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Popular Composers: Overtures
- Auber, Daniel François Esprit (1782–1871)
- Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827)
- Berlioz, Hector (1803–69)
- Bernstein, Leonard (1918–90)
- Brahms, Johannes (1833–97)
- Cherubini, Luigi (1760–1842)
- Cimarosa, Domenico (1749–1801)
- Dvořák, Antonín (1841–1904)
- Gershwin, George (1898–1937)
- Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804–57)
- Handel, George Frideric (1685–1759)
- Mendelssohn, Felix (1809–47)
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91)
- Nicolai, Carl Otto Ehrenfried (1810–49)
- Nielsen, Carl August (1865–1931)
- Offenbach, Jacques (1819–80)
- Prokofiev, Sergei Sergeievitch (1891–1953)
- Rimsky Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich (1844–1908)
- Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio (1792–1868)
- Schubert, Franz Peter (1797–1828)
- Schumann, Robert (1810–56)
- Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906–75)
- Smetana, Bedrich (1824–84)
- Strauss, Johann (1825–99)
- Sullivan, Arthur Seymour (1842–1900)
- Suppe, Franz von (1829–95)
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681–1767)
- Verdi, Giuseppe (1813–1901)
- Wagner, Richard (1813–83)
- Weber, Carl Maria von (1786–1826)
More Composers: Overtures
- A Ke Jian (b.1933)
- Abel, Carl Friedrich (1723–87)
- Adam, Adolphe Charles (1803–56)
- Adamo, Mark (b.1962)
- Addinsell, Richard (1904–77)
- Addison, John Mervin (1920–98)
- Adler, Hugo Chaim (1896–1955)
- Albert, Eugene Francis Charles d' (1864–1932)
- Albinoni, Tomaso (1671–1751)
- Alexandersson, Helmer (1886–1927)
- Alfvén, Hugo (1872–1960)
- Alkan, Charles-Valentin (1813–88)
- Alwyn, William (1905–85)
- Alyabyev, Alexander Alexandrov (1787–1851)
- Anderson, Leroy (1908–75)
- Andriessen, Hendrik (1892–1981)
- Anglebert, Jean-Henri d' (1629–91)
- Ansell, John (1874–1948)
- Antheil, George (1900–59)
- Antill, John (1904–86)
- Aperghis, Georges (b.1945)
- Applebaum, Louis (1918–2000)
- Arensky, Anton Stepanovich (1861–1906)
- Ariosti, Attilio Malachia (1666–1729)
- Arne, Thomas (1710–78)
- Arnell, Richard (1917–2009)
- Arnold, Malcolm Henry (1921–2006)
- Arnold, Samuel (1740–1802)
- Arriaga y Balzola, Juan Crisostomo Jacobo de (1806–26)
- Arrieta, Emilio (1823–94)
- Arutiunian, Alexander Grigori (1920–2012)
- Asioli, Bonifacio (1769–1832)
- Atterberg, Kurt Magnus (1887–1974)
- Auber, Daniel François Esprit (1782–1871)
- Auric, Georges (1899–1983)
- Austin, Frederic (1872–1952)
- Bacewicz, Grazyna (1909–69)
- Bach, Johann Bernhard (1676–1749)
- Bach, Johann Christian (1735–82)
- Bach, Johann Ludwig (1677–1731)
- Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750)
- Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann (1710–84)
- Bacharach, Burt (b.1929)
- Bailey, George
- Balakirev, Mily Alexeyevich (1837–1910)
- Balassa, Sándor (b.1935)
- Balbastre, Claude (1724–99)
- Balfe, Michael William (1808–70)
- Bantock, Granville (1868–1946)
- Barber, Samuel (1910–81)
- Bargiel, Woldemar (1828–97)
- Barnett, John (1802-90)
- Barry, Darrol (b.1956)
- Barsanti, Francesco (1690–1772)
- Bassani, Giovanni Battista (1647–1716)
- Bax, Arnold Edward Trevor (1883–1953)
- Bazelon, Irwin (1922–95)
- Bazzini, Antonio (1818–97)
- Beck, Franz Ignaz (1734–1809)
- Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827)
- Behle, Daniel (b.1974)
- Bellini, Vincenzo (1801–35)
- Benedict, Julius (1804–85)
- Benjamin, Arthur (1893–1960)
- Bennett, Richard Rodney (1936–2012)
- Bennett, William Sterndale (1816–75)
- Benoit, Peter (1834–1901)
- Berezowsky, Nicolai Tikhonovich (1900-53)
- Berlin, Irving (1888–1989)
- Berlioz, Hector (1803–69)
- Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio (1649-1732)
- Bernstein, Leonard (1918–90)
- Berry, Charles Roland (b.1957)
- Berwald, Franz Adolf (1796–1868)
- Best, William Thomas (1826–97)
- Bestor, Charles (1924–2016)
- Bizet, Georges (1838–75)
- Black, Stanley (1913–2002)
- Blake, Eubie (1887–1983)
- Blanco, Evaristo Fernández (1902–93)
- Bliss, Arthur (1891–1975)
- Blodek, Vilém (1834–74)
- Boccherini, Luigi (1743–1805)
- Bock, Jerrold Lewis 'Jerry' (1928–2010)
- Boeck, August de (1865–1937)
- Boehe, Ernst (1880–1938)
- Böhm, Georg (1661–1733)
- Böhner, Johann Ludwig (1787–1860)
- Boieldieu, François Adrien (1775–1834)
- Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de (1689–1755)
- Bolcom, William (b.1938)
- Bononcini, Giovanni Battista (1670–1747)
- Booker, Charles L (b.1952)
- Borodin, Alexander Porfiryevich (1833–87)
- Bortnyansky, Dmitri Stepanovich (1751–1825)
- Bossi, Marco Enrico (1861–1925)
- Bottesini, Giovanni (1821–89)
- Bowen, Edwin York (1884–1961)
- Boyce, William (1711–79)
- Boyer, Peter (b.1970)
- Boyle, Ina (1889–1967)
- Bozza, Eugène (1905–91)
- Børresen, Hakon (1876–1954)
- Braga Santos, Joly Manuel (1924–88)
- Brahms, Johannes (1833–97)
- Braunfels, Walter (1882–1954)
- Bræin, Edvard Fliflet (1924–72)
- Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio (c.1690–1758)
- Bretón, Tomás (1850–1923)
- Brian, Havergal (1876–1972)
- Bridge, Frank (1879–1941)
- Bristow, George Frederick (1825–98)
- Britten, Benjamin (1913–76)
- Broadstock, Brenton (b.1952)
- Brotons, Salvador (b.1959)
- Bruch, Max (1838–1920)
- Bruckner, Anton (1824–96)
- Brülh, Johann von (1775-1830)
- Brüll, Ignaz (1846–1907)
- Brumby, Colin James (1933–2018)
- Brun, Fritz (1878–1959)
- Brzóska, Szymon (b.1981)
- Buck, Dudley (1839–1909)
- Budashkin, Nikolai (1910–88)
- Budd, Roy (1947-93)
- Burgmüller, Norbert (1810–36)
- Burian, Frantisek E. (1904–59)
- Bury, Bernard de (1720–85)
- Bush, Alan Dudley (1900–95)
- Bush, Geoffrey (1920–98)
- Busoni, Ferruccio (1866–1924)
- Buttner, Paul (1870–1943)
- Byström, Oscar (1821–1909)
- Caldara, Antonio (1670–1736)
- Caltabiano, Ronald (b.1959)
- Camphouse, Mark (b.1954)
- Campo, Conrado del (1878–1953)
- Carr, Benjamin (1768–1831)
- Carr, Edwin (1926–2003)
- Carrara, Cristian (b.1977)
- Carroll, Walter (1869–1955)
- Carter, Charles (b.1926)
- Carter, Elliott (1908–2012)
- Carulli, Ferdinando (1770–1841)
- Carvalho, João de Sousa (1742–98)
- Carwithen, Doreen (1922–2003)
- Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895–1968)
- Catalani, Alfredo (1854–93)
- Catel, Charles-Simon (1773–1830)
- Cattaneo, Francesco Maria (1697–1758)
- Chabrier, Alexis Emmanuel (1841–94)
- Chadwick, George Whitefield (1854–1931)
- Chagrin, Francis (1905–72)
- Chance, John Barnes (1932–72)
- Chapí, Ruperto (1851–1909)
- Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643–1704)
- Chávez, Carlos (1899–1978)
- Chávez, José Maria
- Cherubini, Luigi (1760–1842)
- Cilea, Francesco (1866–1950)
- Cimarosa, Domenico (1749–1801)
- Clarke, Jeremiah (1674–1707)
- Clementi, Aldo (1925–2011)
- Clementi, Muzio (1752–1832)
- Clifford, Hubert (1904–59)
- Coates, Eric (1886–1957)
- Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (1875–1912)
- Coles, Cecil (1888–1918)
- Collins, Anthony (1893–1963)
- Conforto, Niccolo (1718–93)
- Constantinides, Dinos (b.1929)
- Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo (1682–1732)
- Cope, David (b.1941)
- Copland, Aaron (1900–90)
- Copley, Peter (b.1962)
- Corea, Armando Anthony 'Chick' (b.1941)
- Corelli, Arcangelo (1653–1713)
- Corigliano, John (b.1938)
- Cornelius, Peter (1824–74)
- Corselli, Francisco (1705–78)
- Cotter Nixon, Henry (1842–1907)
- Cowen, Frederic Hymen (1852–1935)
- Creston, Paul (1906–85)
- Croft, William (1678–1727)
- Crotch, William (1775–1847)
- Curtis, Matthew (b.1959)
- Curzon, Frederic (1899–1973)
- Damrosch, Leopold (1832-85)
- Danzi, Franz (1763–1826)
- David, Félicien (1810–76)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell (1934–2016)
- Davis, Carl (b.1936)
- Debussy, Claude Achille (1862–1918)
- Desmarest, Henry (d.1741)
- Diabelli, Anton (1781–1858)
- Diemer, Emma Lou (b.1927)
- Diepenbrock, Alphons (1862–1921)
- Dieupart, Charles François (c.1667–c.1740)
- Dinyes, Daniel
- Dobrzynski, Ignacy Feliks (1807–67)
- Dohnányi, Ernö (1877–1960)
- Donizetti, Gaetano (1797–1848)
- Donovan (b.1946)
- Doppler, Franz (1821–83)
- Downes, Andrew (b.1950)
- Draeseke, Felix (1835–1913)
- Du Mingxin (b.1928)
- Dubois, Théodore (1837–1924)
- Dukas, Paul (1865–1935)
- Dumanoir, Guillaume (1615–97)
- Duphly, Jacques (1715–89)
- Dupont, Gabriel Edouard Xavier (1878–1914)
- Dvořák, Antonín (1841–1904)
- Dyson, George (1883–1964)
- Easton, Michael (1954–2004)
- Eberwein, Maximilian Traugott (1775–1831)
- Eggert, Joachim Nicolas (1779–1813)
- Eggert, Moritz (b.1965)
- Eilenberg, Richard (1848–1927)
- Eisler, Hanns (1898–1962)
- Elcock, Steve (b.1957)
- Elgar, Edward William (1857–1934)
- Ellington, Edward Kennedy 'Duke' (1899–1974)
- Emmanuel, Maurice (1862–1938)
- Endler, Johann (1694–1762)
- Enescu, George (1881–1955)
- Enna, August (1860–1939)
- Erkel, Ferenc (1810–93)
- Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich (1657–1747)
- Ernst II of Saxe-Coburg&Gotha, Duke (1818-93)
- Erskine, Thomas (1732–81)
- Eybler, Joseph (1765–1846)
- Fagan, Gideon (1904–80)
- Farkas, Ferenc (1905–2000)
- Farnon, Robert Joseph (1917–2005)
- Farrenc, Jeanne Louise (1804–75)
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688–1758)
- Faulkes, William (1863–1933)
- Fenby, Eric (1906-97)
- Fesca, Friedrich Ernst (1789–1826)
- Fibich, Zdenek Antonin Vaclav (1850–1900)
- Filtsch, Carl (1830–45)
- Fine, Michael (b.1950)
- Fischer, Johann Kaspar Ferdinand (1656–1746)
- Fisher, John Abraham (1744-1806)
- Flagello, Nicolas (1928–94)
- Fleischmann, Aloys (1910–92)
- Fletcher, Percy (1879–1932)
- Flotow, Friedrich Adolph Ferdinand von (1812–83)
- Floyd, Carlisle (b.1926)
- Foerster, Josef Bohuslav (1859–1951)
- Fomin, Yevstigney (1761-1800)
- Fontyn, Jacqueline (b.1930)
- Foroni, Jacopo (1825–58)
- Foulds, John Herbert (1880–1939)
- Fox, John (1924–2015)
- Françaix, Jean (1912–97)
- France, Sandra (b.1968)
- Franck, Eduard (1817–93)
- Franck, Richard (1858–1938)
- Frankel, Benjamin (1906–73)
- Fricker, Peter Racine (1920–90)
- Fry, William Henry (1813–64)
- Fuchs, Helmuth H (b.1931)
- Fucik, Julius (1872–1916)
- Furtwängler, Wilhelm (1886–1954)
- Fusz, János (1777–1819)
- Fux, Johann Joseph (1660–1741)
- Gade, Niels Wilhelm (1817–90)
- Gallagher, Jack (b.1947)
- Ganspeckh, Wilhelm (1687–1770)
- Gardiner, Henry Balfour (1877–1950)
- Gardner, John (1917–2011)
- Gasparini, Francesco (1661–1727)
- Gassmann, Florian Leopold (1729–74)
- Ge Gan-Ru (b.1954)
- Geehl, Henry (1881–1965)
- German, Edward (1862–1936)
- Gershwin, George (1898–1937)
- Gerson, Georg (1790–1825)
- Getty, Gordon (b.1933)
- Gianneo, Luis (1897–1968)
- Giannini, Vittorio (1903–66)
- Gillis, Don (1912–78)
- Gilse, Jan van (1881–1944)
- Gilson, Paul (1865–1942)
- Ginastera, Alberto (1916–83)
- Girard, Anthony (b.1959)
- Giuliani, Mauro (1781–1829)
- Glass, Philip (b.1937)
- Glazunov, Alexander Konstantinovich (1865–1936)
- Glière, Reinhold (1875–1956)
- Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804–57)
- Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87)
- Glyn, Gareth (b.1951)
- Goetz, Hermann (1840–76)
- Goldmark, Karoly (1830–1915)
- Goldschmidt, Berthold (1903–96)
- Golland, John (1942–93)
- Gomes, Antonio Carlos (1836–96)
- Gottschalk, Louis Moreau (1829–69)
- Gounod, Charles François (1818–93)
- Gow, David (1924–93)
- Grainger, Percy (1882–1961)
- Gram, Peder (1881–1956)
- Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703–71)
- Graupner, Johann Christoph (1683–1760)
- Greene, Maurice (1696–1755)
- Gretry, André Ernest Modeste (1741–1813)
- Griffes, Charles Tomlinson (1884–1920)
- Grisar, Albert (1808-69)
- Groven, Eivind (1901–77)
- Guan Xia (b.1957)
- Gurlitt, Cornelius (1820–1901)
- Haas, Pavel (1899–1944)
- Hadley, Henry Kimball (1871–1937)
- Hägg, Jakob Adolf (1850–1928)
- Hakim, Naji (b.1955)
- Halffter, Rodolfo (1900–87)
- Hallberg, Bengt Wilhelm (1824-83)
- Halvorsen, Johan (1864–1935)
- Handel, George Frideric (1685–1759)
- Harbison, John (b.1938)
- Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius (1805–1900)
- Hartmann, Wilhelm Emilius 'Emil' Zinn (1836–98)
- Harty, Herbert Hamilton (1879–1941)
- Hasse, Johann Adolph (1699–1783)
- Hayasaka, Fumio (1914–55)
- Haydn, (Johann) Michaël (1737–1806)
- Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732–1809)
- Hayes, William (1708–77)
- Hedges, Anthony (1931–2019)
- Heinichen, Johann David (1683–1729)
- Heintz, Albert (1822-1914)
- Helsted, Carl (1818–1904)
- Henze, Hans Werner (1926–2012)
- Hérold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand (1791–1833)
- Herrmann, Bernard (1911–75)
- Hess, Nigel (b.1953)
- Heuberger, Richard Franz Joseph (1850–1914)
- Hewitt, James (1770–1827)
- Hewitt Jones, Thomas (b.1984)
- Hindemith, Paul (1895–1963)
- Hoddinott, Alun (1929–2008)
- Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus (1776–1822)
- Holbrooke, Josef (1878–1958)
- Hollins, Alfred (1865–1942)
- Holmès, Augusta (1847–1903)
- Holsinger, David (b.1945)
- Holst, Gustav Theodore (1874–1934)
- Honegger, Arthur (1892–1955)
- Hoof, Jef van (1886–59)
- Horneman, Christian Frederik Emil (1840–1906)
- Horvit, Michael (b.1932)
- Hovhaness, Alan (1911–2000)
- Hovland, Egil (1924–2013)
- Huber, Hans (1852–1921)
- Hughes, Arwel (1909–88)
- Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778–1837)
- Humperdinck, Engelbert (1854–1921)
- Hurd, Michael (1928–2006)
- Hurlebusch, Conrad Friedrich (1691–1765)
- Hyde, Miriam Beatrice (1913–2005)
- Ibert, Jacques (1890–1962)
- Ichmouratov, Airat (b.1973)
- Indy, Vincent d' (1851–1931)
- Ireland, John (1879–1962)
- Irvin, Christopher (b.1953)
- Ísólfsson, Páll (1893–1974)
- Ives, Charles (1874–1954)
- Jackson, Nicholas (b.1934)
- Jacob, Gordon (1895–1984)
- Jacobi, Wolfgang (1894–1972)
- Jadin, Hyacinthe (1776–1800)
- Janáček, Leoš (1854–1928)
- Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb (1708–62)
- Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile (1865–1950)
- Järnefelt, Armas (1869–1958)
- Jarre, Jean Michel (b.1948)
- Jenkins, Joseph Willcox (1928–2014)
- Joachim, Joseph (1831–1907)
- Jolivet, André (1905–74)
- Jommelli, Niccolò (1714–74)
- Kabalevsky, Dmitry Borisovich (1904–87)
- Kajanus, Robert (1856–1933)
- Kalinnikov, Vasily (1866–1901)
- Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzeslaus (1801–55)
- Kalman, Emmerich (1882–1953)
- Kander, John Harold (b.1927)
- Kay, Ulysses Simpson (1917–95)
- Kayser, Isfrid (1712–71)
- Kazhlaev, Murad (b.1931)
- Kéler, Béla (1820–82)
- Kelly, Bryan (b.1934)
- Kern, Jerome (1885–1945)
- Khachaturian, Aram Ilich (1903–78)
- Kiel, Friedrich (1821–85)
- Kilar, Wojciech (1932–2013)
- Klami, Uuno (1900–61)
- Klenau, Paul von (1883–1946)
- Klughardt, August Friedrich Martin (1847–1902)
- Knecht, Justin Heinrich (1752–1817)
- Kochurov, Yuri Vladimirovich (1907–52)
- Kodály, Zoltan (1882–1967)
- Komzák, Karl (1850–1905)
- Kopylov, Alexander Alexandrovich (1854–1911)
- Korngold, Erich Wolfgang (1897–1957)
- Koster, Lou (1889–1973)
- Krasa, Hans (1899–1944)
- Kraus, Joseph Martin (1756–92)
- Kreutzer, Konradin (1780–1849)
- Kru Peng
- Kuhlau, Friedrich (1786–1832)
- Künneke, Eduard (1885–1953)
- Kurpinski, Karol Kazimierz (1785–1857)
- Lachner, Franz (1803–90)
- Lalo, Edouard (1823–92)
- Lambert, Constant (1905–51)
- Lambert, Lucien-Léon (1858–1945)
- Lamond, Frederic (1868–1948)
- Lane, Philip (b.1950)
- Lange-Müller, Peter Erasmus (1850–1926)
- Langford, Alan (1928–2011)
- Langgaard, Rued Immanuel (1893–1952)
- Langley, James (1927–94)
- Larson, Chrichan (b.1956)
- Larsson, Lars-Erik (1908–86)
- Leclair, Jean-Marie (1697–1764)
- Lecocq, Charles (1832–1918)
- Leduc, Jacques (1932–2016)
- Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626–90)
- Lehár, Franz (1870–1948)
- Leifs, Jón (1899–1968)
- Leigh, Walter (1905–42)
- Leo, Leonardo (1694–1744)
- Leoncavallo, Ruggiero (1857–1919)
- Levy, Frank Ezra (1930–2017)
- Lewis, Paul (b.1943)
- Liang, Qian
- Lilburn, Douglas (1915–2001)
- Lincke, Paul (1886–1946)
- Linde, Bo (1933–70)
- Linley, Thomas (1756–78)
- Liszt, Ferencz (1811–86)
- Lloyd, George (1913–98)
- Locklair, Daniel (b.1949)
- Loder, Edward James (1809–65)
- Lord, Phillip (1930–69)
- Lortzing, Albert (1801–51)
- Lüdig, Mihkel (1880–1958)
- Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632–87)
- Lutosławski, Witold (1913–94)
- Lyon, David (b.1938)
- Lysenko, Nikolay (1842–1912)
- MacCunn, Hamish (1868–1916)
- MacFarren, George Alexander (1813–87)
- Mackeben, Theo (1897–1953)
- Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell (1847–1935)
- Mackey, Steven (b.1956)
- Maconchy, Elizabeth (1907–94)
- Madetoja, Leevi Antti (1887–1947)
- Madina, Aita (1907–72)
- Maes, Jef (1905–96)
- Magnard, Albéric (1865–1914)
- Maillart, Aimé (1817–71)
