Band Music (American) - Sanderson, J. / Douglas, W. (A Lincoln Portrait - the Music of Lincoln by the Bands and Choruses of the U.S. Military)
Walter Cronkite (narrator)
United States Army Ceremonial Band, United States Air Force Band, United States Air Force Orchestra, The President's Own United States Marine Band, United States Army Chorus, United States Coast Guard Band, United States Navy Band, United States Navy Ban
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Stephen Foster Song Book
Robert Shaw, John Cali (banjo), The Robert Shaw Chorale of Men's Voices, Grant Williams (tenor), The Robert Shaw Chorale, John Cali (guitar), Robert Shaw Chorale, Thomas Pyle (baritone), Louise Natale (soprano), James Wainner (tenor), Florence Kopleff (contralto), Clayton Krehbiel (tenor)
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Brilliant Variations on Sentimental Songs
Slipping Virtuosity into the Antebellum Drawing Room
Pamela Dellal (mezzo-soprano), Vivian Montgomery (fortepiano)
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Songs of the Civil War
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Alexander Schreiner (organ), Richard P. Condie (director), Frank Asper (organ), Alexander Schneider (organ), Robert Cundick (organ)
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The Great American Folksong
Cathy Fink (instruments), Marcy Marxer (instruments), Kim Harris (instruments), Reggie Harris (instruments)
Children's Chorus, Washington Children's Chorus, Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer, Kim and Reggie Harris, Joan Gregoryk
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American Classics for President's Day
United States Air Force Band of Mid-America, The President's Own United States Marine Band, United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, United States Air Force Academy Band, United States Air Force Heritage of America Band, United States Military Ac, Donald E. Schofield, Jr., Timothy W. Foley,...
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