The Hermes Experiment
These formidable chamber musicians range effortlessly through the centuries and around the globe, recognising no stylistic boundaries. Their mesmerising soundworld is supported by a glowing,... — More…
Presto Editor's ChoiceOctober 2021
Presto Recordings of the YearFinalist 2021
Gramophone MagazineFebruary 2022Editor's Choice
Audio formats guideContents
Chaney: Roman Holiday
- The Hermes Experiment
Strozzi: Diporte di Euterpe, Op. 7: No. 9, Tradimento!
- The Hermes Experiment
Witter-Johnson: Draw the Line
- The Hermes Experiment
Venables, P: A Photograph
- The Hermes Experiment
Schumann, Clara: Liebst du um Schönheit, Op. 12 No. 4
- The Hermes Experiment
Boulanger, L: Reflets
- The Hermes Experiment
Boulanger, L: Attente
- The Hermes Experiment
Alberga: Deep Blue Sea
- The Hermes Experiment
Grime: Council Offices (from Bright Travellers)
- The Hermes Experiment
Lolavar: Mâh Didam
- The Hermes Experiment
Thurlow: Quiet Songs
- The Hermes Experiment
I. La Pierre
II. Effacement
III. Pluie
Andrew: Fruit Songs
- The Hermes Experiment
I. plum
II. blackberry
III. cherry
IV. apple
Hall, E: Befalling
- The Hermes Experiment