- Makris, Andreas (1930–2005)
- Marais, Marin (1656–1728)
- Marcolini, Juan (c1730-fl.1760/70)
- Markevitch, Igor (1912–83)
- Marks, Matt (1980–2018)
- Marschner, Heinrich August (1795–1861)
- Marta, Istvan (b.1954)
- Martines, Marianne (1744–1812)
- Martinů, Bohuslav (1890–1959)
- Mascagni, Pietro (1863–1945)
- Mason, Daniel Gregory (1873–1953)
- Massenet, Jules Emile Frederic (1842–1912)
- Mathias, William (1934–92)
- Mattheson, Johann (1681–1764)
- Matthews, David (b.1943)
- Maurice, Pierre (1868–1936)
- Mayr, Johann Simon (1763–1845)
- Mayuzumi, Toshiro (1929–97)
- McGinty, Anne (b.1945)
- Méhul, Étienne Nicholas (1763–1817)
- Meierhans, Mela (b.1961)
- Mendelssohn, Felix (1809–47)
- Mennin, Peter (1923–83)
- Menotti, Gian Carlo (1911–2007)
- Mercadante, Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele (1795–1870)
- Mernier, Benoît (b.1964)
- Messager, André (1853–1929)
- Meulemans, Arthur (1894–1966)
- Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791–1864)
- Miaskovsky, Nicolai Yakovlevich (1881–1950)
- Mielck, Ernst (1877–99)
- Milhaud, Darius (1892–1974)
- Millöcker, Carl (1842–99)
- Moeran, Ernest John (1894–1950)
- Molter, Johann Melchior (1696–1765)
- Monckton, Lionel (1861–1924)
- Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanea de (1711–72)
- Moniuszko, Stanislaw (1819–72)
- Montaine, John La (1920–2013)
- Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de (1667–1737)
- Monteverdi, Claudio Giovanni Antonio (1567–1643)
- Moore, Roy
- Morawetz, Oskar (1917–2007)
- Moscheles, Ignaz (1794–1870)
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91)
- Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich (1839–81)
- Myslivecek, Josef (1737–81)
- Naulais, Jerome (b.1951)
- Nelson, Ron (b.1929)
- Nicolai, Carl Otto Ehrenfried (1810–49)
- Nielsen, Carl August (1865–1931)
- Nielsen, Ludolf (1876–1939)
- Norman, Ludwig (1831–85)
- Noskowski, Zygmunt (1846–1909)
- Nott, Julian (b.1960)
- Novák, Vítezslav (1870–1949)
- O'Brien, Charles (1882–1968)
- O'Reilly, John (b.1940)
- Ó'Riada, Seán (1931–71)
- Offenbach, Jacques (1819–80)
- Orr, Robin (1909–2006)
- Pablo, Luis de (b.1930)
- Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (1860–1941)
- Paër, Ferdinando (1771–1839)
- Paine, John Knowles (1839–1906)
- Paisiello, Giovanni (1740–1816)
- Pallavacino, Carlo (c.1630–1688)
- Panufnik, Andrzej (1914–91)
- Parker, Clifton (1905–89)
- Parrott, Ian (1916–2012)
- Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings (1848–1918)
- Parry, Joseph (1841–1903)
- Pascuzzi, Gregory (b.1952)
- Pasquini, Bernardo (1637–1710)
- Pejačević, Dora (1885–1923)
- Pepusch, Johann Christoph (1667–1752)
- Pereverzev, Igor (b.1977)
- Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710–36)
- Pez, Johann Christoph (1664–1716)
- Pfeiffer, Johann (1697–1761)
- Pfitzner, Hans (1869–1949)
- Philidor, François-André Danican (1726–95)
- Pitfield, Thomas (1903–99)
- Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco (c.1653–1722)
- Polovinkin, Leonid (1894–1949)
- Poot, Marcel (1901–88)
- Porpora, Nicola Antonio (1686–1768)
- Porter, Cole Albert (1891–1964)
- Portugal, Marcos Antônio (1762–1830)
- Potter, Archibald James (1918–80)
- Prokofiev, Sergei Sergeievitch (1891–1953)
- Puccini, Antonio Benedetto Maria (1747–1832)
- Puccini, Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria (1858–1924)
- Purcell, Henry (1659–95)
- Puw, Guto Pryderi (b.1971)
- Quilter, Roger (1877–1953)
- Rachmaninoff, Sergey Vassilievich (1873–1943)
- Radecke, Robert (1830–1911)
- Raff, Joachim (1822–82)
- Raik, Priit (1948-2008)
- Rameau, Jean Philippe (1683–1764)
- Randel, Andreas (1806–64)
- Rawsthorne, Alan (1905–71)
- Rebel, François (1701–75)
- Reed, Herbert Owen (1910–2014)
- Reger, Max (1873–1916)
- Reichardt, Johann Friedrich (1752–1814)
- Reichenauer, Antonín (c.1694–1730)
- Reinagle, Alexander (1756–1809)
- Reizenstein, Franz (1911–68)
- Respighi, Ottorino (1879–1936)
- Reynolds, Alfred (1884–1969)
- Reznicek, Emil Nikolaus von (1860–1945)
- Rheinberger, Joseph (1839–1901)
- Ries, Ferdinand (1784–1838)
- Rietz, Julius (1812–77)
- Riisager, Knudage (1897–1974)
- Rimsky Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich (1844–1908)
- Ritchie, Anthony (b.1960)
- Rodgers, Richard (1902–79)
- Roman, Johann Helmich (1694–1758)
- Romberg, Andreas (1767–1821)
- Romberg, Bernhard (1767–1841)
- Rosenberg, Hilding (1892–1985)
- Rosner, Arnold (1945–2013)
- Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio (1792–1868)
- Rota, Nino (1911–79)
- Royer, Pancrace (1703–55)
- Rozsa, Miklos (1907–95)
- Rubbra, Edmund (1901–86)
- Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich (1829–94)
- Ruders, Poul (b.1949)
- Rufinatscha, Johann (1812–93)
- Rush, George (d.1780)
- Ryu Jae Joon (b.1970)
- Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Anna Amalia von (1739–1807)
- Saeverud, Harald (1897–1992)
- Saint-Saëns, Charles Camille (1835–1921)
- Salieri, Antonio (1750–1825)
- Sallinen, Aulis (b.1935)
- Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (1700–75)
- Sammartini, Giuseppe (1695–1750)
- Sapp, Allen (1922–99)
- Sarro, Domenico Natale (1679–1744)
- Saul, Walter (b.1954)
- Saunders, Adam (b.1968)
- Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660–1725)
- Scarmolin, Anthony Louis (1890–1969)
- Scharwenka, Xaver (1850–1924)
- Schenck, Johannes (1660–1712)
- Schiffman, Harold (b.1928)
- Schillings, Max von (1868–1933)
- Schneider, Friedrich (1786–1853)
- Schnyder, Daniel (b.1961)
- Schoeck, Othmar (1886–1957)
- Schreker, Franz (1878–1934)
- Schubert, Franz Peter (1797–1828)
- Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter (1747–1800)
- Schuman, William Howard (1910–92)
- Schumann, Georg (1866–1952)
- Schumann, Robert (1810–56)
- Schweitzer, Anton (1735–87)
- Scott, Cyril (1879–1970)
- Searle, Humphrey (1915–82)
- Sgambati, Giovanni (1841–1914)
- Shande Ding (1911–95)
- Shang Yi
- Shapero, Harold Samuel (1920–2013)
- Sharpe, Trevor (1921–2010)
- Shchedrin, Rodion (b.1932)
- Sheng, Bright (b.1955)
- Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906–75)
- Shulman, Alan (1915–2002)
- Sibelius, Jean (1865–1957)
- Silcher, Friedrich (1789–1860)
- Simonsen, Rudolph (1889–1947)
- Sinding, Christian August (1856–1941)
- Skalkottas, Nikos (1904–49)
- Skroup, Frantisek Jan (1810–62)
- Smetana, Bedrich (1824–84)
- Smith, Claude T. (1932–87)
- Smith, John Christopher (1712–95)
- Smyth, Ethel (1858–1944)
- Söderman, (Johan) August (1832–76)
- Soler, Vincente Martin y (1754–1806)
- Sommerfeldt, Oistein (1919–94)
- Sondheim, Stephen Joshua (b.1930)
- Sorkocevic, Luka (1734–89)
- Sousa, John Philip (1854–1932)
- Sowerby, Leo (1895–1968)
- Sønstevold, Maj (1917–96)
- Sparke, Philip (b.1951)
- Spohr, Louis (1784–1859)
- Stanford, Charles Villiers (1852–1924)
- Stangier, Roland Maria (b.1957)
- Steffani, Agostino (1654–1728)
- Stenhammar, Karl Vilhelm Eugen (1871–1927)
- Sterkel, Johann (1750–1817)
- Still, William Grant (1895–1978)
- Stitt, Georgia (b.1972)
- Stradella, Alessandro (1639–82)
- Straus, Oscar (1870–1954)
- Strauss, Johann (1825–99)
- Strauss, Richard (1864–1949)
- Sugata, Isotaro (1907–52)
- Sullivan, Arthur Seymour (1842–1900)
- Summer, Joseph (b.1956)
- Suppe, Franz von (1829–95)
- Surinach, Carlos (1915–97)
- Szeligowski, Tadeusz (1896–1963)
- Szymanowski, Karol (1882–1937)
- Taneyev, Sergei Ivanovich (1856–1915)
- Tarp, Svend Erik (1908–94)
- Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich (1840–93)
- Tcherepnin, Alexander (1899–1977)
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681–1767)
- Terradellas, Domènec (1713–51)
- Tessarini, Carlo (c.1690–1766)
- Thomas, Ambroise (1811–96)
- Thomas, Arthur Goring (1850-92)
- Thornett, Gordon (b.1942)
- Tinel, Edgar (1854–1912)
- Tobias, Rudolf (1873–1918)
- Toch, Ernst (1887–1964)
- Tomlinson, Ernest (1924–2015)
- Tormis, Veljo (1930–2017)
- Toyama, Yuzo (b.1931)
- Traetta, Tommaso (1727–79)
- Tranchell, Peter (1922–93)
- Tuukkanen, Kalervo (1909–79)
- Ullmann, Viktor (1898–1944)
- Usandizaga, José María (1887–1915)
- Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872–1958)
- Veracini, Francesco Maria (1690–1768)
- Verdi, Giuseppe (1813–1901)
- Verhulst, Johannes (1816–91)
- Vianna da Motta, José (1868–1948)
- Villa-Lobos, Heitor (1887–1959)
- Vinci, Leonardo (1690–1730)
- Vitols, Jazeps (1863–1948)
- Vittorio, Salvatore Di (b.1967)
- Vivaldi, Antonio (1678–1741)
- Vogler, abbe Georg Joseph (1749–1814)
- Volkmann, Robert (1815–83)
- Wagenaar, Johan (1862–1941)
- Waghalter, Ignatz (1881–1949)
- Wagner, Richard (1813–83)
- Wagner, Siegfried (1869–1930)
- Walker, George (1922–2018)
- Wallace, William Vincent (1812–65)
- Walters, Gareth (1928–2012)
- Walton, William Turner (1902–83)
- Ward, Robert (1917–2013)
- Wartensee, Schnyder von (1786–1868)
- Weber, Carl Maria von (1786–1826)
- Weinberger, Jaromir (1896–1967)
- Weingartner, Felix (1863–1942)
- Weiss, Silvius Leopold (1687–1750)
- Weldon, John (1676–1736)
- Wesstrom, Anders (1720–81)
- Wetz, Richard (1875–1935)
- Williams, Alberto (1862–1952)
- Williams, John Towner (b.1932)
- Williamson, Malcolm (1931–2003)
- Wilms, Johann Wilhelm (1772–1847)
- Windel Brown, James
- Winter, Peter von (1754–1825)
- Wirén, Dag (1905–86)
- Wolf, Hugo (1860–1903)
- Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno (1876–1948)
- Wolstenholme, William (1865–1931)
- Wood, Haydn (1882–1959)
- Wordsworth, William (1908–88)
- Woyrsch, Felix (1860–1944)
- Wright, Christopher (b.1954)
- Württemberg, Duke Eugen of (1788-1857)
- Yamada, Kosaku (1886–1965)
- Zádor, Eugene (1894–1977)
- Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679–1745)
- Zeller, Carl Johann Adam (1842–98)
- Zemlinsky, Alexander von (1871–1942)
- Zhu Jian'er (1922–2017)
- Ziani, Marc' Antonio (c.1653–1715)
- Ziehrer, Carl Michael (1843–1922)
- Zweers, Bernard (1854–1924)
Popular Works: Overtures
- Beethoven: Consecration of the House Overture, Op. 124 (89)
- Beethoven: Coriolan Overture, Op. 62 (306)
- Beethoven: Egmont Overture, Op. 84 (267)
- Beethoven: Fidelio Overture Op. 72c (145)
- Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 2, Op. 72a (140)
- Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3, Op. 72b (268)
- Beethoven: The Creatures of Prometheus Overture, Op. 43 (140)
- Beethoven: The Ruins of Athens Overture, Op. 113 (96)
- Berlioz: Le carnaval romain Overture, Op. 9 (170)
- Bernstein: Candide - Overture (108)
- Brahms: Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80 (232)
- Brahms: Tragic Overture, Op. 81 (267)
- Dvořák: Carnival Overture, Op. 92 (156)
- Glinka: Ruslan & Lyudmila Overture (100)
- Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream Overture, Op. 21 (118)
- Mendelssohn: Hebrides Overture, Op. 26 (217)
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K620: Overture (151)
- Mozart: Don Giovanni, K527: Overture (104)
- Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K492: Overture (235)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36 (95)
- Rossini: Guillaume Tell Overture (180)
- Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia Overture (154)
- Rossini: L'Italiana in Algeri Overture (84)
- Rossini: La gazza ladra Overture (113)
- Rossini: Semiramide Overture (91)
- Schumann: Manfred Overture, Op. 115 (92)
- Shostakovich: Festive Overture, Op. 96 (96)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride Overture (84)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus Overture (143)
- Suppe: Leichte Kavallerie Overture (110)
- Verdi: La forza del destino Overture (106)
- Wagner: Der fliegende Holländer: Overture (177)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Overture (199)
- Wagner: Lohengrin: Prelude to Act 1 (137)
- Wagner: Lohengrin: Prelude to Act 3 (101)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Prelude to Act 1 (82)
- Wagner: Rienzi Overture (113)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser: Overture (180)
- Weber: Der Freischütz Overture (106)
- Weber: Oberon Overture (93)
All Works: Overtures
- A Ke Jian: The General Overture (1)
- Abel, C F: Ouverture in C major, Op. 5 No. 4 (1)
- Abel, C F: Ouverture in D major, Op. 7 No. 3 (1)
- Abel, C F: Ouverture in G major, Op. 14 No. 5 (1)
- Abel, C F: Overture in C major, Op. 1 No. 2 (1)
- Adam: La Poupée de Nuremberg : Overture (1)
- Adam: Si j'étais roi - Overture (15)
- Adamo, M: Overture to Lysistrata (1)
- Addinsell: Encore - miniature overture (1)
- Addinsell: Overture 'Tom Brown's Schooldays' (3)
- Addison: Tom Jones Overture (1)
- Adler, H C: Balak and Balaam: Overture (1)
- Albert, E: Der Improvisator: Overture (1)
- Albert, E: Der Rubin (The Ruby): Overture (1)
- Albert, E: Die Abreise (The Departure): Overture (1)
- Albert, E: Overture to Esther Op. 8 (3)
- Albert, E: Tiefland Overture (2)
- Albinoni: Zenobia: Overture (1)
- Alexandersson: Overture in C minor (1)
- Alfvén: Festival Overture Op. 26 (6)
- Alkan: Overture (2)
- Alwyn: Dramatic Overture: The Moor of Venice (2)
- Alwyn: Overture in the Form of a Serenade (1)
- Alwyn: Overture to a Masque (3)
- Alwyn: Overture to Derby Day (2)
- Alwyn: The Crimson Pirate Overture (1)
- Alwyn: The Innumerable Dance - An English Overture (1933) (1)
- Alyabyev: Overture & Scenes from The Magic Drum (1)
- Alyabyev: The 48-year old fiancé Overture (1)
- Alyabyev: The Three Tens Overture (1)
- Alyabyev: The Young Mother Overture (1)
- Anderson, Leroy: A Christmas Festival: Overture (4)
- Andriessen, H: 'Chantacler' Overture (2)
- Anglebert: Cadmus: Overture (after Lully) (2)
- Anglebert: Mascarade: Overture (after Lully) (1)
- anon.: Overtura (1)
- anon.: Spring Festival Overture (1)
- Ansell: Plymouth Hoe (a nautical overture) (3)
- Ansell: the Windjammer Overture (3)
- Antheil: Overture & Tango from the opera 'Transatlantic' (1)
- Antill: An Outback Overture (1)
- Aperghis: À Tombeau Ouvert (1)
- Applebaum, L: High Spirits – A Short Overture for Concert Band (1)
- Arensky: Dream on the Volga Overture (1)
- Arensky: Overture: Son na Volge (song sur le Volga) Op. 16 (2)
- Ariosti: Caio Marzio Coriolano: Ouverture & Presto (1)
- Ariosti: Vespasiano: Overture (2)
- Arne: Artaxerxes: Overture (1)
- Arne: Eliza: Overture (1)
- Arne: Overture 1 in E minor (4)
- Arne: Overture 2 in A minor (3)
- Arne: Overture 3 in G major (3)
- Arne: Overture 4 in F major (3)
- Arne: Overture 5 in D major (3)
- Arne: Overture 6 in B flat major (3)
- Arne: Overture 7 in D major (3)
- Arne: Overture 8 in G minor (3)
- Arne: Overture to Alfred in E flat (2)
- Arne: Overture to Thomas and Sally in D major (2)
- Arne: Overtures 1-8 (2)
- Arne: The Guardian Out-witted: Overture (1)
- Arnell: Overture ‘1940’, Op. 6 (1)
- Arnell: The New Age - Overture Op. 2 (1)
- Arnold: A Grand Grand Festival Overture, Op. 57 (4)
- Arnold: A Sussex Overture, Op. 31 (2)
- Arnold: Anniversary Overture, Op. 99 (4)
- Arnold: Beckus the Dandipratt, Op. 5 - Comedy Overture (15)
- Arnold: Commonwealth Christmas Overture (2)
- Arnold: Hobson's Choice Overture (1)
- Arnold: Overture 'The Roots of Heaven' (3)
- Arnold: Overture (1940) (1)
- Arnold: Peterloo Overture, Op. 97 (7)
- Arnold: Robert Kett Overture, Op. 141 (1)
- Arnold: Tam O'Shanter, Op. 51 (20)
- Arnold, S: Overtures, Op. 8 (1)
- Arnold, S: Polly (Opera) – Overture (1)
- Arriaga: Overture in D major, Op. 20 (5)
- Arriaga: Overture to 'Los esclavos felices' (7)
- Arriaga: Overture, Op. 1 'Nonetto' (2)
- Arrieta: La Conquista di Granata: Overture (1)
- Arutiunian: Prazdnichnaya uvertyura (Festive Overture) (1)
- Atterberg: Overture in A minor, Op. 4 (1)
- Auber: Fra Diavolo Overture (25)
- Auber: Gustave III (Le Bal masqué) overture (1)
- Auber: La Circassienne: Overture (1)
- Auber: La Fiancee: Overture (1)
- Auber: La muette de Portici: Overture (7)
- Auber: La Sirène: Overture (2)
- Auber: Le Cheval de bronze: Overture (10)
- Auber: Le Domino noir Overture (7)
- Auber: Les diamants de la couronne: Overture (10)
- Auber: Marco Spada : Overture (1)
- Auber: Masaniello Overture (7)
- Auric: Overture 'Le 14 Juillet' (1)
- Auric: Overture from 'Hue and Cry' (1)
- Austin, F: Overture - The Sea Venturers (1)
- Bacewicz: Overture (4)
- Bach, J B: From Ouverture in D major (1)
- Bach, J B: Ouvertures (1)
- Bach, J B: Overture for strings & basso continuo in E minor (1)
- Bach, J B: Overture in D major (1)
- Bach, J B: Overture in G major (1)
- Bach, J B: Overture in G minor (3)
- Bach, J C: Adriano in Siria: Overture (3)
- Bach, J C: Alessandro nell'Indie: Overture (1)
- Bach, J C: Amadis des Gaules: Overture (4)
- Bach, J C: Artaserse (from 6 Favourite Overtures, T272/2) (1)
- Bach, J C: Artaserse: Overture (2)
- Bach, J C: Astarto, Alessandro nell'Indie (from 6 Favourite Overtures, T272/2) (1)
- Bach, J C: Carattaco: Overture (2)
