalanta, HWV35 (2)
- Handel: Berenice, regina d'Egitto, HWV 38 (1)
- Handel: Cara speme (from Giulio Cesare) (8)
- Handel: Cara sposa (from Rinaldo) (28)
- Handel: Care selve (from Atalanta) (21)
- Handel: Da tempeste il legno infranto (from Giulio Cesare) (28)
- Handel: Deidamia (4)
- Handel: Desterò dall'empia dite (from Amadigi di Gaula) (14)
- Handel: Dopo notte (from Ariodante) (20)
- Handel: Dove sei, amato bene? (from Rodelinda) (20)
- Handel: Ezio, HWV29 (1)
- Handel: Faramondo (3)
- Handel: Fernando, rè di Castiglia (1)
- Handel: Flavio (2)
- Handel: Floridante (3)
- Handel: Frondi tenere e belle ... Ombra mai fù (from Serse) (39)
- Handel: Giove in Argo (2)
- Handel: Giulio Cesare in Egitto (21)
- Handel: Giulio Cesare in Egitto (highlights) (5)
- Handel: Giustino, HWV 35 (1)
- Handel: Hence, Iris, hence away (from Semele) (11)
- Handel: Il pastor fido, HWV8a (1)
- Handel: Il trionfo del Tempo: Io sperai (1)
- Handel: Imeneo (3)
- Handel: Io t'abbraccio (from Rodelinda) (10)
- Handel: Jephtha: Waft her, angels, through the skies (12)
- Handel: Judas Maccabaeus: See, the conqu'ring hero comes! (28)
- Handel: Judas Maccabaeus: Thine be the glory (12)
- Handel: L'angue offeso (from Giulio Cesare) (10)
- Handel: Lascia ch'io pianga (from Rinaldo) (144)
- Handel: Lotario (highlights) (1)
- Handel: Lotario, HWV 26 (3)
- Handel: Lucio Cornelio Silla, HWV10 (2)
- Handel: March (Scipione, Act I) (9)
- Handel: Mi lusinga il dolce affetto (from Alcina) (11)
- Handel: O, Sleep Why Dost Thou Leave Me? (from Semele) (15)
- Handel: Ombra mai fu (from Serse) (175)
- Handel: Ombre piante, urne funeste (from Rodelinda) (11)
- Handel: Oreste (2)
- Handel: Orlando (6)
- Handel: Ottone, Re di Germania (3)
- Handel: Parnasso in Festa, HWV73 (2)
- Handel: Partenope, HWV 27 (3)
- Handel: Pena tiranna (from Amadigi) (13)
- Handel: Pensieri, voi mi tormentate! (from Agrippina) (10)
- Handel: Piangerò la sorte mia (from Giulio Cesare) (32)
- Handel: Poro, re dell'Indie, HWV28 (2)
- Handel: Radamisto (3)
- Handel: Radamisto (Highlights) (1)
- Handel: Recitativo: Ah, no! Dove trascorri - Aria: Cerco in vano di placare (from Tamerlano) (1)
- Handel: Recitativo: Il Tartaro ama Asteria - Aria: Bella Asteria, il tuo cor mi difenda (from Tamerlano) (1)
- Handel: Recitativo: Non m'accusate o cari - Aria: Fra le stragi e fra le morti (from Alessandro) (1)
- Handel: Recitativo: Passo di duolo - Aria: Fatto è Amor und Dio d'inferno (1)
- Handel: Recitativo: Pur ti raggiungo - Aria: Men fedele, men costante (from Alessandro) (1)
- Handel: Recitativo: Vinse al fin la Beltà - Aria: Risolvo abbandonar (from Alessandro) (1)
- Handel: Riccardo Primo, Re d'Inghilterra HWV23 (3)
- Handel: Rinaldo (19)
- Handel: Rinaldo (Highlights) (1)
- Handel: Rodelinda (12)
- Handel: Rodelinda: selected arias (3)
- Handel: Rodrigo (5)
- Handel: Samson: Let the bright seraphim (69)
- Handel: Scherza, infida (from Ariodante) (29)
- Handel: Scipione (1)
- Handel: Se pietà di me non senti (from Giulio Cesare) (15)
- Handel: Selected arias (2)
- Handel: Serse (15)
- Handel: Siroe, King of Persia, HWV24 (1)
- Handel: Son nata a lagrimar (from Giulio Cesare) (8)
- Handel: Sosarme (5)
- Handel: Sta nell'Ircana pietrosa tana (from Alcina) (16)
- Handel: Svegliatevi nel core (from Giulio Cesare) (11)
- Handel: Tamerlano (15)
- Handel: Teseo (5)
- Handel: Tolomeo, Re di Egitto HWV25 (1)
- Handel: V' adoro, pupille (from Giulio Cesare) (25)
- Handel: Va tacito e nascosto (from Giulio Cesare) (20)
- Handel: Venti turbini (Rinaldo) (20)
- Handel: Verdi prati (from Alcina) (24)
- Handel: Xerxes, HWV 40: Largo (65)
- Hanson, H: Merry Mount, Op. 31 (2)
- Hartke: The Greater Good (1)
- Hasse, J A: Artaserse (5)
- Hasse, J A: Cleofide (2)
- Hasse, J A: Piramo e Tisbe (1)
- Haydn: Acide e Galatea - Festa Teatrale (opera fragment, Hob.XXVIII:1) (2)
- Haydn: Armida (3)
- Haydn: Chi spira e non spera (from Orfeo ed Euridice) (1)
- Haydn: D'una sposa meschinella, Hob.XXIVb:2 (3)
- Haydn: Il mondo della luna (4)
- Haydn: L'anima del filosofo, ossia Orfeo ed Euridice (5)
- Haydn: L'incontro improvviso (2)
- Haydn: L'infedeltà delusa (3)
- Haydn: L'isola disabitata (7)
- Haydn: La fedeltà premiata (3)
- Haydn: La vera constanza (2)
- Haydn: La Vera Costanza (highlights) (1)
- Haydn: Le pescatrici, Hob.XXVIII:4 (2)
- Haydn: Lo Speziale, Hob. 28/3 (2)
- Haydn: Numi possenti aita!...Dov'è l'amato bene?...Del mio core (from L'anima del filosofo, ossia Orfeo ed Euridice) (4)
- Haydn: Orlando Paladino (3)
- Haydn: Philemon and Baucis (2)
- Haydn: Sono Alcina, e sono ancora, Hob.XXIVb:9 (insertion aria for Gazzaniga's 'L'Isola di Alcina') (4)
- Hayes, P: Soon arrives thy fatal hour (from Telemachus ) (1)
- Heggie: Dead Man Walking (2)
- Henze, H: Boulevard Solitude (1)
- Henze, H: Der Junge Lord (1)
- Henze, H: Der Prinz von Homberg (2)
- Herbert, V: Babes in Toyland (26)
- Herbert, V: Dream City (1)
- Herbert, V: Eileen (6)
- Herbert, V: Natoma (4)
- Herbert, V: Naughty Marietta (11)
- Herbert, V: Sweethearts (5)
- Herbert, V: The Fortune-Teller (6)
- Herbert, V: The Magic Knight (1)
- Herbert, V: The March of the Toys from Babes in Toyland (14)
- Herbert, V: The Princess Pat (2)
- Herbert, V: The Serenade (1)
- Hernández, Rafael: Cofresi - Two Arias (1)
- Hérold: Le Pré Aux Clercs (2)
- Herrmann, B: Wuthering Heights (1)
- Hervé: Mam’zelle Nitouche (1)
- Heuberger: Der Opernball (The Opera Ball) (2)
- Heuberger: Gehen wir ins Chambre séparée (from Der Opernball) (22)
- Hindemith: Cardillac (3)
- Hindemith: Das Nusch-Nuschi, Op. 20 (4)
- Hindemith: Die Harmonie der Welt (7)
- Hindemith: Hin und Zurück (There and Back), Op. 45A (1)
- Hindemith: Mathis der Maler (7)
- Hindemith: Neues vom Tage (1)
- Hindemith: Sancta Susanna (2)
- Hindemith: The Long Christmas Dinner (Das lange Weihnachtsmahl) (2)
- Hindemith: Wir bauen eine Stadt (3)
- Hita: La Briseida: arias (1)
- Hoiby: Summer and Smoke (1)
- Höller, Y: Der Meister und Margarita (1)
- Holliger: Schneewittchen (2)
- Holst: At the Boar’s Head – A musical interlude in one act, Op. 42 (3)
- Holst: Savitri (7)
- Holst: The Wandering Scholar, Op. 50 (5)
- Holzbauer: Gunther von Schwarzburg (2)
- Honegger: Les Aventures du Roi Pausole (1)
- Horneman, C F E: Ballet Music from Act 3 of the opera Aladdin (1)
- Humperdinck: Hänsel & Gretel (34)
- Humperdinck: Hänsel & Gretel: Abendsegen 'Abends will ich schlafen gehn' (58)
- Humperdinck: Hänsel & Gretel: Ra-la-la-la (1)
- Humperdinck: Hänsel und Gretel - highlights (2)
- Humperdinck: Königskinder (6)
- Hvoslef: Barabbas – Opera Without Singers (1)
- Hwang: The Floating Box, a Story in Chinatown (1)
- Indy: Fervaal, Op. 40 (4)
- Isouard: Cendrillon (1)
- Jacquet de la Guerre: Cephale et Procris (3)
- Janáček: From the House of the Dead (8)
- Janáček: Is It a Fairy-tale Or Is It All True? (from The Cunning Little Vixen) (1)
- Janáček: Jenufa (20)
- Janáček: Káta Kabanová (7)
- Janáček: Osud (Fate) (2)
- Janáček: Šárka (1)
- Janáček: The Cunning Little Vixen (18)
- Janáček: The Excursions of Mr Broucek (4)
- Janáček: The Makropulos Case (8)
- Jennefelt: Four Opera Choruses (1)
- Jessel: Schwarzwaldmadel (2)
- Jessel: Schwarzwaldmadel: highlights (1)
- Jommelli: Armida Abbandonata (3)
- Joplin: Treemonisha (4)
- Kalman: Auch ich war einst ein feiner Csárdákavalier … Komm, Zigan (from Gräfin Mariza) (3)
- Kalman: Braunes Mädel von der Puszta (from Gräfin Mariza) (1)
- Kalman: Carambolina (from Das Veilchen von Montmartre) (1)
- Kalman: Das Veilchen vom Montmartre (3)
- Kalman: Der Zigeunerprimas (3)
- Kalman: Die Bajadere (1)
- Kalman: Die Csárdásfürstin (6)
- Kalman: Die Csárdásfürstin: Overture (1)
- Kalman: Die Zirkusprinzessin (1)
- Kalman: Du bist die Frau (from Kaiserin Josephine) (1)
- Kalman: Ganz ohne Weiber geht die Chose nicht (from Die Csárdásfürstin) (1)
- Kalman: Gräfin Mariza (6)
- Kalman: Gräfin Mariza (highlights) (1)
- Kalman: Grüß mir mein Wien (from Gräfin Mariza) (5)
- Kalman: Heavens, what's happ'ning to me? from Countess Maritza (1)
- Kalman: Heia, in den Bergen from Die Csárdásfürstin (6)
- Kalman: Heut' Nacht hab' ich geträumt von Dir (from Das Veilchen von Montmartre) (1)
- Kalman: Holdes berauschendes Bild (from Kaiserin Josephine) (1)
- Kalman: Höre ich Zigeunergeigen (from Gräfin Mariza) (6)
- Kalman: Ja, Mamam Bruderherz (from Die Csardasfürstin) (1)
- Kalman: Kaiserin Josephine (1)
- Kalman: Komm mit nach Varasdin (from Gräfin Mariza) (2)
- Kalman: Komm, Zigány! [Countess Mariza] (6)
- Kalman: Let me dance and let me sing from Die Csárdásfürstin (1)
- Kalman: Love's Own Sweet Song (from Der Zigeunerprimas) (1)
- Kalman: Mein Traum, mein Traum (from Kaiserin Josephine) (2)
- Kalman: Sag ja, mein Lieb, sag ja (from Gräfin Mariza) (1)
- Kalman: Schön ist der Tag (from Kaiserin Josephine) (1)
- Kalman: Schöne Marquise (from Kaiserin Josephine) (1)
- Kalman: So verliebt kann nur ein Ungar sein (1)
- Kalman: Tanzen Möcht' ich (from Die Csárdásfürstin) (8)
- Kalman: Was weiss ein nie geküsster Rosenmund (1)
- Kalman: Wenn es Abendd … Grüß mir mein Wien (from Gräfin Mariza) (3)
- Kalman: Wieder hinaus ins strahlende Licht (from Die Zirkusprinzessin) (2)
- Kalman: Zsuzsi Kisasszony (1)
- Kalman: Zwei Märchenaugen (from Die Zirkusprinzessin) (7)
- Kats-Chernin: Eliza's Aria (12)
- Kattnigg: Balkanliebe (5)
- Kattnigg: Leise erklingen Glocken vom Campanile (from Balkanliebe) (2)
- Keiser: Croesus (1)
- Keiser: Fredegunda (1)
- Kerry: Medea (Chamber Opera) (1)
- Khrennikov: Russian Dance from the opera 'Frol Skobejev' (1)
- Kienzl: Der Evangelimann (9)
- Kienzl: Der Kuhreigen (7)
- Knaifel: The Canterville Ghost (1)
- Knussen: Higglety Pigglety Pop (1)
- Knussen: Where the Wild Things Are (2)
- Kodály: Háry János, Op. 15 (7)
- Kodály: Háry János: Intermezzo (8)
- Kokkonen: Interludes from the opera The Last Temptations (Text: Arvi Kivimaa) (1)
- Kollo, Walter: Ein Märchenglück, ein Sommertraum (from Drei alte Schachteln) (1)
- Korngold: Das Wunder der Heliane, Op. 20 (12)
- Korngold: Die Kathrin (2)
- Korngold: Die Tote Stadt, Op. 12 (12)
- Korngold: Glück, das mir verbleib 'Marietta's Lied' (from Die Tote Stadt) (37)
- Korngold: Laura’s Diary Scene from the opera Der Ring des Polykrates (2)
- Korngold: Mein Sehnen (from Die tote Stadt) (7)
- Korngold: Serenade from Der Schneemann (10)
- Korngold: Tanzlied des Pierrot from Die tote Stadt, Op. 12 (15)
- Korngold: Violanta, Op. 8 (9)
- Krasa: Brundibar (5)
- Krenek: Der Diktator (1)
- Krenek: Jonny Spielt Auf (1)
- Krenek: Orpheus und Eurydike (1)
- Krenek: Schwergewicht oder Die Ehre Der Nation (1)
- Krenek: What Price Confidence, Chamber Opera in nine scenes, Op.111 (2)
- Kreutzer, K: Das Nachtlager in Granada: highlights (1)
- Kreutzer, R: La Mort d'Abel (1)
- Künneke, Eduard: Der Vetter aus Dingsda (9)
- Kutavicius: Lokys - The Bear - Opera in Two Acts (1)
- Lachenmann: Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern (1)
- Lachner, F: Catharina Cornaro (1)
- Laitman: The Scarlet Letter (2)
- Lalo: Le roi d'Ys (4)
- Lalo: Vainement, ma bien-aimée (from Le roi d’Ys) (13)
- Lampe, J F: Pyramus And Thisbe (1)
- Landi, S: Il Sant'Alessio (5)
- Landi, S: La Morte d'Orfeo (5)
- Langgaard, R: Antikrist (6)
- Launis: Aslak Hetta (1)
- Leclair, J-M: Scylla et Glaucus (4)
- Leclair, J-M: Scylla et Glaucus Acte V, Scenes 2 & 3 (3)
- Lecocq: La Fille de Madame Angot (4)
- Lecocq: La Fille de Madame Angot : ballet music (1)
- Lehár: A heart as pure as gold (from Friederike) (1)
- Lehár: Ballettszene (from Zigeunerfest) (1)
- Lehár: Comrades, this life is the life for me! from Giuditta (1)
- Lehár: Dance while you may from The Land of Smiles (1)
- Lehár: Das Fürstenkind (The Prince’s Child) (1)
- Lehár: Das Land des Lächelns (10)
- Lehár: Das Land des Lächelns: Dans l'ombre blanche (1)
- Lehár: Das Land des Lächelns: Dein ist mein ganzes Herz (40)
- Lehár: Das Land des Lächelns: Ich möcht wieder einmal die Heimat sehn (3)
- Lehár: Das Land des Lächelns: Immer nur lächeln (2)
- Lehár: Das Land des Lachelns: Overture (2)
- Lehár: Das Land des Lächelns: Von Apfelbluthen einen Kranz (1)
- Lehár: Das Land des Lächelns: Wer hat die Liebe uns ins Herz gesenkt (7)
- Lehár: Der Göttergatte (1)
- Lehár: Der Graf von Luxemburg (9)
- Lehár: Der Graf von Luxemburg (highlights) (4)
- Lehár: Der Graf von Luxemburg: Bist du's lachendes Gluck? (1)
- Lehár: Der Graf von Luxemburg: Mein Ahnherr war der Luxemburg (1)
- Lehár: Der Graf von Luxemburg: Waltz (2)
- Lehár: Der Rastelbinder (The Apprentice Tinker) (1)
- Lehár: Der Rastelbinder: Wenn zwei sich lieben (1)
- Lehár: Der Sterngucker (The Stargazer) (1)
- Lehár: Der Zarewitsch (5)
- Lehár: Der Zarewitsch (highlights) (1)
- Lehár: Der Zarewitsch: Einer wird kommen (8)
- Lehár: Der Zarewitsch: Es steht ein Soldat am Wolgastrand (7)
- Lehár: Der Zarewitsch: Kosende Wellen (1)
- Lehár: Der Zarewitsch: Volga-Song - Allein, wieder allein (5)
- Lehár: Der Zarewitsch: Warum hat jeder Frühling, ach, nur einen Mai (3)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe (27)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe (highlights) (5)
- Lehár: Die lustige Witwe: Ballsirenen (5)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe: Bitte meine Herren (3)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe: Da geh' ich zu Maxim (9)
- Lehár: Die lustige Witwe: Dance, 'Ah, ah!' (1)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe: Gar oft hab' ich gehört (1)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe: Hab' in Paris mich noch nicht (1)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe: Heia, Madel, aufgeschauf (1)
- Lehár: Die lustige Witwe: Ja, wir sind es, die Grisetten (1)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe: Lippen schweigen (32)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe: O Vaterland (1)
- Lehár: Die lustige Witwe: Viljalied (60)
- Lehár: Die Lustige Witwe: Waltz (3)
- Lehár: Die lustige Witwe: Weiber-Marsch (1)
- Lehár: Eva: Wär es auch nichts als ein Traum vom Glück (1)
- Lehár: Eva: Zwanzinette (1)
- Lehár: Frasquita (2)
- Lehár: Frasquita (highlights) (1)
- Lehár: Frasquita: Fragst mich, was Liebe ist? (1)
- Lehár: Frasquita: Hab' ein blaues Himmelbett (5)
- Lehár: Frauenherz (1)
- Lehár: Frédérique (highlights) (1)
