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Recommended Sheet Music, Breitkopf completes their edition of the organ works of JS Bach

Breitkopf Organ Works of BachAfter years of intensive research, Breitkopf's edition of the complete organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach has finally come to an end. More than forty years after Breitkopf's previous edition, these new publications reflect more recent scholarly research on Bach, as well as aspects of historically-informed performance practice. Furthermore, they take into account the needs of performers, giving thought to more practical matters such as paper quality, convenient page-turns, and an easily legible layout.

The series includes all of Bach's "clavier" works which require an independent pedal (including the four Duetti printed in Part III of the Clavierübung), as well as authentic early versions, fragmentary works, and dubious works that can be attributed to Bach with considerable certainty. As a bonus, dubious works for which Bach’s authorship cannot be determined are available online with commentary, and can be printed out.

Johann Sebastian BachIn addition to the music, each volume contains an introduction providing information on the current state of research (including each work's position in Bach’s oeuvre, work history, transmission, authenticity, and occasionally notes on performance practice), and comments containing a description and evaluation of the sources. The edition reproduces the text as transmitted in the sources but also takes into consideration notational practices that are customary today. For instance, works in which the pedal has its own proper part to play are notated with their own pedal staff, even if only two staves were used in the source.

As an added incentive, we are currently running a special offer on Breitkopf's entire catalogue, so until the end of August this set will be available at a special price of 25% off the normal cost. It is also possible to purchase the volumes individually, a link to which has been included below.

10 Volumes in slipcase

Individual volumes also available.

Available Format: Sheet Music