Jón Leifs
Born: 1st May 1899, Iceland
Died: 30th July 1968, Reykjavic, Iceland
Nationality: Icelandic
Jón Leifs was an Icelandic composer, pianist, and conductor.
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Further Reading: Leifs
Recording of the Week,
New choral music from Iceland and England
4th February 2022
A double-bill of contemporary works for choir - Icelandic splendour from Graham Ross and the choir of Clare College, and Westminster commissions from Dove, Weir and Martin.
All Genres: Leifs
Wind & Brass Bands
All Works: Leifs
- Baldr (1)
- Concerto for organ and orchestra, Op. 7 (1)
- Consolation - Intermezzo for strings, Op. 66 (1)
- Dettifoss, Op. 57 (Text: Einar Benediktsson) (1)
- Edda, Part 1 - The Creation of the World (Sköpun heimsins) (1)
- Edda, Part 2: The Lives Of The Gods, Op. 42 (1)
- El Greco. Quartetto III, Op. 64 (1)
- Elegies (1)
- Elegy (Hinsta kvedja), Op. 53 (In memoriam 30.9.1961) (3)
- Fine I, Op. 55 Farewell to Earthly Life for orchestra (2)
- Fine II (Kvedja til jardlífsins), Op. 56 (Farewell to earthly life) (2)
- Forleikr að 'Galdra-Lofti' (Overture to 'Loftr'), Op. 10 (2)
- Four Pieces for the Piano, Op. 2 (1)
- Geysir, Op. 51 (2)
- Gróa's Spell (Grógaldr) for alto, tenor, and orchestra, Op. 62 (1)
- Gudrúnarkvida (The Lay of Gudrun), Op. 22 (Text: from Eddic poetry) (1)
- Hafís (Drift Ice), Op. 63 (Text: Einar Benediktsson) (1)
- Hekla, Op. 52 (3)
- Iceland Cantata (Pjóthvöt - Íslandskantata) for mixed choir and orchestra, Op. 13 (2)
- Iceland Ouverture (Minni Íslands), Op. 9 (Text: Einar Benediktsson and Jonas Hallgrimsson) (2)
- Icelandic Dances, Op. 11 (1)
- Íslensk rímnadanslög (Icelandic Folk-dances), Op. 11 (1)
- Íslensk rímnadanslög (Icelandic Folk-dances), Op. 11: Nos. 2, 3 & 4 (1)
- Jónas Hallgrímsson in memoriam (Jónasar minni Hallgrímssonar) for mixed choir and orchestra, Op. 48 (1)
- Landfall - Overture (Landsýn - forleikur) for male chorus and orchestra, Op. 41 (1)
- Loftr-Suite, Op. 6a (1)
- Love verses from the Edda, Op. 18b (1)
- Memorial songs on the death of Jónas Hallgrímsson, Op. 45 (1)
- Memory-land, Op. 27 No. 3 (1)
- Mors et vita. Quartetto I, Op. 21 (1)
- New Icelandic Dances, Op. 14b (1)
- Nótt (Night), Op. 59 (Text: Torsteinn Erlingsson) (1)
- Old Scaldic verses from Iceland (1)
- Quintet (1)
- Réminiscence du Nord, Op. 40 (1)
- Requiem (2)
- Requiem, Op. 33b for mixed choir a cappella (Text: Folk poetry and Jonas Hallgrimsson) (2)
- Rêverie (Vökudraumur) (1)
- Saga Symphony - Sinfónia I (Söguhetjur), Op. 26 (1)
- Scherzo concreto (1)
- Songs from the Saga Symphony (1)
- Spring Song (Vorvísa) for mixed choir and orchestra, Op. 46 (1)
- Stand-House of Stone (1)
- Strákalag (Boy's Song), Op. 49 (1)
- The Lay of Helgi the Hunding-slayer (Helga kvida Hundingsbana) for alto, bass and small orchestra, Op. 61 (1)
- Three Icelandic Hymns (1)
- Three songs from Icelandic Sagas (1)
- Three Songs, Op. 23 (1)
- Three verses from Hávamál (1)
- Torrek - Intermezzo, Op. 1 No. 2 (1)
- Torrek, Op. 33a (1)
- Trilogia Piccola, Op. 1 (1)
- Trois peintures abstraites, Op. 44 (1)
- Tveir Söngvar (Two Songs), Op. 14a (Text: Jóhann Jónsson) (2)
- Two Icelandic Folk-Songs, Op. 19b (2)
- Two Songs, Op. 18a (1)
- Variazioni pastorale, Op. 8. Variations on a Theme by Ludwig van Beethoven (3)
- Viking's Answer (Víkingasvar), intermezzo for wind ensemble, percussion, violas and double basses, Op. 54 (1)
- Vita et mors. Quartetto II, Op. 36 (1)
- Vögguvísa (Lullaby), Op. 14a No. 2 (Text: Jóhann Jónsson) (1)