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The audiophile label audite has developed into a highly regarded address in the classical scene during the past few years. The professional press has bestowed the highest praise on Rafael Kubelik's Mahler Cycle with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, as well as on the rediscovery of the composer Eduard Franck. Besides these series, which are being continued, we commit ourselves to first-class artists, unusual repertoire and audiophile quality.

Sound engineer Ludger Böckenhoff is the motor and centre of audite. For many years he worked for companies such as Deutsche Grammophon, Sony and BBC, and is still active today as a producer for other high-standard labels.

The close cooperation with a growing nucleus of first-class artists has also arisen out of this activity. This guarantees a clear programming line, consistently high quality and polished productions. The audite programme is based on three pillars - legendary recordings, interesting, at times unusual repertoire and large editions.

Further Reading: Audite

Recording of the Week, Liszt’s Dante Symphony plus a world-premiere recording from Kirill Karabits

Kirill Karabits conducts the Staatskapelle Weimar in orchestral works by Liszt, including the world-premiere recording of the Künstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier.

Recording of the Week, Kirill Karabits conducts the world premiere of Liszt's Sardanapalo

Reconstructed by the musicologist David Trippett, the single completed act of Liszt's abandoned opera on a subject by Byron reveals what the composer's son-in-law Wagner described as 'the claw of a lion'.

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