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The Art of Susan Graham

Susan Graham

No digital booklet included


Gluck: Paride ed Elena : Act 1 "Oh, del mio dolce ardor" [Paride]

Work length3:24
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Mozart: Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio (from Le nozze di Figaro)

Work length2:49
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Mozart: La clemenza di Tito : Act 1 "Parto, parto ma tu, ben mio" [Sesto]

Work length6:35
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Excerpt, Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride

Work length11:17
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Act 1 "Non, je n'espère plus...Ô toi qui prolongeas mes jours" [Iphigénie]

Track length3:18

Act 2 "Ô malheureuse Iphigénie" [Iphigénie]

Track length4:06

Act 4 "Non cet affreux devoir...Je t'implore et je tremble" [Iphigénie]

Track length3:53

Mozart: Voi che sapete (from Le nozze di Figaro)

Work length2:56
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Mozart: La clemenza di Tito : Act 2 "Deh, per questo instante solo" [Sesto]

Work length6:42
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice : Act 1 "Qu'entends-je? Qu'a-t-il dit?...Amour, viens rendre à mon âme" [Orphée]

Work length7:19
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Mozart: Idomeneo : Act 1 "Non ho colpa" [Idamante]

Work length6:26
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Gluck: J'ai perdu mon Eurydice (from Orphée et Eurydice)

Work length4:22
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Mozart: Lucio Silla : Act 1 "Dunque sperar poss'io... Il tenero momento" [Cecilio]

Work length10:18
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Bicket

Excerpt, Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103

Work length9:32
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

I He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten ein!

Track length1:11

II Hochgetürmte Rimaflut

Track length1:21

III Wisst ihr, wann mein Kindchen am allerschönsten ist?

Track length1:35

IV Lieber Gott, du weisst

Track length1:39

V Brauner Bursche führt zum Tanze

Track length1:45

VI Röslein dreie in der Reihe

Track length2:01

Excerpt, Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103

Work length3:53
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

VII "Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn"

Track length2:16

XII "Rote Abendwolken ziehn am Firmament"

Track length1:37

Debussy: Proses Lyriques

Work length20:26
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

I De rêve

Track length6:30

II De grève

Track length3:37

III De fleurs

Track length5:46

IV De soir

Track length4:33

Berg: Sieben frühe Lieder

Work length13:45
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

I Nacht

Track length3:36

II Schilflied

Track length1:52

III Die Nachtigall

Track length1:54

IV Traumgekrönt

Track length2:14

V Im Zimmer

Track length1:11

VI Liebesode

Track length1:21

VII Sommertage

Track length1:37

Poulenc: Quatre poemes de Guillaume Apollinaire

Work length4:48
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

I L'Anguille

Track length1:15

II Carte postale

Track length1:22

III Avant le cinéma

Track length0:50

IV 1904

Track length1:21

Messager: Les p'tites Michu : Act 2 "Vois-tu, je m'en veux" [Marie-Blanche]

Work length2:59
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Messager: L'Amour masque: 'J'ai deux amants'

Work length2:39
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Simons, Moises: Toi c'est moi : Act 2 "C'est ça la vie, c'est ça l'amour"

Work length2:38
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Hahn, R: A Chloris

Work length3:45
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Debussy: Fantoches

Work length1:33
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Mahler: 5 Rückert-Lieder : II Liebst du um Schönheit

Work length3:08
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Moore, B: Sexy Lady

Work length5:10
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Chausson: Poème de l'amour et de la mer, Op. 19

Work length27:50
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • BBC Symphony Orchestra
  • Yan Pascal Tortelier

I La fleur des eaux

Track length12:04

II Interlude

Track length2:32

III La mort de l'amour

Track length13:14

Ravel: Shéhérazade

Work length16:45
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • BBC Symphony Orchestra
  • Yan Pascal Tortelier

I Asie

Track length9:40

II La flûte enchantée

Track length2:55

III L'indifférent

Track length4:10

Debussy: Debussy / Arr Adams

Work length23:04
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • BBC Symphony Orchestra
  • Yan Pascal Tortelier

5 Poèmes de Charles Baudelaire : I Le balcon

Track length8:13

5 Poèmes de Charles Baudelaire : II Harmonie du soir

Track length3:57

5 Poèmes de Charles Baudelaire : III Le jet d'eau

Track length5:50

5 Poèmes de Charles Baudelaire : IV Receuillement

Track length5:04

Simons, Moises: Toi c'est moi [1934] : C'est ça la vie [Viviane]

Work length3:49
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Messager: L'Amour masque: 'J'ai deux amants'

Work length2:29
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Yvain: Yes [1928] : Yes [Totte]

Work length3:10
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Honegger: Les Aventures du roi Pausole [1930] : Si vous saviez [Diane]

Work length4:29
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Hahn, R: O mon bel inconnu [1933] : O mon bel inconnu [Marie-Anne, Antoinette, Félicie]

