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Handel: Giulio Cesare in Egitto

Bejun Mehta (Cesare), Louise Alder (Cleopatra), Jake Arditti (Sesto), Patricia Bardon (Cornelia), Christophe Dumaux (Tolomeo), Simon Bailey (Achilla)

Concentus musicus Wien, Ivor Bolton, Keith Warner

It’s a sound conception, executed with clever conceits – costume-changes prominent among them – and lively stage business that stops short of distracting from the emotional dramas which are... More…
  • International Classical Music Awards
    Nominated - Video: Opera


Handel: Giulio Cesare in Egitto

  • Bejun Mehta (countertenor), Louise Alder (soprano), Jake Arditti (countertenor), Patricia Bardon (contralto), Christophe Dumaux (countertenor), Simon Bailey, Concentus musicus Wien (early music ensemble)
  • Ivor Bolton