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Satie: Piano Works, Vol. 4

Klara Kormendi (piano)

These are fresh and unbottoned performances, flavoured with plain vanilla and beautifully recorded... I would recommend this excellent disc to anyone looking for an introduction to lesser known... More…



Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

This release includes a digital booklet


Satie: Le Piccadilly

Work length1:44
  • Klara Kormendi (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

Satie: The dreamy fish

Work length6:23
  • Klara Kormendi (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

Le poisson reveur: Esquisse

Track length6:23

Excerpt, Satie: Le Piège de Méduse, 7 dances for piano

Work length4:08
  • Klara Kormendi (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

Le piege de Meduse

Track length4:08

Satie: La diva de l'empire

Work length2:32
  • Klara Kormendi (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

Satie: Jack in the Box

Work length7:51
  • Klara Kormendi (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

Satie: Vieux Sequins et Vieilles Cuirasses

Work length4:30
  • Klara Kormendi (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

I. Chez le marchand d'or II. Danse Cuirassee III. La defaite des Cimbres

Track length4:30

Satie: Heures séculaires et instantanées

Work length3:43
  • Klara Kormendi (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

I. Obstacles venimeux II. Crepuscule matinal III. Affolements granitiques

Track length3:43

Satie: Peccadilles importunes

Work length2:07
  • Klara Kormendi (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

I. Etre jaloux de son camarade qui a une grosse tete II. Lui manger sa tartine III. Profiter...

Track length2:07

Satie: Trois Morceaux En Forme De Poire

Work length12:16
  • Klara Kormendi (piano), Gabor Eckhardt (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

Satie: En habit de cheval

Work length6:22
  • Klara Kormendi (piano), Gabor Eckhardt (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

Choral - Fugue litanique - Autre choral - Fugue de papier

Track length6:22

Satie: 3 Petites pieces montees

Work length3:38
  • Klara Kormendi (piano), Gabor Eckhardt (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

I. De l'enfance de Pantagruel II. Marche de Cocagne III. Jeux de Gargantua

Track length3:38

Satie: Apercus Desagreables

Work length4:43
  • Klara Kormendi (piano), Gabor Eckhardt (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

I. Pastorale II. Choral III. Fugue

Track length4:43

Excerpt, Satie: La belle excentrique

Work length7:37
  • Klara Kormendi (piano), Gabor Eckhardt (piano)
  • Recorded: 8-11 February 1994
  • Recording Venue: Unitarian Church, Budapest

I. Marche franco-lunaire II. Valse du mysterieux baiser dans l'oeil III. Can-can Grand Mondain

Track length7:37