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Rameau: Platée

Marcel Beekman (Platée), Jeanine De Bique (La Folie), Cyril Auvity (Mercure/Thespis), Marc Mauillon (Momus/Citheron), Edwin Crossley-Mercer (Jupiter), Emmanuelle De Negri (Clarine/Amour), Emilie Renard (Junon), Ilona Revolskaya (Thalie), Padraic Rowan (Mommuss/Satyre), Arnold Schoenberg Chor, Les...

The cast is a strong one, comprising a number of well-known French Baroque specialists…the show is almost stolen by the stunning La Folie (Folly) of Jeanine De Bique, who sings the great ariette... More…


Rameau: Platée