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Scriabin Recital

Yoojung Kim (piano)

[Vers la flamme] Kim makes sense of the cacophony and not only helps to order the chaos, but also gives some of Scriabin’s probably wild and potentially disastrous pianistic demands a bit of... More…



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This release includes a digital booklet


Scriabin: Fantasy in B minor, Op. 28

Work length9:33
  • Yoojung Kim (piano)

Scriabin: Piano Sonata No. 2 in G sharp minor, Op. 19 'Sonata Fantasy'

Work length12:51
  • Yoojung Kim (piano)

I. Andante

Track length8:29

II. Presto

Track length4:22

Scriabin: Piano Sonata No. 3 in F sharp minor, Op. 23

Work length20:28
  • Yoojung Kim (piano)

I. Drammatico

Track length6:44

II. Allegretto

Track length2:36

III. Andante

Track length5:08

IV. Presto con fuoco

Track length6:00

Scriabin: Piano Sonata No. 4 in F sharp major, Op. 30

Work length8:01
  • Yoojung Kim (piano)

I. Andante

Track length2:49

II. Prestissimo volando

Track length5:12

Scriabin: Deux poèmes, Op. 32

Work length5:16
  • Yoojung Kim (piano)

No. 1 in F-sharp major, Andante cantabile

Track length3:44

No. 2 in D major, Allegro, con eleganza, con fiducia

Track length1:32

Scriabin: Two Pieces, Op. 57

Work length2:54
  • Yoojung Kim (piano)

I. Désir

Track length1:30

II. Caresse dansée

Track length1:24

Scriabin: 2 Poems for Piano, Op. 63

Work length2:58
  • Yoojung Kim (piano)

I. Masque

Track length1:09

II. Étrangeté

Track length1:49

Scriabin: Vers la flamme, Op. 72

Work length6:11
  • Yoojung Kim (piano)