- Bach, J C: Gioas, re di Giuda Overture (2)
- Bach, J C: Gli Uccellatori: Overture (1)
- Bach, J C: Il tutore (from 6 Favourite Overtures, T272/2) (1)
- Bach, J C: Il tutore e la pupilla: Overture (1)
- Bach, J C: La calamità (from 6 Favourite Overtures, T272/2) (1)
- Bach, J C: La calamità Overture (1)
- Bach, J C: La cascina (from 6 Favourite Overtures, T272/2) (1)
- Bach, J C: La cascina: Overture (1)
- Bach, J C: La Giulia: Overture (1)
- Bach, J C: Orione Overture (2)
- Bach, J C: Ouvertüre in B-dur (1)
- Bach, J C: Overture (from Canta a 3 voci - for the birthday of Charles III of Spain) (1)
- Bach, J C: Overture (from Catone in Utica) (3)
- Bach, J C: Overture in 8 parts (from Lampugnani's pasticco 'La Guilia', T275/3) (1)
- Bach, J C: Overture in D (from Gli Uccellatori, T277/4) (1)
- Bach, J C: Overture to the opera 'La Clemenza di Scipione' (W G10) (3)
- Bach, J C: Overtures (6) (1)
- Bach, J C: Sinfonia in D major for Double Orchestra, Op. 18 No. 3 (6)
- Bach, J C: Temistocle: Overture (2)
- Bach, J C: Zanaida Overture (2)
- Bach, J Ludwig: Overture in G Major (2)
- Bach, J S: Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV1068: Overture (2)
- Bach, J S: Overture (Suite) in F major, BWV820: Menuet (1)
- Bach, J S: Overture in A minor for Flute and Strings, BWV822 (21)
- Bach, J S: Overture in A Minor for Violin and Strings, BWV1067a (1)
- Bach, W F: Ouverture in E flat BR A59 (1)
- Bach, W F: Ouverture in E flat major, Fk. Deest (1)
- Bach, W F: Ouverture in Es, Fk deest (1)
- Bach, W F: Overture in G minor (1)
- Bacharach: Overture (2)
- Bailey, G: Overture: Diadem of Gold (1)
- Balakirev: 2nd Overture on Russian Themes, 'Russia' (1)
- Balakirev: Overture on a Spanish March Theme (2)
- Balakirev: Overture on three Russian Themes (5)
- Balakirev: Overture: King Lear (4)
- Balassa: Overture and Scenes, Op. 103 (1)
- Balbastre: Ouverture - Livre I (1)
- Balfe: Le Puits D’Amour: Overture (1)
- Balfe: The Bohemian Girl overture (1)
- Balfe: The Siege of Rochelle: Overture (1)
- Bantock: Comedy Overture - The Frogs of Aristophanes (1)
- Bantock: Overture to a Greek Tragedy (3)
- Bantock: Saul - A Symphonic Overture (1)
- Barber: Overture to The School for Scandal, Op. 5 (35)
- Bargiel: Overture to a Tragedy, Op. 18 (2)
- Bargiel: Overture to Medea, Op. 22 (2)
- Bargiel: Overture to Prometheus, Op. 16 (1)
- Barnett, John: The Mountain Sylph: Overture (1)
- Barry, D: High Adventure: Overture (1)
- Barsanti: Overture in D minor, Op. 4, No. 2 (1)
- Barsanti: Overture in G major Op. 4 No. 9 (1)
- Bassani, G B: La tromba della divina misericordia: Ouverture (1)
- Bax: Festival Overture (3)
- Bax: Overture to a Picaresque Comedy (5)
- Bax: Overture to Adventure (2)
- Bax: Overture, Elegy & Rondo (3)
- Bax: Overture: Work in Progress (1)
- Bax: Rogue's Comedy Overture (3)
- Bax: Romantic Overture (1)
- Bazelon: Dramatic Overture (1)
- Bazzini: Saul: Overture (1)
- Beck, F I: Overture from 'La mort d'Orphée' (1)
- Beck, F I: Overture from “L'islee déserte” (1)
- Beethoven: Consecration of the House Overture, Op. 124 (89)
- Beethoven: Coriolan Overture, Op. 62 (306)
- Beethoven: Egmont Overture, Op. 84 (267)
- Beethoven: Fidelio Overture Op. 72c (145)
- Beethoven: König Stephan Overture, Op. 117 (59)
- Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 1, Op. 138 (67)
- Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 2, Op. 72a (140)
- Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3, Op. 72b (268)
- Beethoven: Overtures (2)
- Beethoven: The Creatures of Prometheus Overture, Op. 43 (140)
- Beethoven: The Ruins of Athens Overture, Op. 113 (96)
- Beethoven: Zur Namensfeier overture, Op. 115 (31)
- Behle: Ouvertüre (1)
- Bellini: I Capuleti e I Montecchi: Overture (5)
- Bellini: Norma Overture (6)
- Benedict: The Lily of Killarney: Overture (1)
- Benjamin, A: Overture to Italian Comedy (2)
- Bennett, R R: Farnham Festival Overture (1)
- Bennett, R R: Murder on the Orient Express: Overture (3)
- Bennett, W S: Overture, Parisina (1)
- Bennett, W S: Overture, The May Queen (1)
- Bennett, W S: Overture, The Naiads (1)
- Bennett, W S: Overture, The Wood-nymphs (1)
- Benoit, Peter: Le roi des aulnes overture (1)
- Benoit, Peter: Overture Charlotte Corday (1)
- Berezowsky: Christmas Festival Overture, Op. 30 No. 2 (1)
- Berlin, I: Annie Get Your Gun: Overture (4)
- Berlioz: Béatrice et Bénédict, Op. 27: Overture (46)
- Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini Overture (56)
- Berlioz: King Lear Overture, Op. 4 (35)
- Berlioz: Le carnaval romain Overture, Op. 9 (170)
- Berlioz: Le Corsaire Overture, Op. 21 (80)
- Berlioz: Les Francs-juges Overture, Op. 3 (43)
- Berlioz: Les Troyens à Carthage: Overture (2)
- Berlioz: Rob Roy Overture (16)
- Berlioz: Waverley Overture Op. 1 (21)
- Bernabei, G A: L'Ascanio: Overture (1)
- Bernstein: Candide - Overture (108)
- Bernstein: Slava! A political Overture (21)
- Bernstein: Trouble in Tahiti: Prelude (1)
- Bernstein: Wonderful Town - Overture (6)
- Berry, C R: Quileute Overture (1)
- Berwald: Estrella de Soria: Overture (5)
- Berwald: Overture to Drottningen av Golconda (The Queen of Golconda) (4)
- Berwald: Overture to Estrella de Soria (6)
- Berwald: Overture to The Queen of Golconda (2)
- Best: Festival Overture in B flat major (1)
- Bestor: Overture to a Romantic Comedy (1)
- Bizet: Carmen: Prelude to Act I (22)
- Bizet: Carmen: Prelude to Act II (2)
- Bizet: Carmen: Prelude to Act III (2)
- Bizet: Carmen: Prelude to Act IV (2)
- Bizet: Overture in A major (1)
- Bizet: Overture in A minor (2)
- Bizet: Patrie Overture, Op. 19 (18)
- Black, S: Overture To A Costume Comedy (4)
- Blanco, E F: Obertura dramatica (1)
- Blanco, E F: Obertura sinfonica (1)
- Bliss: Edinburgh Overture (1)
- Blodek: In the Well (V studni) – Overture (1)
- Boccherini: Clementina: Overture & Cavatina (1)
- Boccherini: Overture in D (2)
- Bock, J: Fiddler on the Roof: Overture (1)
- Boeck: Prelude to the opera 'Théroigne de Méricourt' (1)
- Boehe: Tragische Ouvertüre Op. 10 (1)
- Böhm, G: Ouverture in D major (5)
- Böhner: Grosse Ouvertüre für Orchestra in D major, op. 16 (1)
- Böhner: Overture from the opera 'Der Dreiherrenstein' (1)
- Boieldieu: La Dame blanche : Overture (8)
- Boieldieu: Le Calife de Bagdad : Overture (3)
- Boieldieu: Zoraime et Zulnar : Overture (1)
- Boismortier: Ouverture et suite de danses tirees de Don Quichotte chez la Duchesse PB 204 (1)
- Bolcom: Ragomania - A Classic Festival Overture (1)
- Bononcini, G B: Cefalo: Overture (1)
- Bononcini, G B: Il trionfo di Camilla: Overture (2)
- Bononcini, G B: Turno Aricino: Overture (1)
- Booker: Boston Mountain Overture (1)
- Borodin: Prince Igor Overture (26)
- Bortnyansky: Le Faucon: Overture (1)
- Bossi, M E: Overture, Op. 3 (1)
- Bottesini: Alì Babà - Overture (3)
- Bowen: Fantasy Overture (1)
- Boyce: King's Ode for the New Year: Overture (1)
- Boyce: Ode for St Cecilia's Day: Overture (1)
- Boyce: Overtures (12) (1)
- Boyce: The Secular Masque: Overture (3)
- Boyer, P: Celebration Overture (2)
- Boyle, I: Overture for Orchestra (1)
- Bozza: Children's Overture (5)
- Børresen: The Royal Guest: Overture (3)
- Braga Santos, J M: Abertura Sinfónica No. 3 (Symphonic Overture No. 3) (1)
- Braga Santos, J M: Symphonic Overture No. 1 (1)
- Braga Santos, J M: Symphonic Overture No. 2 (1)
- Brahms: Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80 (232)
- Brahms: Tragic Overture, Op. 81 (267)
- Braunfels: Carneval Overture, Op. 22 (1)
- Bræin: Overture, Op. 2 (1)
- Brescianello: Ouverture in G minor (2)
- Bretón: La Dolores: Prelude (1)
- Brian: Comedy Overture: Doctor Merryheart (1)
- Brian: Concert Overture: For Valour (2)
- Brian: Dr Merryheart – a comedy overture for orchestra (1)
- Brian: The Jolly Miller - Comedy Overture (2)
- Brian: The Tinker's Wedding - Comedy Overture (2)
- Bridge: Rebus Overture (3)
- Bristow: Rip Van Winkle: Overture (1)
- Bristow: Winter's Tale: Overture (1)
- Britten: An American Overture (4)
- Britten: Canadian Carnival Overture, Op. 19 (4)
- Britten: Occasional Overture, Op. 38 (4)
- Britten: Overture to Paul Bunyan (1)
- Britten: The Building of the House Overture (2)
- Broadstock: Festive Overture (2)
- Bruch: Die Loreley: Overture (4)
- Bruch: Overture to ‘Scherz, List und Rache’, Op. 1 (1)
- Bruckner: Overture in G Minor, WAB 98 (12)
- Brülh: Atlas-Ouvertüre (1)
- Brüll: Macbeth Overture (1)
- Brumby: Festival Overture on Australian Themes (1)
- Brun, F: Overture to a Jubilee Celebration (1)
- Brzóska: Venatus (Overture) (1)
- Buck, D: Festival Overture on 'The Star Spangled Banner' (5)
- Budashkin: Russian Overture for Orchestra (1)
- Budd, R: Tricolor Overture (1)
- Burgmüller, N: Overture 'Dionys' for Orchestra in F major, Op. 5 (3)
- Burian: Small Overture, Op. 42 (1)
- Bury: Les Caractères de la Folie: Ouverture (1)
- Bush, A: Dance Overture, Op. 12 (1)
- Bush, G: Overture, Yorick (2)
- Busoni: Lustspiel Overture, Op. 38 (6)
- Buttner: Heroic Overture (1)
- Byström, O: Overture in D major (1)
- Caldara: L'Olimpiade: Overture (1)
- Caltabiano, R: Overture in F Major (1)
- Camphouse: Twin Ports Overture (3)
- Campo, C: Evocación y Nostalgia de los Molinos de Viento (Obertura Poemática) (1)
- Carr, B: Federal Overture (1)
- Carr, E: Pacific Festival Overture (1)
- Carrara: A Peace Overture (for violin and orchestra) (1)
- Carroll, W: Festive Overture (2)
- Carter, C: Symphonic Overture (2)
- Carter, E: Holiday Overture (4)
- Carulli: Overture to Rossini's 'Armida' (1)
- Carulli: Overture to Rossini's 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia' (2)
- Carulli: Overture to Rossini's 'La Gazza Ladra' (1)
- Carvalho, J: Eumene: Overture (1)
- Carvalho, J: Overture (1)
- Carvalho, J: Penelope nella partenza da Sparta: Overture (1)
- Carvalho, J: Perseo: Overture (1)
- Carwithen: Overture: Bishop Rock (1)
- Carwithen: Overture: ODTAA (One Damn Thing after Another) (1)
- Castelnuovo-Tedesco: As You Like It Overture, Op. 166 (1)
- Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Il mercante di Venezia Overture (The Merchant of Venice), Op. 76 (1)
- Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Il racconto d’inverno Overture (The Winter’s Tale), Op. 80 (1)
- Castelnuovo-Tedesco: King John Overture, Op. 111 (2)
- Castelnuovo-Tedesco: La bisbetica domata (The Taming of the Shrew): Overture (1)
- Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Much Ado about Nothing Overture, Op. 164 (2)
- Castelnuovo-Tedesco: The Fairy Tale, Symphonic Ouverture (1)
- Catalani: La Wally (Prelude to Act 4) (5)
- Catel: Sémiramis: Overture (1)
- Cattaneo: Ouverture in C minor (1)
- Chabrier: Gwendoline Overture (18)
- Chabrier: L'Etoile: Overture (3)
- Chadwick: Adonais - Elegiac Overture (1)
- Chagrin: Overture from ‘Helter Skelter' (2)
- Chance, J B: Blue Lake Overture (1)
- Chapí: Overture from La revoltosa (1)
- Charpentier, M-A: Le sicilien: Ouverture (1)
- Charpentier, M-A: Medée: Ouverture (1)
- Charpentier, M-A: Ouverture pour l'église H. 524 (4)
- Charpentier, M-A: Ouverture pour le sacre d’un évêque (1)
- Charpentier, M-A: Overture & Air ‘Que tout cède aux douceurs de mes Accords charmants!’ (1)
- Charpentier, M-A: Overture H536 (4)
- Charpentier, M-A: Overture Te Deum (1)
- Chávez: Chapultepec "Republican Overture" (1)
- Chávez, J M: Overture, 'La Huerfanita' (1)
- Cherubini: Ali-Baba Overture (2)
- Cherubini: Anacréon: Overture (31)
- Cherubini: Concert Overture (3)
- Cherubini: Démophon: Ouverture (2)
- Cherubini: Faniska - Overture (5)
- Cherubini: L'Hotellerie Portugaise Overture (4)
- Cherubini: Les Abencérages Overture (4)
- Cherubini: Les Deux Journées Overture (4)
- Cherubini: Lo sposo di tre e marito di nessuna: Overture (1)
- Cherubini: Lodoïska: Overture (8)
- Cherubini: Medea Overture (5)
- Cherubini: Medee: Overture (11)
- Cherubini: Overture to 'Ifigenia in Aulide' (1)
- Cherubini: Overture to 'Le crescendo' (1)
- Cherubini: Overture to Il Giulio Sabino (1)
- Cherubini: Overture to Il portatore d'acqua (1)
- Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur: Prelude to Act Three (1)
- Cimarosa: Achille all'assedio di Troia: Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Alessandro nell’Indie Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Artaserse Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Artemisia, regina di Caria Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Artemisia: Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Atene Edificata Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Cajo Mario Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Cantata per Ferdinando IV: Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Cleopatra Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Componimento drammatico Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Giannina e Bernardone Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Giunio Bruto Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Gli Orazi e I Curiazi: Overture (1797 Version) (1)
- Cimarosa: Gli Orazi e I Curiazi: Overture (1800 Version) (1)
- Cimarosa: I Due Baroni Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: I finti nobili Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: I nemici generosi Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: I sdegni per amore Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: I Tre Amanti Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Il convito Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Il credulo Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Il falegname Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Il fanatico per gli antichi Romani Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Il Marito Disperato Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Il matrimonio segreto: Overture (11)
- Cimarosa: Il mercato di Malmantile Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Il pittor parigino Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Il ritorno di Don Calendrino Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: L'amante combattuto dalle donne di punto, 'La Biondolina' Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: L'amor costante Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: L'apparenza inganna: Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: L'impegno superato: Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: L'imprudente fortunato: Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: L’Armida immaginaria Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: L’eroe Cinese Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: L’impresario in angustie Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: L’infedeltà fedele Overture (3)
- Cimarosa: L’Italiana a Londra Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: La baronessa Stramba Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: La bella Greca Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: La Circe Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: La donna sempre al suo peggior s’appiglia Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: La Finta Parigina Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: La vergine del sole Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Le Donne Rivali Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Le stravaganze d’amore Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Le stravaganze del conte Overture (2)
- Cimarosa: Oreste Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Penelope: Overture (1)
- Cimarosa: Voldomiro Overture (2)
- Clarke, Jeremiah: Overture to Titus Andronicus (1)
- Clementi: Overture in C major (1)
- Clementi: Overture in D (2)
- Clementi, A: Ouverture (1)
- Clifford: An Irish Comedy Overture (1)
- Coates, E: The Merrymakers - A Miniature Overture (13)
- Coleridge-Taylor: Christmas Overture (1)
- Coleridge-Taylor: Hiawatha Overture (3)
- Coles, C: Overture: The Comedy of Errors (1)
- Collins, A: Festival Royal - Overture (1)
- Collins, A: Sir Andrew and Sir Toby - Overture (2)
- Conforto: La festa cinese: Overture (1)
- Constantinides, D: Millennium Festival Overture (1)
- Conti, F: Il trionfo della fama: Overture (1)
- Conti, F: Overture in C 'Don Chisciotte in Sierra Morena' (1)
- Cope: Overture (after Mozart) (1)
- Copland: An Outdoor Overture (23)
- Copley: Miniature Overture (1)
- Corelli: Sinfonia, WoO 1, to the oratorio Santa Beatrice d'Este (5)
- Corigliano, J: Gazebo Dances Overture (1)
- Corigliano, J: Promenade Overture (1)
- Corigliano, J: Tournaments Overture (2)
- Cornelius: Der Barbier von Baghdad: Overture (9)
- Corselli: Oratorio de Santa Clotilde: Overture (1)
- Cotter Nixon: Concert Overture No. 2 - Anima et Fide (1)
- Cotter Nixon: Concert Overture No. 3 - Jacta est Alea (1)
- Cowen: The Butterfly’s Ball Overture (3)
- Creston: Celebration Overture, Op. 61 (7)
- Creston: Dance Overture, Op. 62 (6)
- Croft: Overture in D (1)
- Croft: Trumpet Overture in D (1)
- Crotch: Overture in G (1)
- Curtis, M: A Festival Overture (2)
- Curzon: Punchinello - Miniature Overture (4)
- Damrosch, L: Festival Overture in C, Op. 15 (1)
- Danzi: Camilla und Eugen oder Der Gartenachlüssel: Overture (1)
- Danzi: Music for the Duodrama Cleopatra: Overture (1)
- Danzi: Overture in D major (1)
- Danzi: Overture in E flat major (1)
- Danzi: Turandot: Overture (1)
- Danzi: Wilhelm Tell: Overture (1)
- David, Félicien: La Perle du Brésil: Overture (1)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell: Concert Overture - Ebb Of Winter (1)
- Davies, Peter Maxwell: Ojai Festival Overture (1)
- Debussy: Ouverture Diane (5)
- Desmarest: Didon: Ouverture (premier acte) (1)
- Diabelli: Motiv aus der Ouverture 'Der Freischutz' nach Weber (1)
- Diemer, E: Santa Barbara Overture (1)
- Diepenbrock: Overture 'De Vogels' (3)
- Dieupart: Ouverture in B minor (1)
- Dieupart: Ouverture in E minor (1)
- Dinyes: Ouverture, Air, Double (1)
- Dobrzynski, I: Monbar: Overture (1)
- Dohnányi: Festival Overture, Op. 31 (1)
- Dohnányi: Zrínyi Overture (1)
- Donizetti: Alina, regina di Golconda: Overture (1)
- Donizetti: Anna Bolena: Overture (2)
- Donizetti: Betly, o La capanna svizzera: Overture (1)
- Donizetti: Don Pasquale Overture (9)
- Donizetti: Gabriella di Vergy: Overture (1)
- Donizetti: Il diluvio universale: Overture (1)
- Donizetti: Il falegname di Livonia (Pietro il Grande): Overture (1)
- Donizetti: L'ajo nell'imbarazzo: Overture (1)
- Donizetti: La Fille du Régiment: Overture (3)
- Donizetti: La follia di Carnevale: Overture (1)
- Donizetti: Les Martyrs: Overture (1)
- Donizetti: Linda di Chamounix Overture (1)
- Donizetti: Maria di Rohan: Overture (1)
- Donizetti: Roberto Devereux Overture (2)
- Donizetti: Zoraida di Granata: Overture (1)
- Donovan: New England Chronicle Overture (1)
- Doppler, F: Ket Huszar: Overture (1)
- Downes, A: Concert Overture: 'In the Cotswolds', Op. 36 (1)
- Downes, A: Concert Overture: 'Towards a New Age', Op. 60 (1)
- Draeseke: Gudrun Overture (3)
- Du Mingxin: Festival Overture (2)
- Dubois, T: Frithiof Overture (1)
- Dukas: Goetz de Berlichingen: Overture (1)
- Dukas: Le Roi Lear Overture (1)
- Dukas: Polyeucte Overture (4)
- Dumanoir: Ouverture (1)
- Duphly: Ouverture (1)
- Dupont, G: La Farce du Cuvier (overture) (1)
- Dvořák: Armida: Overture (2)
- Dvořák: Carnival Overture, Op. 92 (156)
- Dvořák: Čert a Káča: Prelude to Act Three (2)
- Dvořák: Dimitrij Overture Op. 64 (4)
- Dvořák: Hussite Overture, Op. 67 (19)
- Dvořák: In Nature's Realm Overture, Op. 91 (38)
- Dvořák: My Home Overture, Op. 62 (26)
- Dvořák: Othello Overture, Op. 93 (44)
- Dvořák: Rusalka, Op. 114: Overture (1)
- Dvořák: Selma sedláck (The Cunning Peasant): Overture (5)
- Dvořák: The King and the Charcoal Burner (Král a Uhlír): Overture (1)
- Dvořák: Tragic Overture, B16a (2)
- Dvořák: Vanda: Overture, Op. 25, B. 97 (5)
- Dyson: Overture to The Canterbury Pilgrims ‘At the Tabard Inn' (1)
- Dyson: Overture: At the Tabard Inn (4)
- Easton: Overture to an Italianate Comedy (1)
- Eberwein, M: Overture for Grand Orchestra (1)
- Eggert: Der Rabe Nimmermehr Ouvertüre (1)
- Eggert, J N: The Moors in Spain: Overture (1)
- Eilenberg: Ouverture 'Das Leben ein Traum', Op. 106 (1)
- Eisler: Lustspiel Overture (1)
- Elcock: Festive Overture, Op. 7 (1)
- Elgar: Froissart Overture, Op. 19 (26)
- Elgar: Overture in D minor (after Handel, HWV247) (3)
- Elgar: Rosemary (13)
- Emmanuel: Overture for a merry tale (1)
- Endler: Overture in D Major (1)
- Enescu: Concert Overture on Popular Romanian themes, Op. 32 (2)
- Enna: Cleopatra Overture (1)
- Enna: Hans Christian Andersen Overture (1)
- Enna: The Little Match Girl, overture (3)
- Erkel: Hunyadi László Overture (1)
- Erlebach: Overture No. 2 in B flat major (1)
- Erlebach: Overture No. 3 in C major (2)
- Erlebach: Overture No. 4 (1)
- Erlebach: Overture No. 4 in D minor (1)
- Erlebach: Overture No. 5 in F major (1)
- Erlebach: Overture No. 6 in G minor (2)
- Ernst II of Saxe-Coburg&Gotha: Overture to the opera 'Santa Chiara' (1)
- Erskine: Overture in B flat 'The Maid of the Mill' (2)
- Erskine: Overture in C, Op. 1 No. 2 (1)
- Erskine: Periodical Overture No. 17 in E flat (1)
- Eybler: Overture (1)
- Fagan: Concert Overture in D (1)
- Farkas: Symphonic Overture (1)
- Farnon: Overture - The Frontiersmen (1)
- Farrenc: Overture No. 1, Op. 23 (4)
- Farrenc: Overture No. 2, Op. 24 (3)
- Fasch, J F: Ouverture (1)
- Fasch, J F: Ouverture grosso in D major (1)
- Fasch, J F: Ouverture in A minor, FWV K: a1 (2)
- Fasch, J F: Ouverture in D major, FWV K: D2 (1)
- Fasch, J F: Ouverture in F major, FWV K: F1 (1)
- Fasch, J F: Overture FWV K:A2 for 2 Flutes, 2 Oboes, Strings & B.c (1)
- Fasch, J F: Overture FWV K:F3 for 2 Horns, 2 Oboes, Bassoon, Strings & B.c (1)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in A major, FaWV K:A3 (1)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in B flat major (4)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in D major FWVK:D3 (1)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in D minor (5)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in E Minor (3)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in G major for 2 Oboes, 2 Violins, Viola, Bassoon & B. c (2)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in G major for 3 oboes, bassoon, strings & continuo (2)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in G minor FWVK:g2 (2)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in G minor FWVK:G3 (1)
- Fasch, J F: Overture in G minor, for 3 oboes, bassoon, strings & continuo (2)
- Faulkes: Concert Overture in E flat (1)
- Fenby: Rossini on Ilkla Moor Overture (3)
- Fesca, F E: Cantemire Overture (1)
- Fesca, F E: Omar and Leila Overture (1)
- Fesca, F E: Overture, Op. 41 in D major (2)
- Fesca, F E: Overture, Op. 43 in C major (1)
- Fibich: A Night at Karlstejn Castle: Overture (1)
- Fibich: Boure (The Tempest), Op. 46 - Act 3: Overture (1)
- Fibich: Comenius - Festival Overture (1)
- Fibich: Sárka: Overture (3)
- Filtsch: Overture (1)
- Fine, M: At the Gate: concert overture (1)
- Fine, M: At the Gate. Concert Overture (1)
- Fischer, J K F: Ouverture a 5 in G minor (1)
- Fisher, J: The Syrens: Overture (1)
- Flagello: A Goldoni Overture, Op. 54 (1)
- Flagello: Overture burlesca, Op. 10 (1)
- Fletcher, P: Vanity Fair: Overture (3)
- Flotow: Alessandro Stradella: Overture (2)
- Flotow: Jubel Overture (1)
- Flotow: Overture to Martha (3)
- Floyd, C: In Celebration - An Overture for Orchestra (1)
- Foerster, J: Festive Overture, Op. 70 (2)
- Fomin: Les cochers au relais: Overture (1)
- Fontyn: La fenêtre ouverte (2)
- Foroni: Overture No. 3 in A major (1)
- Foulds: Keltic Overture, Op. 28 (1)
- Fox, John: Jovial Knights Overture (1)
- Françaix: Ouverture anacréontique (1)
- France: Heritage Overture (1)
- Franck, E: Concert Overture, Op. 12 (1)
- Franck, E: Der römische Carneval Overture (1)
- Franck, R: Wellen des Meeres und der Liebe – Concert Overture in E minor, op. 21 (1)
- Frankel: A Shakespeare Overture Op. 29 (2)
- Frankel: May Day Overture Op. 22 (2)
- Frankel: Overture to a Ceremony Op. 51 (2)
- Fricker: Comedy Overture (1)
- Fry: Overture to Macbeth (1)
- Fuchs, H: Chicago Fantasie Overture (1)
- Fucik: Marinarella: Overture (1)
- Furtwängler: Overture in E flat, Op. 3 (1)
- Fusz: Overture zu Friedrich Schillers Trauerspiel Die Braut von Messina (1)
- Fux: Ouverture in B flat major (nr. II from Concentus Musico Instrumentalis) (2)
- Fux: Ouverture in C minor (1)
- Fux: Ouverture in D Major "Pour le Rossignol": IV. Pour le Coucou (1)
- Fux: Ouverture in D minor (3)
- Fux: Ouverture in G minor (nr. IV from Concentus Musico Instrumentalis) (1)
- Fux: Overture for 2 oboes, 2 violins, viola, bassoon & violin (1)
- Fux: Overture in C major, K334 (1)
- Fux: Overture in C major, K356 (from Concentus musico-instrumentalis) (1)
- Fux: Overture in D major, E109 (1)
- Fux: Overture in G minor, K355 (1)
- Fux: Pulcheria Overture (1)
- Gade, N: Concert Overture No. 3, Op. 14 (2)
- Gade, N: Echoes of Ossian Overture, Op. 1 (10)
- Gade, N: Hamlet Overture Op.37 (3)
- Gade, N: Mariotta - Singspiel Overture (1)
- Gallagher, Jack: Diversions Overture (1)
- Ganspeckh: Ouverture in A major for two violas d'amore and continuo (1)
- Gardiner, H B: Overture to a Comedy (2)
- Gardner, John: A Scots Overture (1)
- Gardner, John: Half Holiday - Overture, Op.52 (1)
- Gardner, John: Overture: Midsummer Ale, Op. 73 (1)
- Gasparini: Antiochus: Overture (1)
- Gassmann: Filosofia ed amore (Philosophy and Love) (Hill 125) : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: Gli uccellatori (The Birdcatchers) (Hill 123) : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: Il filosofo innamorato (The Philosopher in Love) (Hill 157) : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: Il viaggiatore ridicolo (The Ridiculous Traveller) (Hill 137) : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: L'Amore Artigiano : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: L’amore artigiano (Love in the Workplace) (Hill 138) : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: La casa di campagna (The Country House) (Hill 65) : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: La contessina (The Young Countess) (Hill 153) : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: La notte critica (The Critical Night) (Hill 143) : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: Le pescatrici (The Fisherwomen) (Hill 159) : Overture (1)
- Gassmann: Un pazzo ne fa cento (One Madman Makes Many) (Hill 127) : Overture (1)
- Ge Gan-Ru: Butterfly Overture (1)
- Geehl: Oliver Cromwell: Overture (1)
- German: Nell Gwyn: Overture (2)
- German: Overture - The Tempter (1)
- German: Richard III: Overture (1)
- Gershwin: Funny Face: Overture (1)
- Gershwin: Girl Crazy Overture (19)
- Gershwin: Let ‘em Eat Cake: Overture (8)
- Gershwin: Of Thee I Sing Overture (9)
- Gershwin: Oh, Kay! Overture (8)
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Overture (2)
- Gershwin: Primrose Overture (3)
- Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue: Overture (1)
- Gershwin: Strike up the Band Overture (17)
- Gershwin: Tip-Toes Overture (3)
- Gerson: Overture in D major (1)
- Getty: Plump Jack Overture (2)
- Gianneo: Obertura Para Una Comedia Infantil (1)
- Giannini: Dedication Overture (3)
- Gillis, D: Paul Bunyan - An Overture to a Legend (1)
- Gilse: Concert Overture in C minor (2)
- Gilson: Symphonic Overture No. 3 (1)
- Ginastera: Obertura para el ‘Fausto' criollo, Op. 9 (9)
- Girard: A ciel ouvert (1)
- Giuliani, Mauro: Grand Overture, Op. 61 (22)
- Giuliani, Mauro: Ouverture de l'opera La Clemenza di Tito par W. Mozart (1)
- Giuliani, Mauro: Ouverture de l'opera La Vestale par M. Spontini (3)
- Glass, P: Concert Overture (1)
- Glass, P: Overture to La Belle Et La Bête (1)
- Glazunov: Ouverture solennelle, Op. 73 (3)
- Glazunov: Overture No. 1 on Three Greek Themes, Op. 3 (6)
- Glazunov: Overture No. 2 on Three Greek Themes, Op. 6 (3)
- Glière: Overture on Slavonic Themes (2)
- Glière: Overture: Gyul`sara (3)
- Glière: Overture: Holiday at Ferghana, Op.75 (2)
- Glière: Overture: Shakh-Senem (3)
- Glière: Solemn Overture for the 20th anniversary of the October Revolution (4)
- Glinka: Ivan Susanin (A Life for the Tsar): Overture (5)
- Glinka: Overture in D major (2)
- Glinka: Overture in G minor (2)
- Glinka: Prince Kholmsky: Overture (1)
- Glinka: Ruslan & Lyudmila Overture (100)
- Glinka: Spanish Overture No. 1 'Capriccio brillante on the Jota Aragonese' (20)
- Glinka: Spanish Overture No. 2 'Summer Night in Madrid' (9)
- Gluck: Alceste: Overture (15)
- Gluck: Armide Overture (2)
- Gluck: Iphigénie en Aulide: Overture (25)
- Gluck: Les Pèlerins de la Mecque: Overture (2)
- Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice: Overture (5)
- Glyn: A Snowdon Overture (1)
- Goetz: Der Widerspenstigen Zahmung Overture (3)
- Goetz: Overture 'Francesca da Rimini' (2)
- Goetz: String Overture, Op. 15 (3)
- Goldmark: Der Gefesselte Prometheus - Overture, Op. 38 (4)
- Goldmark: Overture to Penthesilea, Op. 31 (1)
- Goldmark: Overture to Sappho, Op. 44 (1)
- Goldmark: Overture: Im Fruhling (In the Spring), Op. 36 (3)
- Goldmark: Overture: In Italien, Op. 49 (4)
- Goldmark: Prelude to the first act of the opera 'Merlin' (1)
- Goldmark: Sakantala Overture, Op.13 (orchestral version) (3)
- Goldschmidt, B: Comedy of Errors: Overture (3)
- Golland: A Christmas Overture (1)
- Gomes: Il Guarany: Overture (1)
- Gottschalk, L: La Casa del Joven Enrique por Méhul – Gran overture, RO54b (1)
- Gounod: Faust - Prelude to Act IV (1)
- Gounod: Faust: Overture (1)
- Gounod: Mireille: Overture (2)
- Gow, D: Overture one-two-five (1)
- Grainger: Sea Song (Sketch for the style of 'Grettir the Strong' Overture or 'Hærmændene paa Helgeland' Overture) (1)
- Gram: Overture in C major, Op. 21 (2)
- Graun, J G: Overture in D minor (4)
- Graupner: Ouverture for 3 Chalumeaux, 2 Violins, Viola and Harpsichord in F major, GWV449 (1)
- Graupner: Ouverture GWV 451 (1)
- Graupner: Ouverture in F major (1)
- Graupner: Ouverture in G major for flute, bassoon, strings and continuo (1)
- Graupner: Ouverture Suite in E minor, GWV 442 (1)
- Graupner: Overture in C major (1)
- Graupner: Overture in C minor, GWV413 (1)
- Graupner: Overture in D GWV 420 (1)
- Graupner: Overture in D GWV 421 (1)
- Graupner: Overture in D major, GWV 418 (1)
- Graupner: Overture in D minor, DWV 426 (1)
- Graupner: Overture in F Major for Recorder and Strings (3)
- Graupner: Overture in F major GWV 450 (2)
- Graupner: Overture in F Major, GWV 445 (1)
- Graupner: Overture in G major, GWV 466 (2)
- Graupner: Overture, GWV 447 (1)
- Greene, M: Overture in D major (2)
- Greene, M: Overture to Phoebe (1)
- Greene, M: Overtures (6) in 7 Parts (1)
- Gretry: Guillaume Tell - Overture (Act 1, Scene 1) (1)
- Gretry: L'Ami de la Maison - Overture (1)
- Gretry: L'Amitié a L'épreuve - Overture (1)
- Gretry: L'Épreuve Villageoise - Overture (1)
- Gretry: Le Huron - Overture (1)
- Gretry: Le Jugement de Midas - Overture (2)
- Gretry: Le Magnifique - Overture (3)
- Gretry: Le Tableau Parlant - Overture (2)
- Gretry: Les deux Avares: Ouverture (2)
- Gretry: Silvian - Overture (1)
- Griffes: Hansel und Gretel: Overture (2)
- Grisar: Le Carillonneur de Bruges: Overture (1)
- Groven, E: Hjalarljod, Overture (1)
- Groven, E: Hjalarljod, Overture Op. 38 (4)
- Guan Xia: Overture No. 1 (1)
- Gurlitt, C: Jagd-Ouverture, Op. 191 (1)
- Haas, P: Radio Overture, Op. 11 (1)
- Hadley, H: Othello Overture, Op. 96 (1)
- Hadley, H: The Enchanted Castle Overture, Op. 117 (1)
- Hägg, J A: Overtures (1)
- Hakim, N: Ouverture Libanaise (2)
- Halffter, R: Obertura concertante (1)
- Hallberg, B W: Concert Overture for Orchestra, No. 2 in F Major (1)
- Halvorsen: Norwegian Festival Overture (2)
- Handel: Acis and Galatea: Overture (3)
- Handel: Admeto: Overture (5)
- Handel: Alcina - Overture (12)
- Handel: Alexander's Feast: Overture (4)
- Handel: Almira: Overture (1)
- Handel: Ariodante : Overture (4)
- Handel: Ariodante: Sinfonia to Act 2 (2)
- Handel: Arminio : Overture (2)
- Handel: Atalanta: Overture (9)
- Handel: Athalia - Overture (3)
- Handel: Belshazzar: Overture (2)
- Handel: Berenice Overture (6)
- Handel: Chandos Anthem No. 2 'In the Lord put I my trust', HWV 247: Overture (2)
- Handel: Deborah: Overture (1)
- Handel: Deidamia : Overture (2)
- Handel: Esther : Overture (8)
- Handel: Faramondo : Overture (1)
- Handel: Giulio Cesare : Overture (4)
- Handel: Giulio Cesare : Overture & Minuet (Act 1) (1)
- Handel: Giustino, HWV 35: Overture (1)
- Handel: Il Pastor Fido - Overture (14)
- Handel: Jephtha: Overture (4)
- Handel: Judas Maccabaeus: Overture (4)
- Handel: Messiah: Overture (8)
- Handel: Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV351: Overture (33)
- Handel: Muzio Scevola, HWV13: Overture (4)
- Handel: Ottone - Overture (6)
- Handel: Overture (3)
- Handel: Overture & Minuet from 'Arminio' (1)
- Handel: Overture Berenice: Minuet (2)
- Handel: Overture from Flavio, HWV16 (1)
- Handel: Overture from Ode For St. Cecilia's Day, HWV76 (2)
- Handel: Overture from Rinaldo, HWV7 (2)
- Handel: Overture HWV 336 (3)
- Handel: Overture HWV 337 (4)
- Handel: Overture in C major (Rodelinda), HWV456/4 (2)
- Handel: Overture in D major, HWV 424 (3)
- Handel: Overture in D minor (3)
- Handel: Overture to "Otho" in B flat major (1)
- Handel: Overture to Alessandro (1)
- Handel: Overture to Deidamia (2)