- Lehár: Friederike (2)
- Lehár: Friederike: Die Mädels sind nur zum Küssen da (1)
- Lehár: Friederike: O Mädchen, mein Mädchen (2)
- Lehár: Friederike: Warum hast du mich wachgeküßt? (2)
- Lehár: Giuditta (5)
- Lehár: Giuditta (highlights) (1)
- Lehár: Giuditta: Du bist meine Sonne (2)
- Lehár: Giuditta: Freunde, das Leben ist lebenswert (10)
- Lehár: Giuditta: Ich weiss es selber nicht (1)
- Lehár: Giuditta: In einem Meer von Liebe (1)
- Lehár: Giuditta: Meine Lippen sie Kussen so heiss (22)
- Lehár: Giuditta: Walzer (1)
- Lehár: Heure Exquise (from La Veuve Joyeuse) (2)
- Lehár: Ich danke...Soll ich? Soll ich nicht? (from Der Graf von Luxemburg) (1)
- Lehár: Ich trete ins Zimmer … Immer nur lächeln (from Das Land des Lächelns) (4)
- Lehár: Le Comte de Luxembourg (highlights) (1)
- Lehár: Le Tsarévitch (highlights) (1)
- Lehár: Love never comes too late (from Paganini) (1)
- Lehár: Love, love for ever (from Paganini) (1)
- Lehár: Love! What has given you this magic pow'r? from The Land of Smiles (1)
- Lehár: Luxembourg (on themes from The Count of Luxembourg) (1)
- Lehár: Mariska - Zigeunerliebe (operetta in 3 acts) (1)
- Lehár: Mein freund, vernuft…wie einer rosenknospe (from Die Lustige Witwe) (2)
- Lehár: Overture: Die lustige Witwe (The Merry Widow) (4)
- Lehár: Paganini (3)
- Lehár: Paganini (excerpts) (1)
- Lehár: Paganini: Gern hab' ich die Frau'n geküßt (15)
- Lehár: Paganini: Liebe du Himmel auf Erden (7)
- Lehár: Paganini: Niemand liebt dich so wie ich (2)
- Lehár: Paganini: Wer will heut' Nacht mein Liebster sein? (2)
- Lehár: Schön ist die Welt (3)
- Lehár: Schön ist die Welt (from Schön ist die Welt) (4)
- Lehár: Schön ist die Welt: Ich bin verliebt (3)
- Lehár: Selected arias (1)
- Lehár: So kommen Sie! ? Ich bin eine anstnd'ge Frau (from Die lustige Witwe) (1)
- Lehár: Spiel' mir das Lied von Gluck und Treu (from Die ungarische Hochzeit) (1)
- Lehár: Violin solo (from Paganini) (1)
- Lehár: Wär' es auch nichts als ein Augenblick (from Das Fabriksmädel) (3)
- Lehár: Why ever should it be? (from Giuditta) (1)
- Lehár: Wo die Lerche singt (Czardas) (3)
- Lehár: You are my heart's delight from The Land of Smiles (3)
- Lehár: Zigeunerliebe (Gipsy Love) (4)
- Lehár: Zigeunerliebe: Die Taube (1)
- Lehár: Zigeunerliebe: Endlich, Jószi, bist du hier (1)
- Lehár: Zigeunerliebe: Gib mir dort vom Himmelszelt alle Sterns der Welt (1)
- Lehár: Zigeunerliebe: Hör' ich Zymbalklänge (2)
- Lehár: Zigeunerliebe: Nur die Liebe macht uns jung (1)
- Lemoyne: Phèdre (1)
- Leoncavallo: Andiam...Din, Don, suona il vespero (from I Pagliacci) (8)
- Leoncavallo: Chatterton (1)
- Leoncavallo: I Medici (1)
- Leoncavallo: I Pagliacci (highlights) (2)
- Leoncavallo: La Bohème (2)
- Leoncavallo: No! Pagliaccio non son! (from I Pagliacci) (7)
- Leoncavallo: Pagliacci (77)
- Leoncavallo: Pagliacci: Intermezzo (20)
- Leoncavallo: Qual fiamma avea nel guardo!.... Hui! Stridono lassù (from I Pagliacci) (21)
- Leoncavallo: Recitar!...Vesti la giubba (from I Pagliacci) (38)
- Leoncavallo: Selected arias (1)
- Leoncavallo: Si può? (from I Pagliacci) (38)
- Leoncavallo: Stridono lassù (from I Pagliacci) (5)
- Leoncavallo: Testa adorata (from La bohème) (10)
- Leoncavallo: Vesti la giubba (from I Pagliacci) (76)
- Leoncavallo: Zazà (4)
- Liebermann, R: Penelope’s Aria (from Penelope) (1)
- Lieberson, P: ashoka's Dream: Triraksha's Aria (1)
- Ligeti: Le Grand Macabre (5)
- Ligeti: Mysteries of the Macabre (12)
- Lincke: Frau Luna (13)
- Lincke: Frau Luna: Overture (4)
- Lincke: Lasst den Kopf nicht hangen (from Frau Luna) (1)
- Lincke: Schlösser, die im Monde liegen (from Frau Luna) (1)
- Liszt: Don Sanche (1)
- Liszt: Sardanapalo (unfinished opera), S687 (1)
- Literes: Acis Y Galatea (6)
- Literes: Azis y Galatea (extracts) (2)
- Literes: Los Elementos (5)
- Literes: Los Elementos (extracts) (2)
- Lleó Balbastre: Couplets babilónicos (from La corte del Faraón) (2)
- Lloyd, G: John Socman (highlights) (1)
- Loder: Raymond & Agnes (1)
- Lortzing: Der Waffenschmied (1)
- Lortzing: Der Wildschütz (6)
- Lortzing: Die beiden Schützen (3)
- Lortzing: Die Opernprobe (1)
- Lortzing: Hans Sachs (1)
- Lortzing: Selected arias (1)
- Lortzing: Undine (1)
- Lortzing: Zar und Zimmermann (3)
- Lully: Acis et Galatée (6)
- Lully: Alceste (1)
- Lully: Amadis (1)
- Lully: Armide (6)
- Lully: Atys (5)
- Lully: Bellérophon (2)
- Lully: Cadmus & Hermione (4)
- Lully: Isis (1)
- Lully: Operas - Isis, Amadis, Alceste, Persée & Armide (extracts) (1)
- Lully: Persée (3)
- Lully: Phaéton (6)
- Lully: Proserpine (1)
- Lully: Psyché (5)
- Lully: Thesée (4)
- Luna, P: El nino judio (11)
- Luna, P: El Niño Judío: Canción Española (1)
- Luna, P: El Niño Judío: De España vengo (16)
- Luna, P: El niño judio: Preludio (1)
- Lysenko: Natalka Poltavka (highlights) (1)
- Lysenko: Natalka Poltavka: aria (1)
- MacFarren, G: Robin Hood (1)
- Maconchy: The Departure (1)
- Maconchy: The Sofa (1)
- Maderna, B: Satyricon (1)
- Madetoja: Juha - Opera in Six Tableaux (1)
- Magnard: Guercœur (1)
- Maillart: Les Dragons de Villars (4)
- Manoury: 60e Parallele (60th Parallel) (1)
- Mantzaros: Don Crepuscolo (1)
- Marais, M: Alcyone (4)
- Marais, M: Chaconne (from the final act of Alcione) (1)
- Marais, M: Sémélé (4)
- Marchetti, Filippo: Romeo E Giulietta (1)
- Marchetti, Filippo: Ruy Blas (1)
- Marschner, H A: Der Templer und die Judin, Op. 60 (2)
- Marschner, H A: Der Vampyr (9)
- Marschner, H A: Hans Heiling (10)
- Martinů: Ariane (1)
- Martinů: Julietta (2)
- Martinů: Le Depart. Symphonic interlude from the opera The Three Wishes, H. 175 A (1)
- Martinů: The Greek Passion (4)
- Martinů: Three Fragments from the Opera Juliette (The Key to Dreams) (1)
- Martinů: What Men Live By, H336 (1)
- Mascagni: Amica (2)
- Mascagni: Apri la tua finestra (from Iris) (15)
- Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana (76)
- Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana (highlights) (4)
- Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana: Inneggiamo, il Signor non è morto 'Easter Hymn' (11)
- Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana: Intermezzo (137)
- Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana: Voi lo sapete o mamma (37)
- Mascagni: Iris (2)
- Mascagni: Isabeau (1)
- Mascagni: L'Amico Fritz (6)
- Mascagni: L'Amico Fritz: Intermezzo (18)
- Mascagni: Lodoletta (1)
- Mascagni: Mamma, quel vino (from Cavalleria Rusticana) (45)
- Mascagni: Parisina (1)
- Mascagni: Selected arias (1)
- Mascagni: Suzel, buon di 'Cherry Duet' (from L'amico Fritz) (18)
- Mascagni: Zanetto (1)
- Massenet: Adieu, notre petite table (from Manon) (22)
- Massenet: Ah! fuyez douce image (from Manon) (20)
- Massenet: Ah! Tout est bien fini... O souverain (from Le Cid) (41)
- Massenet: Allons! Il le faut pour lui-même!... Adieu, notre petite table (from Manon) (14)
- Massenet: Ariane (1)
- Massenet: Cendrillon (6)
- Massenet: Chérubin (2)
- Massenet: De cet affreux combat…Pleurez, mes yeux ! (from Le Cid) (9)
- Massenet: Dis-moi que je suis belle (from Thaïs) (9)
- Massenet: Don César de Bazan (1)
- Massenet: Don Quichotte (7)
- Massenet: Esclarmonde (2)
- Massenet: Hérodiade (5)
- Massenet: Hérodiade - Highlights (1)
- Massenet: Il est doux, il est bon (from Hérodiade) (14)
- Massenet: Il faut nous séparer (Werther) (1)
- Massenet: Instant charmant … En fermant les yeux (from Manon) (47)
- Massenet: Je suis seul, seul enfin... Ah fuyez douce image (from Manon) (29)
- Massenet: La Navarraise (4)
- Massenet: Le Cid (1)
- Massenet: Le Mage (1)
- Massenet: Le Portrait de Manon (1)
- Massenet: Le Roi de Lahore (2)
- Massenet: Manon (32)
- Massenet: Manon (highlights) (4)
- Massenet: Manon: Epouse quelque brave fille (2)
- Massenet: Obéissons quand leur voix appelle (from Manon) (9)
- Massenet: Pleurez, mes yeux (Le Cid) (13)
- Massenet: Pourquoi me reveiller (from Werther) (77)
- Massenet: Roma (1)
- Massenet: Sapho (2)
- Massenet: Selected arias (1)
- Massenet: Te souvient-il du lumineux voyage (from Thaïs) (1)
- Massenet: Thaïs (11)
- Massenet: Thérèse (4)
- Massenet: Toi ! Vous ! Oui ! Je fus cruelle… N’est-ce plus ma main (from Manon) (11)
- Massenet: Va! Laisse couler mes larmes (from Werther) (13)
- Massenet: Vision fugitive (from Hérodiade) (16)
- Massenet: Werther (29)
- Massenet: Werther (highlights) (1)
- Massenet: Werther! Werther!…Je vous écris de ma petite chambre (from Werther) (14)
- Matthus: Holofernes's Aria from the Opera 'Judith' (Eins mochte ich wissen) (1)
- Matthus: Judith (1)
- Maw, N: Sophie’s Choice (1)
- Mayr: Fedra (1)
- Mayr: Ginevra di Scozia (1)
- Mayr: La Lodoiska (1)
- Mayr: Medea in Corinto (5)
- Mazzocchi, D: La Catena D’Adone (2)
- Méhul: Ariodant (1)
- Méhul: Horatius Coclès (1)
- Méhul: Joseph in Ägypten (1)
- Méhul: L'Irato ou L'Emporté (1)
- Méhul: Mélidore Et Phrosine (1)
- Méhul: Stratonice (2)
- Méhul: Uthal (1)
- Melartin: Aino (1)
- Mendelssohn: Die beiden Pädagogen (1)
- Mendelssohn: Die Hochzeit des Camacho, Op. 10 (5)
- Mendelssohn: Die Soldatenliebschaft (1)
- Menotti: Amahl And The Night Visitors (13)
- Menotti: Amahl And The Night Visitors: Introduction, March & Shepherds' Dance (2)
- Menotti: Amelia al Ballo (2)
- Menotti: Help, Help, The Globolinks (1)
- Menotti: I shall bring to you shells and stars (from The Consul) (1)
- Menotti: Maria Golovin (1)
- Menotti: The Consul (8)
- Menotti: The Medium (9)
- Menotti: The Old Maid and the Thief (3)
- Menotti: The Saint of Bleecker Street (2)
- Menotti: The Telephone (7)
- Menotti: The Telephone: aria (1)
- Menotti: To this we've come (from The Consul) (2)
- Mercadante: Elena da Feltre (1)
- Mercadante: I Briganti (1)
- Mercadante: I Normanni a Parigi (highlights) (1)
- Mercadante: Il Giuramento (5)
- Mercadante: La vestale (1)
- Mercadante: Maria Stuarda, regina di Scozia (highlights) (1)
- Mercadante: Orazi e Curiazi (1)
- Mercadante: Zaira (1)
- Mercadante: Zaira (highlights) (1)
- Merikanto, A: Juha - Opera in Three Acts (1)
- Messager: Fortunio (5)
- Messager: Isoline (ballet highlights) (1)
- Messager: Les P'tites Michu (1)
- Messager: Les P'tites Michu: 'Vois-tu, je m'en veux' (3)
- Messager: Veronique (1)
- Messiaen: Saint François d'Assise (2)
- Meyerbeer: Adamastor, re dell'onde profonde (L'Africana) (1)
- Meyerbeer: C'est bien l'air que chaque matin (from L'Etoile du Nord) (4)
- Meyerbeer: Dieu! Comme cette nuit est lente...Ombre légère (from Dinorah) (6)
- Meyerbeer: Dinorah (1)
- Meyerbeer: En vain j’espère … Idole de ma vie (from Robert le Diable) (3)
- Meyerbeer: Il crociato in Egitto (3)
- Meyerbeer: In grembo a me [Sur mes genoux] (from L'Africaine) (3)
- Meyerbeer: Jephtas Gelübde (1)
- Meyerbeer: L'Africaine (4)
- Meyerbeer: L'esule di Granata (highlights) (1)
- Meyerbeer: L'étoile du nord (1)
- Meyerbeer: Le Prophete (4)
- Meyerbeer: Le Prophète: Ah, mon fils! (4)
- Meyerbeer: Le prophète: Coronation March (28)
- Meyerbeer: Les Huguenots (10)
- Meyerbeer: Les Huguenots: Nobles seigneurs, salut! (11)
- Meyerbeer: Les Huguenots: O beau pays de la Touraine (10)
- Meyerbeer: Margherita d'Anjou (3)
- Meyerbeer: Mi batte il cor … O paradiso (from L'Africana) (10)
- Meyerbeer: Non, vous n'avez jamais (from Les Huguenots) (2)
- Meyerbeer: Nonnes, qui reposez (from Robert le Diable) (4)
- Meyerbeer: O ciel! Ou courez-vous? (from Les Huguenots) (1)
- Meyerbeer: Ô Paradis (from L'Africaine) (15)
- Meyerbeer: O Paradiso! (from L'Africana) (27)
- Meyerbeer: O prêtres de Baal (from Le Prophète) (2)
- Meyerbeer: Ombra leggiera (from Dinorah) (8)
- Meyerbeer: Pays merveilleux... Ô paradis (from L'Africaine) (15)
- Meyerbeer: Piff, paff (from Les Huguenots) (2)
- Meyerbeer: Plus blanche que la blanche hermine (from Les Huguenots) (7)
- Meyerbeer: Pour Bertha (from Le Prophète) (2)
- Meyerbeer: Robert Le Diable (6)
- Meyerbeer: Seigneur, rampart et seul soutien..Piff, paff, piff (from Les Huguenots) (4)
- Meyerbeer: Semiramide (2)
- Meyerbeer: Veille sur eux … Vaisseau que le flot balance (from L`etoile du nord) (3)
- Millöcker: Befreit das Land (from Der Bettelstudent) (1)
- Millöcker: Der Arme Jonathan (2)
- Millöcker: Der Bettelstudent (15)
- Millöcker: Der Bettelstudent (highlights) (1)
- Millöcker: Der Bettelstudent: Overture (1)
- Millöcker: Dunkelrote Rosen (from Gasparone) (4)
- Millöcker: Gasparone (1)
- Millöcker: Gasparone (highlights) (2)
- Millöcker: Grafin Dubarry (1)
- Millöcker: Höchste Lust und tiefstes Leid (from Der Bettelstudent) (1)
- Millöcker: Ich hab' kein Geld, bin vogelfrei (from Der Bettelstudent) (5)
- Millöcker: Ich habe Liebe schon genossen...Ich schenk' mein Herz (from Die Dubarry) (2)
- Millöcker: Ich knüpfte manche zarte Bande (from Der Bettelstudent) (3)
- Millöcker: Mein Weg führt immer mich zu Dir zurück (from Die Dubarry) (2)
- Millöcker: Mit Geld und guten Worten (from Der Bettelstudent) (1)
- Millöcker: Soll ich redden…Ich setz’ den Fall (from Der Bettelstudent) (2)
- Millöcker: Und da soll man noch galant sein (from Der Bettelstudent) (3)
- Millöcker: Was ich im Leben beginne...Ja so ist sie, die Dubarry (from Die Dubarry) (3)
- Millöcker: Wie schon ist alles (from Die Dubarry) (2)
- Moniuszko: Halka (9)
- Moniuszko: Kto z mych dziewek serce ktorej (from Straszny Dwor) (2)
- Moniuszko: Pewna, jak wiatr wzdycha (from Halka) (1)
- Moniuszko: Straszny Dwor (The Haunted Manor) (3)
- Moniuszko: Verbum Nobile (7)
- Monk, M: Atlas (2)
- Monsigny: Le Déserteur (2)
- Monsigny: Le Roi et le fermier (2)
- Monteclair: Jephté (4)
- Montemayor: Vergine bella, del gran Padre eterno (1)
- Monteverdi: Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, SV 153 (30)
- Monteverdi: Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (27)
- Monteverdi: Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (highlights) (2)
- Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea (30)
- Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea (abridged version, realised by Raymond Leppard) (1)
- Monteverdi: L'Orfeo (55)
- Monteverdi: L'Orfeo (Act II) (4)
- Monteverdi: L'Orfeo (highlights) (3)
- Monteverdi: Lamento d'Arianna 'Lasciatemi morire', SV 107 (76)
- Monteverdi: Pur ti miro (I gaze upon you) from L'Incoronazione di Poppea (30)
- Monteverdi: Two choruses from "Orpheus" (1)
- Moran, R: Desert of Roses (2)
- Mortelmans: The Children of the Sea (excerpts) (1)
- Mozart: A forza di martelli (from La Finta Giardiniera) (1)
- Mozart: Ach ich liebte, war so glücklich (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (11)
- Mozart: Ach, ich fühl's (from Die Zauberflöte, K620) (64)
- Mozart: Ah, qual gelido orror...Il padre adorato (from Idomeneo) (7)
- Mozart: Alles fühlt der Liebe Freuden (from Die Zauberflöte) (6)
- Mozart: Apollo et Hyacinthus, K38 (3)
- Mozart: Aprite un po'quegli occhi (from Le Nozze di Figaro) (12)
- Mozart: Ascanio in Alba K111 (6)
- Mozart: Ballet Music from Idomeneo, K367 (13)
- Mozart: Bastien und Bastienne, K50 (9)
- Mozart: Batti, batti, o bel Masetto (from Don Giovanni) (24)
- Mozart: Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen (from Die Zauberflöte) (17)
- Mozart: Bewahret euch vor Weibertucken (from Die Zauberflöte) (3)
- Mozart: Come scoglio (from Così fan tutte) (28)
- Mozart: Così fan tutte, K588 (107)
- Mozart: Così fan tutte, K588 - Arranged for wind ensemble (5)
- Mozart: Così fan tutte, K588 (highlights) (14)
- Mozart: Così fan tutte, K588: excerpts (3)
- Mozart: Crudel! perché finora farmi languir così? (from Le nozze di Figaro) (6)
- Mozart: Crudele? Ah no, mio bene! ... Non mi dir, bell'idol mio (from Don Giovanni) (26)
- Mozart: Dal tuo gentil sembiante (from Ascanio in Alba) (4)
- Mozart: Dalla sua pace (from Don Giovanni) (41)
- Mozart: Deh vieni, non tardar (from Le nozze di Figaro) (42)
- Mozart: Deh, per questo istante solo (from La Clemenza di Tito) (20)
- Mozart: Deh! vieni alla finestra (from Don Giovanni) (70)
- Mozart: Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen (from Die Zauberflöte) (96)
- Mozart: Der Schauspieldirektor, K486 (18)
- Mozart: Der Schauspieldirektor, K486 (highlights) (1)
- Mozart: Der Vogelfänger bin ich, ja (from Die Zauberflöte) (48)
- Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K384 (67)
- Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K384 - Arranged for wind ensemble (7)
- Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K384 (Harmoniemusik) (3)
- Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K384 (highlights) (4)
- Mozart: Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots, K35 (7)
- Mozart: Die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute), K. 620, Act II: March of the Priests (10)
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K620 (129)
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K620 - an arrangement of 1792 for flute and clarinet (1)
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K620 - Arranged for wind ensemble (7)
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K620 (highlights) (28)
- Mozart: Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön (from Die Zauberflöte) (61)
- Mozart: Don Giovanni - Finale Act 1 (1)
- Mozart: Don Giovanni, K527 (160)
- Mozart: Don Giovanni, K527 - Arranged for Wind Ensemble (14)
- Mozart: Don Giovanni, K527 - version for String Quartet (2)
- Mozart: Don Giovanni, K527 (highlights) (25)
- Mozart: Donne mie la fate a tanti (from Così fan tutte) (14)
- Mozart: Dove sono i bei momenti (from Le nozze di Figaro) (19)
- Mozart: E Susanna non vien! … Dove sono i bei momenti (from Le nozze di Figaro) (50)
- Mozart: Ecco il punto...Non più di fiori vaghe catene (from La clemenza di Tito) (12)
- Mozart: Ei parte...Per pietà (from Così fan tutte) (22)
- Mozart: Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen (from Die Zauberflöte) (30)
- Mozart: Es siegte die Stärke und krönet zum lohn (from Die Zauberflöte) (1)
- Mozart: Fin ch'han dal vino (from Don Giovanni) (45)
- Mozart: Fuggi, crudele, fuggi! (from Don Giovanni) (4)
- Mozart: Fuor del mar ho un mar in seno (Idomeneo) (18)
- Mozart: Giunse alfin il momento... Deh, vieni, non tardar… (from Le nozze di Figaro) (38)
- Mozart: Hai gia vinta la causa! (from Le nozze di Figaro) (30)
- Mozart: Heil sei euch geweihten! (from Die Zauberflöte, K620) (2)
- Mozart: Hier soll ich dich denn sehen (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (15)
- Mozart: Ho capito, signor sì! (from Don Giovanni) (2)
- Mozart: Ich baue ganz auf deine Stärke (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (14)
- Mozart: Idomeneo, K366 (35)
- Mozart: Idomeneo, K366 - arias (1)
- Mozart: Idomeneo, K366 (highlights) (2)
- Mozart: Il core vi dono (from Così fan tutte) (8)
- Mozart: Il mio tesoro intanto (from Don Giovanni) (62)
- Mozart: Il re pastore, K208 (8)
- Mozart: Il sogno di Scipione, K126 (8)
- Mozart: In diesen heil'gen Hallen (from Die Zauberflöte) (25)
- Mozart: In qual fiero contrasto … Tradito, schernito (from Così fan tutte) (15)
- Mozart: In quali eccessi ... Mi tradì quell'alma ingrata (from Don Giovanni) (30)
- Mozart: In un instante... Parto, m’affretto (from Lucio Silla) (7)
- Mozart: Konstanze, Konstanze...O wie ängstlich (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (20)
- Mozart: L'amerò, sarò costante (from Il re pastore) (37)
- Mozart: L'ho perduta, me meschina (from Le Nozze di Figaro) (12)
- Mozart: L'oca del Cairo, K422 (6)
- Mozart: La Betulia liberata, K118 (6)
- Mozart: La ci darem la mano (from Don Giovanni) (83)
- Mozart: La clemenza di Tito, K621 (28)
- Mozart: La clemenza di Tito, K621 - Arranged for Wind Ensemble (7)
- Mozart: La clemenza di Tito, K621 - highlights (3)
- Mozart: La finta giardiniera, K196 (14)
- Mozart: La Finta Semplice, K51 (12)
- Mozart: La vendetta (from Le nozze di Figaro) (10)
- Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro K492 - Sinfonia & Marcia (Finale III) (1)
- Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K492 (152)
- Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K492 - Arranged for Wind Ensemble (5)
- Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K492 (arranged for string quartet) (1)
- Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K492 (highlights) (25)
- Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro: excerpts (3)
- Mozart: Lo sposo deluso, K430 (7)
- Mozart: Lucio Silla, K135 (13)
- Mozart: Madamina, il catalogo è questo (from Don Giovanni) (62)
- Mozart: Martern aller Arten (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (39)
- Mozart: Mi tradì quell'alma ingrata (from Don Giovanni) (12)
- Mozart: Mitridate, re di Ponto, K87 (14)
- Mozart: Nie werd' ich deine Huld verkennen (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (2)
- Mozart: Non ho colpa (from Idomeneo) (6)
- Mozart: Non piu andrai, farfallone amoroso (from Le Nozze di Figaro) (62)
- Mozart: Non più di fiori (from La clemenza di Tito) (13)
- Mozart: Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio (from Le nozze di Figaro) (48)
- Mozart: O Isis und Osiris, schenket (from Die Zauberflöte) (12)
- Mozart: O Isis und Osiris, welche Wonne! (from Die Zauberflöte) (11)
- Mozart: O zittre nicht (from Die Zauberflöte) (22)
- Mozart: Oh smania! oh furie!...D'Oreste, d'Aiace (from Idomeneo) (10)
- Mozart: Oh, wie will ich triumphieren (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (12)
- Mozart: Opera Arias (3)
- Mozart: Or sai chi l'onore (from Don Giovanni) (12)
- Mozart: Pa-pa-pa-pa-Papagena (from Die Zauberflöte) (26)
- Mozart: Parto, parto, ma tu ben mio (from La Clemenza di Tito) (40)
- Mozart: Porgi amor (from Le nozze di Figaro) (57)
- Mozart: Quando avran fine omai ... Padre, germani, addio! (from Idomeneo) (12)
- Mozart: Restati qua!...Per queste tue manine (from Don Giovanni) (1)
- Mozart: Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo (from Così fan tutte) (29)
- Mozart: Ruhe sanft, mein holdes Leben (from Zaïde) (40)
- Mozart: S'altro che lacrime (from La clemenza di Tito) (6)
- Mozart: Se all' Impero (from La Clemenza di Tito) (14)
- Mozart: Se il padre perdei (from Idomeneo) (11)
- Mozart: Se vuol ballare (from Le nozze di Figaro) (19)
- Mozart: Soave sia il vento (from Così fan tutte) (26)
- Mozart: Sull' aria che soave zeffiretto (from Le Nozze di Figaro) (15)
- Mozart: Temerari!...Come scoglio! (from Così fan tutte) (19)
- Mozart: Thamos, König in Ägypten, KV 345 (10)
- Mozart: Torna di Tito a lato (from La Clemenza di Tito) (1)
- Mozart: Traurigkeit (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (9)
- Mozart: Tutto e disposto...Aprite un po' quegl'occhi (from Le Nozze di Figaro) (10)
- Mozart: Two arias from Die Zauberflöte (1)
- Mozart: Un moto di gioia, K579 (38)
- Mozart: Un'aura amorosa del nostro tesoro (from Così fan tutte) (38)
- Mozart: various arias (1)
- Mozart: Vedrai, carino (from Don Giovanni) (28)
- Mozart: Vedro mentr'io sospiro (from Le nozze di Figaro) (10)
- Mozart: Voi che sapete (from Le nozze di Figaro) (116)
- Mozart: Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio! K418 (51)
- Mozart: Welche Wonne, welche Lust (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (8)
- Mozart: Wenn der Freude Tränen fließen (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail) (13)
- Mozart: Wie stark ist nicht dein Zauberton (from Die Zauberflöte) (16)
- Mozart: Zaïde, K344 (11)
- Mozart: Zeffiretti lusinghieri (from Idomeneo) (9)
- Musgrave: An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (1)
- Musgrave: Mary, Queen of Scots (1)
- Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov (28)
- Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov - arias (2)
- Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov (highlights) (8)
- Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov: Coronation Scene (13)
- Mussorgsky: Dance of the Persian Slaves (from Khovanshchina) (29)
- Mussorgsky: Dostig Ya Vyshey Vlasti (from Boris Godunov) (12)
- Mussorgsky: Fair Scene ( Act 1) & Gopak (Hopak) (Act 3, Scene 2) (from Sorochintsy Fair) (3)
- Mussorgsky: Gopak (from Sorochintsy Fair) (77)
- Mussorgsky: Here on this spot Dosifei's aria (1)
- Mussorgsky: Khovanshchina (16)
- Mussorgsky: Khovanshchina: Act Four Intermezzo (11)
- Mussorgsky: Khovanshchina: Entr'acte Act IV (3)
- Mussorgsky: Khovanshchina: excerpts (4)
- Mussorgsky: Oy, dušno, dušno! - Prošcay, moy sïn (from Boris Godunov) (9)
- Mussorgsky: Salammbo - Chorus of Priestesses (2)
- Mussorgsky: Scenes from Boris Godunov (1)
- Mussorgsky: Selections from Khovanshina & Boris Godunov (1)
- Mussorgsky: Shaklovitiy's aria (from Khovanshchina) (2)
- Mussorgsky: Skushno Marina! (from Boris Godunov) (2)
- Mussorgsky: Smirennïi inok (from Boris Godunov) (2)
- Mussorgsky: Sorochintsy Fair (4)
- Mussorgsky: The Marriage (Zhenitba) (2)
- Myslivecek: L'Olimpiade (1)
- Nathan, I: Don John of Austria (1)
- Nessler: Trompeter von Säkkingen (1)
- Nicolai, C O: Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor (8)
- Nielsen: Maskarade (8)
- Nielsen: Maskarade - Suite (1)
- Nielsen: Maskarade (excerpts) (2)
- Nielsen: Maskarade: Dance of the Cockerels (10)
- Nielsen: Saul & David (5)
- Nini: La Marescialla d'Ancre (1)
- Nono: Intolleranza 1960 (3)
- Nyman: Love Counts (1)
- Nyman: Man And Boy: Dada (1)
- Nyman: Noises, Sounds & Sweet Airs (1)
- Nyman: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (2)
- Offenbach: Ah! c'est un fameux régiment (from La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein) (1)
- Offenbach: Ah! qu'il était doux mon beau rêve! (from Le pont des soupirs) (1)
- Offenbach: Ah! que j'aime les militaires (from La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein) (4)
- Offenbach: Allez!.. Pour te livrer combat (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (1)
- Offenbach: Allons ! Courage et confiance… C'est elle (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (3)
- Offenbach: Amis, l'amour tendre et rêveur, Erreur! (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (1)
- Offenbach: Amours divins (from La Belle Helène) (6)
- Offenbach: Ba-Ta-Clan (1)
- Offenbach: Barbe-bleue (14)
- Offenbach: Barcarolle (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (119)
- Offenbach: Barkouf: Entr'acte III - Valse (1)
- Offenbach: C'est une chanson d'amour (from Les contes d'Hoffmann) (3)
- Offenbach: Can-Can (from Orpheus in the Underworld) (14)
- Offenbach: Cancan (from La vie parisienne) (4)
- Offenbach: Ce sont détranges personnages (from Les Bavards) (1)
- Offenbach: Couplets des deux hommes d'armes (from Geneviève de Brabant) (6)
- Offenbach: Dites-lui qu’on l’a remarqué (from La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein) (6)
- Offenbach: Duo de la mouche from Orphée aux Enfers (2)
- Offenbach: Elle a fui, la tourterelle (from Les Contes d' Hoffmann) (12)
- Offenbach: Examinez bien ma figure (from La fille du tambour-major) (2)
- Offenbach: Fantasio (1)
- Offenbach: Fantasio: Entr'acte II (1)
- Offenbach: Fantasio: Entr'acte III (1)
- Offenbach: Fantasio: Introduction (1)
- Offenbach: Gavotte (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann ) (1)
- Offenbach: Genevieve de Brabant: Entracte (Act 3) (1)
- Offenbach: Il était une fois à la cour d'Eisenach (from Les contes d'Hoffmann) (8)
- Offenbach: Ils se sont éloignés enfin! (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (1)
- Offenbach: Intermezzo from The Tales of Hoffmann (3)
- Offenbach: Introduction (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann ) (2)
- Offenbach: J'entends ma belle 'Valse tyrolienne' (from Un mari à la porte) (4)
- Offenbach: Je suis Alsacienne (from Lischen et Fritzchen) (1)
- Offenbach: Jour et nuit je me mets en quatre (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (1)
- Offenbach: L'île de Tulipatan (2)
- Offenbach: L'île de Tulipatan (extracts) (1)
- Offenbach: La Belle Helène (7)
- Offenbach: La Belle Helène (extracts) (1)
- Offenbach: La Belle Hélène (highlights) (1)
- Offenbach: La Fille du tambour-major (3)
- Offenbach: La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein (18)
- Offenbach: La mort m'apparaît souriante (from Orphée aux enfers) (1)
- Offenbach: La Perichole (7)
- Offenbach: La Perichole (Highlights) (5)
- Offenbach: La Perichole: Melodrama of the Letter (1)
- Offenbach: La Vie Parisienne (highlights) (1)
- Offenbach: La Vie Parisienne (Paris Life) (20)
- Offenbach: Le mariage aux lanternes (1)
- Offenbach: Le violoneux (1)
- Offenbach: Le Voyage dans la Lune (7)
- Offenbach: Les bavards (2)
- Offenbach: Les Brigands (4)
- Offenbach: Les Contes d'Hoffmann (45)
