Jacob Clemens non papa
Born: 1510, Middelburg, Netherlands
Died: 1555, Diksmuide, Belgium
Nationality: Dutch
Jacobus Clemens non Papa (also Jacques Clément or Jacob Clemens non Papa) was a Netherlandish composer of the Renaissance based for most of his life in Flanders. He was a prolific composer in many of the current styles, and was especially famous for his polyphonic settings of the psalms in Dutch known as the Souterliedekens.
Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Clemens_non_Papa
Browse: Clemens
All Genres: Clemens
Popular Works: Clemens
- A virtuous song about my beloved (3 settings) (1)
- Action des Graces (2)
- All kinds of dances (1)
- Alle myn ghepeys doet my so wee (1)
- An old man spoke to a girl (Hymn of Zachary) (1)
- Au ioly bocquet croist la violette (2)
- Ave Maria (4)
- Cancion Francesca (3)
- Canzon francese detta 'Frais et gaillard' (3)
- Carole magnus eras (3)
- Cum esset anna (2)
- De lustelijcke mey is nu in sijnen tijt (3)
- Die vogelkens vrolick ruyten (1)
- Du laid tetin (3)
- Een venus schoon (2)
- Ego flos campi (21)
- Frisque et gaillart (2)
- Heu mihi, Domine (2)
- Imcessament suis triste et doloreux (3)
- It was raining hard and I became wet (3 serttings) (1)
- Job tonso capite, motet (2)
- Jouuons beau jeu (2)
- Magi veniunt ab oriente (6)
- Meysken, wildy vechten (1)
- Misit me vivens pater (2)
- Missa Pastores quidnam vidistis (3)
- O magnum mysterium (2)
- O Maria vernans rosa (3)
- Pastores loquebantur (3)
- Pastores quidnam vidistis (3)
- Pater peccavi (3)
- Peccantem me quotidie (2)
- Priere devant le repas, O souverain Pasteur (2)
- Te schepe waert, tes meer dan tijt (1)
- The nightingale sang a song (1)
- Tristitia et anxietas (2)
- Tristitia obsedit me – Infelix ego (3)
- Une fillette bien gorriere (3)
- Vox in Rama (5)
- When Hanselyn rode over the heath (2 settings) (1)