Jacob Arcadelt
Born: 1507, Belgium
Died: 14th October 1568, Paris, France
Nationality: French
Jacques Arcadelt was a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance, active in both Italy and France, and principally known as a composer of secular vocal music. Although he also wrote sacred vocal music, he was one of the most famous of the early composers of madrigals; his first book of madrigals, published within a decade of the appearance of the earliest examples of the form, was the most widely printed collection of madrigals of the entire era. In addition to his work as a madrigalist, and distinguishing him from the other prominent early composers of madrigals – Philippe Verdelot and Costanzo Festa – he was equally prolific and adept at composing chansons, particularly late in his career when he lived in Paris.
Arcadelt was the most influential member of the early phase of madrigal composition, the "classic" phase; it was through Arcadelt's publications, more than those of any other composer, that the madrigal became known outside of Italy.
Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Arcadelt
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Popular Works: Arcadelt
- Amor, to sai pur fare (2)
- Ancidetemi pur (4)
- At trepida et coeptis immanibus effera Dido (1)
- Ave Maria (16)
- Ch’è più foc' al mio foco (2)
- Chiare, fresch' e dolci acque (five part madrigal) (2)
- De mes ennuys (2)
- Diferencias sobra ‘O felici occhi miei' (1)
- Domine, non secundum peccata nostra (1)
- Donna, quando pietosa (2)
- Du temps que j'estois amoureux (3)
- En ce mois delicieux (2)
- Estote fortes in bello (1)
- Hodie beata virgo Maria (2)
- I vaghi fiori (1)
- Il Bianco e Dolce Cigno (20)
- Istorum est enim regnum caelorum (1)
- L’aer gravato (1)
- Laisses la verde couleur (3)
- Lamentatio Jeremiae (2)
- Lamentatio Jeremiae. Res Sordes eius (1)
- Madrigal 'Da bei rami scendea' (1)
- Mais de quoy sert le désirer (1)
- Margot, labourez les vignes (9)
- Missa ‘Ave Regina caelorum’ (2)
- Missa Noe, Noe (1)
- Nous boirons du vin clairet (2)
- Nuptiae factae sunt (1)
- O Felici Occhi Miei (11)
- O pulcherrima mulierum (2)
- Pater noster (2)
- Poscimur si quid vacui sub umbra (1)
- Quand'io penso al martir (3)
- Robin par bois et campagnes (1)
- Sa grand beaute (1)
- Se'l foco in cui sempr'ardo (1)
- Si grand’ è la pietà (2)
- Solo e pensoso (1)
- Tutt’il dì piango (1)
- Voi mi poneste in foco (3)
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