- Offenbach: Les Contes d'Hoffmann (highlights) (4)
- Offenbach: Les Contes d'Hoffmann, Act II: Presentation of Olympia (1)
- Offenbach: Les oiseaux dans la charmille (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (26)
- Offenbach: Mesdames de la Halle (1)
- Offenbach: Mesdames de la Halle: Ciboletta's Aria (1)
- Offenbach: O grandes leçons du passé (from La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein) (1)
- Offenbach: Opera Highlights (1)
- Offenbach: Operetta Arias (1)
- Offenbach: Orphée aux Enfers (10)
- Offenbach: Orphée aux Enfers: Couplets de berger joli (1)
- Offenbach: Orpheus in the Underworld (highlights) (1)
- Offenbach: Pedro possede une guitare (from M. Choufleuri restera chez lui le) (1)
- Offenbach: Pif paf pouf (from La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein) (1)
- Offenbach: Portez armes...Vous aimez le danger…Ah! que j’aime les militaires! (from La grande-duchesse de Gérolstein) (5)
- Offenbach: Que m'importe un titre éclatant (from La Fille du Tambour-Major) (1)
- Offenbach: Quel bruit et quel tapage (from Mesdames de la halle) (1)
- Offenbach: Robinson Crusoe (2)
- Offenbach: Robinson Crusoe: Entr'acte (1)
- Offenbach: Scintille, diamant (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (9)
- Offenbach: Un Mari à la porte (A Husband at the Door) (10)
- Offenbach: Une guitare...O reve de joie...Voyez-la sous son éventail (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (1)
- Offenbach: Vert-Vert (1)
- Offenbach: Vois sous l'archet frémissant (from Les Contes d'Hoffmann) (3)
- Orff: Antigonae (6)
- Orff: De temporum fine comoedia (3)
- Orff: Der Mond (5)
- Orff: Die Kluge (9)
- Orff: Die Kluge: highlights (1)
- Orff: Prometheus (2)
- Pacini: Alessandro nell’Indie (1)
- Pacini: Che intensi! E lui che adoro (from Cesare in Egitto) (1)
- Pacini: Saffo (3)
- Pacini: Saffo Flutto che muggi…Teco dall’are pronube…L’ama ognor qual io l’amai (from Saffo) (1)
- Paisiello: Baron Calloandro's aria (from La Molinara) (1)
- Paisiello: Fedra (2)
- Paisiello: Il Barbiere di Siviglia (6)
- Paisiello: Il ré Teodoro in Venezia (2)
- Paisiello: La Molinara (2)
- Paisiello: Le Due Contesse (2)
- Paisiello: Nel cor più non mi sento (24)
- Paisiello: Nina (2)
- Paisiello: Proserpine (1)
- Pasatieri: Before Breakfast (1)
- Pasatieri: Frau Margot (1)
- Pedrotti: Tutti in Maschera (1)
- Penella: El Gato Montes (3)
- Pergolesi: Il prigionier superbo (1)
- Pergolesi: L'Olimpiade (3)
- Pergolesi: La Serva Padrona (16)
- Pergolesi: Livietta e Tracollo (3)
- Pergolesi: Lo frate ‘nnamorato (4)
- Peri, J: Euridice (2)
- Peri, J: Euridice: Aria di Dafne (1)
- Persiani: Ines de Castro (1)
- Petrella: Jone (1)
- Pfitzner: Das Christelflein (The Christmas Elf), Op. 20 (3)
- Pfitzner: Der Arme Heinrich (2)
- Pfitzner: Die Rose vom Liebesgarten (5)
- Pfitzner: Palestrina (7)
- Philidor, F-A: Tom Jones (3)
- Piazzólla: Maria de Buenos Aires (10)
- Piccinni: Didon (1)
- Piccinni: L’Americano (3)
- Piccinni: La Buona Figliuola (5)
- Piccinni: Le Donne Vendicate (2)
- Piccinni: Roland (1)
- Picker: Emmeline (1)
- Picker: Fantastic Mr. Fox (1)
- Picker: Thérèse Raquin (1)
- Pierné, G: Sophie Arnould (Opera in one act) (1)
- Pizzetti: Assassinio nella catedrale (1)
- Pizzetti: Clitennestra: Tragedia in un preludio e due atti (1)
- Pizzetti: Fedra (3)
- Planquette: Les Cloches De Corneville (2)
- Ponchielli: Cielo e mar! (from La Gioconda) (74)
- Ponchielli: Dance of the Hours (from La Gioconda) (64)
- Ponchielli: Il Figliuol prodigo (1)
- Ponchielli: La Gioconda (27)
- Ponchielli: La Gioconda (excerpts) (2)
- Ponchielli: Suicidio! (from La Gioconda) (38)
- Ponchielli: Voce di donna o d'angelo (from La Gioconda) (5)
- Porpora: Alto Giove (from Polifemo) (18)
- Porpora: Arianna in Nasso (1)
- Porpora: Nobil onda (Adelaïde) (5)
- Porpora: Polifemo (1)
- Portman: The Little Prince (2)
- Poulenc: Dialogues des Carmélites (11)
- Poulenc: La Voix Humaine (14)
- Poulenc: Les Mamelles de Tirésias (2)
- Pound: Cavalcanti (1)
- Previn: A Streetcar Named Desire (3)
- Previn: Brief Encounter (1)
- Prokofiev: Betrothal in a Monastery (4)
- Prokofiev: Semyon Kotko, Op. 81 (2)
- Prokofiev: The Fiery Angel (9)
- Prokofiev: The Gambler (3)
- Prokofiev: The Gambler, Op. 24 (5)
- Prokofiev: The Love for Three Oranges (9)
- Prokofiev: The Love for Three Oranges Suite - excerpts (3)
- Prokofiev: The Love for Three Oranges: March (64)
- Prokofiev: The Love for Three Oranges: Suite Op. 33a: March (27)
- Prokofiev: Velichavaya v solnechnykh luchakh (Kutuzov's aria) (War and Peace) (1)
- Prokofiev: War and Peace, Op. 91 (7)
- Prokofiev: War and Peace, Op. 91: Waltz (9)
- Puccini: Addio, addio mio dolce amor! (from Edgar) (14)
- Puccini: Addio, fiorito asil (from Madama Butterfly) (52)
- Puccini: Ah, Manon mi tradisce (from Manon Lescaut) (16)
- Puccini: Ah, quegli occhi… (from Tosca) (6)
- Puccini: Ah! Franchiggia… O dolci mani mansuete e pure (from Tosca) (5)
- Puccini: Ah! Non v'avvicinate! No, pazzo son (from Manon Lescaut) (17)
- Puccini: Amore o grillo (from Madama Butterfly) (2)
- Puccini: Ancora un passo…Spira sul mare (from Madama Butterfly) (4)
- Puccini: Avete torto! (from Gianni Schicchi) (8)
- Puccini: Bimba dagli occhi pieni di malia (from Madama Butterfly) (24)
- Puccini: Bimba, bimba, non piangere (from Madama Butterfly) (5)
- Puccini: Ch'ella mi creda libero e lontano (from La Fanciulla del West) (69)
- Puccini: Che gelida manina (from La Bohème) (182)
- Puccini: Che tua madre dovrà prenderti in braccio (from Madama Butterfly) (11)
- Puccini: Chi il bel sogno di Doretta (from La Rondine) (85)
- Puccini: Con onor muore (from Madama Butterfly) (18)
- Puccini: Donde lieta usci (from La Bohème) (70)
- Puccini: Donna non vidi mai (from Manon Lescaut) (85)
- Puccini: Dovunque al mondo (from Madama Butterfly) (6)
- Puccini: Dunque è proprio finita! (from La Bohème) (11)
- Puccini: E lucevan le stelle (from Tosca) (238)
- Puccini: Ecco la Casa...Torna ai felici di (from Le Villi) (11)
- Puccini: Edgar (3)
- Puccini: Firenze è come un albero fiorito (from Gianni Schicchi) (29)
- Puccini: Gianni Schicchi (35)
- Puccini: Hai ben ragione (from Il tabarro) (10)
- Puccini: Humming Chorus (from Madama Butterfly) (34)
- Puccini: Il tabarro (32)
- Puccini: Il tabarro: finale (1)
- Puccini: Il Trittico (13)
- Puccini: In quelle trine morbide (from Manon Lescaut) (74)
- Puccini: In questa reggia (from Turandot) (46)
- Puccini: In un Coupe?...O Mimi, tu piu non torni (from La Bohème) (18)
- Puccini: L'amore e un altra cosa (from La Fanciulla del West) (4)
- Puccini: La Bohème (105)
- Puccini: La Bohème (highlights) (21)
- Puccini: La Bohème: Act 1 (131)
- Puccini: La fanciulla del West (33)
- Puccini: La Rondine (11)
- Puccini: Laggiù nel Soledad (from La Fanciulla del West) (8)
- Puccini: Le Villi (7)
- Puccini: Le Villi - Intermezzo (2)
- Puccini: Le Villi (highlights) (1)
- Puccini: Madama Butterfly (89)
- Puccini: Madama Butterfly (highlights) (17)
- Puccini: Madama Butterfly: Intermezzo Act II, part 2 (3)
- Puccini: Manon Lescaut (47)
- Puccini: Manon Lescaut - Intermezzo (35)
- Puccini: Manon Lescaut (highlights) (4)
- Puccini: Manon Lescaut: Intermezzo Act III (20)
- Puccini: Mario! Mario! Mario! ...Son qui! ... Mia gelosa! (from Tosca) (24)
- Puccini: Nessun dorma (from Turandot) (292)
- Puccini: Non la sospiri, la nostra casetta (from Tosca) (7)
- Puccini: Non piangere, Liù! (from Turandot) (45)
- Puccini: O dolce mani (from Tosca) (2)
- Puccini: O Mimi, tu piu non torni (from La Bohème) (12)
- Puccini: O mio babbino caro (from Gianni Schicchi) (321)
- Puccini: O soave fanciulla (from La Bohème) (90)
- Puccini: Oh, sarò la più bella...Tu, tu, amore? (from Manon Lescaut) (8)
- Puccini: Or son sei mesi (from La fanciulla del West) (8)
- Puccini: Ore dolci e divine (from La Rondine) (10)
- Puccini: Orgia, Chimera Dall'occhio Vitreo (from Edgar) (7)
- Puccini: Quando me'n vo (from La Bohème) (60)
- Puccini: Recondita armonia (from Tosca) (135)
- Puccini: Se come voi piccina io fossi (from Le Villi) (20)
- Puccini: Selected arias (1)
- Puccini: Senza mamma, o bimbo (from Suor Angelica) (71)
- Puccini: Si, mi chiamano Mimi (from La Bohème) (127)
- Puccini: Signore, ascolta! (from Turandot) (75)
- Puccini: Sola, perduta, abbandonata (from Manon Lescaut) (54)
- Puccini: Sono andati? Fingevo di dormire (from La Bohème) (8)
- Puccini: Spira sul mare (from Madama Butterfly) (4)
- Puccini: Stolta paura, l'amor non uccide (Madama Butterfly) (2)
- Puccini: Suor Angelica (29)
- Puccini: Suor Angelica - Intermezzo (12)
- Puccini: Tarda è la notte (from Tosca) (1)
- Puccini: Tosca (122)
- Puccini: Tosca (highlights) (18)
- Puccini: Tra voi, belle (from Manon Lescaut) (7)
- Puccini: Tre sbirri...Una carozza...Presto 'Te Deum' (from Tosca) (11)
- Puccini: Tu che di gel sei cinta (from Turandot) (65)
- Puccini: Tu, tu, amore tu (from Manon Lescaut) (13)
- Puccini: Tu? Tu? Piccolo iddio (from Madama Butterfly) (29)
- Puccini: Turandot (84)
- Puccini: Turandot (highlights) (6)
- Puccini: Turandot: Finale all'Atto III (1)
- Puccini: Tutti i fior! (from Madama Butterfly) (1)
- Puccini: Un bel di vedremo (from Madama Butterfly) (237)
- Puccini: Una nave da guerra...Scuoti quelle fronda (from Madama Butterfly) (5)
- Puccini: Una parola sola! … Or son sei mesi (from La Fanciulla del West) (13)
- Puccini: Vecchia zimarra (from La Bohème) (8)
- Puccini: Viene la sera (from Madama Butterfly) (14)
- Puccini: Vissi d'arte (from Tosca) (222)
- Puccini: Vogliatemi bene, un bene piccolini (from Madama Butterfly) (21)
- Purcell: Be silent all (from The Fairy Queen) (1)
- Purcell: Chaconne (from The Fairy Queen) (3)
- Purcell: Dance for the Chinese Man & Woman (from The Fairy Queen, Z628) (4)
- Purcell: Dance for the Green Men Monkey’s Dance (from The Fairy Queen, Z628) (1)
- Purcell: Dance for the Haymakers (from The Fairy Queen, Z628) (2)
- Purcell: Dido and Aeneas (57)
- Purcell: Dido and Aeneas: excerpts (3)
- Purcell: Entrance of night (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (1)
- Purcell: Fairest Isle (from King Arthur) (56)
- Purcell: Fairy Dance (from The Fairy Queen, Z628) (2)
- Purcell: First Music (From The Fairy Queen) (2)
- Purcell: Hark how all things in one sound agree (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (4)
- Purcell: Hark! The Echoing Air (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (19)
- Purcell: Hush, no more, be silent all (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (5)
- Purcell: I am come to lock all fast (from The Fairy Queen) (2)
- Purcell: I attempt from love's sickness to fly in vain (from The Indian Queen) (33)
- Purcell: If love's a sweet passion (from The Fairy Queen, Z628) (11)
- Purcell: King Arthur, Z628 (26)
- Purcell: King Arthur, Z628: excerpts (8)
- Purcell: Masque from Timon of Athens (2)
- Purcell: Mystery’s Song (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (3)
- Purcell: Now the night is chac'd away (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (4)
- Purcell: Now Winter comes slowly (from The Fairy Queen) (3)
- Purcell: O let me ever, ever weep (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (8)
- Purcell: Oft she visits (from Dido and Aeneas) (3)
- Purcell: One charming night (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (18)
- Purcell: Plainte - O, Let Me Weep (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (27)
- Purcell: Prelude (From The Fairy Queen) (4)
- Purcell: Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian, Z627 (31)
- Purcell: Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian, Z627: Acts I-IV (1)
- Purcell: Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian, Z627: extracts (1)
- Purcell: Since from my dear Astrea's sight (from Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian, Z627) (11)
- Purcell: Sonata while the sun rises in 'The Fairy Queen', Z629/27 (1)
- Purcell: Suite from the Fairy Queen (14)
- Purcell: Symphony while the Swans come forward (from The Fairy Queen) (1)
- Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Overture in D major (4)
- Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z629 (28)
- Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z629: excerpts (10)
- Purcell: The Fairy Queen: Masque of the Four Seasons (1)
- Purcell: The Fairy Queen: Symphony to Act IV (3)
- Purcell: The Indian Queen, Z630 (13)
- Purcell: The Indian Queen, Z630: excerpts (1)
- Purcell: The Tempest, Z631 (5)
- Purcell: They Shall be as Happy as They're Fair (from The Fairy Queen) (1)
- Purcell: Thrice happy lovers (An Epithalamium) (10)
- Purcell: Thus the ever grateful Spring (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (3)
- Purcell: Thus, the gloomy world at first begins to shine (from The Fairy Queen) (2)
- Purcell: Thy hand, Belinda … When I am laid in earth (from Dido & Aeneas) (20)
- Purcell: Timon of Athens, Z632 (7)
- Purcell: Trumpet Tune (33)
- Purcell: Trumpet Tune (From King Arthur) (7)
- Purcell: What power art thou? (from King Arthur, Z628) (16)
- Purcell: When a cruel long winter (from The Fairy Queen) (2)
- Purcell: When I am laid in earth (from Dido and Aeneas) (101)
- Purcell: When I have often heard young maids complaining (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (2)
- Purcell: With Drooping Wings (from Dido and Aeneas) (3)
- Purcell: Ye gentle spirits of the air (from The Fairy Queen, Z629) (6)
- Purcell, D: Apollo and Daphne (2)
- Rabaud: Marouf (1)
- Rachmaninoff: Aleko (12)
- Rachmaninoff: Aleko - highlights (4)
- Rachmaninoff: Aleko - Intermezzo (7)
- Rachmaninoff: Aleko - Intermezzo & Women's Dance (6)
- Rachmaninoff: Aleko: suite (2)
- Rachmaninoff: Francesca da Rimini (3)
- Rachmaninoff: Francesca da Rimini (highlights) (1)
- Rachmaninoff: Francesca da Rimini, Act I: Francesca's Aria (3)
- Rachmaninoff: Monna Vanna: Opera in one act (2)
- Rachmaninoff: The Miserly Knight (highlights) (1)
- Rachmaninoff: The Miserly Knight, Op. 24 (10)
- Rachmaninoff: Ves tabor spit (from Aleko) (12)
- Rameau: Acante et Céphise, ou La Sympathie (3)
- Rameau: Anacreon (4)
- Rameau: Castor & Pollux (excerpts - choruses & dances) (1)
- Rameau: Castor & Pollux: Airs de ballet (1)
- Rameau: Castor & Pollux: Suite (9)
