Hindemith: Messe, Six Chansons, Apparebit repentina dies
Stuttgart Southwest Radio Vocal Ensemble, Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra, members, Marcus Creed
What draws these disparate strands so effectively together is the excellent singing of the SWR Vocal Ensemble under Marcus Creed...this release, performed with real polish and recorded in a... — More…
Audio formats guideContents
Hindemith: Apparebit repentina dies
- SWR Vokalensemble, Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR
- Marcus Creed
Apparebit repentina dies
Hujus omnes ad electi colligentur dexteram
Retro ruent tunc injusti ignes in perpetuos
Ydri fraudes ergo cave
Hindemith: 6 Chansons
- SWR Vokalensemble
- Marcus Creed
No. 1, La biche
No. 2, Un cygne
No. 3, Puisque tout passe
No. 4, Printemps
No. 5, En hiver
No. 6, Verger
Hindemith: Lieder nach alten Texten, Op. 33
- SWR Vokalensemble
- Marcus Creed
No. 1, Vom Hausregiment
No. 2, Frauenklage
No. 3, Art lasst nicht von Art
No. 4, Der Liebe Schrein
No. 5, Heimliches Gluck
No. 6, Landsknechtstrinklied
Hindemith: Messe
- SWR Vokalensemble
- Marcus Creed
Agnus Dei