Work length3:56
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Messager: Fortunio [1907] : Je ne vois rien ... lorsque je n'étais qu'une enfant [Jacqueline]

Work length5:29
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Messager: Coups de roulis [1928] : Les hommes sont biens tous les mêmes [Béatrice]

Work length2:04
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Hahn, R: Brummell [1931] : Air de la Lettre [Lady Eversharp]

Work length3:58
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Messager: Passionnément {1926] : L'amour est un oiseau rebelle [Julia]

Work length2:50
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Messager: Les P'tites Michu [1897] : Vois-tu, je m'en veux [Blanche-Marie]

Work length2:29
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Hahn, R: Mozart [1925] : Etre adoré [Mozart]

Work length4:28
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Messager: La Petite Fonctionnaire [1921] : Je regrette mon Pressigny [Suzanne]

Work length2:28
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Messager: Les Dragons de l'Impératrice [1905] : Amour, amour, quel est donc ton pouvoir [Lucrèce]

Work length3:14
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Messager: L'Amour masqué [1923] : Mon rêve [Elle]

Work length3:59
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Hahn, R: O mon bel inconnu [1933] : C'est très vilain d'être infidèle [Antoinette]

Work length3:41
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Hahn, R: Ciboulette : Act 1 "C'est pas Paris, c'est sa banlieue" [Ciboulette]

Work length2:52
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Simons, Moises: Toi c'est moi [1934] : "Vagabonde" [Viviane]

Work length3:08
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
  • Yves Abel

Excerpt, Handel: Alcina

Work length11:39
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Act 1 "Di te mi rido" [Ruggiero]

Track length4:14

Act 2 "Mi lusinga il dolce affetto" [Ruggiero]

Track length7:25

Berlioz: La damnation de Faust : Part 3 "Autrefois un roi de Thulé" [Marguerite]

Work length5:26
  • Anton Kholodenko (viola), Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Orchestre de l'Opéra de Lyon
  • Kent Nagano

Berlioz: Béatrice et Bénédict : Act 2 "Dieu! Que viens-je d'entendre?" [Béatrice]

Work length9:47
  • Susan Graham (soprano)
  • Orchestre de l'Opéra de Lyon
  • John Nelson

Ives, C: The Things our Father Loved

Work length2:03
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: The Housatonic at Stockbridge

Work length3:53
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: From The Swimmers

Work length1:39
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: Memories: (A) Very Pleasant; (B) Rather Sad

Work length2:27
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: Ann Street

Work length0:55
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: Serenity

Work length2:19
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: ‘1, 2, 3'

Work length0:35
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: Songs My Mother Taught Me

Work length3:26
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: The Circus Band

Work length2:25
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: The Cage

Work length0:45
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: The Indians

Work length1:58
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: Like a Sick Eagle

Work length1:53
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: "A sound of a distant horn"

Work length0:52
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: September

Work length0:49
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: Soliloquy, or a Study in 7ths and Other Things

Work length0:57
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: Farewell to Land

Work length1:44
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Ives, C: Thoreau

Work length2:14
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano)

Excerpt, Heggie: Dead Man Walking

Work length6:06
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • San Francisco Opera
  • Patrick Summers

Act 1 "This journey. This journey to Christ"

Track length2:44

Act 2 "Who will walk with me?"

Track length2:11

Act II The Execution - "He will gather us around"

Track length1:11

Rorem: Santa Fe Songs : IV Sonnet

Work length2:02
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Matineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Clouds

Work length2:11
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Early in the morning

Work length2:02
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Rorem: The Serpent

Work length2:07
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal

Work length4:21
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Santa Fe Songs : II Opus 101

Work length2:55
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: I Strolled Across an Open Field

Work length1:08
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: To a Young Girl

Work length1:36
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair

Work length2:40
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Ode

Work length1:40
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: For Poulenc

Work length2:35
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Little Elegy

Work length1:20
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Alleluia

Work length2:49
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Look down fair moon

Work length1:18
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: O you to whom I often and silently come

Work length0:33
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Rorem: I will always love you

Work length2:24
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: The Tulip Tree

Work length1:33
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Santa Fe Songs : VIII The Wintry Mind

Work length2:35
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: I am Rose

Work length0:28
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: The Lordly Hudson

Work length2:24
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Rorem: O Do Not Love Too Long

Work length1:25
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Far-Far-Away

Work length1:49
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: For Susan

Work length1:10
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: A Journey

Work length1:26
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Sometimes with one I love

Work length1:34
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Love

Work length1:49
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Orchids

Work length2:12
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Work length1:56
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)

Rorem: Do I love you more than a day?

Work length1:36
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Ferry Me Across the Water

Work length1:34
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: Santa Fe Songs : XII The Sowers

Work length1:46
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol

Rorem: That shadow, my likeness

Work length1:49
  • Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
  • Ensemble Oriol