- Rameau: Castor et Pollux (6)
- Rameau: Daphnis et Aegle (4)
- Rameau: Dardanus (14)
- Rameau: Dardanus (extracts) (1)
- Rameau: Dardanus Suite (14)
- Rameau: Dardanus: Chaconne from Act V (6)
- Rameau: Dardanus: Marche pour les différents nations - Par tes bienfaits (1)
- Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie (14)
- Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie (extracts) (2)
- Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie: Menuet (1)
- Rameau: La Naissance d'Osiris (4)
- Rameau: Le Temple de la Gloire (12)
- Rameau: Les Boréades (6)
- Rameau: Les Boréades: orchestral suite (4)
- Rameau: Les Boréades: Suite (1)
- Rameau: Les Fêtes d'Hébé (4)
- Rameau: Les Fêtes d'Hébé: Pantomime (1)
- Rameau: Les Fêtes d'Hébé: Suite (1)
- Rameau: Les Fêtes de l'Hymen et de l'Amour, ou Les Dieux d'Égypte (7)
- Rameau: Les Fêtes de Polymnie (1)
- Rameau: Les Fêtes de Polymnie: Suite (2)
- Rameau: Les Fêtes de Ramire: Sarabande (1)
- Rameau: Les Indes galantes: Suite (9)
- Rameau: Les Paladins (3)
- Rameau: Les Paladins Entrée très gaye de Troubadours (1)
- Rameau: Les Paladins Menuets I & II (1)
- Rameau: Les Paladins: Gavotte un peu lente (1)
- Rameau: Les Surprises de l'Amour (2)
- Rameau: Les Surprises de l'Amour - Acte I (L'Enlèvement d'Adonis) (1)
- Rameau: Les Surprises de l'Amour - Prologue (Le Retour d'Astrée) (3)
- Rameau: Naïs (6)
- Rameau: Nelee et Myrthis (2)
- Rameau: Pigmalion (6)
- Rameau: Platée (4)
- Rameau: Platée (extracts) (1)
- Rameau: Platée & Dardanus Suites (1)
- Rameau: Platée Suite (3)
- Rameau: Pygmalion (5)
- Rameau: Pygmalion (excerpts) (1)
- Rameau: Zaïs (1)
- Rameau: Zéphyre (1)
- Rameau: Zéphyre (extracts) (1)
- Rameau: Zoroastre (5)
- Rameau: Zoroastre: Menuet en rondeau (1)
- Rameau: Zoroastre: orchestral suite (5)
- Rautavaara: Aleksis Kivi (3)
- Rautavaara: Rasputin (1)
- Rautavaara: Thomas - Opera in Three Acts (1)
- Rautavaara: Vincent - Opera in Three Acts (1)
- Ravel: L'enfant et les sortilèges (22)
- Ravel: L'heure Espagnole (15)
- Ravel: Toi, le coeur de la rose (2)
- Raymond: In Dir hab‘ ich mein Glück gefunden (from Mask in Blau) (1)
- Raymond: Maske in Blau (15)
- Raymond: Schau einer schonen Frau nie zu tief in die Augen (from Maske in Blau) (1)
- Reich: The Cave (2)
- Reichardt, J F: Erwin und Elmire (1)
- Reimann, A: Die Gespenstersonate (2)
- Reimann, A: Lear (3)
- Reimann, A: Medea (3)
- Reimann, A: Melusine (1)
- Respighi: Belfagor (2)
- Respighi: La bella dormente nel bosco, P. 176 (3)
- Respighi: La Campana Sommersa (2)
- Respighi: La Fiamma (The Flame) (1)
- Respighi: Maria Egiziaca (2)
- Reznicek: Donna Diana (1)
- Ricci, Federico: Crispino e la Comare (6)
- Ries, Ferdinand: Die Räuberbraut (1)
- Ries, Ferdinand: Die Rauberbraut, Op. 156 (2)
- Rihm: Die Eroberung von Mexico (1)
- Rihm: Die Hamletmaschine (1)
- Rihm: Jakob Lenz (2)
- Rihm: Oedipus (2)
- Rimsky Korsakov: All night I have waited for him in vain (from Sadko) (2)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Christmas Eve (5)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Christmas Eve Suite (12)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Dance of the Tumblers (from Snegurochka) (30)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Flight of the Bumble Bee (277)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Kashcheevna's Scene (from Kashchey the Immortal) (1)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Kashchey the Immortal (5)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Le Coq d'Or (11)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Le Coq d'Or Suite (29)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Le Coq d'Or: Hymn to the Sun (24)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Le Coq d'Or: Introduction & Cortège de noces (3)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Marfa's Scene & Aria: In Novgorod from The Tsar's Bride (4)
- Rimsky Korsakov: May Night (13)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Mlada Suite (13)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Mlada, Act III: Night on Mount Triglav (3)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Mlada: Act II: Procession of the Nobles (22)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Mozart & Salieri, Op. 48 (3)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Pan Voyevoda Suite (5)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Sadko (opera) (7)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Sadko: Song Of India (57)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Snegurochka (The Snow Maiden) (6)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Snow Maiden Suite (14)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia (7)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia: Massacre at Kerzhentz (2)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia: suite (8)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya: Wedding Procession - Tatar Invasion and Battle of Kerzhenets (1)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Maid of Pskov (2)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Maid of Pskov: Act One Intermezzo (1)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Maid of Pskov: Act Three Scene 1 (1)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Maid of Pskov: Act Two Intermezzo (1)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Maid of Pskov: In the Woods, Tsar’s Hunt and Storm (1)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Maid of Pskov: Suite (1)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Tale of Tsar Saltan (1)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Tale of Tsar Saltan: March (4)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Tsar's Bride (7)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Tsar's Bride: Overture and Intermezzo (1)
- Romberg, S: Lover, Come Back to Me (from The New Moon) (8)
- Romberg, S: One Alone (Harbach & Hammerstein) (8)
- Romberg, S: Softly as in a morning sunrise (from The New Moon) (10)
- Romberg, S: The Desert Song (12)
- Romberg, S: The Desert Song (excerpts) (1)
- Romberg, S: The New Moon (5)
- Romberg, S: The New Moon: Softly as in a morning sunrise; Lover, come back to me; Stout-hearted men; Wanting you; One kiss (1)
- Rorem: Miss Julie (1)
- Rossi, Luigi: Orfeo (8)
- Rossini: A un dottor della mia sorte (from Il barbiere di Siviglia) (10)
- Rossini: Adelaide di Borgogna (4)
- Rossini: Ah si pera...ormai la morte (from La donna del lago) (2)
- Rossini: Ah! quel giorno ognor rammento (from Semiramide) (6)
- Rossini: Ai capricci della sorte (from L'Italiana in Algeri) (4)
- Rossini: All'idea di quel metallo (from Il barbiere di Siviglia) (11)
- Rossini: Ariette Villageoise (3)
- Rossini: Armida (10)
- Rossini: Asile héréditaire (from Guillaume Tell) (5)
- Rossini: Assisa a' piè d'un salice (from Otello) (16)
- Rossini: Aureliano in Palmira (3)
- Rossini: Bel raggio lusinghier (from Semiramide) (45)
- Rossini: Bianca e Falliero (5)
- Rossini: Ciro in Babilonia (3)
- Rossini: Concedi, amor pietoso (from L'Italiana in Algeri) (2)
- Rossini: Cruda sorte! Amor tiranno! (from L'Italiana in Algeri) (20)
- Rossini: Deh, pensa che domani... E ben, per mia memoria (from La gazza ladra) (1)
- Rossini: Demetrio e Polibio (6)
- Rossini: Di tanti palpiti (from Tancredi) (17)
- Rossini: Dunque io son? (from Il Barbiere di Siviglia) (15)
- Rossini: Ecco, ridente in cielo (from Il Barbiere di Siviglia) (20)
- Rossini: Eduardo e Cristina (5)
- Rossini: Elisabetta regina d'Inghilterra (3)
- Rossini: Ermione (4)
- Rossini: Gia d'insolito ardore nel petto (from L'Italiana in Algeri) (3)
- Rossini: Guglielmo Tell (8)
- Rossini: Guillaume Tell (9)
- Rossini: Guillaume Tell (highlights) (1)
- Rossini: Ho un gran peso sulla testa (from L'Italiana in Algeri) (2)
- Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia (62)
- Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia (highlights) (12)
- Rossini: Il mio pianto è preparato (from La gazza ladra) (2)
- Rossini: Il Signor Bruschino (7)
- Rossini: Il Signor Bruschino - Highlights (1)
- Rossini: Il Turco in Italia (20)
- Rossini: Il Turco in Italia - Highlights (2)
- Rossini: Il viaggio a Reims (8)
- Rossini: L'Equivoco Stravagante (7)
- Rossini: L'inganno felice (3)
- Rossini: L'inganno felice - highlights (1)
- Rossini: L'Italiana in Algeri (22)
- Rossini: L'Italiana in Algeri (highlights) (2)
- Rossini: L'occasione fa il ladro (4)
- Rossini: L'occasione fa il ladro - highlights (1)
- Rossini: L'ora fatal s'appressa ... Giusto ciel! (from L'Assedio di Corinto) (9)
- Rossini: La calunnia è un venticello (from Il barbiere di Siviglia) (31)
- Rossini: La cambiale di matrimonio (5)
- Rossini: La cambiale di matrimonio - highlights (1)
- Rossini: La Cenerentola (20)
- Rossini: La Cenerentola (Highlights) (1)
- Rossini: La Cenerentola: Nacqui all'affanno (55)
- Rossini: La Cenerentola: Overture - Temporale (Thunderstorm music) (2)
- Rossini: La Cenerentola: Temporale (Thunderstorm music) (1)
- Rossini: La donna del lago (12)
- Rossini: La gazza ladra (12)
- Rossini: La Gazzetta (8)
- Rossini: La Pietra del paragone (3)
- Rossini: La scala di seta (4)
- Rossini: La Scala di Seta - highlights (1)
- Rossini: Languir per una bella (from L'Italiana in Algeri) (10)
- Rossini: Largo al factotum (from Il barbiere di Siviglia) (81)
- Rossini: Le Comte Ory (15)
- Rossini: Le Femmine d’Italia (L’Italiana in Algeri) (3)
- Rossini: Le Siège de Corinthe (4)
- Rossini: Ma forse, ahimè, Lindoro...Ah se è ver che in tal momento (alternative aria from Il Barbiere di Siviglia) (1)
- Rossini: Maometto Secondo (6)
- Rossini: Matilde di Shabran (3)
- Rossini: Moïse et Pharaon (6)
- Rossini: Mosè in Egitto (10)
- Rossini: Mura felici (from La donna del lago) (14)
- Rossini: O patria...Di tanti palpiti (from Tancredi) (8)
- Rossini: Otello (5)
- Rossini: Ricciardo e Zoraide (4)
- Rossini: S'allontanano alfine...Selva opaca (from Guglielmo Tell) (9)
- Rossini: Semiramide (12)
- Rossini: Semiramide (highlights) (3)
- Rossini: Si, ritrovarla io giuro (from La Cenerentola) (6)
- Rossini: Sigismondo (6)
- Rossini: Tancredi (6)
- Rossini: Tanti affetti in tal momento (from La donna del lago) (15)
- Rossini: Three arias from Il barbiere di Siviglia (2)
- Rossini: Torvaldo e Dorliska (4)
- Rossini: Un soave non so che (from La Cenerentola) (2)
- Rossini: Una voce poco fa (from Il barbiere di Siviglia) (129)
- Rossini: Vieni fra queste braccia (from La gazza ladra) (4)
- Rossini: Zelmira (1)
- Rota, N: I Due Timidi (4)
- Rota, N: Il Cappello di paglia di Firenze (1)
- Rousseau, J-J: Le Devin du village (6)
- Roussel: La Naissance de la lyre, Op. 24 (excerpt) (1)
- Roussel: La Naissance de la lyre, Op. 24, L. 29 (1)
- Roussel: Padmâvatî (2)
- Roussel: Padmâvatî: Ballet Suites (2)
- Rubinstein, A: Der Thurm zu Babel, Op. 80 (1)
- Rubinstein, A: Feramors: Ballet Music (1)
- Rubinstein, A: The Demon (3)
- Saariaho: Émilie Suite (2)
- Saariaho: L'Amour de loin (1)
- Saint-Saëns: Amour, viens aider ma faiblesse (Samson et Dalila) (9)
- Saint-Saëns: Etienne Marcel: Ballet Music (5)
- Saint-Saëns: Henry VIII (1)
- Saint-Saëns: Henry VIII: Ballet-Divertissement (1)
- Saint-Saëns: La Princesse jaune (The Yellow Princess) (1)
- Saint-Saëns: Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix (from Samson et Dalila) (85)
- Saint-Saëns: Printemps qui commence (from Samson et Dalila) (23)
- Saint-Saëns: Samson et Dalila (26)
- Saint-Saëns: Samson et Dalila (highlights) (2)
- Saint-Saëns: Samson et Dalila, Op. 47 (Act 1 Finale) (2)
- Saint-Saëns: Samson et Dalila, Op. 47: Bacchanale (49)
- Saint-Saëns: Samson et Dalila: Act 3 (6)
- Saint-Saëns: Samson et Dalila: ballet music (1)
- Salieri: Axur re d’Ormus (1)
- Salieri: Axur re d’Ormus: excerpts (1)
- Salieri: Efelia's aria (from La Grotta di Trofonio) (1)
- Salieri: Falstaff (3)
- Salieri: La Fiera di Venezia (1)
- Salieri: La Grotta di Trofonio (2)
- Salieri: La Grotta di Trofonio: excerpts (1)
- Salieri: La scuola de' gelosi (1)
- Salieri: Les Danaides (5)
- Salieri: Les Horaces (2)
- Salieri: Palmira, Regina di Persia: excerpts (1)
- Salieri: Prima la Musica poi la Parole (2)
- Salieri: Tarare (1)
- Sallinen: King Lear, Op. 76 (1)
- Sallinen: Kullervo - Opera in Two Acts (2)
- Sallinen: The King Goes Forth to France (1)
- Sallinen: The Palace (1)
- Sallinen: The Red Line (Punainen Viiva), Op. 46 (1)
- Sammartini, G B: Memet (2)
- Sarro: Achille in Sciro (1)
- Sarti: Armida e Rinaldo (3)
- Sarti: Giulio Sabino (3)
- Satie: Geneviève de Brabant (1)
- Scarlatti, A: Il trionfo dell'onore (1)
- Scarlatti, A: Pirro e Demetrio (1)
- Scartazzini: Edward II (1)
- Schillings: Mona Lisa (2)
- Schmidseder: Die oder keine (That One or No One) (3)
- Schmidseder: Frauen im Metropol (Women in the Metropol) (3)
- Schmidseder: Melodie der Nacht (Melody of the Night) (6)
- Schmidt, F: Notre Dame (25)
- Schmidt, F: Notre Dame - Intermezzo (17)
- Schoeck: Penthesilea, Op. 39 (2)
- Schoenberg: Die glückliche Hand, Op. 18 (6)
- Schoenberg: Erwartung, Op. 17 (22)
- Schoenberg: Moses und Aron (9)
- Schoenberg: Von Heute Auf Morgen (2)
- Schreker: Christophorus oder "Die Vision einer Oper" (1)
- Schreker: Das Spielwerk und die Prinzessin (1)
- Schreker: Der Ferne Klang (12)
- Schreker: Der Schatzgräber (9)
- Schreker: Der Schmied von Gent (1)
- Schreker: Die Gezeichneten (9)
- Schreker: Irrelohe (2)
- Schubert: Alfonso und Estrella, D732 (6)
- Schubert: Claudine von Villa Bella, D239 (16)
- Schubert: Der Spiegelritter (The Looking-Glass Knight), D11 (3)
- Schubert: Die Freunde von Salamanka, D326 (2)
- Schubert: Die Verschworenen (2)
- Schubert: Die Zauberharfe (The Magic Harp), D 644 (16)
- Schubert: Die Zwillingsbrüder, D647 (4)
- Schubert: Fierrabras D 796 (7)
- Schulhoff: Flammen (2)
- Schuman: A Question of Taste (1)
- Schuman: The Mighty Casey (1)
- Schumann: Genoveva (10)
- Schumann: Genoveva (highlights) (1)
- Schumann: Genoveva: Act 1 (1)
- Schweitzer, A: Alceste (4)
- Sciarrino: Lohengrin (1)
- Sciarrino: Luci mie traditrici (2)
- Sciarrino: Macbeth (1)
- Scriabin: Mysterium: L'Acte Préalable (1)
- Sedelnikov: Poor Folks - an opera in one act (1)
- Serov: Judith (2)
- Serrano, J: Alma de Dios (6)
- Shostakovich: A Scene from Act III from 'King Lear' (1)
