Damien Guillon (counter-tenor), Café Zimmermann,
Seventy minutes with Death for company may look like hard going but such is the expressive depth and profound consoling beauty of the works assembled here, and so committed and responsive the... — More…
Gramophone MagazineAwards Issue 2020Editor's Choice
Gramophone MagazineCritics' Choice 2020
Audio formats guideContents
Schmelzer: Serenata a cinque
- Café Zimmermann
Biber: O dulcis Jesu
- Damien Guillon (countertenor), Café Zimmermann
Biber: Mensa sonora (Paris III)
- Café Zimmermann
Bach, J M I: Ach, wie sehnlich wart' ich der Zeit
- Damien Guillon (countertenor), Café Zimmermann
Schmelzer: Lamento sopra la morte di Ferdinand III
- Café Zimmermann
Bach, J C'ph: Ach, daß ich Wassers genug hätte
- Damien Guillon (countertenor), Café Zimmermann
Froberger: Toccata II (Libro secondo, 1649), Ricercar I (Libro quarto, 1656)
- Café Zimmermann
Bernhard: Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele
- Damien Guillon (countertenor), Café Zimmermann
Biber: Passacaglia for violin solo in G minor (from Mystery Sonatas)
- Café Zimmermann