Special offer. A Watchful Gaze
The Sixteen, Harry Christophers
Christophers’s juxtapositions are always rewarding, and The Sixteen is on ravishing form. There’s an unmannered generosity to the singing whose wide-eyed freshness enables Christophers to keep... — More…
BBC Music MagazineMay 2023Choral & Song Choice
Byrd: Arise Lord into thy rest
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Wilder, P: O doux regard
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Byrd: Ne irascaris Domine
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Byrd: Civitas Sancti Tui
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Monte, P: O suavitas et dulcedo
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Tabakova: Arise Lord into thy rest
- Julie Cooper
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Clemens: Tristitia et anxietas
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Byrd: Tristitia et anxietas
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Byrd: Turn our captivity
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Clemens: Ego flos campi
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Tabakova: Turn or captivity
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Monte, P: Super flumina Babylonis
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Byrd: Quomodo cantabimus
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Byrd: Vigilate (from Cantiones sacrae 1589)
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers