Guillaume de Machaut
Born: 1300, Reims, France
Died: 13th April 1377, Reims, France
Nationality: French
Guillaume de Machaut was a French composer and poet who was the central figure of the ars nova style in late medieval music. His dominance of the genre is such that modern musicologists use his death to separate the ars nova from the subsequent ars subtilior movement. Regarded as the most significant French composer and poet of the 14th century, he is often seen as the century's leading European composer.One of the earliest European composers on whom considerable biographical information is available, Machaut has an unprecedented amount of surviving music, in part due to his own involvement in his manuscripts' creation and preservation. Machaut embodies the culmination of the poet-composer tradition stretching back to the traditions of troubadour and trouvère; well into the 15th century his poetry was greatly admired and imitated by other poets, including Geoffrey Chaucer and Eustache Deschamps, the latter of whom was Machaut's student.
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All Genres: Machaut
Popular Works: Machaut
- Amours me fait desirer, B19 (10)
- Biaute paree de valour/Trop plus est belle/Je ne sui mie certeins, M20 (4)
- Biaute qui toutes autres pere (4)
- Comment qu'a moy (8)
- Dame, a vous sans retollir (6)
- Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient, B42 (from Le Remède de Fortune) (6)
- Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint (6)
- Dame, se vous m'estes lonteinne, B37 (4)
- Dame, vostre dous viaire (5)
- David Hoquetus/double hoquet (11)
- De Fortune me doy pleindre, B23 (5)
- De toutes flours (10)
- Douce dame jolie, V4 (19)
- Doulz viaire gracieus (6)
- En amer a douce vie (7)
- Esperance qui m'asseüre, B13 (5)
- Fins cuers doulz/Dame, je sui cilz/Fins cuers doulz, M11 (7)
- Foy porter, V22 (5)
- Gais et jolis, B35 (4)
- Honte, paour, doubtance (6)
- Inviolata genitrix/Felix virgo/Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes, M23 (7)
- Je ne cuit pas qu'oncques, B14 (5)
- Je vivroie liement (5)
- Liement me deport, V27 (7)
- Loyauté que point ne delay,Ay mi! (4)
- Ma fin est mon commencement, R14 (15)
- Messe de Nostre Dame (29)
- Mors sui, se je ne vous voy (5)
- Phyton, le mervilleus serpent, B38 (7)
- Plange, regni respublica/Tu qui gregem tuum ducis/Apprehende arma et scutum et exurge, M22 (4)
- Ploures, dames, B32 (7)
- Puis qu'en oubli, R18 (11)
- Quant je sui mis au retour, V13 (10)
- Riches d'amour et mendians d'amie (4)
- Rose, liz, printemps (7)
- Se j'aim mon loyal ami/Lasse! comment oublieray/Pour quoy me bat mes matris?, M16 (4)
- Se je souspir parfondement (4)
- Se quanque amours, B21 (4)
- Tant doucement (4)
- Une vipere (4)
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