- Shostakovich: Galop & Overture Waltz from Act III of Moscow, Cheremushki (2)
- Shostakovich: Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (6)
- Shostakovich: Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk: Act I Scene 3 (1)
- Shostakovich: Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk: Passacaglia (10)
- Shostakovich: Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk: Symphonic Suite, Op. 29a (4)
- Shostakovich: Moscow-Cheryomushki - Suite from the operetta, Op. 105 (4)
- Shostakovich: Moscow-Cheryomushki, Op. 105 (2)
- Shostakovich: The Gamblers (3)
- Shostakovich: The Nose (2)
- Sibelius: Jungfrun i Tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) (4)
- Sibelius: Snöfrid, Op. 29 (7)
- Sitsky: The Golem (1)
- Smareglia: Nozze Istriane (1)
- Smetana: Dalibor (6)
- Smetana: Jen Jediana (from Certova stena) (1)
- Smetana: Libuse (3)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride (19)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride (extracts) (1)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride (highlights) (2)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride: Dance of the Villagers (1)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride: Fanfare (2)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride: Jenik's aria (1)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride: Polka (10)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride: Proč bychom se netěšili (Opening Chorus) (3)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride: Skocná - Dance of the Comedians (28)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride: Three Dances (Polka, Furiant, Skocná - Dance of the Comedians) (26)
- Smetana: The Brandenburgers in Bohemia (3)
- Smetana: The Brandenburgers: Prelude, Act 1 Ballet (1)
- Smetana: The Devil's Wall (1)
- Smetana: The Devil’s Wall Prelude, Infernal Dance (2)
- Smetana: The Kiss (2)
- Smetana: The Secret (2)
- Smetana: The Two Widows (2)
- Smetana: The Two Widows – Recitative and Aria of Anežka, Act II (1)
- Smetana: The Two Widows: Overture, Act II Prelude and Polka (1)
- Smith, J C: The Fairies: Overture and March (1)
- Smith, J C: The Tempest: Overture & Hornpipe (1)
- Smyth: The Boatswain's Mate (1)
- Smyth: The Wreckers (1)
- Soler, V M: Il burbero di buon cuore (2)
- Soler, V M: L’arbore di Diana (3)
- Soler, V M: Una Cosa rara (1786) (1)
- Sorozábal: Don Manolito: Ensalada madrileña (1)
- Sorozábal: La Taberna del Puerto – ‘No puede ser’ (19)
- Sorozábal: La tabernera del puerto (1)
- Sousa: Desirée: selections (1)
- Sousa: El Capitan (selection inc. March) (4)
- Sousa: El Capitan: waltzes (3)
- Soutullo: La del soto del parral: Amor mir raza sabe conquistar (2)
- Soutullo: La del soto del parral: Ronda de enamorados (1)
- Soutullo: La leyanda del beso: Intermedio (1)
- Soutullo: La Leyenda del Beso: Intermedio (1)
- Spohr: Faust, Op. 60 (2)
- Spohr: Jessonda (1)
- Spohr: Mary's Aria from Des Heilands letzte Stunden (1)
- Spontini: Agnese di Hohenstaufen (2)
- Spontini: Fernando Cortez (La conquète du Mexique) (4)
- Spontini: La Vestale (7)
- Staden, S T: Seeliwig (1)
- Steffani: Henrico Leone (2)
- Steffani: Niobe Regina di Tebe (2)
- Stephan: Die ersten Menschen (1)
- Stolz, R: Zwei Herzen im Dreivierteltakt (15)
- Stölzel: Bist du bei mir (46)
- Strassburg: Chelm, Scenes 2, 3, 4 and 5 (1)
- Straus, O: Der letzte Walzer (1)
- Straus, O: Ein Walzertraum (1)
- Straus, O: Ein Walzertraum (highlights) (1)
- Straus, O: The Chocolate Soldier (2)
- Strauss, I: Orphee aux enfers - Quadrille (2)
- Strauss, J, II: Ach, wie so herrlich zu schau'n (from Die Fledermaus) (8)
- Strauss, J, II: Als flotter Geist (from Der Zigeunerbaron) (9)
- Strauss, J, II: Also, du bist ein Freiersmann? Duet from Simplicius, Act II. No. 13 (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Blindekuh (4)
- Strauss, J, II: Csárdás from the operetta Die Fledermaus (8)
- Strauss, J, II: Das Spitzentuch der Königin (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Der Carneval in Rom (The Carnival in Rome) (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Der Carneval in Rom (The Carnival in Rome): Ballet Music (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Der lustige Krieg, Op. 397 (3)
- Strauss, J, II: Der Zigeunerbaron (13)
- Strauss, J, II: Der Zigeunerbaron Overture (65)
- Strauss, J, II: Der Zigeunerbaron: highlights (2)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus (43)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus (highlights) (13)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus Act I Trio (2)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus Overture (143)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus: 'Komm mit zum Souper' (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus: Ballet Music, Act 2 (2)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus: Bruderlein und Schwesterlein (8)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Göttin der Vernunft (The Goddess of Reason) (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Dieser Anstand, so manierlich (from Die Fledermaus) (12)
- Strauss, J, II: Eine Nacht in Venedig (10)
- Strauss, J, II: Eine Nacht in Venedig: highlights (2)
- Strauss, J, II: Eine Nacht in Venedig: Komm in die Gondel (11)
- Strauss, J, II: Eine Nacht in Venedig: Overture (13)
- Strauss, J, II: Eine Nacht in Venedig: Treu sein, das liegt mir nicht (4)
- Strauss, J, II: Es war so wunderschön (It was so lovely), Marsch Op. 467, from the operetta Waldmeister (Woodruff) (3)
- Strauss, J, II: Falke, mein Falke (from Die Fledermaus) (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Fürstin Ninetta (Princess Ninetta) (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Her die Hand, es mußja sein (from Der Zigeunerbaron) (3)
- Strauss, J, II: Ich lade gern mir Gäste ein (from Die Fledermaus) (7)
- Strauss, J, II: Indigo und die Vierzig Rauber: Ballet Music (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Ja, das Schreiben und das Lesen (from Der Zigeunerbaron) (2)
- Strauss, J, II: Jabuka (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Klänge der Heimat (from Die Fledermaus) (22)
- Strauss, J, II: Mein Herr Marquis (from Die Fledermaus) (20)
- Strauss, J, II: Prinz Methusalem (3)
- Strauss, J, II: Ritter Pázmán, Op. 441 (9)
- Strauss, J, II: Simplicius (3)
- Strauss, J, II: So elend und so true…O habet acht (from Der Zigeunerbaron) (4)
- Strauss, J, II: So muss allein ich bleiben (from Die Fledermaus) (4)
- Strauss, J, II: Spanischer Tanz (from Die Fledermaus) (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Spiel’ ich die Unschuld vom Lande from Die Fledermaus (5)
- Strauss, J, II: Trinke Liebchen, trinke schnell (from Die Fledermaus) (4)
- Strauss, J, II: Wer uns getraut? (from Der Zigeunerbaron) (12)
- Strauss, J, II: Wiener Blut (operetta) (16)
- Strauss, R: Addio, mia vita (from Capriccio) (1)
- Strauss, R: Ah! Du wolltest mich nicht deinen Mund küssen lassen (from Salome) (27)
- Strauss, R: Arabella (19)
- Strauss, R: Arabella: Act 1 (2)
- Strauss, R: Arabella: highlights (2)
- Strauss, R: Ariadne auf Naxos (32)
- Strauss, R: Ariadne auf Naxos (excerpts) (3)
- Strauss, R: Arie der Helena - Awakening Scene (from Die Ägyptische Helena) (1)
- Strauss, R: Capriccio (15)
- Strauss, R: Capriccio: Interlude (1)
- Strauss, R: Capriccio: Intermezzo (Moonlight Music) (19)
- Strauss, R: Capriccio: Introduction and Moonlight Music (1)
- Strauss, R: Da geht er hin (from Der Rosenkavalier, Op. 59) (18)
- Strauss, R: Daphne (8)
- Strauss, R: Das war sehr gut, Mandryka (from Arabella) (13)
- Strauss, R: Der Rosenkavalier (56)
- Strauss, R: Der Rosenkavalier (highlights) (5)
- Strauss, R: Der Rosenkavalier: Act III Waltz (7)
- Strauss, R: Di rigori armato il seno (from Der Rosenkavalier) (17)
- Strauss, R: Die Ägyptische Helena (6)
- Strauss, R: Die Frau ohne Schatten (18)
- Strauss, R: Die Frau ohne Schatten: Act 1 Scene & Finale (1)
- Strauss, R: Die Frau ohne Schatten: Orchestral Introduction to Act Two Scene Four (1)
- Strauss, R: Die Liebe der Danae, Op. 83 (4)
- Strauss, R: Die Liebe der Danae: symphonic fragment (6)
- Strauss, R: Die schweigsame Frau, Op. 80 (6)
- Strauss, R: Die schweigsame Frau, Op. 80: excerpts (2)
- Strauss, R: Elektra (40)
- Strauss, R: Elektra (highlights) (3)
- Strauss, R: Er ist der Richtige nicht für mich … Aber der Richtige, wenn's einen gibt für mich (from Arabella) (13)
- Strauss, R: Es gibt ein Reich (from Ariadne auf Naxos) (31)
- Strauss, R: Feuersnot (4)
- Strauss, R: Feuersnot, Op. 50: excerpts (1)
- Strauss, R: Friedenstag (2)
- Strauss, R: Grossmächtige Prinzessin (from Ariadne auf Naxos) (12)
- Strauss, R: Guntram, op. 25 (1)
- Strauss, R: Intermezzo, Op. 72 (3)
- Strauss, R: Intermezzo, Op. 72: Four Symphonic Interludes (16)
- Strauss, R: Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklich sein (from Der Rosenkavalier) (7)
- Strauss, R: Liebesszene (from Feuersnot) (12)
- Strauss, R: Marie Theres'! ... Hab mir's gelobt (from Der Rosenkavalier) (19)
- Strauss, R: Mir ist die Ehre widerfahren (from Der Rosenkavalier) (15)
- Strauss, R: Morgen mittag um elf! (from Capriccio) (19)
- Strauss, R: Noch glaub'ich dem einem ganz mich gehörend (from Ariadne auf Naxos) (3)
- Strauss, R: Salome (51)
- Strauss, R: Sein wir wieder gut (from Ariadne auf Naxos) (12)
- Strauss, R: Waltz Sequence No. 2 (from Der Rosenkavalier, Op. 59) (21)
- Strauss, R: Wie schön ist doch die Musik (from Die schweigsame Frau) (4)
- Strauss, R: Wo ist mein Bruder? (from Capriccio) (10)
- Strauss, R: Zweite Brautnacht! (from Die Ägyptische Helena) (7)
- Stravinsky: Chanson Russe (42)
- Stravinsky: Jocasta's Aria (from Oedipus Rex) (1)
- Stravinsky: L'Histoire du Soldat (42)
- Stravinsky: Mavra - opera buffa in one act (21)
- Stravinsky: Mavra: Chanson de Paracha (6)
- Stravinsky: No word from Tom (from The Rake's Progress) (11)
- Stravinsky: Oedipus Rex (35)
- Stravinsky: Perséphone (9)
- Stravinsky: Renard (18)
- Stravinsky: Russian Song (from Mavra) (13)
- Stravinsky: The Flood: A Musical Play (3)
- Stravinsky: The Nightingale (12)
- Stravinsky: The Rake's Progress (14)
- Sullivan, A: Cox and Box (3)
- Sullivan, A: Haddon Hall (2)
- Sullivan, A: HMS Pinafore (11)
- Sullivan, A: HMS Pinafore: extracts (1)
- Sullivan, A: Iolanthe (6)
- Sullivan, A: Iolanthe (highlights) (1)
- Sullivan, A: Ivanhoe (2)
- Sullivan, A: Patience (5)
- Sullivan, A: Patience: extracts (1)
- Sullivan, A: Princess Ida (3)
- Sullivan, A: Ruddigore (4)
- Sullivan, A: Ruddigore: extracts (1)
- Sullivan, A: The Beauty Stone (1)
- Sullivan, A: The Contrabandista (or The Law of the Ladrones) (1)
- Sullivan, A: The Gondoliers (8)
- Sullivan, A: The Gondoliers (highlights) (3)
- Sullivan, A: The Grand Duke (2)
- Sullivan, A: The Mikado (18)
- Sullivan, A: The Mikado: extracts (6)
- Sullivan, A: The Pirates of Penzance (9)
- Sullivan, A: The Pirates of Penzance: extracts (1)
- Sullivan, A: The Rose of Persia (1)
- Sullivan, A: The Sapphire Necklace (3)
- Sullivan, A: The Sorcerer (3)
- Sullivan, A: The Sorcerer: extracts (1)
- Sullivan, A: The Yeomen of the Guard (5)
- Sullivan, A: The Yeomen of the Guard: extracts (3)
- Sullivan, A: The Zoo (1)
- Sullivan, A: Trial by Jury (7)
- Sullivan, A: Utopia Limited (1)
- Sullivan, A: Utopia Limited (highlights) (1)
- Suppe: Boccaccio (3)
- Suppe: Die schöne Galathée (20)
- Suppe: Fatinitza (4)
- Susa: The Dangerous Liaisons (1)
- Szymanowski: Król Roger (10)
- Szymanowski: Roxana's Song from the opera 'King Roger' (5)
- Tamberg: Cyrano de Bergerac Op. 45 (1)
- Tamkin: The Dybbuk (1)
- Tan Dun: Marco Polo (2)
- Taneyev, S: Oresteia No. 24, Enr'acte (2)
- Tate, P: The Lodger (1)
- Tavener: Mary Of Egypt (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Adieu, forêts (from Jeanne d'Arc) (8)
- Tchaikovsky: Akh, istomilas' ya gorem from The Queen of Spades (5)
- Tchaikovsky: Cherevichki (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Cherevichki (The Slippers) (4)
- Tchaikovsky: Cherevichki: Introduction (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Cherevichki: Suite (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Chto nasha zhizn’? Igra! (The Queen of Spades) (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Cossack Dance (Hopak/Gopak) from Mazeppa (15)
- Tchaikovsky: Die Jungfrau von Orléans - arias (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Die Zauberin - arias (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin (37)
- Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin (extracts) (9)
- Tchaikovsky: Iolanta (15)
- Tchaikovsky: Iolanthe (highlights) (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Jan ye sposobna k grusti tomnoy (from Eugene Onegin) (3)
- Tchaikovsky: Jeanne d'Arc, La Pucelle d'Orleans (3)
- Tchaikovsky: Jolanthe - arias (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Kto mozhet sravnitsa s Matildoyu moyei (Robert's aria from Iolanta) (6)
- Tchaikovsky: Kuda, Kuda 'Lensky's Aria' (from Eugene Onegin) (73)
- Tchaikovsky: Lyubvi fse vozrastï pokornï 'Gremin's aria' (from Eugene Onegin) (15)
- Tchaikovsky: Mazeppa (4)
- Tchaikovsky: Mazeppa - arias (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Mazeppa (highlights) (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Mazeppa: Maria's aria (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Mazeppa: The Battle of Poltava (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Mazeppa: The Battle of Poltava, Cossack Dance (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Oprichnik (8)
- Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (20)
- Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (highlights) (2)
- Tchaikovsky: Podrugi milyye (from The Queen of Spades) (3)
- Tchaikovsky: Polonaise (from Eugene Onegin, Op. 24) (54)
- Tchaikovsky: Puskay pogibnu ya 'Tatiana's Letter Scene' (from Eugene Onegin) (36)
- Tchaikovsky: Slikhali l vi za roschei glas nochnoi (from Eugene Onegin) (1)
- Tchaikovsky: The Enchantress: Introduction (1)
- Tchaikovsky: The Queen of Spades (arias) (4)
- Tchaikovsky: The Voyevoda (6)
- Tchaikovsky: Uzh polnoch' blizitsya (from Pique Dame) (11)
- Tchaikovsky: Uzhel ta samaya Tatyana (from Eugene Onegin) (8)
