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Showing 1 - 10 of 141 results
Showing 1 - 10 of 141 results
    • Editor: Brinkmann, Reinhold
    • Editor: Wolff, Christoph



    Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days

    • Author: Pinch, Trevor
    • Author: Trocco, Frank
    Through a series of detailed interviews with people associated with the Moog's development, ranging from Bob Moog himself to assorted technicians, sound gurus, marketing people and musicians... More…



    Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days

  • As Jack Hamilton makes clear in this exceptionally perceptive work, the most common way to talk about race in rock music is to not talk about it at all...Hamilton's text is bold, sophisticated,... More…



    Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days

  • This latest book, demonstrates Rosen's astonishing range of cultural reference--but also the essential coherence of his project, a coherence rooted in the aesthetic ideas of such German Romantics... More…



    Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days

  • Perspectives on Historiography, Composition, Theory and Performance

    • Editor: Gallagher, Sean
    • Editor: Kelly, Thomas Forrest
    Every reader will have his or her own favorite essays in this exemplary collection...[It] makes a major contribution to l8th-century studies as well as music. -- J. P. Ambrose More…



    Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days

  • Nagahara provides a well-documented study of how modern Japanese pop media developed a foundation in the masses that neither the government nor critics could control...Tokyo Boogie-Woogie stands... More…



    Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days

    • Author: Rosen, Charles
    Rosen is a fluent writer, having at his command both informality and rhetorical force. He is a musicologist and theoretician whose authority extends from Bach to Boulez. The rigor of his technical... More…



    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    • Editor: Berger, Karol
    • Editor: Newcomb, Anthony



    Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days

  • Quietly thrilling...[Carter and Goldthwaite] offer a sustained analysis of a recently discovered trove of account books belonging to Jacopo Peri (1561-1633), one of the earliest opera composers.... More…



    Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days

    • Author: Crite, Allan Rohan



    Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days