- Handel: Overture to Lotario (8)
- Handel: Overture to Silla (4)
- Handel: Overture to Solomon (5)
- Handel: Overture to Tamerlano (3)
- Handel: Overture to the Occasional Oratorio, HWV62 (11)
- Handel: Overture, Aria & Entractes from 'Alcina' (1)
- Handel: Overture, Aria & Entractes from 'Ariodante' (1)
- Handel: Overture, Ballet (1)
- Handel: Overture, Minuet & Aria from 'Rodelinda' (1)
- Handel: Overture, Minuet & Ghigg from 'Berenice' (3)
- Handel: Overture: Il pastor fido (2)
- Handel: Overtures and Incidental Music from Alcina, Ariodante, Berenice, Solomon, Agrippina and Rodrigo (1)
- Handel: Ptolemy: Overture (1)
- Handel: Radamisto Overture (4)
- Handel: Rinaldo Overture (15)
- Handel: Rodelinda: Overture (4)
- Handel: Rodrigo: Overture (2)
- Handel: Samson: Overture (7)
- Handel: Saul: Overture (3)
- Handel: Saul: Sinfonia (Act 2) (1)
- Handel: Scipione Overture (4)
- Handel: Second Overture to Almira in G minor (2)
- Handel: Semele: Overture (2)
- Handel: Semele: Sinfonia (Act 2) (1)
- Handel: Serse: Overture (1)
- Handel: Siroe Overture (1)
- Handel: Sosarme : Overture (1)
- Handel: Susanna, HWV 66: Overture (2)
- Handel: Tamerlano, HWV 18: Overture (1)
- Handel: Teseo Overture (6)
- Handel: Theodora: Ouverture (2)
- Handel: Tolomeo, Re di Egitto HWV25: Overture (2)
- Handel: Water Music: Overture (5)
- Harbison: Darkbloom: Overture for an Imagined Opera (1)
- Hartmann, J P E: Hakon Jarl Overture Op. 40 (3)
- Hartmann, J P E: Les Vikings: Overture (1)
- Hartmann, J P E: Little Kirsten: Overture (1)
- Hartmann, J P E: The Raven, overture (1)
- Hartmann, W E Z: Hærmændene på Helgeland Overture Op. 25 (1)
- Harty: A Comedy Overture (3)
- Hasse, J A: Artaserse (Overture) (2)
- Hasse, J A: Ciro riconosciuto: Overture (1)
- Hasse, J A: Cleofide: Ouverture (1)
- Hasse, J A: Zenobia: Overture (1)
- Hayasaka: Overture in D (1)
- Haydn: Acide e Galatea: Overture (3)
- Haydn: Acide e Galatea: Sinfonia in D major, Hob.Ia:5 (2)
- Haydn: Armida: Overture (6)
- Haydn: Armida: Sinfonia in B flat major, Hob.Ia:14 (1)
- Haydn: Il mondo della luna Overture (7)
- Haydn: Il ritorno di Tobia: Overture in C major, Hob.Ia:2 (2)
- Haydn: L'anima del filosofo, ossia Orfeo ed Euridice: Overture (6)
- Haydn: L'incontro improvviso: Overture (2)
- Haydn: L'infedeltà delusa: Overture (2)
- Haydn: L'isola disabitata: Overture in G minor, Hob.Ia:13 (7)
- Haydn: La fedeltà premiata: Overture (2)
- Haydn: La vera constanza: Overture (2)
- Haydn: Le pescatrici, Hob.XXVIII:4: Overture (1)
- Haydn: Lo Speziale, Hob. 28/3: Overture (3)
- Haydn: Orlando Paladino: Overture (1)
- Haydn: Overture in D major, Hob.Ia:4 (3)
- Haydn: Overture in D major, Hob.Ia:7 (2)
- Haydn: Philemon und Baucis: Overture in D minor, Hob.Ia:8 (3)
- Haydn: The Creation: Overture 'Representation of Chaos' (2)
- Haydn: The Seasons: Overture to 'Autumn' (1)
- Haydn: The Seasons: Overture to 'Winter' (1)
- Haydn, M: Andromeda and Perseus: Overture (1)
- Haydn, M: Der büßende Sünder: Overture (1)
- Haydn, M: Rebekka als Braut: Overture (1)
- Hayes, W: Overture to Ode 'The Passions' (1)
- Hedges: A Cleveland Overture (1)
- Hedges: Overture: Heigham Sound (3)
- Hedges: Saturday Market Overture (1)
- Heinichen: Overture in G major (2)
- Heinichen: Overture in G major, Siebel 205 (1)
- Heinichen: Overture in G major, Siebel 206 (1)
- Heintz, A: Parsifal Vorspiel to Act One (after Wagner) (1)
- Helsted, C: Overture in D minor (1)
- Henze, H: Ouverture zu einem theater (2)
- Hérold: Le Pre aux Cleres.- Overture (2)
- Hérold: Zampa - Overture (33)
- Herrmann, B: North by Northwest: Overture (6)
- Herrmann, B: The Man who Knew too Much: Overture (1)
- Hess, N: A Christmas Overture (4)
- Heuberger: Ihre Exzellenz: Overture (2)
- Heuberger: Overture - Der Opernball (11)
- Hewitt Jones, Thomas: Ballet Overture: Refresh, Reset (1)
- Hewitt, J: New Federal Overture (1)
- Hindemith: Ballet Overture 'Amor und Psyche' (1)
- Hindemith: Neues vom Tage Overture (4)
- Hindemith: Overture to 'The Flying Dutchman' as Played at Sight by a Second-Rate Concert Orchestra at the Village Well at 7 o'clock in the Morning (3)
- Hoddinott: Overture, Jack Straw, Op. 35 (1)
- Hoffmann, E T A: Aurora: Overture (1)
- Hoffmann, E T A: Undine: Overture (1)
- Holbrooke: Amontillado, Dramatic Overture, Op. 123 (1)
- Holbrooke: Bronwen - Overture, Op. 75 (1)
- Holbrooke: The Children of Don, Op. 56: Overture (1)
- Hollins: Concert Overture in C major (2)
- Hollins: Concert Overture in C minor (11)
- Hollins: Concert Overture in F minor (3)
- Holmès, A: Ouverture pour une comedie (3)
- Holsinger: Silver Celebration Overture (1)
- Holst: A Fugal Overture, H151 Op. 40 No. 1 (5)
- Holst: Walt Whitman Overture, Op. 7 (5)
- Honegger: La Roue: Overture (1)
- Hoof: Herinneringsouverture (Remembrance Overture) (1)
- Hoof: Overture 'Willem de Zwijger' (William the Silent) (1)
- Hoof: Perzeus Overture (1)
- Horneman, C F E: Aladdin - An Adventure Overture for Orchestra (3)
- Horneman, C F E: Fairy-Tale Overture (1)
- Horneman, C F E: Ouverture Héroique (2)
- Horvit: The Cullen Overture (2)
- Hovhaness: The Burning House: Overture (1)
- Hovland: Festival Overture, Op. 39 (1)
- Huber, H: Eine Lustspiel-Ouvertüre (1)
- Hughes, A: Serch yw’r Doctor (Love’s the Doctor): Overture (1)
- Hummel, J: Freudenfest Overture (1)
- Hummel, J: Overture to Johann von Finnland, Op. 43 (1)
- Humperdinck: Hänsel & Gretel: Overture (28)
- Humperdinck: Königskinder Overture (1)
- Hurd: Overture To An Unwritten Comedy (3)
- Hurlebusch: Ouvertüre I for solo harpsichord (1)
- Hyde, M B: Happy Occasion Overture (2)
- Ibert: Ouverture de fete (6)
- Ichmouratov: Maslenitsa Overture (1)
- Ichmouratov: Youth Overture (1)
- Indy: Fervaal, Op. 40: Prelude to Act 1 (8)
- Indy: Le Camp de Wallenstein (No. 1 from Wallenstein, three symphonic overtures, Op. 12) (1)
- Ireland: A Comedy Overture (2)
- Ireland: Comedy Overture (2)
- Ireland: London Overture (10)
- Ireland: Satyricon - Overture (4)
- Irvin: Love Child: Overture (1)
- Ísólfsson: Festival Overture (1)
- Ives, C: Overture & March '1776' (4)
- Ives, C: Overture in G Minor (1)
- Ives, C: Robert Browning Overture (13)
- Jackson, N: The Reluctant Highwayman: Overture (1)
- Jacob, G: Overture 'The Barber of Seville Goes to the Devil' (2)
- Jacob, G: Overture for string orchestra (1)
- Jacobi, W: Französische Ouverture (1)
- Jadin, H: Overture in F major (1)
- Janáček: Káta Kabanová Overture (4)
- Janáček: Šárka overture (2)
- Janitsch: Ouverture grosso for double orchestra (1)
- Jaques-Dalcroze: Sancho: Overture (1)
- Järnefelt: Ouverture lyrique (2)
- Jarre, J M: Industrial Revolution - Overture (1)
- Jenkins, J W: American Overture (12)
- Joachim: Demetrius Overture (1)
- Joachim: Elegiac Overture, Op. 13, "In Memoriam Heinrich von Kleist" (4)
- Joachim: Hamlet Overture, Op. 4 (6)
- Joachim: Henry IV Overture, Op. 7 (3)
- Jolivet: Ouverture en rondeau (1)
- Jommelli: Periodical Overture (1)
- Jommelli: Overture & Chaconne in E flat major (1)
- Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture (17)
- Kabalevsky: Overture Pathetique, Op. 64 (7)
- Kajanus: Overtura sinfonica (3)
- Kalinnikov, Vasily: Overture to Tsar Boris (1)
- Kalliwoda: Overture No. 10 in F Minor, Op. 142 (1)
- Kalliwoda: Overture No. 16 in A minor, Op. 238 (1)
- Kalliwoda: Overture No. 17, Op. 242 (2)
- Kalliwoda: Overture No. 3 in C Major, Op. 55 (1)
- Kalliwoda: Overture No. 7 in C Minor, Op. 101 (1)
- Kalman: Die Csárdásfürstin: Overture (1)
- Kander, J: Overture (from Chicago) (2)
- Kay, U: Overture to Theater Set (1)
- Kayser, I: Ouverture (2)
- Kazhlaev: Welcome Overture (1)
- Kéler: Ungarische Lustspiel Overture, Op. 108 (1)
- Kelly, B: Fantasy Overture (1)
- Kern: Have a Heart - Overture (2)
- Kern: Leave it to Jane - Overture (2)
- Kern: O, Lady! Lady! - Overture (2)
- Kern: Show Boat Overture (4)
- Kern: Sitting Pretty Overture (2)
- Kern: Sweet Adeline Overture (2)
- Kern: The Cat and the Fiddle Overture (2)
- Kern: The Girl from Utah Overture (2)
- Kern: Very Warm for May - Overture (2)
- Khachaturian: Greeting Overture (2)
- Kiel: Ouverture à grand Orchestre, Op. 6 (1)
- Kilar: The Solemn Overture (1)
- Klami: King Lear Overture (1)
- Klami: Nummisuutarit-alkusoitto (The Cobblers on the Heath) Overture (2)
- Klami: Suomenlinna, alkusoitto (overture), Op. 30 (1)
- Klami: Suomenlinna, overture, Op. 30 (3)
- Klami: The Cobblers on the Heath Overture (4)
- Klenau: Klein Idas Blumen: Overture (1)
- Klughardt: Concert Overture in G (1)
- Klughardt: Festouverture in E flat major, Op. 78 (1)
- Klughardt: Im Fruhling - Concert Overture, Op. 30 (1)
- Knecht, Justin: Die Aeolsharfe: Overture (1)
- Knecht, Justin: Overture to Zum Prolog auf die Vermählungsfeier der königlich-württembergischen Prinzessin Katharine mit ihrem französisch-kaiserlichen Prinzen Jérome (1)
- Kochurov: Suvorov Overture (1)
- Kodály: Theatre Overture (6)
- Komzák II: Ouverture zu Edelweiss (1)
- Kopylov: Concert Overture in D minor, Op. 31 (1)
- Korngold: Die Tote Stadt, Op. 12 (Prelude to Act 2) (2)
- Korngold: Juarez: Overture (1)
- Korngold: Schauspiel Overture, Op. 4 (9)
- Korngold: Sursum Corda - symphonic overture, Op. 13 (5)
- Koster, L: Ouverture légère (1)
- Krasa: Overture for Small Orchestra (1943-44) (1)
- Kraus, J M: Äfventyraren: Overture (2)
- Kraus, J M: Begravningskantata for Gustavus III, VB 42: Overture (3)
- Kraus, J M: Olympie : Overture (8)
- Kraus, J M: Overture in D minor, VB 147 (2)
- Kraus, J M: Proserpine: Overture (4)
- Kraus, J M: Zum Geburtstage des Konigs Gustav III, VB 41: Overture (3)
- Kreutzer, K: Das Nachtlager von Grenada: Overture (2)
- Kru Peng: Pama Wat Overture (1)
- Kuhlau: Everhoj (Elves' Hill) Suite: Overture (3)
- Kuhlau: Lulu, Op. 65: Overture (1)
- Kuhlau: Overture: Elisa, Op. 29 (1)
- Kuhlau: Overture: Elverhøj (2)
- Kuhlau: Overture: Hugo and Adelheid, Op. 107 (1)
- Kuhlau: Overture: Røverborgen (1)
- Kuhlau: Overture: Trillingbrødrene fra Damask, Op. 115 (1)
- Kuhlau: Overture: Trylleharpen, Op. 27 (1)
- Kuhlau: Overture: William Shakespeare, Op. 74 (6)
- Künneke, Eduard: Glückliche Reise: overture (1)
- Kurpinski: Dwa Chatki: Overture (1)
- Lachner, F: Festival Overture (1)
- Lachner, F: Frauenliebe und Leben Overture (1)
- Lalo: Le Roi d'Ys: Overture (18)
- Lambert, C: Overture (1)
- Lambert, C: Overture 'The Bird Actors' (1)
- Lambert, L L: Ouverture de Broceliande (1)
- Lamond: Concert Overture: 'From the Scottish Highlands' (1)
- Lane, P: A Maritime Overture (1)
- Lane, P: A Spa Overture (2)
- Lane, P: Overture on French Carols (2003) (1)
- Lange-Müller: Overture from Gildet på Solhaug, Op. 32 (1)
- Langford, A: Two Worlds Overture (2)
- Langgaard, R: Prelude to the opera 'Antichrist' (2)
- Langley: Overture And Beginners (2)
- Larson, C: Overture to Jan Louissa Quist (1)
- Larsson, L-E: Concert Overture No. 2, Op. 13 (1)
- Larsson, L-E: Förklädd Gud (God in Disguise) Op. 24: Overture (1)
- Leclair, J-M: Ouvertura In G Major Op. 13 No. 1 (2)
- Leclair, J-M: Ouverture in A major, Op. 13 No. 3 (3)
- Leclair, J-M: Ouverture in A major, Op. 13, No. 5 (1)
- Leclair, J-M: Ouverture in D major, Op. 13 No. 3 (1)
- Leclair, J-M: Ouverture, Et toi, dont les embrasements… Noires divinités & Brillante fille de Latone from Scylla et Glaucus (1)
- Leclair, J-M: Ouverture, Op. 13 No. 2 (1)
- Leclair, J-M: Ouvertures et Sonates en Trio Op. 13 (2)
- Leclair, J-M: Overture from Scylla et Glaucus (2)
- Leclair, J-M: Scylla et Glaucus: Prelude (1)
- Lecocq: Overture 'The Lady and the Maid' (1)
- Leduc, J: Ouverture d'été (1)
- Legrenzi: Totila: Overture (1)
- Lehár: Das Land des Lachelns: Overture (2)
- Lehár: Overture: Clo-Clo (2)
- Lehár: Overture: Der Göttergatte (4)
- Lehár: Overture: Die lustige Witwe (The Merry Widow) (4)
- Lehár: Overture: Wo die Lerche Singt (1)
- Leifs: Forleikr að 'Galdra-Lofti' (Overture to 'Loftr'), Op. 10 (2)
- Leifs: Iceland Ouverture (Minni Íslands), Op. 9 (Text: Einar Benediktsson and Jonas Hallgrimsson) (2)
- Leigh, W: Jolly Roger – Overture (1)
- Leigh, W: Overture: Agincourt (2)
- Leo: Catone in Utica: Overture (1)
- Leoncavallo: Die Medici: Prelude to Act 1 (2)
- Leoncavallo: I Medici: Prelude to Act III (1)
- Levy, F E: Summer Overture (1)
- Lewis, P: An English Overture (4)
- Lewis, P: Sussex Symphony Overture (2)
- Liang, Q: Cosmic Overture (1)
- Lilburn: Aotearoa Overture (2)
- Lilburn: Drysdale Overture (3)
- Lilburn: Festival Overture (2)
- Lincke: Frau Luna: Overture (4)
- Lincke: Grigri: Overture (2)
- Lincke: Im Reiche Des Indra: Overture (2)
- Lincke: Venus auf Erden - Overture (3)
- Linde, B: A Merry Ouverture, Op. 14 (1)
- Linley the younger: Overture to The Duenna (1)
- Liszt: Kirchliche Fest-Overture uber den Choral 'Ein Feste Burg ist unser Gott', S675 (1)
- Liszt: Ouverture des Francs-juges de Hector Berlioz, S471 (3)
- Liszt: Ouverture du Roi Lear de Hector Berlioz, S474 (3)
- Liszt: Tannhaüser Overture (13)
- Lloyd, G: John Socman Overture (1)
- Locklair: Phoenix and Again (An Overture for Full Orchestra) (1983) (1)
- Loder: The Night Dancers: Overture (1)
- Lord, P: Nautical Overture (1965) (1)
- Lortzing: Der Pole und sein Kind: Overture (2)
- Lortzing: Der Waffenschmied Overture (3)
- Lortzing: Der Wildschütz Overture (1)
- Lortzing: Fest-Ouvertüre (1)
- Lortzing: Hans Sachs: Overture (2)
- Lortzing: Regina: Overture (1)
- Lortzing: Undine Overture (1)
- Lortzing: Zar und Zimmermann: Overture (6)
- Lüdig: Overture-Fantasy No. 1 in B minor (1)
- Lüdig: Overture-Fantasy No. 2 in B minor (1)
- Lully: Alceste, LWV 50: Overture (1)
- Lully: Ballet d'Alcidiane et Polexandere: Overture (1)
- Lully: Ballet de la Raillerie (LWV 11) Overture, Ritournelle, Trio: L'un dell'altro ognun si burla (1)
- Lully: Isis, LWV 54 : Ouverture (1)
- Lully: Ouverture avec tous les Airs a jouer de l'Opera d'Atys (1)
- Lully: Ouverture avec tous les Airs a jouer de l'Opera de Phaeton (1)
- Lully: Ouverture de Psyché (5)
- Lully: Ouverture Le Carnaval (2)
- Lully: Ouverture, Chaconne et tous les autres Airs a jouer de l'Opera d'Armide (1)
- Lully: Ouverture, Enfin il est en ma puissance, Venez, venez, Haine implacable & Passacaille from Armide (1)
- Lully: Overture to Cadmus (2)
- Lully: Overture to La Mascarade (2)
- Lully: Roland Overture (1)
- Lutosławski: Mini Overture for brass quintet (14)
- Lutosławski: Overture for Strings (5)
- Lyon, D: Joie de Vivre Overture (2)
- Lyon, D: Overture to a Comic Opera (1)
- Lysenko: Taras Bulba: Overture (1)
- MacCunn: The Land of the Mountain and the Flood - Concert Overture, Op. 3 (10)
- MacFarren, G: She Stoops to Conquer: Overture (1)
- Mackeben: Rubens: Overture (1)
- Mackenzie: Britannia – A Nautical Overture Op. 52 (2)
- Mackenzie: The Cricket On The Hearth Op. 62 - Overture (1)
- Mackenzie: The Little Minister: Overture (1)
- Mackey, S: Stare Prelude/Overture (1)
- Maconchy: Overture - Proud Thames (1)
- Madetoja: Huvinaytelmaalkusoitto (Comedy Overture), Op. 53 (2)
- Madetoja: Konserttialkusoitto (Concert Ouverture), Op. 7a (1)
- Madina: Basque Children Overture (1)
- Maes: Overture concertante (2)
- Magnard: Ouverture Op. 10 (3)
- Maillart: Les Dragons de Villars : Overture (1)
- Maillart: Overture to 'Les Dragons de Villars' (1)
- Makris: Aegean Festival Overture (6)
- Marais, M: Alcyone: Ouverture (3)
- Marais, M: Ariane et Bacchus: Overture (1)
- Marcolini: La dicha en la desgracia y vida campestre: Overture (1)
- Markevitch: Cinéma-Ouverture (2)
- Marschner, H A: Der Bäbu, Op. 98: Overture (1)
- Marschner, H A: Der Goldschmied von Ulm: Overture (1)
- Marschner, H A: Der Templer und die Judin, Op. 60: Overture (1)
- Marschner, H A: Der Vampyr: Overture (2)
- Marschner, H A: Des Falkners Braut, Op. 65: Overture (1)
- Marschner, H A: Grande Ouverture solenne, Op. 78 (1)
- Marschner, H A: Hans Heiling Overture (2)
- Marschner, H A: Kaiser Adolph von Nassau, Op. 130: Overture (1)
- Marschner, H A: Lukretia, Op. 67: Overture (1)
- Marschner, H A: Prinz Friedrich von Homburg, Op. 56: Overture (1)
- Marta: Overture (1991) (1)
- Martines: Ouverture in C (1770) for wind instruments, strings and basso continuo (1)
- Martinů: Overture for Orchestra (3)
- Mascagni: I Rantzau: Overture (1)
- Mascagni: L'Amico Fritz: Overture (1)
- Mascagni: Le Maschere: Overture (1)
- Mason, D G: Chanticleer Festival Overture (1)
- Massenet: Le Roi de Lahore: Overture (1)
- Massenet: Phèdre: Overture (12)
- Mathias: Dance Overture (1)
- Mattheson: Overture in F 'Die geheimen Begebeneiten Henrico IV' (1)
- Matthews, D: From Sea to Sky, overture for small orchestra, Op. 59 (1992) (1)
- Maurice, Pierre: La nuit tous les chats sont gris: Overture (1)
- Mayr: Arianna in Nasso (Ariadne on Naxos): Overture (1)
- Mayr: Cora: Overture (1)
- Mayr: Ercole in Lidia: Overture (1)