- Tchaikovsky: Vy mne pisali…Kogda by zhizn domashnim krugom (from Eugene Onegin) (12)
- Tchaikovsky: Waltz from Eugene Onegin, Op. 24 (44)
- Tchaikovsky: Ya vas lyublyu 'Yeletsky’s aria' (from Pique Dame) (8)
- Telemann: Orpheus (1)
- Terradellas: Merope (excerpts) (1)
- Testi: Saül (1)
- Theodorakis: Antigone (1)
- Theodorakis: Electra (1)
- Theodorakis: Medea (2)
- Theofanidis: Maria’s Aria (from The Cows of Apollo) (1)
- Thomas, Ambroise: A vos jeux, mes amis (from Hamlet) (24)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Adieu, Mignon! Courage! (Mignon) (11)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Ah, pour ce soir...Je suis Titania (from Mignon) (7)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Connais-tu le pays (from Mignon) (24)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Elle ne croyait pas, dans sa candeur naïve (from Mignon) (11)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Hamlet (4)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Hamlet: arias (1)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Je suis Titania (from Mignon) (11)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Mignon (4)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Mignon - Excerpts (1)
- Thomas, Ambroise: O vin, dissipe la tristesse (from Hamlet) (10)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Selected arias from "Hamlet" (1)
- Thomson, V: Four Saints in Three Acts (1)
- Thomson, V: The Mother of Us All (2)
- Tippett: King Priam (2)
- Tippett: Suite from New Year (2)
- Tippett: The Knot Garden (1)
- Tippett: The Midsummer Marriage (3)
- Tippett: The Midsummer Marriage - Sosostris's Aria (2)
- Todd: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1)
- Tomasi, H F: Don Juan De Mañara (1)
- Torrejon y Velasco: La purpura della rosa (2)
- Torroba: Luisa Fernanda (12)
- Traetta: Ippolito ed Aricia (2)
- Traetta: Sofonisba (2)
- Turnage: Anna Nicole (2)
- Turnage: Greek (3)
- Turnage: Twice Through the Heart (1)
- Ullmann, V: Der Kaiser von Atlantis (2)
- Vaage: Someone is Going to Come (opera in one act) (1)
- Vaccai: Giulietta e Romeo (4)
- various: French And Italian Opera Arias (works by Bizet, Gounod, Rossini, Verdi & Leoncavallo) (1)
- Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover (7)
- Vaughan Williams: Riders to the Sea (4)
- Vaughan Williams: Sir John in Love (5)
- Vaughan Williams: The Pilgrim's Progress (9)
- Vaughan Williams: The Poisoned Kiss (2)
- Vaughan Williams: The Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains (2)
- Vecchi: L'Amfiparnaso (3)
- Verdi: Ah sì ben mio (from Il trovatore) (58)
- Verdi: Ah, fors'è lui che l'anima (from La Traviata) (16)
- Verdi: Ah! Mille vite gli donasse iddio (from Otello) (5)
- Verdi: Ai nostri monti (from Il trovatore) (5)
- Verdi: Aida (124)
- Verdi: Aida (highlights) (24)
- Verdi: Aida (incomplete) (1)
- Verdi: Aida: Act Three (1)
- Verdi: Aida: Ballabile (8)
- Verdi: Alla vita che t'arride (from Un ballo in maschera) (15)
- Verdi: Alzati…Eri tu che macchiavi quell'anima (from Un Ballo in Maschera) (39)
- Verdi: Alzira (9)
- Verdi: Alzira (highlights) (1)
- Verdi: Anvil Chorus (from Il Trovatore) (65)
- Verdi: Aroldo (3)
- Verdi: Attila (27)
- Verdi: Ave Maria (from Otello) (45)
- Verdi: Bella figlia dell'amore (from Rigoletto) (15)
- Verdi: Caro nome (from Rigoletto) (68)
- Verdi: Celeste Aida (from Aida) (93)
- Verdi: Che mai vegg'io … Infelice! e tu credevi (from Ernani) (10)
- Verdi: Ciel, mio padre! (from Aida) (11)
- Verdi: Come dal ciel precipita (from Macbeth) (5)
- Verdi: Condotta ell’era in ceppi (from Il Trovatore) (11)
- Verdi: Cortigiani, vil razza dannata (from Rigoletto) (37)
- Verdi: De' miei bollenti spiriti (from La traviata) (23)
- Verdi: Deserto sulla terra (from Il trovatore) (7)
- Verdi: Di Provenza il mar (from La Traviata) (47)
- Verdi: Di quella pira (from Il trovatore) (66)
- Verdi: Di' tu se fedele (from Un ballo in maschera) (33)
- Verdi: Dio, che nell'alma infondere (from Don Carlo) (26)
- Verdi: Dio, mi potevi scagliar tutti i mali (from Otello) (22)
- Verdi: Don Carlo (56)
- Verdi: Don Carlo (highlights) (7)
- Verdi: Don Carlos (Five-act French version) (9)
- Verdi: È strano! è strano!...Ah! fors è lui (from La traviata) (18)
- Verdi: È strano! è strano!...Ah! fors è lui...Sempre libera (from La Traviata) (64)
- Verdi: Ecco l'orrido campo … Ma dall'arido stelo divulsa (from Un ballo in maschera) (26)
- Verdi: Ella giammai m'amò (from Don Carlo) (30)
- Verdi: Ella mi fu rapita! (from Rigoletto) (38)
- Verdi: Era la notte (from Otello) (13)
- Verdi: Ernani (38)
- Verdi: Ernani (highlights) (3)
- Verdi: Evviva!? Beviamo! (from Ernani) (4)
- Verdi: Falstaff (72)
- Verdi: Falstaff (highlights) (2)
- Verdi: Forse la soglia attinse (from Un ballo in maschera) (33)
- Verdi: Gerusalem! (from I Lombardi) (13)
- Verdi: Giá nella notte densa (from Otello) (35)
- Verdi: Giovanna d'Arco (16)
- Verdi: Giovanna d'Arco: Gran Marcia trionfale (1)
- Verdi: Gli arredi festivi (from Nabucco) (15)
- Verdi: Grand March from Aida (37)
- Verdi: I Due Foscari (24)
- Verdi: I Lombardi alla prima crociata (21)
- Verdi: I Masnadieri (9)
- Verdi: I Vespri Siciliani (28)
- Verdi: I Vespri Siciliani: The Four Seasons (Ballet music) (7)
- Verdi: Il Corsaro (14)
- Verdi: Il Trovatore (112)
- Verdi: Il Trovatore (highlights) (14)
- Verdi: Invano Alvaro ... Le minaccie, I fieri accenti (from La forza del destino) (10)
- Verdi: Jérusalem (4)
- Verdi: Jerusalem: Airs de Ballet i. Pas de Quatre ii. Pas de Deux iii. Pas Solo iv. Pas d’ensemble (1)
- Verdi: La Battaglia di Legnano (11)
- Verdi: La donna è mobile (from Rigoletto) (187)
- Verdi: La forza del destino (61)
- Verdi: La forza del destino (abridged) (3)
- Verdi: La Forza del Destino (highlights) (7)
- Verdi: La mia letizia infondere (from I Lombardi) (33)
- Verdi: La rivedrà nell'estasi (from Un ballo in maschera) (8)
- Verdi: La Traviata (158)
- Verdi: La Traviata (highlights) (18)
- Verdi: La Vergine degli Angeli (from La Forza del Destino) (24)
- Verdi: Les vêpres siciliennes (2)
- Verdi: Libiamo, ne' lieti calici (from La Traviata) (66)
- Verdi: Luisa Miller (25)
- Verdi: Lunge da lei…De’ miei bollenti spiriti (from La Traviata) (37)
- Verdi: Ma se m'è forza perderti (from Un ballo in maschera) (31)
- Verdi: Macbeth (69)
- Verdi: Macbeth: Ballet Music (8)
- Verdi: Mercè, diletti amici (from Ernani) (17)
- Verdi: Morir! Tremenda cosa! (from La Forza del Destino) (11)
- Verdi: Nabucco (46)
- Verdi: Nabucco (highlights) (11)
- Verdi: Nabucco: Marcia funebre (1)
- Verdi: Nei giardin del bello saracin ostello 'Veil Song' (from Don Carlo) (7)
- Verdi: Nella guerra, è la follia (from La forza del destino) (5)
- Verdi: Niun mi tema (from Otello) (38)
- Verdi: Noi siamo zingarelle (from La Traviata) (10)
- Verdi: Non so le tetre immagini (from Il Corsaro) (2)
- Verdi: O cieli azzurri (from Aida) (4)
- Verdi: O don fatale (from Don Carlo) (32)
- Verdi: O inferno!...Sento avvampar nell'anima (from Simon Boccanegra) (20)
- Verdi: O patria mia (from Aida) (14)
- Verdi: Oberto (12)
- Verdi: Oberto (highlights) (1)
- Verdi: Oh, chi piange? (from Nabucco) (2)
- Verdi: Oh, cielo! Dove son'io!...Ah! dagli scanni eterei...Ah, dal sen di quella tomba (from Aroldo) (4)
- Verdi: Oh! fede negar potessi (from Luisa Miller) (29)
- Verdi: Or co' dadi, ma fra poco (from Il Trovatore) (4)
- Verdi: Otello (75)
- Verdi: Otello (highlights) (7)
- Verdi: Otello: Ballet Music (7)
- Verdi: Otello: Ballet Music (Paris version) (1)
- Verdi: Pace, pace mio Dio! (from La forza del destino) (85)
- Verdi: Pari siamo! (from Rigoletto) (23)
- Verdi: Parigi, o cara (from La Traviata) (23)
- Verdi: Parmi veder le lagrime (from Rigoletto) (28)
- Verdi: Per me giunto è il di (from Don Carlo) (22)
- Verdi: Presso alla mia persona (from Don Carlo) (2)
- Verdi: Pur ti riveggo, mia dolce Aida (from Aida) (19)
- Verdi: Quando le sere al placido (from Luisa Miller) (58)
- Verdi: Questa o quella (from Rigoletto) (70)
- Verdi: Qui Radamès verrà!... O patria mia (from Aida) (22)
- Verdi: Re dell’abisso, affrettati (from Un Ballo in Maschera) (6)
- Verdi: Reverenza...Buon giorno, buona donna (from Falstaff) (3)
- Verdi: Rigoletto (115)
- Verdi: Rigoletto (highlights) (6)
- Verdi: Rigoletto: Act 3 (63)
- Verdi: Ritorna vincitor! (from Aida) (66)
- Verdi: Saper vorreste (from Un Ballo in Maschera) (4)
- Verdi: Se quel guerrier io fossi!…Celeste Aida (from Aida) (62)
- Verdi: Si, pel ciel (from Otello) (5)
- Verdi: Siam giunti ... D'amor sull'ali rosee ... Miserere d'un' alma gia vicina (from Il Trovatore) (7)
- Verdi: Simon Boccanegra (46)
- Verdi: Simon Boccanegra (highlights) (3)
- Verdi: Solenne in quest'ora (from La Forza del Destino) (24)
- Verdi: Spuntato ecco il di d'esultanza (from Don Carlo) (16)
- Verdi: Stiffelio (16)
- Verdi: Stride la vampa (from Il Trovatore) (18)
- Verdi: Sul fil d'un soffio etesio (from Falstaff) (5)
- Verdi: Surta è la notte...Ernani! Ernani, involami (from Ernani) (33)
- Verdi: Tacea la notte (from Il Trovatore) (43)
- Verdi: Teco io sto (from Un ballo in maschera) (17)
- Verdi: Tu che le vanità (from Don Carlo) (49)
- Verdi: Tutte le feste (from Rigoletto) (12)
- Verdi: Udisti?…Mira di acerbe lagrime (from Il Trovatore) (5)
- Verdi: Un ballo in maschera (74)
- Verdi: Un ballo in maschera (Highlights) (5)
- Verdi: Un dì felice, eterea (from La traviata) (13)
- Verdi: Un di, se ben rammentomi... Bella figlia dell'amore (from Rigoletto) (8)
- Verdi: Un giorno di regno (14)
- Verdi: Una macchia è qui tutt'ora (from Macbeth) (22)
- Verdi: Urna fatale (from La Forza del Destino) (12)
- Verdi: Va, pensiero (from Nabucco) (91)
- Verdi: Vanne, la tua meta gia vedo…Credo in un Dio crudel (from Otello) (34)
- Verdi: Vieni! t'affretta!…Or tutti sorgete (from Macbeth) (12)
- Villanueva, F: Gran Fantasia sobre motivos de la Zarzuela, 'El Molinero de Subiza' (1)
- Vinci, Leonardo: Artaserse (2)
- Vinci, Leonardo: Cervo in bosco (from Il Medo) (2)
- Vinci, Leonardo: Didone abbandonata (5)
- Vivaldi: Argippo (2)
- Vivaldi: Armida al campo d'Egitto RV699-A (2)
- Vivaldi: Arsilda Regina di Ponto (1)
- Vivaldi: Atenaide (1)
- Vivaldi: Bajazet (2)
- Vivaldi: Dorilla in Tempe (1)
- Vivaldi: Ercole sul Termodonte (3)
- Vivaldi: Farnace (2)
- Vivaldi: Gelido in ogni vena (from Il Farnace, RV711) (20)
- Vivaldi: Giustino: Vedro con mio diletto (19)
- Vivaldi: Griselda - dramma per musica : Dopo un' orrida procella (4)
- Vivaldi: Griselda, RV718 (3)
- Vivaldi: Griselda: Agitata da due venti (13)
- Vivaldi: Il Farnace, RV711 (6)
- Vivaldi: Il Giustino (3)
- Vivaldi: Il Teuzzone (2)
- Vivaldi: Il Tigrane (opera fragment) (3)
- Vivaldi: L'Incoronazione di Dario (3)
- Vivaldi: L'Olimpiade RV725 (3)
- Vivaldi: La Fida Ninfa (6)
- Vivaldi: La Fida Ninfa (highlights) (1)
- Vivaldi: La Verità in cimento (3)
- Vivaldi: Motezuma (2)
- Vivaldi: Nel profondo from Orlando Furioso (7)
- Vivaldi: Orlando finto pazzo, RV727 (1)
- Vivaldi: Orlando Furioso, RV728 (9)
- Vivaldi: Orlando Furioso, RV728 (highlights) (4)
- Vivaldi: Ottone in Villa (4)
- Vivaldi: Rosmira Fedele (1)
- Vivaldi: Sposa son disprezzata (from Bajazet) (7)
- Vivaldi: Tito Manlio RV 738 (3)
- Vivaldi: Tra le follie...Siam navi all'onde algenti (from L'Olimpiade) (8)
- Vives: Bohemios (5)
- Vives: Dona Frañcisquita (10)
- Vivier: Kopernikus (2)
- Wagner: Abendlich strahlt der Sonne Auge (from Das Rheingold) (8)
- Wagner: Albumblatt für Ernst Benedikt Kietz WWV64 ‘Lied ohne Worte’ (9)
- Wagner: Allmächt'ger Vater, blick herab! (from Rienzi) (20)
- Wagner: Allmächt’ge Jungfrau! (from Tannhäuser) (32)
- Wagner: Als du in kuhnem Sange uns bestrittest (from Tannhäuser) (2)
- Wagner: Am stillen Herd (from Die Meistersinger) (13)
- Wagner: Amfortas! Die Wunde! (from Parsifal) (17)
- Wagner: Atmest du nicht mit mir die süssen Düfte? (from Lohengrin) (5)
- Wagner: Begluckt darf nun dich 'Pilgrims' Chorus' (from Tannhauser) (26)
- Wagner: Blick ich umher in diesem edlen Kreise (from Tannhäuser) (11)
- Wagner: Bridal Chorus 'Treulich geführt' (from Lohengrin) (47)
- Wagner: Brünnhilde, heilige Braut! (from Götterdammerung) (10)
- Wagner: Dank, König, dir, daß du zu richten kamst! (from Lohengrin) (2)
- Wagner: Das Liebesverbot (8)
- Wagner: Das Rheingold (117)
- Wagner: Das Rheingold: Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla (46)
- Wagner: Das Rheingold: highlights (3)
- Wagner: Das Rheingold: Prelude (6)
- Wagner: Das schöne Fest, Johannistag (from Die Meistersinger) (5)
- Wagner: Das susse Lied verhallt (from Lohengrin) (6)
- Wagner: Dass der mein Vater nicht ist (from Siegfried) (10)
- Wagner: Der Augen leuchtendes Paar (from Die Walküre) (3)
- Wagner: Der fliegende Holländer (71)
- Wagner: Der Fliegende Holländer: highlights (7)
- Wagner: Der Fliegende Hollander: Mit Gewitter und Sturm (7)
- Wagner: Der Männer Sippe (from Die Walküre) (11)
- Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen (46)
- Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen (excerpts) (5)
- Wagner: Dich selige Frau (from Die Walküre) (3)
- Wagner: Dich, teure Halle (from Tannhauser) (60)
- Wagner: Die Feen (7)
- Wagner: Die Frist ist um (from Der fliegende Holländer) (24)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (63)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Act 2 (15)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Act 3 (excerpts) (1)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Dance of the Apprentices (23)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Entry of the Masters (13)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: excerpts (12)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: highlights (2)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Suite from Act 3 (3)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger: Da zu dir der Heiland kam (2)
- Wagner: Die Walküre (162)
- Wagner: Die Walküre: Act 1 (31)
- Wagner: Die Walküre: Act 1 (highlights) (1)
- Wagner: Die Walküre: Act 3 (54)
- Wagner: Die Walkure: Magic Fire Music (38)
- Wagner: Die Walküre: Ride of the Valkyries (207)
- Wagner: Die Walküre: Schluss des letzten Aufzuges (End of the last Act) (1)
- Wagner: Dir töne Lob (from Tannhäuser) (4)
