trad. - The darkest midnight in December
Choral » Christmas Carols
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Special offer. Traditional & Modern Carols
The Pro Arte Singers, Indiana University Children’s Chamber Choir, Paul Hillier
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The four male members of New York Polyphony… are the core performers, augmented as necessary by a trio of female voices, the crystalline purity of the soprano contribution to Kenneth Leighton's... — More…
Original price ($16.00) Reduced price $12.00Downloads
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The Christmas Revels - Down Through the Winters
Portland Revels, Portland Brass Quintet, Portland Revels Chorus, Portland Revels Renaissance Band, Philip Neuman, Gayle Neuman, Daphne Clifton, Richard Lewis, speaker, Portland Revels Women's Chorus, Polly Gibson, Betsy Branch, Tom Sessa, Shulamit Kleinerman, Seth Truby, Randy Orr, Kurt Peterson,...
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Strike the Harp: An Irish Christmas Revels
Mark Roberts (guitar), Chris Stevens (accordion), Paddy League (bodhran), Jamie Jaffe (singer)
Cambridge Symphonic Brass Ensemble, The Revels Children Chorus, The Revels Chorus, Céili Band
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