- Mayr: Gli Americani: Overture (1)
- Mayr: Il segreto: Overture (1)
- Mayr: Lauso e Lidia: Overture (1)
- Mayr: Medea in Corinto: Overture (1)
- Mayr: Mennone e Zemira: Overture (1)
- Mayr: Raul de Crequi: Overture (1)
- Mayr: Sisara - Overture (1)
- Mayuzumi: Ritual Overture (1)
- McGinty: Discovery Overture (1)
- McGinty: Oxford Overture (1)
- Méhul: Ariodant: Overture (1)
- Méhul: Euphrosine, ou Le tyran corrigé: Overture (1)
- Méhul: Joseph in Ägypten: Overture (1)
- Méhul: Le Jeune Henri (overture) (1)
- Méhul: Mélidore et Phrosine: Overture (1)
- Méhul: Stratonice: Overture (1)
- Meierhans: Cordes Ouvertes II (1)
- Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream Overture, Op. 21 (118)
- Mendelssohn: Athalia Overture (11)
- Mendelssohn: Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage, Op. 27 (51)
- Mendelssohn: Elijah, Op. 70: Overture (1)
- Mendelssohn: Hebrides Overture, Op. 26 (217)
- Mendelssohn: Heimkehr aus der Fremde Overture (6)
- Mendelssohn: Overture for wind instruments 'Harmoniemusik', Op. 24 (6)
- Mendelssohn: Overture St. Paul Op. 36 (10)
- Mendelssohn: Paulus, Op. 36: Overture (5)
- Mendelssohn: Ruy Blas Overture, Op. 95 (55)
- Mendelssohn: The Fair Melusine Overture, Op. 32 (31)
- Mendelssohn: The Marriage of Camacho Overture (1)
- Mendelssohn: Trumpet - Overture Op. 101 (9)
- Mennin: Folk Overture (1)
- Menotti: Amelia al Ballo: Overture (1)
- Menotti: The Old Maid and the Thief - Overture (1)
- Mercadante: Elena da Feltre: Overture (1)
- Mercadante: Gli sciti: Overture (1)
- Mercadante: I Normanni a Parigi: Overture (1)
- Mercadante: Il reggente: Overture (1)
- Mercadante: La schiava saracena: Overture (1)
- Mercadante: Nitocri: Overture (1)
- Mercadante: Overture in D major (1)
- Mernier: vi(v)a - overture for orchestra (1)
- Messager: Veronique: Overture (1)
- Meulemans, A: Overture to the opera 'Adriaen Brouwer' (1)
- Meyerbeer: Alimelek: Overture (1)
- Meyerbeer: Dinorah Overture (2)
- Meyerbeer: Ein Feldlager in Schlesien: Overture (1)
- Meyerbeer: Fest-Ouvertüre im Stil eines Marsches (1)
- Meyerbeer: L'étoile du nord: Overture (1)
- Meyerbeer: Le Prophete: Overture (2)
- Meyerbeer: Robert Le Diable: Overture (1)
- Miaskovsky: Hulpingung’s Overture, Op. 48 (1)
- Miaskovsky: Overture in G Major (2)
- Miaskovsky: Pathetic Overture, Op. 76 (2)
- Miaskovsky: Salutation Overture in D Op.48 (4)
- Mielck: Dramatic Overture, Op. 6 (1)
- Mielck: Macbeth Overture, Op. 2 (1)
- Milhaud: Ouverture méditerranéenne, Op. 330 (3)
- Millöcker: Der Bettelstudent: Overture (1)
- Millöcker: Overture in E flat (1)
- Moeran: Overture for a Festival (1)
- Moeran: Overture for a Masque (3)
- Molter: Ouverture C major (1)
- Molter: Overture in B flat major, MWV3/7 (1)
- Monckton: The Arcadians Overture (1)
- Mondonville: Titon et l'Aurore: Overture (1)
- Moniuszko: Bajka, fantastic overture (3)
- Moniuszko: Fils (The Rafsman) Overture (1)
- Moniuszko: Flis Overture (2)
- Moniuszko: Halka Overture (1)
- Moniuszko: Hrabina Overture (2)
- Moniuszko: Jawnuta Overture (2)
- Moniuszko: Paria Overture (2)
- Moniuszko: Straszny Dwor (The Haunted Manor): Overture (1)
- Moniuszko: Verbum Nobile Overture (2)
- Montaine: From Sea to shining Sea (Overture) (1)
- Monteclair: Jephté: Overture (2)
- Monteverdi: Toccata (L'Orfeo) (22)
- Moore, R: Celebration Overture (1)
- Morawetz: Carnival Overture (2)
- Moscheles: Overture 'Die Jungfrau von Orleans' (1)
- Mozart: Apollo et Hyacinthus, K38: Overture (5)
- Mozart: Ascanio in Alba, K111: Overture (8)
- Mozart: Bastien und Bastienne, K50: Overture (12)
- Mozart: Così fan tutte, K588: Overture (71)
- Mozart: Der Schauspieldirektor, K486: Overture (62)
- Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K384: Overture (68)
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K620: Overture (151)
- Mozart: Don Giovanni, K527: Overture (104)
- Mozart: Idomeneo, K366: Overture (48)
- Mozart: Il re pastore, K208: Overture (14)
- Mozart: Il sogno di Scipione, K126: Overture (3)
- Mozart: L'Irato Overture (1)
- Mozart: La Betulia liberata, K118: Overture (2)
- Mozart: La clemenza di Tito, K621: Overture (58)
- Mozart: La finta giardiniera, K196: Overture (24)
- Mozart: La Finta Semplice, K51: Overture (2)
- Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K492: Overture (235)
- Mozart: Les petits riens K299b - Overture (3)
- Mozart: Lo sposo deluso, K430: Overture (2)
- Mozart: Lucio Silla, K135: Overture (30)
- Mozart: Mitridate, rè di Ponto, K87: Overture (13)
- Mozart: Overture and Three Contredanses, K106 (3)
- Mozart: Overture in C major, K399(385i) (8)
- Mozart: Thamos, König in Ägypten, K.345: Overture (2)
- Mozart: Zaïde, K344: Overture (1)
- Mussorgsky: Dawn on the Moscow River (from Khovanshchina) (24)
- Mussorgsky: Khovanshchina: Prelude (21)
- Myslivecek: Overture Il Demetrio (1)
- Myslivecek: Overture Il Demofoonte (1)
- Myslivecek: Overture in A major (1)
- Myslivecek: Overture L'Olimpiade (1)
- Myslivecek: Overture Motezuma (1)
- Myslivecek: Overture No. 2 in A for 2 horns, 2 oboes and strings (1)
- Myslivecek: Overture Romolo ed Ersilia (1)
- Naulais: Lyrical Overture (1)
- Naulais: Russian Overture (2)
- Nelson, Ron: Mayflower Overture (2)
- Nicolai, C O: Church Festival Overture (1)
- Nicolai, C O: Der Tempelritter (overture) (1)
- Nicolai, C O: Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor overture (63)
- Nicolai, C O: Kirchliche Fest-Ouverture, Op. 31 on the Chorale 'Ein Feste Burg ist unser Gott' for orchestra chorus and organ (1)
- Nicolai, C O: The Return of the Exile (overture) (1)
- Nicolai, C O: Weihnachts-Ouverture, WoO109 on the chorale 'Von Himmel hoch da komm ich her' (4)
- Nielsen: Amor og Digteren, Op. 54: Overture (5)
- Nielsen: Helios Overture, Op. 17 (27)
- Nielsen: Isbella Overture, Op. 10 (1)
- Nielsen: Maskarade Overture (22)
- Nielsen: Maskarade: Prelude to Act II (6)
- Nielsen: Rhapsody Overture: An Imaginary Trip to the Faroe Islands (FS123) (11)
- Nielsen: Saul & David - Prelude Act 2 (6)
- Nielsen, Ludolf: Concert Overture in C major, Op. 13 (2)
- Norman, L: Concert Overture in E flat Major (1)
- Norman, L: Festive Overture in C Major, Op. 60 (1)
- Norman, L: Overture to Antonius och Cleopatra (1)
- Noskowski: Livia Quintilla - Prelude to Act II (1)
- Noskowski: Pan Zolzikiewicz Overture (1)
- Nott: Overture & Allegro (1)
- Novák, V: Overture: Lady Godiva Op. 41 (2)
- O'Brien, C: Ellangowan: Concert Overture, Op. 12 (2)
- O'Brien, C: The Minstrel’s Curse - Concert Overture, Op. 7 (1)
- O'Brien, C: To Spring - Concert Overture, Op. 4 (1)
- O'Reilly, J: Northridge Overture (1)
- Offenbach: Ba-Ta-Clan: Overture (1)
- Offenbach: Barbe-bleue - Overture (9)
- Offenbach: Bluebeard Overture (1)
- Offenbach: Die Rheinnixen - 'Overture' (1)
- Offenbach: Genevieve de Brabant: Overture (1)
- Offenbach: L'île de Tulipatan: Overture (2)
- Offenbach: La Belle Helene Overture (28)
- Offenbach: La Creole: Overture (1)
- Offenbach: La Fille du tambour-major: Overture (5)
- Offenbach: La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein - Overture (11)
- Offenbach: La Perichole: Overture (3)
- Offenbach: La Princesse de Trébizonde: Overture (2)
- Offenbach: La Vie Parisienne: Overture (18)
- Offenbach: Le mariage aux lanternes - Overture (1)
- Offenbach: Le Voyage dans la Lune: Overture (4)
- Offenbach: Les bavards: Overture (2)
- Offenbach: Les Bergers: Prelude to Act 1 (2)
- Offenbach: Les Brigands: Overture (2)
- Offenbach: Les deux Aveugles: Overture (2)
- Offenbach: Les Fées du Rhin: Overture (1)
- Offenbach: Les trois baisers du diable: Overture (1)
- Offenbach: Madame Favart - Ouverture (2)
- Offenbach: Monsieur Choufleuri: overture (2)
- Offenbach: Monsieur et Madame Denis: Overture (5)
- Offenbach: Orphée aux Enfers Overture (55)
- Offenbach: Ouverture de concert (1)
- Offenbach: Overture La Fille du tambour-major (7)
- Offenbach: Overture to a Grand Orchestra (4)
- Offenbach: Vert-Vert Overture (8)
- Orr, R: Italian Overture (1)
- Pablo: Obertura a la francesa (1)
- Paderewski: Overture in E-flat major (2)
- Paër: Sargino : Overture (1)
- Paine: Oedipus Tyrannus Prelude, Op. 35 (6)
- Paine: Overture to Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’, Op. 28 (2)
- Paisiello: Don Chisciotte: Overture (1)
- Paisiello: I Giochi Di Agrigento: Overture (1)
- Paisiello: Il barbiere di Siviglia Overture (3)
- Paisiello: Il duello comico Overture (1)
- Paisiello: Il re Teodoro Overture (2)
- Paisiello: L'idolo cinese Overture (1)
- Paisiello: L'osteria di Marechiaro Overture (1)
- Paisiello: La molinara Overture (1)
- Paisiello: La Scuffiara Overture (1)
- Paisiello: Le due contesse Overture (1)
- Paisiello: Le zingare in fiera Overture (1)
- Paisiello: Nina Overture (1)
- Paisiello: Overture de ‘Theodore' (1)
- Pallavacino: Il Bassiano: Ouverture (1)
- Panufnik, A: Heroic Overture (4)
- Panufnik, A: Tragic Overture (2)
- Parker, Clifton: The Glass Slipper Overture (3)
- Parrott: Fanfare Overture (1)
- Parry: Overture to an Unwritten Tragedy (5)
- Parry, Joseph: Tydfil Overture (2)
- Pascuzzi: American Celebration Overture (6)
- Pasquini, B: L'Idalma: Overture (1)
- Pasquini, B: La sete di Cristo: Ouverture (1)
- Pejačević: Overture in D Minor, Op. 49 (1)
- Pepusch: The Beggar’s Opera: Overture (1)
- Pepusch: Venus and Adonis: Overture (1)
- Pereverzev: Overture (1)
- Pergolesi: La conversion e morte di San Guglielmo duca d'Aquitania: Sinfonia to the sacred drama (1)
- Pez: Overture in D major (1)
- Pez: Overture in G minor (1)
- Pfeiffer, J: Overture in G major for two flutes, bassoon, strings and bc (2)
- Pfeiffer, J: Overture in G major for two oboes, bassoon, strings and bc (1)
- Pfitzner: Overture from Das Käthchen von Heilbronn (8)
- Pfitzner: Palestrina - Overtures from acts I, II & III (2)
- Philidor, F-A: Le jardinier et son seigneur: Overture (1)
- Philidor, F-A: Le sorcier Overture (2)
- Philidor, F-A: Tom Jones: Ouverture in B flat major (2)
- Pitfield: Concert Overture (2)
- Pollarolo: Gl'inganni felici: Overture (1)
- Pollarolo: La Proserpine: Overture (1)
- Polovinkin: Heroic Overture (1)
- Poot: Vrolijke Overture (1)
- Porpora: Carlo il calvo: Overture (1)
- Porpora: Ouverture (Arianna) (1)
- Porpora: Overture (from Polifemo) (1)
- Porter, C: Anything Goes Overture (7)
- Porter, C: Can-Can Overture (3)
- Porter, C: Gay Divorce Overture (2)
- Porter, C: High Society Overture (3)
- Porter, C: Kiss Me Kate Overture (4)
- Portugal: Overture Il Duca (1)
- Potter: Overture to a Kitchen Comedy (1)
- Prokofiev: Overture in B flat major, Op. 42 'American' (2)
- Prokofiev: Overture on Hebrew Themes, for orchestra, Op. 34b (18)
- Prokofiev: Overture on Hebrew Themes, Op. 34 (50)
- Prokofiev: Russian Overture, Op. 72 (17)
- Prokofiev: Semyon Kotko, Op. 81: Overture (1)
- Puccini: Edgar - Preludio (Act 1 & 3) (4)
- Puccini: Edgar: Prelude to Act III (6)
- Puccini: Edgar: Prelude to Act IV (1)
- Puccini: Le Villi - Preludio, La tregenda (11)
- Puccini: Manon Lescaut: Prelude Act 2 (1)
- Puccini: Manon Lescaut: Prelude to Act III (1)
- Puccini, A: Spartaco: Overture (1)
- Purcell: King Arthur, Z628: Overture (1)
- Purcell: Overture & Curtain Tune (1)
- Purcell: Overture in C major, Z. 574/1, "Bonduca" (2)
- Purcell: Overture in D minor for two violins, viola & b.c. (1)
- Purcell: Overture in D minor Z771 (5)
- Purcell: Overture in D minor, Z. 628/2, "King Arthur" (2)
- Purcell: Overture in G major Z336 (2)
- Purcell: Overture In G Minor (1)
- Purcell: Overture in G minor for two violins, two violas & b.c. (1)
- Purcell: Overture in G minor Z772 (6)
- Purcell: Overture in G minor, Z626/1 (1)
- Purcell: Overture in G minor, Z770 (5)
- Purcell: Overture in gamut flat, Z.T693, "The Virtuous Wife" (2)
- Purcell: Sir Anthony Love or, The Rambling Lady, Z588/1: Overture (1)
- Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Overture in D major (4)
- Purcell: The Indian Queen: Overture (2)
- Purcell: The Indian Queen: Trumpet Overture to Act II (6)
- Purcell: The Married Beau: Overture (1)
- Purcell: The Staircase Overture, Z614 (4)
- Purcell: Timon of Athens, Z632: Overture (1)
- Puw: Agorawd ‘Torri’r Garreg’ / ‘Break the Stone’ Overture (2)
- Quilter: A Children's Overture, Op. 17 (7)
- Rachmaninoff: Aleko: Overture (1)
- Radecke, R: Overture 'Shakespeare's König Johann', Op. 25 (1)
- Raff: Benedetto Overture (2)
- Raff: Concert-Ouvertüre, Op. 123 (4)
- Raff: Dame Kobold Overture (7)
- Raff: Die Eifersüchtigen: Overture (3)
- Raff: Die Parole Overture (2)
- Raff: Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, Op. 127 (4)
- Raff: Fest-Overture Op. 117 (2)
- Raff: Jubel-Ouvertüre (3)
- Raff: König Alfred: Overture (3)
- Raff: Marcello Overture (2)
- Raff: Overtures to The Tempest, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet (2)
- Raff: Romeo and Juliet, WoO 51: Orchestral Prelude (4)
- Raff: Samson: Vorspiel to Act 3 (1)
- Raik: Overture No. 2 (1)
- Rameau: Acante et Céphise Overture (3)
- Rameau: Castor et Pollux Overture (6)
- Rameau: Dardanus Overture (5)
- Rameau: Dardanus: Prélude (1)
- Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie Overture (2)
- Rameau: Le Temple de la Gloire: Overture (2)
- Rameau: Les Fêtes d'Hébé: Overture (2)
- Rameau: Les Fêtes de Polymnie Overture (2)
- Rameau: Les Indes galantes Overture (3)
- Rameau: Les Paladins Overture (2)
- Rameau: Pigmalion: Overture (1)
- Rameau: Platée Overture (2)
- Rameau: Pygmalion: Overture (5)
- Rameau: Zaïs Overture (6)
- Rameau: Zoroastre Overture (3)
- Randel: The People from Vårmland: Overture (1)
- Rawsthorne, A: Coronation Overture (1953) (1)
- Rawsthorne, A: Fantasy Overture: Corteges (2)
- Rawsthorne, A: Overture For Farnham (2)
- Rawsthorne, A: Street Corner Overture (4)
- Rebel, F: Scanderberg: Overture (1)
- Reed, H O: Overture-1940 (1)
- Reger: Eine vaterländische Ouvertüre, Op. 140 (1)
- Reger: Lustspielouverture Op. 120 (2)
- Reichardt, J F: Erwin und Elmire Overture (1)
- Reichenauer: Overture in B flat major for 2 oboes, bassoon, strings and basso continuo (1)
- Reinagle: Miscellaneous Overture in D major (1)
- Reinagle: Occasional Overture in D major (1)
- Reinagle: Overture in G major (1)
- Reizenstein: Overture 'Cyrano de Bergerac', Op. 28 (1)
- Respighi: Belfagor Overture (4)
- Respighi: Ouverture Carnevalesca (1)
- Reynolds, A: Much Ado About Nothing - Overture (1)
- Reynolds, A: Overture for a Comedy (1)
- Reynolds, A: The Taming of the Shrew Overture (1)
- Reznicek: Donna Diana Overture (20)
- Reznicek: Eine Lustspiel-Ouvertuere (2)
- Reznicek: Goldpirol: Idyllische Ouverture (2)
- Reznicek: Raskolnikoff (Phantasy Overture) (1)
- Rheinberger: Akademic Overture, Op. 195 (1)
- Rheinberger: Ouvertüre, Op. 150, No. 6 (2)
- Rheinberger: Overture to Schiller’s ‘Demetrius’, Op. 110 (1)
- Rheinberger: Overture to Shakespeare’s ‘Zähmung der Widerspenstigen’ Op. 18 (1)
- Ries, Ferdinand: Die Braut voon Messina Overture, Op. 162 (1)
- Ries, Ferdinand: Die Hexe von Gyllensteen (Overture) (1)
- Ries, Ferdinand: Die Raeuberbraut (Overture) (1)
- Ries, Ferdinand: Don Carlos Overture, Op. 94 (1)
- Ries, Ferdinand: Ouverture bardique, WoO 24 (1)
- Ries, Ferdinand: Ouverture dramatique 'L'Apparition' WoO 61 (1)
- Rietz: Concerto Overture for orchestra (1)
- Rietz: Overture (from Hero und Leander) (1)
- Riisager: Primavera, Concert Overture, Op. 31 (1)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Ivan the Terrible - Overture (2)
- Rimsky Korsakov: May Night Overture (21)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Overture on Russian Themes, Op. 28 (8)
- Rimsky Korsakov: Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36 (95)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Maid of Pskov: Overture (6)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Tsar's Bride Overture (12)
- Rimsky Korsakov: The Tsar's Bride: Overture and Intermezzo (1)
- Ritchie, A: French Overture (1)
- Rodgers, R: Allegro: Overture (2)
- Rodgers, R: Cinderella: Overture (1)
- Rodgers, R: Flower Drum Song: Overture (2)
- Rodgers, R: Me and Juliet: Overture (2)
- Rodgers, R: Oklahoma!: Overture (2)
- Rodgers, R: Pipe Dream: Overture (2)
- Rodgers, R: South Pacific: Overture (4)
- Rodgers, R: The King And I: Overture (3)
- Roman: Overture in G minor for 2 oboes, bassoon, strings and b.c., BeRI43 (3)
- Romberg, A: Overture 'Don Mendoza', Op. 36 (1)
- Romberg, A: Overture in E major on the opera 'Die Grossmut des Scipio', Op. 54 (3)
- Romberg, B: Concert Overture, Op. 34 (1)
- Rosenberg, H: Overture to Marionetter (The Marionettes) (2)
- Rosner, A: Tempus Perfectum - A Concert Overture, Op. 109 (1)
- Rossini: Armida Overture (4)
- Rossini: Aureliano in Palmira - Overture (2)
- Rossini: Bianca e Falliero: Overture (4)
- Rossini: Demetrio e Polibio: Overture (10)
- Rossini: Der verlorene Akkord: Overture (1)
- Rossini: Edipo a Colono: Overture (1)
- Rossini: Eduardo e Cristina: Overture (5)
- Rossini: Elisabetta regina d'Inghilterra Overture (3)
- Rossini: Ermione: Overture (4)
- Rossini: Guillaume Tell Overture (180)
- Rossini: Guillaume Tell Overture: excerpts (1)
- Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia Overture (154)
- Rossini: Il Signor Bruschino Overture (54)
- Rossini: Il Turco in Italia Overture (21)
- Rossini: Il viaggio a Reims Overture (14)
- Rossini: L'inganno felice Overture (14)
- Rossini: L'Italiana in Algeri Overture (84)
- Rossini: L'occasione fa il ladro Overture (1)
- Rossini: La cambiale di matrimonio Overture (15)
- Rossini: La Cenerentola Overture (54)
- Rossini: La gazza ladra Overture (113)
- Rossini: La gazza ladra: Sinfonia (4)
- Rossini: La Pietra del paragone Overture (3)
- Rossini: La scala di seta Overture (81)
- Rossini: Le Comte Ory Overture (3)
- Rossini: Le Siège de Corinthe Overture (17)
- Rossini: Maometto II: Overture (3)
- Rossini: Matilde di Shabran Overture (9)
- Rossini: Moïse et Pharaon: Overture and Introduction (1)
- Rossini: Otello Overture (8)
- Rossini: Overture: Ricciardo e Zoraide (4)
- Rossini: Overtures (2)
- Rossini: Robert Bruce: Overture (1)
- Rossini: Semiramide Overture (91)
- Rossini: Sigismondo Overture (4)
- Rossini: Tancredi Overture (32)
- Rossini: Torvaldo e Dorliska Overture (5)
- Rota, N: The Taming Of The Shrew: Overture (1)
- Royer, P: Le Pouvoir de l'Amour: Ouverture (1)
- Rozsa: Ivanhoe: Overture (1)
- Rozsa: Julius Caesar: Overture (1)
- Rozsa: Overture to a Symphony Concert, Op. 26a (4)
- Rubbra: Festival Overture, Op. 62 (2)
- Rubbra: Overture Resurgam (1)
- Rubinstein, A: Dmitry Donskoy: Overture (2)
- Rubinstein, A: Ouverture Triomphale Op. 43 (1)
- Ruders: Light Overture (2006) (1)
- Rufinatscha: The Bride of Messina (Concert Overture) (1)
- Rush, G: The Capricious Lovers: Overture (1)
- Ryu Jae Joon: Overture 'Il nome della rosa' (1)
- Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach: Erwin und Elmire: Overture & Entr'acte (1)
- Saeverud: Overtura appassionata, Op. 2b (1)
- Saint-Saëns: Overture to the opera ‘La Princesse jaune', Op. 30 (13)
- Saint-Saëns: Spartacus. Overture for orchestra (5)
- Salieri: Angiolina, ossia Il matrimonio per sussuro: Overture (4)
- Salieri: Armida: Overture (1)
- Salieri: Armida: Sinfonia in Pantomima (1)
- Salieri: Axur re d’Ormus Overture (4)
- Salieri: Catalina: Overture (1)
- Salieri: Cesare in Farmacusa: Overture (2)
- Salieri: Daliso e Delmita: Overture (1)
- Salieri: Der Rauchfangkehrer: Overture (1)
- Salieri: Die Hussiten vor Naumburg: Overture (1)
- Salieri: Die Neger: Overture (1)
- Salieri: Don Chisciotte alle nozze di Gamace: Overture (2)
- Salieri: Eraclito e Democrito: Overture (2)
- Salieri: Il mondo alla rovescia: Overture (2)
- Salieri: Il Moro: Overture (2)
- Salieri: Il Ricco d'un giorno: Overture (1)
- Salieri: Il Talismano: Overture (2)
- Salieri: La Fiera di Venezia : Sinfonia (2)
- Salieri: La Grotta di Trofonio: Overture (6)
- Salieri: La Secchia rapita: Overture (1)
- Salieri: Les Danaides: Overture (7)
- Salieri: Les Horaces - Overture (2)
- Salieri: Ouverture prima (1)
- Salieri: Ouverture seconda (1)
- Salieri: Overture to 'Cublai, gran kan de' Tartari' (2)
- Salieri: Overture to 'Falstaff, ossia Le tre burle' (1)
- Salieri: Overture to 'La locandiera' (1)
- Salieri: Palmira, Regina di Persia: Overture (2)
- Salieri: Semiramide - Overture (1)
- Salieri: Tarare: Overture (1)
- Sallinen: A Solemn Overture (King Lear) Op. 75 (2)
- Sallinen: Introduction and Tango Overture op. 74b for Piano & String Orchestra (1997) (3)
- Sammartini, G: Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in D Major Op.10, No. 4 (1)
- Sammartini, G: Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in F Major Op. 10, No. 7 (1)
- Sammartini, G: Overture for Two Horns, Strings and Basso Continuo in G Major, Op. 7 No. 6 (1)
- Sammartini, G B: Memet: Overture (1)
- Sammartini, G B: Overtura in C minor, Jc 9 (2)
- Sammartini, G B: Overtura in F major, Jc 33 (1)
- Sammartini, G B: Overtura in F major, Jc 36 (3)
- Sammartini, G B: Overtura in F major, Jc 37 (1)
- Sammartini, G B: Overture (Sinfonia) in G minor, Jc 57 (2)
- Sammartini, G B: Overture in D major, Jc 21 (1)
- Sapp: Overture 'The Women of Trachis' (1)
- Sarro: Didone abbandonata: Sinfonia (1)
- Saul, W: Overture for the Jubilee (1)
- Saunders, A: Overture: Pirates Ahoy! (2006) (1)
- Scarlatti, A: La Statira: Overture (1)
- Scarlatti, A: Overture to "Giardino do Rose" for 2 trumpets, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, strings and continuo (2)
- Scarlatti, A: Telemaco: Sinfonia (1)
- Scarmolin: Overture on a Street Vendor's Ditty (1)
- Scharwenka, X: Mataswintha – Opera: Overture 2 (1)
- Scharwenka, X: Overture (1)
- Schenck: Scherzi musicali: Overture from Suite IX (1)
- Schiffman: Overture to a Comedy (1)
- Schillings: Der Pfeifertag: Prelude to Act 3 (1)
- Schneider, F: Gaudeamus igitur. Festive Overture on Motifs from Students' Songs op. 84 (1)
- Schneider, F: Overture on the 'Dessauer Marsch' op. 50 in D major (1)
- Schneider, F: Tragic Overture, Op. 45 (1)
- Schnyder: Shourouk: Arabian Overture for orchestra (2)
- Schoeck: Overture to William Ratcliff (by Heinrich Heine) Op. 29 (1)
- Schreker: Ekkehard, Op. 12 (symphonic overture) (5)
- Schreker: Fantastic Overture, Op. 15 (4)
- Schubert: Alfonso und Estrella Overture (7)
- Schubert: Claudine von Villa Bella, D239: Overture (2)
- Schubert: Der Spiegelritter (The Looking-Glass Knight), D11: Overture (1)
- Schubert: Der Teufel als Hydraulicus D 4: Overture (2)
- Schubert: Der Vierjährige Posten, D 190: Overture (2)
- Schubert: Des Teufels Lustschloss, D84: Overture (6)
- Schubert: Die Freunde von Salamanka Overture (3)
- Schubert: Die Verschworenen (Der häusliche Krieg), D787: Overture (11)
- Schubert: Die Zauberharfe (The Magic Harp), D 644 - Overture (27)
- Schubert: Die Zauberharfe (The Magic Harp), D 644 - Sinfonia to Act Three (1)
- Schubert: Die Zwillingsbrüder Overture (3)
- Schubert: Fierrabras D 796: Overture (10)
- Schubert: Overture 'Rosamunde' (from Alfonso und Estrella, D732) (2)
- Schubert: Overture "Im Italienischen Stile" In C Major, D.597 (1)
- Schubert: Overture D 12 in D major (4)
- Schubert: Overture D 26 in D major (3)
- Schubert: Overture D 556 in D major (9)
- Schubert: Overture D 590 in D major 'in the Italian style' (21)
- Schubert: Overture D 591 in C major 'in the Italian style' (19)
- Schubert: Overture D 648 in E minor (6)
- Schubert: Overture in B flat major, D470 (14)
- Schubert: Rosamunde, D797: Overture (44)
- Schulz, J A P: The Harvest Feast Overture (1)
- Schuman: American Festival Overture (6)
- Schuman: Chester Overture (4)
- Schuman: Circus Overture (4)
- Schumann: Die Braut von Messina: Overture, Op. 100 (11)
- Schumann: Genoveva Overture (42)
- Schumann: Manfred Overture, Op. 115 (92)
- Schumann: Overture to ‘Scenes for Goethe’s Faust’ (7)
- Schumann: Overture to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Op. 128 (14)
- Schumann: Overture, Scherzo, and Finale, Op. 52 (48)
- Schumann, G: Overture ‘Joy of life’ Op. 54 (1)
- Schumann, G: Overture to a drama, Op. 45 (1)
- Schweitzer, A: Overture to the opera 'Alceste' (2)
- Schweitzer, A: Overture to the Singspiel 'Die Dorfgala' (1)
- Scott, C: Festival Overture (1)
- Scott, C: Overture to Pelleas and Melisanda, Op. 5 (1)
- Sgambati: Cola di Rienzo - overture (3)
- Shande Ding: Overtures (3), Op. 3 (1)
- Shang Yi: Dagger Society Suite: Overture (1)
- Shapero: Nine-Minute Overture (1)
- Sharpe: Southfield (A Youthful Overture) (1)
- Shchedrin: Solemn Overture (2)
- Sheng: Shanghai Overture (2)
- Shostakovich: Festive Overture, Op. 96 (96)
- Shostakovich: Overture (Entr'Acte), Op. 23 (1)
- Shostakovich: Overture on Russian and Kirghiz Folk Themes, Op. 115 (10)
- Shostakovich: Overture To Dressel's Der Arme Columbus, Op. 23 (1)
- Shulman: A Laurentian Overture (2)
- Sibelius: Der Sturm Op. 109 No. 1: Overture (1)
- Sibelius: Karelia Overture, Op. 10 (17)
- Sibelius: Overture in A minor, JS144 (5)
- Sibelius: Overture in E major, JS145 (5)
- Sibelius: Overture in F minor (1889) (5)
- Sibelius: The Tempest - Overture, Op. 109 No. 1 (8)
- Silcher: Overture in C minor (1)
- Silcher: Overture in E major (1)
- Simonsen: Overture in G minor (1)
- Sinding: Ouverture til ekteskapet for blåsertrio (1)
- Skalkottas: Ouvertüre Concertante (1)
- Skalkottas: Overture for Orchestra ‘The Return of Ulysses' (1)
- Skroup, F J: The Tinker Overture (1)
- Smetana: Doctor Faust Overture (3)
- Smetana: Festive Overture in C (Slavnostní predehra) (2)
- Smetana: Festive Overture in D major, Op. 4 (5)
- Smetana: Libuse Overture (5)
- Smetana: The Bartered Bride Overture (84)
- Smetana: The Brandenburgers in Bohemia: Overture (1)
- Smetana: The Kiss Overture (5)
- Smetana: The Secret Overture (2)
- Smetana: The Two Widows: Overture (1)
- Smith, Claude T.: Emperata - Concert Overture (1)
- Smith, J C: The Fairies: Overture (1)
- Smyth: The Boatswain's Mate: Overture (2)
- Smyth: The Wreckers - Overture (3)
- Söderman: Concert Overture in F (1)
- Söderman: The Devil’s First Tentative Efforts: Overture (1)
- Söderman: The Maid of Orleans: Overture (2)
- Soler, V M: Il burbero di buon cuore Overture (1)
- Soler, V M: L’arbore di Diana Overture (1)
- Sommerfeldt: Liten Overture Op. 11 (1)
- Sommerfeldt: Miniature Overture (1)
- Sondheim: Overture (7)
- Sorkocevic: Overture in G major (1)
- Sousa: Chris and the Wonderful Lamp: Overture (12)
- Sousa: El Capitan Prelude (1)
- Sousa: Katherine: Overture (1)
- Sousa: Tally Ho Overture (4)
- Sousa: The Charlatan: Overture (1)
- Sousa: The Irish Dragoon: Overture (8)
- Sousa: Vautour Overture (4)
- Sowerby: Comes Autumn Time, program overture for orchestra (1)
- Sowerby: Concert Overture (1)
- Sønstevold: Festival Ouverture (1)
- Sparke: A London Overture (11)
- Sparke: Jubilee Overture (10)
- Spohr: Alruna Overture (1)
- Spohr: Concert Overture “Im ernsten Stil”, Op. 126 in D major (1)
- Spohr: Der Alchymist Overture (1)
- Spohr: Der Berggeist Overture (2)
- Spohr: Die Prüfung Overture (1)
- Spohr: Faust Overture (4)
- Spohr: Grand Concert Overture in F major, WoO1 (1819) (2)
- Spohr: Jessonda Overture (7)
- Spohr: Macbeth Overture (1)
- Spohr: Overture in C major, Op. 12 (1)
- Spohr: Overture to Karl Birnbaum’s play ‘Der Matrose’ (WoO7) (1)
- Spohr: Pietro von Abano Overture (1)
- Stanford: Concert Overture (1)
- Stanford: Overture in the style of a tragedy, Op. 90 (1)
- Stangier: Overture (1)
- Steffani: La lotta d'Alcide: Overture (1)
- Stenhammar: Excelsior! concert overture, Op. 13 (7)
- Sterkel: Ouverture à grand orchestre (1)
- Still, W G: Festive Overture (1)
- Stitt: Waiting for Wings Overture (1)
- Stradella: La forza dell’amor paterno: Ouverture de 'L’oratio' (1)
- Stradella: La Susanna: Ouverture (1)
- Stradella: La Susanna: Overture (1)
- Stradella: Moro per amore: Overture (1)
- Stradella: San Giovanni Battista: Overture (3)
- Stradella: Santa Pelagia: Overture (1)
- Straus, O: Rund um die Liebe, Overture (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Aschenbrodel: Prelude to Act III (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Blindekuh: Overture (5)
- Strauss, J, II: Cagliostro in Wien Overture (4)
- Strauss, J, II: Das Spitzentuch der Königin Overture (5)
- Strauss, J, II: Der Carneval in Rom (The Carnival in Rome): Overture (6)
- Strauss, J, II: Der lustige Krieg: Overture (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Der Zigeunerbaron Overture (65)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Fledermaus Overture (143)
- Strauss, J, II: Die Göttin der Vernuft Ouvertüre (5)
- Strauss, J, II: Eine Nacht in Venedig: Overture (13)
- Strauss, J, II: Indigo und die Vierzig Rauber: Overture (7)
- Strauss, J, II: Jabuka: Overture (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Prinz Methusalem Overture (3)
- Strauss, J, II: Simplicius: Overture (1)
- Strauss, J, II: Waldmeister: overture (20)
- Strauss, J, II: Wiener Blut: Overture (1)
- Strauss, R: Capriccio Prelude (2)
- Strauss, R: Die schweigsame Frau: Overture (2)
- Strauss, R: Guntram - Act 1: Overture (3)
- Strauss, R: Guntram: Prelude (1)
- Strauss, R: Overture and Dance Scene from ‘Ariadne auf Naxos', Op. 60 (1)
- Sugata: Symphonic Overture (1)
- Sullivan, A: Cox and Box Overture (3)
- Sullivan, A: HMS Pinafore: Overture (11)
- Sullivan, A: Iolanthe Overture (9)
- Sullivan, A: Macbeth Overture (6)
- Sullivan, A: Marmion Overture (2)
- Sullivan, A: Overture 'In Memoriam' (4)
- Sullivan, A: Overture di Ballo (11)
- Sullivan, A: Overture in C (1)
- Sullivan, A: Patience Overture (5)
- Sullivan, A: Princess Ida Overture (5)
- Sullivan, A: Ruddigore Overture (3)
- Sullivan, A: The Gondoliers Overture (6)
- Sullivan, A: The Grand Duke: Overture (2)
- Sullivan, A: The Mikado Overture (9)
- Sullivan, A: The Pirates of Penzance: Overture (12)
- Sullivan, A: The Sorcerer Overture (5)
- Sullivan, A: The Yeomen of the Guard: Overture (14)
- Sullivan, A: Victoria and Merrie England Overture (1)
- Summer: Concert Overture for Piano (1)
- Suppe: Boccaccio Overture (12)
- Suppe: Das Modell Overture (3)
- Suppe: Der Gascogner Overture (1)
- Suppe: Der Krämer und sein Kommis: Overture (1)
- Suppe: Des Wanderers Zeil: Overture (2)
- Suppe: Dichter und Bauer Overture (60)
- Suppe: Die Banditenstreiche Overture (15)
- Suppe: Die Frau Meisterin Overture (4)
- Suppe: Die Irrfahrt um's Glück Overture (5)
- Suppe: Die schöne Galathée Overture (31)
- Suppe: Donna Juanita Overture (3)
- Suppe: Ein Morgen, ein Mittag, ein Abend in Wien Overture (38)
- Suppe: Fatinitza Overture (7)
- Suppe: Fest-Ouvertüre (1)
- Suppe: Flotte Burschen Overture (5)
- Suppe: Isabella Overture (7)
- Suppe: Leichte Kavallerie Overture (110)
- Suppe: Paragraf drei: Overture (1)
- Suppe: Pique Dame Overture (29)
- Suppe: Tantalusqualen Overture (5)
- Suppe: Triumph Overture (1)
- Suppe: Wiener Jubel Overture (5)
- Surinach: Feria Magica Overture (2)
- Szeligowski: Comedy Overture (1952) (1)
- Szymanowski: Concert Overture, Op.12 (12)
- Taneyev, S: Oresteia Overture, Op. 6 (4)
- Taneyev, S: Overture in D minor (2)
- Taneyev, S: Overture on a Russian Theme (2)
- Tarp: Comedy Overture (3)
- Tchaikovsky: Concert Overture in C minor (4)
- Tchaikovsky: Festival Overture on the Danish National Anthem, Op. 15 (10)
- Tchaikovsky: Mazeppa: Overture (1)
- Tchaikovsky: Overture in F major (7)
- Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame: Overture (6)
- Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame: Prelude (2)
- Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Overture (8)
- Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker: Miniature Overture (1)
- Tchaikovsky: The Storm Overture (Groza), Op.76 (15)
- Tchaikovsky: The Voyevoda, Op 3: Overture (1)
- Tcherepnin: Romantic Overture, Op. 67 (1)
- Telemann: Aus der "Alster-Ouvertüre" F-dur TWV 55/F11 (1)
- Telemann: Hamburger Admiralitatsmusik 1723 (2)
- Telemann: Ouverture TWV 55:B10 in B-flat Major (2)
- Telemann: Ouverture-Suite in G Major, TWV 55:G5 (3)
