Hindemith: Wind Sonatas
Les Vents Français
Each is played with terrific dexterity and fluidity. — More…
Gramophone MagazineJune 2021Editor's Choice
Audio formats guideContents
Hindemith: Sonata for Flute & Piano
- Emmanuel Pahud (flute), Eric Le Sage (piano)
I. Heiter bewegt
II. Sehr langsam
III. Sehr lebhaft - Marsch
Hindemith: Sonata for Oboe and Piano in G
- Eric Le Sage (piano), François Leleux (oboe)
I. Munter
II. Sehr langsam - lebhaft - sehr langsam - wieder lebhaft
Hindemith: Sonata for Clarinet & Piano in B flat major
- Eric Le Sage (piano), Paul Meyer (clarinet)
I. Massig bewegt
II. Lebhaft
III. Sehr langsam
IV. Kleines Rondo, gemachlich
Hindemith: Sonata for Bassoon and Piano
- Eric Le Sage (piano), Gilbert Audin (bassoon)
I. Leicht bewegt
II. Langsam - Marsch
Hindemith: Althorn Sonata
- Eric Le Sage (piano), Josephine Bloéb (actor), Radovan Vlatković (horn), Luka Vlatković (actor)
I. Ruhig bewegt
II. Lebhaft
III. Sehr langsam
IV. Das Posthorn (Zwiegespräch)
V. Lebhaft