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Wagner: Tristan und Isolde

Special offer. Wagner: Tristan und Isolde

Robert Dean Smith (Tristan), Irene Theorin (Isolde), Robert Holl (König Marke), Jukka Rasilainen (Kurwenal), Ralf Lukas (Melot), Michelle Breedt (Brangäne), Clemens Bieber (Junger Seemann), Arnold Bezuyen (Hirt) & Martin Snell (Steuermann)

Bayreuther Festspiele Chorus & Bayreuther Festspiele...

As in all great stagings - and I have no doubt that this is one - a list of unforgettable links between text, music and action soon accumulates. It's hard to know where to point the awards finger... More…


Wagner: Tristan und Isolde

  • Recorded live at the Bayreuth Festival, Germany, in August 2009.
  • Robert Dean Smith (Tristan), Irene Theorin (Isolde), Robert Holl (König Marke), Jukka Rasilainen (Kurwenal), Ralf Lukas (Melot), Michelle Breedt (Brangäne), Clemens Bieber (Junger Seemann), Arnold Bezuyen (Hirt) & Martin Snell (Steuermann)
  • Bayreuth Festival
  • Peter Schneider (conductor) & Christoph Marthaler (stage director)