Byrd - My Ladye Nevells Booke
Instrumental » Keyboard Solos
Penguin Guide, Rosette
9 CDs
$43.00 -
As a stand-alone introduction to Byrd the keyboard composer this is hard to fault, and those who already own the complete set with Moroney will find Belder a distinctive alternative. — More…
3 CDs
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Terence Charleston underscores Byrd's 'grave and stately' qualities in these sober, searching performances he plumbs the melancholic depths of the fifth pavan and gives a visceral account of... — More…
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Special offer. The World of Elizabethan Music
Julian Bream (lute), Peter Pears (tenor), Emma Kirkby (soprano), Anthony Rooley (lute), Christopher Hogwood (virginal), Nigel North (lute), David Thomas (bass), Paul Elliott (tenor), Mary Beverly (soprano), David James (counter-tenor), Judith Nelson (soprano)
Academy of Ancient Music
Elizabeth Farr…. plays this music with a winning lack of fussiness…. The flourishes that abound in these pieces sound alternately charming and sweeping under Ms. Farr’s fingers. — More…
3 CDs
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