Francesco Rasi
Born: 14th May 1574, Arezzo, Italy
Died: 30th November 1621, Mantua, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Francesco Rasi was an Italian composer, singer (tenor), chitarrone player, and poet.
Rasi was born in Arezzo. He studied at the University of Pisa and in 1594 he was studying with Giulio Caccini. He may have been in Carlo Gesualdo's retinue when he went to Ferrara for his wedding in 1594. In 1598 he joined the court of Duke Vincent I in Mantua, and probably served the Gonzaga family the rest of his life, with whom he travelled all over Italy and as far afield as Poland.
Browse: Rasi
All Genres: Rasi
All Works: Rasi
- Ahi, fuggitivo ben (3)
- Ardo, ma non ardisco Messagier di speranza (1)
- Canzoniere: S’una fede amorosa (1)
- Cor mio, mentre vi miro (1)
- Deh, come in un momento (1)
- Dove misero mai, madrigali di diversi autori (1)
- È si lieto il mio core, madrigali di diversi autori (1)
- Ferma Tersilla mia (1)
- Filli, deh mira (1)
- Fillia mia, Filli dolce (3)
- Galatea mentre t'amai (1)
- Hor ch’a noi rimena (1)
- I trionfi: Or so come da sé (1)
- Il pianto d’Orfeo: Indarno Febo (1)
- In morte di Madonna (1)
- Indarno Febo (4)
- Nell’altrui braccia (1)
- O che felice giorno (2)
- O pura, o chiara stella (3)
- O rimembranza amara (1)
- Occhi sempre sereni (2)
- Scherzi: Schiera d’aspri martiri (1)
- Sento l’antica fiamma (1)
- Un guardo ohime ch’io moro, Madrigali di diversi autori… (1)
- Un guardo, ohimè (1)
- Vulnerasti cor meum, for two choirs (1)