PRAISE AND GLORY (Music from the Convents on the Luneburg Heath) (Ensemble Devotio Moderna, Volkhardt)
Ensemble Devotio Moderna, Ulrike Volkhardt
Audio formats guideContents
anon.: Exultet iam angelica turba
Work length2:32
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt
anon.: Exultandi et letandi tempus est
Work length5:54
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt
anon.: Te decet laus, te decet ymnus
Work length0:40
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt
anon.: Gloria laus et honor tibi sit
Work length2:42
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt
anon.: O beata trinitas - Tibi laus, tibi gloria
Work length2:45
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt
anon.: David psalmista
Work length2:11
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt
anon.: Crucifixum in carne
Work length0:55
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt
anon.: Cristus resurrexit
Work length1:20
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt
anon.: Laudes Salvatori - Crist Is upstande
Work length7:24
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt
anon.: In obscuro nascitur illustrator solis
Work length1:44
- Ensemble Devotio Moderna
- Ulrike Volkhardt