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Bach, Johann Sebastian: Oxford Bach Books for Organ: Manuals and Pedals, Book 1

Grades 4-5

  • Composer: Bach, J S
  • Editor: Marsden Thomas, Anne
Modern editions, with their grouping by genre, or by MS and printed collection, present a bewildering variety of choice to both teacher and player, and offer little guidance on how best to structure... More…

Sheet Music


Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days


  • Bach, J S: Cantata BWV194 'Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest': Wach auf, mein Herz, und singe (chorale melody)
  • Bach, J S: Canzona in D minor, BWV588
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV619 'Christe, du Lamm Gottes'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV626 'Jesus Christus, unser Heiland'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV629 'Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV631 'Komm, Gott Schoepfer, heiliger Geist'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV638 'Es ist das Heil uns kommen her'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV639 'Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV643 'Alle Menschen müssen sterben'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV646 'Woll soll ich fliehen hin'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV694 'Wo soll ich fliehen hin'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV710 'Wir Christenleut habn jetzund Freud'
  • Bach, J S: Chorale Prelude BWV732 'Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich'
  • Bach, J S: Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort (chorale melody from BWV6)
  • Bach, J S: Fantasia in G minor, BWV917 'duobus subjectis'
  • Bach, J S: Fugue in C minor, BWV575
  • Bach, J S: Jesu, meine Freude (chorale melody from BWV64)
  • Bach, J S: Pedal-Exercitium, BWV598
  • Bach, J S: Praeludium und Fuge in C major, BWV553
  • Bach, J S: Prelude & Fugue in E minor, BWV555
  • Bach, J S: Prelude and Fugue in G minor, BWV558
  • Bach, J S: Prelude in C major, BWV567
  • Bach, J S: Prelude in F major, BWV556
  • Bach, J S: St Matthew Passion, BWV244: O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
  • Bach, J S: Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (chorale melody from BWV166)
  • Bach, J S: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (chorale melody from BWV1)