Quantity deal. The Oxford Book of Easy Flexible Anthems (Spiral-bound)
Simple, varied anthems for the church year
- Composer: Bullard, A
Composer Alan Bullard has assembled sixty-six anthems covering the entire liturgical year and representing a wide swath of traditional English choral repertoire. Selections for Evensong are... — More…
Sheet Music
- John Rutter: A Gaelic Blessing
- Cecilia McDowall: A Prayer of St Columba
- Richard Hubbard: A new commandment
- Thomas Hewitt Jones: Alive in me
- William Byrd: Alleluia
- Jacob Clemens: Alleluia
- Alan Bullard: And art thou come with us to dwell?
- Alan Bullard: Ave Maria (Hail, blessed Mary)
- W.A. Mozart: Ave verum Corpus (Jeus, Lamb of God, Redeemer)
- Russell Pascoe: Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice!
- Bob Chilcott: Be thou my vision
- Kerry Andrew: Before the ending of the day
- English folk song, arr. Alan Bullard: Bethlehem, of noblest cities
- Antony Baldwin: Blest are the pure in heart
- Oliver Tarney: Come, Lord Jesus
- James Leith Macbeth Bain, arr. Mack Wilberg: Brother James's Air
- Oliver Tarney: Christ be with me
- Alan Smith: Christ the Lord is risen again!
- Malcolm Archer: Come, O come, our voices raise
- Mode viii melody, arr. Michael Bedford: Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest
- R.S. Thatcher: Come, ye faithful
- Alan Bullard: Evening Service (Colchester Service)
- George Dyson: Evening Service in C minor
- Alan Bullard: Father, we praise you
- Sarah Quartel: Fill your hearts with joy and gladness
- Benedetto Marcello: Give ear unto me
- David Blackwell: Glory to the Lamb
- David Fawcett: God be in my head
- John Goss, accomp. Alan Bullard: God so loved the world
- Trad. Irish, arr. Alan Bullard: He, whom angels worship
- Alan Bullard: Hosanna to the Son of David
- Philip Moore: I believe
- David Blackwell: Lead me, Lord
- Malcolm Archer: If ye love me
- American Spiritual, arr. Alan Bullard: In my Heart
- Richard Shephard: Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
- Trad. Kenyan, arr. Alan Bullard: Let all people praise you, Lord!
- Peter Hurford: Litany to the Holy Spirit
- Richard Farrant or John Hilton: Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
- Alan Bullard: My spirit longs for thee
- Edmund Jolliffe: May the road rise up to meet you
- James Davy: My Peace I Give Unto You
- Caleb Simper: O how amiable
- John Stainer: O King and desire
- Edmund Jolliffe: O nata lux (O glorious light)
- William Boyce, adap. Alan Bullard: O praise the Lord
- Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga, adap. Alan Bullard: O salutaris Hostia (O thou, the saving sacrifice)
- Deo gracias, arr. Rebecca Groom te Velde: O wondrous sight, O vision fair
- Trad. French, arr. Alan Bullard: Of the glorious body telling
- Andrew Smith: Our Father
- Claudio Casciolini: Panis angelicus (Bread of the angel host)
- Alan Bullard: Praise be to God!
- Thomas Tallis, arr. Alan Bullard: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (All praise, Eternal Son, to thee)
- Martin Luther, arr. David Willcocks: Rejoice today with one accord
- J.S. Bach, arr. Alan Bullard: Sheep may safely graze
- John Henry Maunder: Sing to the Lord of harvest
- Trad. Scottish, arr. A.D. Miller: Spirit of God, unseen as the wind
- Alan Bullard: Stars that shall be bright
- Ian Assersohn: Still small voice
- Freeman Lewis, arr. Rebecca Groom te Velde: Take up your cross, the Saviour said
- Will Todd: The Call of Wisdom
- harm. J.S. Bach, arr. Alan Bullard: The Lord ascendeth up on high
- Alan Bullard: The Lord bless you and keep you
- Paul Leddington Wright: We love the place, O God
- Bob Chilcott: There is a green hill far away
- 17th-cent. Dutch, arr. Alan Bullard: This joyful Eastertide
- Jonathan Willcocks: Wise men seeking Jesus