Special offer. Endymion - Sound Census
It almost goes without saying that the Endymion players are first-rate advocates for these works...there is a diversity of approach from composers young and not so young here, suggesting British... — More…
2 CDs
Original price ($16.25) Reduced price $12.18Downloads
Audio formats guideContents
Gilbert, A: Word-Chimes in the Wind
- Endymion Ensemble
- Quentin Poole
Doubles (Live)
Payne: From a Mouthful of Air (Live)
- Endymion Ensemble
- Quentin Poole
Cashian: Concertantes (Live)
- Endymion Ensemble
- Quentin Poole
Bainbridge: 2 Trios (Live)
- Endymion Ensemble
- Quentin Poole
Butler, M: Hunding (Live)
- Stephen Stirling
Matthews, C: Scherzetto (Live)
- Endymion Ensemble
- Quentin Poole
Duddell: Tree Carving
- Endymion Ensemble
- Quentin Poole
I. Calm and Still (Live)
II. Lively (Live)
III. With Feeling but Flowing (Live)
Northcott: Doubles All Round (Live)
- Endymion Ensemble
- Quentin Poole
Davies, Peter Maxwell: Judas Mercator (Live)
- Simon Wills
Elias, B: Impromptu (Live)
- Endymion Ensemble
- Quentin Poole