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anon. - Ca the Yowes

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
  • Marie McLaughlin (soprano), Malcolm Martineau (piano), Isobel Frayling-Cork (harp)

    Marie McLaughlin's gleaming yet often dark-hued soprano takes to this music as to the bothy born; and Edinburgh-born Malcolm Martineau heels and toes it with great imaginative finesse, tuning... More…


    Original price ($11.75) Reduced price $7.05

    In stock

    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    Only 11 left at clearance price
    Maximum 1 purchase per customer
    Clearance prices not guaranteed until checkout is completed

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • The Flautadors Recorder Quartet

    With a mix of traditional songs and contemporary works, this disc explores the varied potential of the recorder. The ensemble creates a controlled sound and clean tone. Lots of fun. More…



    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Favourites from the repertoire of the Glasgow Orpheus Choirs

    Laudibus, Michael Brewer

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Partsongs, folksongs and Shakespeare settings

    Ian Bostridge (tenor), Michael George (bass)

    Holst Singers



    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Lorna Anderson, Regina Nathan Jamie Macdougal, Malcolm Martineau, Bryn Lewis, Craig Ogden

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Moira Anderson (soprano)

    Royal Scottish National Chorus, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, John Currie, Sir Alexander Gibson

    Presto CD


    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days