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Langgaard - Symphonies Nos. 12-14

Danish National Symphony Orchestra and Choir / DR, Thomas Dausgaard

Thomas Dausgaard is working his way through an authoritative new Langgaard cycle with the Danish National Symphony Orchestra and Choir ... Mr. Dausgaard’s keen advocacy elicits polished, persuasive... More…

No digital booklet included


Langgaard, R: Symphony No. 12 ‘Hélsingeburg’ BVN 318 (1946)

Work length7:06
  • Danish National Symphony Orchestra
  • Thomas Dausgaard

Langgaard, R: Symphony No. 13 ‘Undertro’ (Belief in Wonder) BVN 319 (1946-47)

Work length27:40
  • Danish National Symphony Orchestra
  • Thomas Dausgaard

Ret hurtigt [Fairly fast] -

Track length2:19

Andante -

Track length8:02

Lidt hurtigere [a little faster] -

Track length3:09

Langsomt - Temmelig hurtigt [Slow - Rather fast] -

Track length4:10

Samme tempo [vildt] [Same tempo [wildly]] -

Track length3:59

Elegant! -

Track length2:14

Hurtigere [Faster]

Track length3:47

Langgaard, R: Symphony No. 14, "Morgenen" (the Morning), BVN 336

Work length28:55
  • Danish National Choir, Danish National Symphony Orchestra
  • Thomas Dausgaard

I. Indledningsfanfare [Introductory fanfare]

Track length2:11

II. Upaagtede morgenstjerner [Unnoticed morning stars]

Track length7:17

III. Marmorkirken ringer [the Marble Church rings]

Track length5:20

IV. De traette star op til livet [the tired get up for life]

Track length5:23

V. Radio-Caruso og tvangsenergi [Radio-Caruso and forced energy]

Track length5:55

VI. 'Farmaend' farer til kontoret ['Dads' rush to the office]

Track length1:41

VII. Sol og bøgeskov [Sun and beech forest]

Track length1:08