Groups & Artists – B
Groups & Artists: B-52s - Bedingfield
- B-52s, The
- B, Ruth
- B. o. B.
- Babyshambles
- Bach, Alex
- Bacharach, Burt
- Back, Peter
- Backstreet Boys
- Backyardigans
- Bad Company
- Badarak, Mary Lynn
- Badazz, Randy
- Badly Drawn Boy
- Baez, Joan
- Baglioni, Claudio
- Bailey, Bill
- Bailey, Philip
- Bailey, Steve
- Bailo, Giovanni
- Bain, Aly
- Baione, Larry
- Baker, Anita
- Baker, Chet
- Baker, Don
- Baker, Duck
- Baker, Etta
- Baker, Ginger
- Baker, Kenneth
- Baker, Mickey
- Balavoine, Daniel
- Baldassari, Butch
- Baliardo, Tonino
- Ball, Tom
- Ballard, Frankie
- Baloche, Paul
- Band Perry, The
- Barbara
- Barbarin, Paul
- Barbieri, Gato
- Bardot, Brigitte
- Bareilles, Sara
- Barenaked Ladies
- Barlow, Gary
- Barnes, Jerry
- Barnwell, Ysaye
- Barrage
- Barratt, Edgar
- Barrett-Ayres, Reginald
- Barriere, Alain
- Barron, Christine
- Barron, Kenny
- Bascunana, Carlos
- Bashung, Alain
- Basie, Count
- Bassey, Shirley
- Bassman, George
- Bastille
- Bates, Jeff
- Batiste, Jon
- Battaglia, Dody
- Battiato, Franco
- Bauer, Axel
- Bauer, Harold
- Bawden, Rupert
- Baxter, Mark
- Bazilian, Eric
- Beach Boys, The
- Beatles, The
- Beauford, Carter
- Beautiful South, The
- Becaud, Gilbert
- Bechet, Sidney
- Beck
- Beck, Didi
- Beck, Jeff
- Beck, Joe
- Beck, Roscoe
- Beckmann, Daniel
- Beddow, Melvin
- Bedingfield, Daniel
Groups & Artists: Bedingfield - Blackman
- Bedingfield, Natasha
- Bee Gees, The
- Beeler, Marjie
- Beiderbecke, Bix
- Beirach, Richard
- Belafonte, Harry
- Belen, Ana
- Bell, Kristen
- Bell, Sam
- Bellamy Brothers, The
- Belle, Regina
- Bellowhead
- Bellucci, Enrico
- Beloff, Jim
- Ben Folds Five
- Ben l’Oncle Soul
- Ben, Jorge
- Benatar, Pat
- Benjamin, Nell
- Bennato, Edoardo
- Bennett, Billy
- Bennett, Brian
- Bennett, Haley
- Bennett, Tony
- Bennett, William
- Benoit, David
- Benson, G.
- Benson, George
- Benson, Ray
- Bensusan, Pierre
- Bentley, Dierks
- Benzko, Tim
- Berg, Andrea
- Bergamini, Joe
- Berger, Michel
- Bergeyk, Ton Van
- Bergman, Alan
- Bergman, Marilyn
- Bergonzi, Jerry
- Berle, Arnie
- Bernd, Brümmer
- Bernfield, Derek
- Bernhardt, Warren
- Berry, Chuck
- Berry, John
- Berry, Leon "Chu"
- Best, Pat
- Beyoncé
- Bhadriraju, Ravi
- Bhatt, Vishwa Mohan
- Bhattacharya, Debashish
- Bianchi, Saverio
- Bibb, Eric
- Bice, Bo
- Biddu
- Bieber, Justin
- Biffy Clyro
- Big Walter, Tom
- Bigazzi, Luciana
- Bihlman, Jeff
- Bilk, Acker
- Billy Talent
- Binkerd, Gordon Ware
- Bird, Bobby
- Birdy
- Birkin, Jane
- Birro, Paolo
- Bisbal, David
- Bisquera, Curt
- Bissonette, Gregg
- Bittner, Jason
- Black Country Communion
- Black Crowes
- Black Eyed Peas
- Black Keys, The
- Black Sabbath
- Black Violin
- Black, Clint
- Black, Johnny
- Blackman, Cindy
Groups & Artists: Blackmore - Brady
- Blackmore, Ritchie
- Blackwell, John
- Blair, E. M
- Blake, Eubie
- Blake, Nancy
- Blake, Norman
- Blakey, Art
- Blige, Mary J.
