Penderecki: Fonogrammi, Partita & Horn Concerto
Urszula Janki (flute), Jennifer Montone (horn), Michal Pindakiewicz (electric guitar), Konrad Kubicki (bass guitar), Barbara Witkowska (harp), Jerzy Cembrzynski (double bass)
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
the performances of the earlier pieces here are better recorded and generally better played than in the composer’s own recordings made when the techniques demanded by the music were clearly... — More…
Audio formats guideContents
Penderecki: Fonogrammi
- Urszula Janik
- Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
- Antoni Wit
Penderecki: Przebudzenie Jakuba (the Awakening of Jacob)
- Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
- Antoni Wit
Penderecki: Anaklasis
- Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
- Antoni Wit
Penderecki: De Natura Sonoris No. 1
- Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
- Antoni Wit
Penderecki: Partita for harpsichord, electric guitar, bass-guitar, harp, double bass and orchestra
- Elzbieta Stefanska
- Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
- Antoni Wit
Penderecki: Concerto for horn & orchestra 'Winterreise'
- Jennifer Montone
- Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
- Antoni Wit