- Wagner: Ein Schwert verhieß mir der Vater (from Die Walküre) (18)
- Wagner: Einsam in trüben Tagen (from Lohengrin) (34)
- Wagner: Einsam wachend...Habet acht! (from Tristan und Isolde) (6)
- Wagner: Elsa!... Wer ruft? (from Lohengrin) (4)
- Wagner: Entweihte Götter (from Lohengrin) (5)
- Wagner: Erhebe dich, Genossin meiner Schmach! (from Lohengrin) (1)
- Wagner: Euch Lüften, die mein Klagen (from Lohengrin) (9)
- Wagner: Ewig war ich (from Siegfried) (5)
- Wagner: Fanget an! (Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (8)
- Wagner: Fliegt heim, ihr Raben (from Götterdämmerung) (7)
- Wagner: Freudig begrussen wir 'Entrance of the Guests' (from Tannhauser) (26)
- Wagner: Gar viel und schön (from Tannhäuser) (5)
- Wagner: Gerechter Gott! (from Rienzi) (7)
- Wagner: Gesegnet soll sie schreiten (from Lohengrin) (20)
- Wagner: Gleich, Meister! Hier! (from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (2)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung (124)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Act 3 (15)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Act Three, Scene 3 (1)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Dawn (4)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Dawn and Siegfried's Rhine Journey (35)
- Wagner: Gotterdammerung: Dawn, Siegfried's Rhine Journey & Funeral March (15)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: excerpts (11)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: finale (11)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Hier sitz ich zur Wacht (4)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: highlights (3)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Siegfried's Death (2)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Siegfried's Death & Funeral March (17)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Siegfried's Funeral March (86)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Siegfried's Funeral Music and Final Scene (1)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Siegfried's Rhine Journey (42)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Siegfried's Rhine Journey and Funeral March (20)
- Wagner: Götterdämmerung: Starke Scheite schichtet mir dort 'Brünnhilde's Immolation Scene' (63)
- Wagner: Grausamer! Fühlst du im Herzen? (from Parsifal) (3)
- Wagner: Gut'n Abend, Meister (from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (7)
- Wagner: Heil dir, Sonne! (from Siegfried) (9)
- Wagner: Höchstes Vertrau´n (from Lohengrin) (9)
- Wagner: Hoho! Hoho! Hohei! Schmiede, mein Hammer, ein hartes Schwert! (from Siegfried) (10)
- Wagner: Hoiho! Hoihohoho! (from Götterdämmerung) (5)
- Wagner: Hojotoho, hojotoho, heiaha, heiaha! (from Die Walküre) (5)
- Wagner: Hör' an, Wolfram! … Inbrunst im Herzen (from Tannhauser) (4)
- Wagner: Höre mit Sinn was ich dir sage (from Götterdämmerung) (3)
- Wagner: Ich sah das Kind an seiner Mutter Brust (from Parsifal) (16)
- Wagner: In fernem Land (from Lohengrin) (56)
- Wagner: Inbrunst im Herzen (from Tannhäuser) (18)
- Wagner: Isolde! Geliebte! (from Tristan und Isolde) (2)
- Wagner: Ja, wehe! Wehe! Weh über mich! (from Parsifal) (7)
- Wagner: Jerum! Jerum! (from Die Meistersinger) (3)
- Wagner: Johohoe! Traft ihr das Schiff im Meere an 'Senta's Ballad' (from Der fliegende Holländer) (24)
- Wagner: Komm, komm, holder Knabe! (from Parsifal) (7)
- Wagner: Leb wohl, du kühnes, herrliches Kind! (from Die Walküre) (38)
- Wagner: Leb wohl...Loge, hör! 'Wotan's Farewell & Magic Fire Music' (from Die Walküre) (18)
- Wagner: Lohengrin (61)
- Wagner: Lohengrin (excerpts) (11)
- Wagner: Lohengrin (highlights) (5)
- Wagner: Mein Herr und Gott (from Lohengrin) (2)
- Wagner: Mein Herr! der Singer Meister-Schlag (from Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg) (1)
- Wagner: Mein lieber Schwan (from Lohengrin) (12)
- Wagner: Mild und leise 'Isolde's Liebestod' (from Tristan und Isolde) (96)
- Wagner: Mild und leise 'Isolde's Liebestod' (from Tristan und Isolde): orchestral version (8)
- Wagner: Mime hiess ein mürrischer Zwerg (from Götterdammerung) (4)
- Wagner: Mögst du, mein Kind (from Der fliegende Holländer) (6)
- Wagner: Morgenlich leuchtend im rosigen Schein 'Prize Song' (from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (40)
- Wagner: Nein, Lasst ihn unenthüllt (Parsifal) (4)
- Wagner: Nothung! Nothung! Neidliches Schwert! (from Siegfried) (10)
- Wagner: Nur eine Waffe taugt (from Parsifal) (17)
- Wagner: O du, mein holder Abendstern (from Tannhäuser) (40)
- Wagner: O Fürstin...Doch welch ein seltsam (from Tannhäuser) (3)
- Wagner: O Konig, das kann ich dir nicht sagen (from Tristan und Isolde) (3)
- Wagner: O Sachs, mein Freund! (from Die Meistersinger) (2)
- Wagner: O sink hernieder, Nacht der Liebe (from Tristan und Isolde) (22)
- Wagner: Oh Gnade! Höchstes Heil! – Oh Herr! War es ein Fluch (from Parsifal) (3)
- Wagner: Orchestral suite from Parsifal (1)
- Wagner: Parsifal (76)
- Wagner: Parsifal (excerpts) (9)
- Wagner: Parsifal (highlights) (4)
- Wagner: Parsifal Act 2: Flower Maidens' Scene and Finale (1)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Act 2 (10)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Act 3 (22)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Good Friday Music (61)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Prelude & Good Friday Music (1)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Symphonic Synthesis from Act III (5)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Transformation Scene (11)
- Wagner: Rienzi (13)
- Wagner: Rienzi: excerpts (4)
- Wagner: Schlafst du, Gast? Ich bin's! (from Die Walküre) (7)
- Wagner: Selected arias (1)
- Wagner: Selig, wie die Sonne (from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (9)
- Wagner: Selige Öde auf wonniger Höh!...Das ist kein Mann (from Siegfried) (3)
- Wagner: Siegfried (116)
- Wagner: Siegfried (excerpts) (7)
- Wagner: Siegfried (highlights) (3)
- Wagner: Siegfried: Act 1 (9)
- Wagner: Siegfried: Act 3 (7)
- Wagner: Siegfried: Act 3, Scene 3 (1)
- Wagner: Siegfried: Waldweben (58)
- Wagner: Siegmund heiß ich und Siegmund bin ich! (from Die Walküre) (4)
- Wagner: Siegmund! Sieh' auf mich! (from Die Walküre) (9)
- Wagner: Steuermann, laß die Wacht! (from Der fliegende Holländer) (8)
- Wagner: Summ' und brumm', du gutes Rädchen 'Spinning Chorus' (from Der fliegende Holländer) (14)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser (52)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser (Dresden version) (5)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser (excerpts) (7)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser (highlights) (7)
- Wagner: Tannhauser: Festmarsch (4)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser: Grand March (8)
- Wagner: Tannhauser: Tannhauser's Pilgrimage (4)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser: Venusberg Music (bacchanale) (15)
- Wagner: Tatest du's wirklich? (from Tristan and Isolde) (7)
- Wagner: The Flying Dutchman: Sailors' Chorus (3)
- Wagner: The Ring (extracts) (1)
- Wagner: The Ring (highlights) (10)
- Wagner: The Ring Without Words (3)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (95)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (excerpts) (13)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (highlights) (6)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Act 2 (15)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Act 3 (16)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Act Two, Scenes 1 & 2 (1)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Acts 2 & 3 (2)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Prelude & Liebestod (169)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Prelude to Act 1 (70)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Symphonic Synthesis (5)
- Wagner: Verachtet mir die Meister nicht (from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (10)
- Wagner: Wach' auf! Es nahet gen dem Tag (from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (11)
- Wagner: Wache, Wala! Wala! Erwach! (from Siegfried) (3)
- Wagner: Wahn! Wahn! Überall Wahn! (from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (17)
- Wagner: War es so schmählich, was ich verbrach? (from Die Walküre) (2)
- Wagner: Was duftet doch der Flieder (from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (34)
- Wagner: Wehevolles Erbe, dem ich verfallen! (from Parsifal) (3)
- Wagner: Weiche, Wotan, weiche! (from Das Rheingold) (10)
- Wagner: Wie aus der Ferne längst (from Der Fliegende Holländer) (8)
- Wagner: Wie lachend sie mir Lieder singen (from Tristan und Isolde) (6)
- Wagner: Wie Todesahnung...O du, mein holder Abendstern (from Tannhäuser) (16)
- Wagner: Willst jenes Tag´s du nicht dich mehr entsinnen? (Der fliegende Holländer) (5)
- Wagner: Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond (from Die Walküre) (34)
- Wagner: Zu neuen Taten, teurer Helde (from Götterdämmerung) (11)
- Wagner: Zum letzten Liebesmahle gerüstet Tag für Tag (from Parsifal) (3)
- Wagner-Regeny: Die Bürger von Calais (1)
- Wagner, S: Banadietrich, Op. 6: Introduction to Act 1 (2)
- Wagner, S: Der Bärenhäuter (1)
- Wagner, S: Der Bärenhäuter: Introduction to Act III (2)
- Wagner, S: Herzog Wildgang, Op. 2: Introduction to Act 3 / Kermis Dance (2)
- Wagner, S: Sternengebot, Op. 5: Introduction to Act III & Huldigungstreigen (2)
- Wagstaff: Breathe Freely (1)
- Wainwright, Rufus: Prima Donna (2)
- Wallace, W V: Lurline (3)
- Wallace, W V: Maritana (2)
- Waltershausen: Oberst Chabert (2)
- Walton: The Bear (2)
- Walton: Troilus and Cressida (3)
- Ward, R: The Crucible (1)
- Weber: Abu Hassan (1)
- Weber: Der Freischütz (42)
- Weber: Der Freischütz (excerpts) (4)
- Weber: Der Freischütz (highlights) (1)
- Weber: Der Freischütz: Kommt ein schlanker Bursch gegangen (6)
- Weber: Der Freischütz: Leise, leise, fromme Weise (8)
- Weber: Der Freischütz: Und ob die Wolke sie verhülle (14)
- Weber: Der Freischütz: Was gleicht wohl auf Erden dem Jägervergnügen? (12)
- Weber: Die Drei Pintos (The Three Pintos) (2)
- Weber: Euryanthe (12)
- Weber: Nein! länger trag' ich nicht die Qualen…Durch die Wälder (from Der Freischütz) (17)
- Weber: Oberon (7)
- Weber: Ozean, du Ungeheuer (from Oberon) (11)
- Weber: Peter Schmoll und seine Nachbarn (2)
- Weber: Silvana, J87 (2)
- Weber: Wie nahte mir der Schlummer … Leise, leise, fromme Weise (from Der Freischütz) (17)
- Weigl, J: Die Schweizer Familie (3)
- Weill, K: Alabama Song (from Mahagonny) (27)
- Weill, K: Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (17)
- Weill, K: Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (suite) (2)
- Weill, K: Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny: extracts (4)
- Weill, K: Der Jasager (3)
- Weill, K: Der Kuhhandel (1)
- Weill, K: Der Silbersee (7)
- Weill, K: Der Zar lasst sich photographieren (1)
- Weill, K: Down in the Valley (2)
- Weill, K: Happy End (23)
- Weill, K: Happy End (excerpts) (2)
- Weill, K: Johnny Johnson (1)
- Weill, K: Knickerbocker Holiday (14)
- Weill, K: Lady in the Dark (16)
- Weill, K: Lonely House from Street Scene (19)
- Weill, K: Lost in the stars (17)
- Weill, K: Moritat von Mackie Messer (from The Threepenny Opera) (31)
- Weill, K: One Touch of Venus (16)
- Weill, K: Royale Palace (1)
- Weill, K: Street Scene (7)
- Weill, K: The Eternal Road (highlights) (1)
- Weill, K: The Firebrand of Florence (2)
- Weill, K: The Seven Deadly Sins (20)
- Weill, K: The Threepenny Opera (16)
- Weill, K: The Threepenny Opera: excerpts (7)
- Weill, K: The Tsar Has His Photograph Taken (1)
- Weinberger, J: Schwanda the Bagpiper (4)
- Weinberger, J: Schwanda the Bagpiper: orchestral excerpts (1)
- Weinberger, J: Schwanda the Bagpiper: Polka (7)
- Weinberger, J: Schwanda the Bagpiper: Polka & Fugue (22)
- Weinberger, J: Wallenstein (musical tragedy in 6 scenes) (1)
- Weir: Blond Eckbert (1)
- Weir: King Harald's Saga (2)
- Weir: The Vanishing Bridegroom (2)
- Weisgall: Esther (scenes 10-13) (1)
- Weisgall: Six Characters in Search of an Author (1)
- Wellesz: Die Bakchantinnen (2)
- Winter, P von: Das Labyrinth (2)
- Wolf-Ferrari: Der Schmuck der Madonna (I gioielli della Madonna) (excerpts) (1)
- Wolf-Ferrari: I gioielli della Madonna (2)
- Wolf-Ferrari: I gioielli della Madonna (orchestral excerpts) (3)
- Wolf-Ferrari: I Gioielli Della Madonna (the Jewels of the Madonna) Suite (4)
- Wolf-Ferrari: I gioielli della Madonna (The Jewels of the Madonna): Festa popolare, Act III; Intermezzo No. 1; Intermezzo No. 2; Danza napolitana, Act III (4)
- Wolf-Ferrari: I quattro rusteghi (1)
- Wolf-Ferrari: I quattro rusteghi (orchestral excerpts) (2)
- Wolf-Ferrari: I Quattro Rusteghi (the School For Fathers) Suite (1)
- Wolf-Ferrari: I quattro rusteghi (The School for Fathers): Intermezzo (2)
- Wolf-Ferrari: I quattro rusteghi (The School for Fathers): Overture; Intermezzo (3)
- Wolf-Ferrari: Il Campiello (1)
- Wolf-Ferrari: Il campiello (orchestral excerpts) (1)
- Wolf-Ferrari: Il Campiello (the Little Square) Suite (1)
- Wolf-Ferrari: Il segreto di Susanna (6)
- Wolf-Ferrari: Il segreto di Susanna: orchestral excerpts (1)
- Wolf-Ferrari: The Jewels of the Madonna - Act III Intermezzo (10)
- Wolf, H: Der Corregidor (2)
- Wolf, H: Der Corregidor - Intermezzo (1)
- Wolf, H: Spring Chorus from the Opera Manuel Venegas (2)
- Wolpe: Zeus und Elida (1)
- Wuorinen: Brokeback Mountain (1)
- Ysaÿe: Pier Li Houyeu (1)
- Zandonai: Francesca da Rimini (8)
- Zandonai: Francesca da Rimini (highlights) (1)
- Zandonai: Giulietta e Romeo (1)
- Zeller: Der Obersteiger (The Overman) (10)
- Zeller: Der Vogelhändler (22)
- Zeller: Selected arias (1)
- Zemlinsky: Der König Kandaules (3)
- Zemlinsky: Der Kreidekreis (2)
- Zemlinsky: Der Traumgörge (2)
- Zemlinsky: Der Zwerg (5)
- Zemlinsky: Eine Florentinische Tragödie Op. 16 (8)
- Zemlinsky: Es War Einmal (5)
- Ziehrer: Der Fremdenführer (The Tourist Guide) (5)
- Ziehrer: Die Landstreicher (8)
- Ziehrer: König Jérôme (King Jerome) (1)
- Zimmermann, B A: Die Soldaten (2)
- Zimmermann, U: Weisse Rose (2)
- Zingarelli: Giulietta e Romeo (1)
- Zollner: Die versunkene Glocke: Rautendeleins Leid, Introduction to Act 5 (1)
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