Rodney Jones: Hip Guitar Lines
The Lines, Fingerings and Ideas That Will Transform Your Playing
- Composer: Jones, Rodney
Sheet Music
- I. Non-Altered Minor
- ÿ- Arpeggio Shapes
- ÿ- Smalls Intervals
- ÿ- Fourth Intervals
- ÿ- Wide Intervals
- ÿ- Passing Tones
- II. Minor/Major and Altered Minor Lines
- ÿ- Minor/Major 7 (Melodic Minor)
- ÿ- Minor/Major 7 with f7
- ÿ- Minor/Major 7 with Passing Tones
- ÿ- Altered Minor
- ÿ- In and Out-of-Key Harmony
- III. Non-Altered Dominant
- IV.Altered Dominant
- ÿ- Altered Scale/Lydian Dominant
- ÿ- Half-Whole Diminished Scale
- ÿ- Scalar Patterns
- ÿ- Arpeggios
- ÿ- Major Triads
- ÿ- Diminished with Passing Tones
- ÿ- Anything Goes
- V.II-V-I Type Progressions
- ÿ- Group A: II-V-I Lines
- ÿ- Group B: I-VI-II-V Lines
- VI. Tricky Business
- ÿ- Patterned Chromatic Skating
- ÿ- Patterned Intervallic Atonality
- ÿ- Programmed Outness
- ÿ- Chord/Scale Classification
- ÿ- Application of Terminology to Scales and Chords
- ÿ- Classification of Diminished and Augmented Chords
- ÿ- Superimposing Diatonic 7th Chords
- ÿ- Some Altered Dominant Scales
- Rodney Jones Bio