Weiss, S: The Italian Spirit (Suites, Preludes and Fantasia)
Paul Beier (lute)
Audio formats guideContents
Weiss, S: Suite in A major
- Paul Beier
I. Prelude
II. Allemande
III. Courante
IV. Sarabande
V. Chiacona
Weiss, S: Lute Sonata No. 27 in C minor
- Paul Beier
III. Rondeau
Weiss, S: Suite in C minor
- Paul Beier
I. Ouverture
II. Allemande
III. Courante
Johann Jacob Weiss: Suite in G Major
- Paul Beier
I. Phantasie
II. Allemande
III. Courrente
Weiss, S: Fantasia in D Major
- Paul Beier
I. Fantasia
II. Fuga
Weiss, S: Prelude in D major
- Paul Beier
Weiss, S: Capriccio in D Major
- Paul Beier
Weiss, S: Prelude in A Major
- Paul Beier
Weiss, S: Suite in F-Sharp Minor
- Paul Beier
I. Fantasie
II. Allemand
III. Guige