- Telemann: Overture (from "Der geduldige Socrates", TWV 21:9) (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) in A major, TWV 44:A4 (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) in A minor, TWV 55:a1 (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) in A minor, TWV 55:a4 (2)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 32:6 in A major for harpsichord (2)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 32:7 in F major for harpsichord (2)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:18 in D major for 2 trumpets, percussion, strings & b.c.: 1. Overture (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:a2 in A minor for recorder (flute), strings & b.c. (44)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:a3 in A minor for 2 oboes, bassoon, strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:A5 in A major for 2 violins & b.c. 'Festive Suite' (4)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:A8 in A major for violin, strings & b.c. (2)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:B1 in B flat major for 2 oboes, strings & b.c. (13)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:B11 in B flat major for 2 oboes, strings & b.c. 'La Bourse' (3)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:B2 in B flat major for strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:B3 in B flat major for strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:B5 in B flat major for strings & b.c. 'Volker-Ouverture' (10)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:B8 in B flat major for strings & b.c. 'Ouverture burlesque' (7)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:C2 in C major for oboe, strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:C3 in C major for wind, strings & b.c. 'Hamburger Ebb und Fluth' ('Wassermusik') (19)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:c3 in C minor for strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:C4 in C major for 2 oboes, bassoon, strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:c4 in C minor for 2 oboes, violin, strings & b.c. (2)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:C5 in C major 'La Bouffonne' (2)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:C6 in C major for 3 oboes, strings & b.c. (13)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D1 in D major for trumpet, oboe, strings & b.c. (11)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D12 in D major for strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D13 in D major for strings & b.c. 'La Gaillarde' (3)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D15 in D major for 3 oboes, strings & b.c. (8)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D18 in D major for 2 trumpets, percussion, strings & b.c. (6)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D21 in D major (5)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D22 in D major for 3 trumpets, timpani, strings & b.c. 'Ouverture jointe d'une suite tragi-comique' (5)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:d3 in D minor for 3 oboes, bassoon, strings & b.c. (6)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D6 in D major for viola da gamba, strings & b.c. (12)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D8 in D major for trumpet, strings & b.c. (7)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:D8 in D major for trumpet, strings & b.c.: III. Menuet (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:E1 in E major for strings & b.c. (3)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:e1 in E minor for 2 flutes, strings & b.c. (6)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:E3 in E major for violin, strings & b.c. (3)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:e6 in E minor for 2 oboes, strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:Es1 in E flat major for 2 horns ad lib, strings & b.c. (2)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:Es2 in E flat major for oboe, strings & b.c. (3)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:Es3 in E flat major for strings & b.c. 'La Lyra' (3)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:Es4 in E flat major for oboe, strings & b.c. (2)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:Es5 in E flat major for oboe, strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:f1 in F minor for 2 recorders, strings & b.c. (14)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:F11 in F major for 4 horns, 2 oboes, 2 violins & b.c. 'Alster' (10)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:F3 in F major for 2 horns, 2 oboes, horn, strings & b.c. (6)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:F4 in F major (4)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:fis in F sharp minor for 2 violins, viola & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:G10 in G major for strings & b.c. 'Burlesque de Don Quixotte' (18)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:G2 in G major for strings & b.c. 'La Bizarre' (9)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:g2 in G minor for strings & b.c. 'La Changeante' (8)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:G4 in G major 'Les nations anciens et modernes' (9)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:g4 in G minor for 3 oboes, bassoon, strings & b.c. (4)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:G6 in G major for violin, strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:g7 in G minor for violin, strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:h1 in B minor for 2 violins, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture a la Polonaise in D minor, TWV32:2 (1)
- Telemann: Overture Concerto in A major TWV 55:A7 for Violin, Strings & B.c. (2)
- Telemann: Overture Concerto in D major TWV 55:D14 for Violin, Strings & B.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture for alto and tenor chalumeau & basso continuo, TWV 44:6 (1)
- Telemann: Overture for flute and continuo in G minor (1)
- Telemann: Overture for solo harpsichord, TWV 32:9 (3)
- Telemann: Overture in A major TWV55:A2 (4)
- Telemann: Overture in A major, TWV32:15 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in A major, TWV32:16 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in A minor, TWV32:12 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in B flat Major TWV55:B7 (2)
- Telemann: Overture in B minor TWV 55:h4 for violin solo, strings & b.c (2)
- Telemann: Overture in C major, TWV32:11 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in C minor TWV55:c2 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in D major (2)
- Telemann: Overture in D major “Darmstadt”: Harlequinade (1)
- Telemann: Overture in D major TWV55:D17 (2)
- Telemann: Overture in D Major TWV55:D23 (5)
- Telemann: Overture in D major TWV55:D7 (2)
- Telemann: Overture in D major, TWV 44:14 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in E minor (TWV 55:e10) (5)
- Telemann: Overture in E minor TVW 55: e7 for strings & b.c. (1)
- Telemann: Overture in E minor TWV 55: e3 for flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 violins, strings & b.c (2)
- Telemann: Overture in E minor TWV55:e5 (3)
- Telemann: Overture in E minor TWV55:e8 (2)
- Telemann: Overture in F major (1)
- Telemann: Overture in F major (TWV 55:F14) (2)
- Telemann: Overture in F major for violin solo, strings and b.c, TWV55:F13 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in F major TWV 55: F4 for horns, strings & b.c (TWV 44:7) (3)
- Telemann: Overture in F major, TWV 44:10 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in F major, TWV 44:14 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in F major, TWV 44:16 (2)
- Telemann: Overture in F major, TWV 44:8 (1)
- Telemann: Overture in F major, TWV55:F11 'Alster': Die Konzertierenden Frosche und Krahen (2)
- Telemann: Overture in F major, TWV55:F16 (5)
- Telemann: Overture in G 'La Querelleuse' (1)
- Telemann: Overture in G major, TWV 55:G7 (2)
- Telemann: Overture in G major, TWV32:13 (3)
- Telemann: Overture in G minor TWV 55: g9 for 2 oboes, bassoon, string & b.c (1)
- Telemann: Overture Suite in G major, TWV 55:Anh.G1 'La Putain' (2)
- Telemann: Overture The Magicians (1)
- Telemann: Overture TWV 55:E2 (1)
- Telemann: Overture TWV 55:Es2 for Flute pastorelle, Strings & B.c. (2)
- Telemann: Overture TWV 55:g8 (2)
- Telemann: Overtures (6) for keyboard, TWV32:5-10 (3)
- Terradellas: Obertura de Sesostri (1)
- Tessarini: Overture in D major from Op. 4 ‘La Stravaganza’ (2)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Mignon Overture (29)
- Thomas, Ambroise: Raymond Overture (17)
- Thomas, Arthur Goring: The Golden Web: Overture (1)
- Thornett: Festive Overture - The Joy of Christmas (1)
- Tinel: Polyeucte - Overture (1)
- Tobias, R: Julius Caesar Overture (1)
- Toch: Minature Overture (1)
- Toch: Pinocchio, A Merry Overture (1)
- Tomlinson: An English Overture (1)
- Tomlinson: Comedy Overture (1)
- Tomlinson: Triumphal Overture (1)
- Tormis: Overture No. 2 (4)
- Toyama: Overture (1)
- trad.: Chatri Overture (1)
- trad.: Christmas Overture (1)
- trad.: The Afternoon Overture (1)
- trad.: The Rako Overture (1)
- trad.: The Spirit of Unity Overture - Kwan Meuang (1)
- Traetta: Armida: Overture (1)
- Traetta: Ippolito ed Aricia: Overture (1)
- Traetta: Overture in D major (1)
- Tranchell: Festive Overture (1)
- Tuukkanen: Overture to the play Tukkijoela (The Loggers), Op. 1 (1)
- Ullmann, V: Der zerbrochene Krug Overture, Op. 36 (1)
- Usandizaga: Symphonic Overture on a Gregorian Theme p. 26 (1)
- Vaughan Williams: Christmas Overture (1)
- Vaughan Williams: Henry V Overture (6)
- Vaughan Williams: The Poisoned Kiss Overture (5)
- Vaughan Williams: The Wasps Overture (46)
- Veracini: Overture No. 1 in B flat major (3)
- Veracini: Overture No. 2 in F major (6)
- Veracini: Overture No. 3 in B flat major (3)
- Veracini: Overture No. 4 in F major (3)
- Veracini: Overture No. 5 in B flat major (3)
- Veracini: Overture No. 6 in B flat major (4)
- Veracini: Overture VI in G minor (1)
- Verdi: Aida, Sinfonia 1872 (3)
- Verdi: Aida: Overture (Cairo version) (6)
- Verdi: Aida: Prelude (23)
- Verdi: Alzira - Overture (7)
- Verdi: Alzira: Sinfonia (1)
- Verdi: Aroldo: Sinfonia (4)
- Verdi: Attila Overture (13)
- Verdi: Attila: Prologue (18)
- Verdi: Don Carlo: Prelude to Act II (Milan version) (2)
- Verdi: Ernani - Prelude (11)
- Verdi: Gerusalemme: Overture (2)
- Verdi: Gerusalemme: Prelude to Act III (1)
- Verdi: Giovanna d'Arco : Overture (17)
- Verdi: I due Foscari - Prelude (5)
- Verdi: I Masnadieri - Overture (14)
- Verdi: I vespri siciliani Overture (48)
- Verdi: Il corsaro - Prelude (8)
- Verdi: La battaglia di Legnano - Overture (18)
- Verdi: La forza del destino Overture (106)
- Verdi: La Forza del Destino Preludio (St Petersburg version 1862) (3)
- Verdi: La Forza del Destino: Sinfonia (12)
- Verdi: La traviata: Prelude to Act 1 (52)
- Verdi: La traviata: Prelude to Act 3 (34)
- Verdi: Les vêpres siciliennes: Overture (1)
- Verdi: Luisa Miller Overture (30)
- Verdi: Macbeth - Prelude (16)
- Verdi: Nabucco Overture (49)
- Verdi: Oberto Overture (7)
- Verdi: Otello, Preludio (3)
- Verdi: Prelude to Act 1 (Aida) (1)
- Verdi: Rigoletto - Prelude (17)
- Verdi: Simon Boccanegra: Prelude (1st version, 1857) (5)
- Verdi: Stiffelio - Prelude (6)
- Verdi: Un Ballo in Maschera: Prelude (12)
- Verdi: Un Ballo in Maschera: Prelude to act 2 (3)
- Verdi: Un giorno di regno Overture (13)
- Verdi: Un giorno di regno: Sinfonia (2)
- Verhulst: Overture in B minor (1)
- Verhulst: Overture in C minor 'Gijsbrecht van Aemstel' (1)
- Verhulst: Overture in D minor (1)
- Vianna da Motta: Dona Ines de Castro - Overture (2)
- Villa-Lobos: Overture l'Homme Tel (2)
- Vinci, Leonardo: La Partenope: Overture (1)
- Vitols: Dramatic Overture, Op. 21 (1)
- Vittorio, S di: Overtura Respighiana (1)
- Vivaldi: Armida al campo d'Egitto RV699: Overture (6)
- Vivaldi: Bajazet Overture (4)
- Vivaldi: Catone in Utica: Overture (1)
- Vivaldi: Dorilla in Tempe Overture (2)
- Vivaldi: Farnace Overture (6)
- Vivaldi: Giustino Overture (3)
- Vivaldi: Griselda, RV718: Overture (3)
- Vivaldi: Il Teuzzone Overture (1)
- Vivaldi: L'Incoronazione di Dario Overture (3)
- Vivaldi: La Dorilla: Overture (1)
- Vivaldi: La Fida Ninfa Overture (1)
- Vivaldi: La Senna Festeggiante Overture (1)
- Vivaldi: La Verità in cimento Overture (2)
- Vivaldi: Orlando Furioso Overture (2)
- Vivaldi: Ottone in Villa Overture (5)
- Vogler: Overture and Entr’acte to Hamlet (1)
- Vogler: Overture to Athalie (1)
- Vogler: Overture to Erwin and Elmire (1)
- Volkmann: Ouverture "Richard III" Op. 68 (3)
- Volkmann: Ouvertüren "Richard III" & C-Dur (2)
- Wagenaar, J: Concert Overture, Op. 11 'Fruhlingsgewalt' (1)
- Wagenaar, J: Driekoningenavond (Twelfth Night), Op.36: Overture (1)
- Wagenaar, J: Le Cid, Op. 27: Overture (2)
- Wagenaar, J: Overture - Cyrano de Bergerac (1)
- Wagenaar, J: Overture “De getemde feeks” (The Taming of the Shrew) Op. 25 (2)
- Waghalter: Mandragola: Overture (1)
- Wagner: Arrangements of Fromental Halévy's opera Le Guitarrero, WWV62d (1)
- Wagner: Christoph Columbus: Overture (7)
- Wagner: Concert Overture No. 2 in C major, WWV27 (2)
- Wagner: Das Liebesverbot Overture (14)
- Wagner: Der fliegende Holländer: Overture (177)
- Wagner: Die Feen: Overture (9)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Overture (199)
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Prelude to Act 3 (42)
- Wagner: Faust Overture, WWV59 (46)
- Wagner: Gotterdammerung: Prelude (5)
- Wagner: Lohengrin: Prelude to Act 1 (137)
- Wagner: Lohengrin: Prelude to Act 3 (101)
- Wagner: Lohengrin: Preludes to Acts 1 & 3 (8)
- Wagner: Lohengrin: Preludes to Acts I & 2 (1)
- Wagner: Overture: König Enzio (3)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Prelude (14)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Prelude to Act 1 (82)
- Wagner: Parsifal: Prelude to Act 3 (7)
- Wagner: Polonia Overture, WWV 39 (3)
- Wagner: Rienzi Overture (113)
- Wagner: Rienzi: Prelude (2)
- Wagner: Rule Britannia Overture (2)
- Wagner: Siegfried: Prelude to Act 3 (1)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser: Overture (180)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser: Overture (Dresden version) (2)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser: Overture (trans. Liszt) (1)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser: Overture and Venusberg Music (36)
- Wagner: Tannhäuser: Prelude to Act 3 (6)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Prelude to Act 1 (70)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Prelude to Act 2 (1)
- Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Prelude to Act 3 (16)
- Wagner, S: Banadietrich, Op. 6: Prelude to Act 3 (2)
- Wagner, S: Bruder Lustig, Op. 4: Overture (3)
- Wagner, S: Bruder Lustig, Op. 4: Prelude to Act III (2)
- Wagner, S: Der Bärenhäuter Overture (2)
- Wagner, S: Der Schmied von Marienburg Overture (2)
- Wagner, S: Die heilige Linde: Prelude to Act 2 (2)
- Wagner, S: Herzog Wildgang, Op. 2: overture (2)
- Walker, George: Overture: In Praise of Folly (1)
- Wallace, W V: Lurline: Overture (1)
- Wallace, W V: The Amber Witch: Overture (1)
- Walters, G: Primavera Overture (1)
- Walton: Johannesburg Festival Overture (5)
- Walton: Portsmouth Point Overture (21)
- Walton: Scapino: A Comedy Overture (13)
- Ward, R: Jubilation Overture (1)
- Wartensee: Overture in C minor (2)
- Weber: Abu Hassan Overture (24)
- Weber: Der Beherrscher der Geister, J122: Overture (7)
- Weber: Der Freischütz Overture (106)
- Weber: Der Gerrscher der Geister Overture (Ruler of the Spirits Overture) (14)
- Weber: Euryanthe Overture (81)
- Weber: Jubel-Ouvertüre, J245 (Op. 59) (22)
- Weber: Oberon Overture (93)
- Weber: Peter Schmoll, Overture J8 (Op. 8) (12)
- Weber: Preciosa, Overture J279 (Op. 78) (19)
- Weber: Silvana, Overture J87 (8)
- Weber: Turandot Overture and March J75 (7)
- Weber: Turandot: Overture (4)
- Weinberger, J: Overture 'The Beloved Voice' (1)
- Weinberger, J: Overture to a Chivalrous Play (1)
- Weingartner: Lustige Ouvertüre Op. 53 (2)
- Weingartner: Overture "Aus ernster Zeit", Op. 56 (2)
- Weiss, S: Overture in B flat major (5)
- Weiss, S: Overture in D (1)
- Weldon: Sett Of Ayres In D: Overture (1)
- Wesstrom: Armida Overture (1)
- Wetz: Kleist Overture, Op. 16 (2)
- Williams, Alberto: Primera obertura de concierto (2)
- Williams, John: Goodbye, Mr. Chips: Overture (1)
- Williams, John: The Cowboys: Overture (19)
- Williamson: Santiago de Espada Overture (4)
- Wilms: Overture in D major (1)
- Windel Brown: London Overture (1)
- Winter, P von: Ouverture à grand Orchestre, Op. 24 (1)
- Wirén: Concert Overture, Op. 16 (2)
- Wirén: Concert Overtures Nos. 1 & 2 (1)
- Wolf-Ferrari: Il campiello Overture (2)
- Wolf-Ferrari: Il segreto di Susanna Overture (14)
- Wolf-Ferrari: L'Amore Medico (Doctor Cupid) Overture (4)
- Wolf-Ferrari: La Dama Boba (the Backward Woman) Overture (3)
- Wolf-Ferrari: Le donne curiose: Overture (2)
- Wolf, H: Der Corregidor - Prelude (1)
- Wolstenholme: Concert Overture No. 2 in G Op. 61 (1)
- Wood, Haydn: A Manx Overture - The Isle of Mountains and Glens (1)
- Wood, Haydn: A May-Day Overture (2)
- Wordsworth: Overture ‘Conflict’ for orchestra, Op. 86 (1)
- Woyrsch: Hamlet Overture, Op. 56 (1)
- Wright, C: Spring Overture for Orchestra (1)
- Württemberg: Overture in C minor (1)
- Yamada, Kosaku: Overture in D major (2)
- Zádor: A Christmas Overture (1)
- Zádor: Dance Overture (1)
- Zádor: Festival Overture (1)
- Zelenka: Overture à 7 concertanti in F major (4)
- Zeller: Der Vogelhändler Concert Overture (1)
- Zemlinsky: Eine Florentinische Tragödie Op. 16 - Overture (2)
- Zemlinsky: Overture: Sarema (3)
- Zemlinsky: Prelude to Act 3 of 'Der Konig Kandaules' (4)
- Zhu Jian'er: Festival Overture (1)
- Ziani: Il Talamo: Overture (1)
- Ziehrer: Children of the General Overture (1)
- Ziehrer: Die Landstreicher: Ouverture (3)
- Ziehrer: König Jérome: Overture (1)
- Ziehrer: The Tourist Guide Overture (1)
- Zweers: Concert Overture 'Saskia' (1)
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