In the 20th century, several composers embraced the combination of the violin and cello, producing a diverse and attractive repertoire for this ensemble. From Reinhold Glière’s (1875-1956) post-romantic Duos for violin and cello “Huit Morceaux” Bohuslav Martinů’s (1890-1959) folkloristic Duo Nº.1 to Erwin Schulhoff’s (1894-1942) avant-garde Duo (1925) and Don Jaffé’s (b. 1933) autobiographic “The final days”, these compositions show the artistic possibilities offered by the rich combination of the violin’s virtuosity with the cello’s depth of sound. Similarly, the duo repertoire of the 20th century shows the evolution of musical language as composers introdu- ced special playing techniques, unconventional harmonies, and rhythmic complexity, pushing the boundaries of tradition.