Gesualdo - Itene, o miei sospiri
Bohlin’s singers find a beautifully and consistently blended tone that is a constant pleasure to listen to. — More…
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Building a Library, May 2012, First Choice
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Exaudi’s one-to-a-part approach stands comparison with the finest continental specialists in this repertory…The unanimity of purpose and the sense of engagement with Gesualdo’s rigorous caprice... — More…
International Classical Music Awards, 2020, Nominee - Early Music
Original price ($19.00) Reduced price $15.77Downloads
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[a][ hugely impressive collection, which steers a perfectly judged, immaculate course between the extremes of earthy expressionism and sterile detachment. The recording gives the voices in these... — More…
3 CDs
Original price ($29.00) Reduced price $21.17Downloads
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