Special offer. Stradella: San Giovanni Crisostomo
Ensemble Mare Nostrum, Andrea de Carlo
the performance offers semi-dramatic characterisations of the proud empress Eudoxia by the assertive and brightly-toned Arianna Vendittelli, whereas the dignity, modesty and firmness of the... — More…
Original price ($17.50) Reduced price $12.25Contents
Stradella: San Giovanni Crisostomo, Prima parte
Work length34:10
- Ensemble Mare Nostrum, Andrea De Carlo, Nora Tabbusch, Luca Cervoni, Matteo Bellotto, Arianna Vendittelli, Filippo Mineccia, Nora Tabbush
- Recorded: 6-9 September 2014
- Recording Venue: Church of San Giovanni Battista, Sacrofano, Rome, Italy
Duetto "Chi ’l freno non regge"
Track length1:36
Recitativo "Nel regio trono di Bisanzio assisa"
Track length3:42
Aria "Rei timori, perché a stuolo"
Track length1:40
Stradella: San Giovanni Crisostomo, Seconda parte
Work length35:02
- Ensemble Mare Nostrum, Andrea De Carlo, Filippo Mineccia, Arianna Vendittelli, Luca Cervoni, Matteo Bellotto, Nora Tabbush
- Recorded: 6-9 September 2014
- Recording Venue: Church of San Giovanni Battista, Sacrofano, Rome, Italy
Duetto "Della vita il fragil legno"
Track length1:44
Recitativo "Tu forse il patrio lito"
Track length1:25
Aria "Fra procelle la nave perì"
Track length1:18