Special offer. Roy Harris: Symphonies Nos. 7 and 9
Ukraine National Symphony Orchestra, Theodore Kuchar
Ideal and colourful performances from the fine Ukranian orchestra under their American conductor, in sound that readily captures the music's high impact. —
Original price ($13.00) Reduced price $10.40Downloads
Audio formats guideContents
Harris, Roy: Symphony No. 7
Work length19:27
- National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
- Theodore Kuchar
Harris, Roy: Epilogue to Profiles in Courage - J.F.K.
Work length8:24
- National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
- Theodore Kuchar
Harris, Roy: Symphony No. 9
Work length30:11
- National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
- Theodore Kuchar
I. "We, the people"
Track length6:28
II. "... to form a more perfect Union"
Track length11:54
III. "... to promote the general welfare"
Track length11:49