Purcell: Dido and Aeneas
Raffaella Milanesi (Dido), Richard Helm (Aeneas), Stefanie True (Belinda), Iason Marmaras (Sorceress), Michela Antenucci (First Witch, Sailor) & Anna Bessi (Second Witch, Spirit)
La Risonanza & Coro Constanzo Porta, Fabio Bonizzoni
The real star is the instrumental playing (how the dances swing!); and with less at stake, warmly stylish, The Love of Mars and Venus proves a delightful postscript. — More…
Audio formats guideContents
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas
- Iason Marmaras, Stefanie True, Raffaella Milanesi, Anna Bessi, Michela Antenucci, Richard Helm
- La Risonanza, Coro Costanzo Porta
- Fabio Bonizzoni
Shake the Cloud
Ah! Belinda, I Am Prest
Gottfried Finger, John Eccles: The Love of Mars and Venus
- Stefanie True
- La Risonanza, Coro Costanzo Porta
- Fabio Bonizzoni
Come All, Come All
Chorus. Come All, Come All
John Eccles, Gottfried Finger: The Love of Mars and Venus
- Raffaella Milanesi, Stefanie True, Iason Marmaras
- La Risonanza, Coro Costanzo Porta
- Fabio Bonizzoni
Love Alone
Love Like War
Scorn tho Beauty
To Double the Sports
To Treble the Pleasures
Let Scenes of Mirth