Dahl and her 21 bandmates recorded all of 'Madison' at the Lost World Caverns in West Virginia from 3pm to 8:30am each day over the course of two weeks. To access the space, they'd enter through the back of a gift shop, down a long tunnel where they'd walk down 200 feet of stairs to reach the entrance. Dahl and her bandmates did this steep walk with a piano. The ceiling of Lost World Caverns is massively high and is a perfect dome. The inside was also 98 percent humidity, leading to both stellar sound and also problems with tuning and gear. Engineer Ryan Howe sat in his parents Subaru above the cave with his mixing board and computer, and threaded cables down 90 feet through a hole in the ground to the ceiling of the cave. It's the first time someone has ever recorded an entire album in a cave, and the results are pretty sonically stunning.