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Liszt - Epithalam zu Eduard Reményis Vermählungsfeier, S526

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results
  • Howard's performances are quite marvellous: scrupulously prepared and enlightened by this performer's high degree of spontaneity. Hyperion's recording captures every nuance More…



    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Barnabás Kelemen (violin), Gergely Bogányi (piano/harmonium)

    No digital booklet included

  • Chris Nicholls (violin), Jonathan Ayerst (piano)

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Leslie Howard (piano), Wolf Kahler (reciter), Sandor Eles (reciter), Yuri Stepanov (reciter), with Philip Moore (piano), with Paul Coletti (viola)

    Almost any way you choose to look at it, this is a staggering achievement...Howard is particularly convincing in those works where Liszt focuses on a particular technical problem...The grand... More…


    This release includes a digital booklet