Rossini - Tancredi
Rossini: Tancredi
Sumi Jo, Lucretia Lendi, Anna Maria di Micco, Stanford Olsen, Patrick Peire, Ewa Podles, Pietro Spagnoli
Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, Capella Brugensis, Alberto Zedda
Tancredi is a seminal work in the Rossini canon, mingling a new-found reach in the musical architecture with vocal and instrumental writing of rare wonderment and beauty. The singing is splendid... — More…
2 CDs
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The Rossini Project, Vol. 1: The Young Rossini
Dmitry Korchak (tenor)
Coro della Radiotelevisione Svizzera, Markus Poschner
Korchak provides fluency and keen verbal attack…demonstrating a good sense of style. — More…
International Classical Music Awards, 2019, Nominee - Assorted Program
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Rossini: Tancredi
Veselina Kasarova (Tancredi), Ramón Vargas (Argirio), Eva Mei (Amenaide), Melinda Paulsen (Isaura), Harrie Peeters (Orbazzano), Veronica Cangemi (Roggiero), Bayerischer Rundfunk Chor (chorus)
Münchner Rundfunkorchester, Roberto Abbado
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Rossini: Tancredi
Marilyn Horne (Tancredi), Ernesto Palacio (Argirio), Lella Cuberli (Amenaide), Bernadette Manca Di Nissa (Isaura), Nicola Zaccaria (Orbazzano), Patricia Schuman (Roggiero)
Teatro la Fenice di Venezia, Ralf Weikert
The recording of Rossini’s first grand tragic opera, composed when he was 20, is superb, with Marilyn Horne in staggering form, and a strong cast all round conducted by Ralf Weikert. — More…
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Rossini: Tancredi
Vesselina Kasarova (Tancredi), Eva Mei (Amenaide), Ramón Vargas (Argirio), Harry Peeters (Orbazzano), Veronica Cangemi (Roggiero), Melinda Paulsen (Isaura)
Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks & Munchner Rundfunkorchester, Roberto Abbado
Kasarova may not please all ears with her lavish use of chest-voice and emphasis of register-breaks, but to me she's never less than exciting, and the steel in her voice is ideal for the exiled... — More…
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