Andrew Kennedy is an eager, bright-eyed lover: the bloom and the tenderness of the middle range of his voice, in particular, knows just how to bring a luxuriant Straussian intimacy to a song... — More…
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Ich trage meine Minne: Songs by Richard Strauss
Peter Gijsbertsen (tenor), Jozef de Beenhouwer (piano)
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The Moore/Fischer-Dieskau partnership is a joy to behold. Each sparkles in his own right, but the synergy between the two produces results of often exquisite beauty. — More…
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R. Strauss: Complete Works for voice and piano
Anja-Nina Bahrmann, Juliane Banse, Michelle Breedt, Jeongkon Choi, Markus Eiche, Christian Elsner, Brigitte Fassbaender, Brenden Gunnell, Lucian Krasznec, Christiane Libor, Andreas Mattersberger, Martin Mitterrutzner, Anke Vondung, Manuel Walser (vocalists) & Christoph Berner, Burkhard Kehring,...
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Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau: Complete Lieder Recordings on Deutsche Grammophon
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (baritone)
Thirty-two discs are devoted to Schubert and 12 apiece to Wolf, Brahms and Schumann. That still leaves many others, each a witness to his specially penetrating delivery of the words...The recordings... — More…
107 CDs