- Blind Blake, Stefan
- Blink-182
- Bloc Party
- Block, Rory
- Blom, Michael
- Blondie
- Blood Sweat & Tears
- Blossoms
- Blue Öyster Cult
- Bluebyrds, The
- Blues Brothers, The
- Bluespumpm
- Bluetones, The
- Blümchen
- Blumenstengal, A.
- Blunt, James
- Blur
- Bobrova Lange, Esther
- Bocelli, Andrea
- Boden, Jon
- Boduch, Doug
- Boer, Gerrit De
- Bogard
- Bogle, Eric
- Bolan, Marc
- Bollani, Stefano
- Bolton, Michael
- Bon Iver
- Bon Jovi
- Bonamassa, Joe
- Bond, Johnny
- Boney M.
- Bonfanti, Paolo
- Bonfire, Mars
- Bonham, Jason
- Bonham, John
- Bono
- Bono, Sonny
- Book Binder, Roy
- Booker T And The MGs
- Booker, James
- Boothe, Jim
- Borden, Jamie
- Borge, Victor
- Bornlöf, Johannes
- Borsato, Marco
- Bosé, Miguel
- Boskerck, Capt Francis S van
- Bosman, Lance
- Bosse
- Boston
- Bottrell, Bill
- Bouchikhi, Chico
- Bourk, Rory
- Bourvil
- Bouwens, Johannes
- Bowcott, Nick
- Bowen, James
- Bower, 'Bugs'
- Bowie, David
- Bowling For Soup
- Bowlly, Al
- Bowman, Brooks
- Box Car Racer
- Boyd, Bill
- Boyd, Liona
- Boyle, Susan
- Boyz II Men
- Boyzone
- Bozzio, Terry
- Braddock, Bobby
- Brady, Paul
Groups & Artists: Bragg - Bullet For My Valentine
- Bragg, Billy
- Braide, Chris
- Braido, Andrea
- Bramlett, Delaney
- Branam, Terry
- Branch, Michelle
- Brande, Carlsson
- Brandt, Hans Henrik
- Branduardi, Angelo
- Branly, Jimmy
- Brant, Walter
- Brassens, Georges
- Bravo, Nino
- Braxton, Toni
- Bread
- Bream, Julian
- Breau, Lenny
- Brechtlein, Tom
- Brecker, Michael
- Brecker, Randy
- Brel, Jacques
- Brend, Mark
- Brent, Tony
- Brewer, Henry
- Brewster, Lincoln
- Brian Setzer Orchestra, The
- Brianna
- Brickman, Jim
- Brightman, Sarah
- Brillant, Dany
- Brincos, Los
- Bring Me the Horizon
- Brody, David
- Bromberg, David
- Brooks & Dunn
- Brooks, Elkie
- Brooks, Garth
- Broonzy, Big Bill
- Bros
- Brothers, Nilsen
- Brown, Chris
- Brown, Clifford
- Brown, James
- Brown, Jerry
- Brown, Kane
- Brown, Larry Russell
- Brown, Les
- Brown, Ray
- Brown, Rolly
- Brown, Zac
- Browne, Baron
- Browne, Jackson
- Brozman, Bob
- Brubeck, Dave
- Bruce, Dix
- Bruce, Jack
- Bruford, Bill
- Brunes, BB
- Bruni, Carla
- Bruno, Jimmy
- Bryan, Alfred
- Bryan, Luke
- Brymer, Jack
- Bryson, Juanita
- Bryson, Peabo
- Bublé, Michael
- Bucchino, John
- Buchmann, Patrick
- Buck, Chris
- Buckcherry
- Buckingham, Lindsey
- Buckley, Jeff
- Buena Vista Social Club
- Buffet, Jimmy
- Buffett, Jimmy
- Bugg, Jake
- Bull, Harry
- Bull, Stuart
- Bullet For My Valentine
Groups & Artists: Bunton - BZN
- Bunton, Emma
- Burbridge, Oteil
- Burgett, Bob
- Burgh, Chris De
- Burke, Alexandra
- Burke, Johnny
- Burke, Sonny
- Burnell, I.
- Burton, James
- Burton, Tony
- Bury, Katarzyna
- Buscaglione, Fred
- Busch, Lou
- Bush
- Bush, Kate
- Busted
- Butler, Ralph
- Butterfield, Paul
- Butterworth, Anna
- Buyse, Leone
- Buzzurro, Francesco
- Bygraves, Max
- Byrd, Bill
- Byrd, Charlie
- Byrd, Tracy
- Byrk, Andrea
- Byrne, David