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Hi Res Download, Alwyn (composer)

Showing 1 - 10 of 27 results
Showing 1 - 10 of 27 results
  • Bowen, Ireland, Alwyn, Brown, Coates

    Tasmin Little (violin), Piers Lane (piano)

    The performers respond to both aspects of [Bowen's] music with muscular virtuosity and affection. Especially in the high tessitura of the slow movement, Tasmin Little’s tonal variety and rhythmic... More…




    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Rumon Gamba

    A highly enjoyable wander away from the familiar British path, including some rare youthful Vaughan Williams. The playing is suitably characterful throughout. More…



    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Lorraine McAslan (violin)

    Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, David Lloyd-Jones

    Lorraince McAslan makes a convincing case for the work: fearsome weight of tone is not her style, but she has bravura and accuracy to spare, and her musicianship's brand of thoughtful loveliness... More…




    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • It’s difficult to imagine finer performances than those delivered by the Tippett Quartet; the group’s fairly recent personnel changes have had no detracting effect at all on the group’s immaculate... More…


    Original price ($16.00) Reduced price $12.80

    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • 2 SACDs


    In stock

    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • CD

    Original price ($16.00) Reduced price $12.80

    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    No digital booklet included

  • Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, David Lloyd-Jones

    the music is just a delight to listen to: not just as a pleasurable background noise, but for the way it entertains while elegantly dodging the predictable at every turn...The performances are... More…



    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • James Gilchrist (tenor), Nathan Williamson (piano)

    Why do the seven songs of William Alwyn’s 1978 cycle A Leave-Taking not feature more often in recitals? Tenor James Gilchrist’s intense interpretation makes a compelling case for it. The title... More…


    Original price ($16.00) Reduced price $12.80

    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, Rumon Gamba


    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Les Connivences sonores



    Usually despatched in 8 - 10 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet