Death After Life, Thug Entrancer's debut for Software Recording Co. is a deliberately realized collection of dance experimentation and hybridized electronic music with narrow stylistic precedents. Its also a gripping, somber tide formed from the gravitational pull of an artists amble through unknown turfs. Death After Life is comprised of eight chapters drawn from the album title, each numbered I through VIII. These portions underscore a pitch-dark motif thread throughout the album's fifty minutes. "Death After Life I" is whittled and icy - long echoed claps and panned sawtooth shapes swelter around the skittering percussive elements over the four-and-half-minutes of unsettled, environmental shifting. While Death After Life re-frames elements of Chicago Juke and house in long-form design, the end result one in which a subtler horizon is discovered, trumping more palatable musical codes and dissuading us from treating electronic music, or any genre-stamped style matter, with rote attention.