Herbert, M - To daffodils
I’d suggest that not since Martin Isepp accompanied Janet Baker on that bargain Saga long-player from many moons ago has a British singer made a more auspicious recital debut on record. — More…
Gramophone Magazine, March 2024, Editor's Choice
Gramophone Magazine, Critics' Choice 2024
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Johnson's full, lustrous tone and floating higher notes, decidedly unlike today's typical 'English' tenor, suit this repertoire well. With James Baillieu's strong if unobtrusive support, he... — More…
Original price ($15.75) Reduced price $11.81Downloads
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This lovely disc marks the decisive arrival of a fine young recitalist...all [are] sung by MacPhie with haunting sensitivity and emotional engagement. Vividly stylish and responsive accompaniment... — More…
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Audio formats guide