Bach, J S: St John Passion, BWV245
James Gilchrist (Evangelist), Matthew Rose (Jesus), Ashley Riches (Pilatus), Elizabeth Watts (soprano), Sarah Connolly (alto), Andrew Kennedy (tenor), Christopher Purves (bass)
Academy of Ancient Music, Richard Egarr
No one could accuse Richard Egarr of skimping in this new John Passion...It's not just the pedigree of the solo line-up that oozes luxury...Egarr whips up venomous indignation for the crowd's... — More…
2 CDs
Audio formats guideContents
Bach, J S: St John Passion, BWV245
Work length1:44:04
- Sarah Connolly, Elizabeth Watts, Andrew Kennedy, Christopher Purves, James Gilchrist, Matthew Rose, Philippa Hyde, Ashley Riches, James Geer, Richard Latham
- Academy of Ancient Music, Choir of the AAM, Choir of AAM
- Richard Egarr
- Recorded: 1-5 April 2013
- Recording Venue: Saint Jude on the Hill, London, United Kingdom
No. 1 Chorus "Herr, unser Herrscher"
Track length7:09
No. 2a Recitative "Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern"
Track length1:04
No. 2b Chorus "Jesum von Nazareth!"
Track length0:09