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CD, Moniuszko (composer)

Showing 1 - 10 of 53 results
Showing 1 - 10 of 53 results
  • CD


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    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • The two Moniuszko quartets which sit at the heart of this lovely programme deserve much more exposure, springing numerous little harmonic and stylistic surprises and placing considerable technical... More…




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    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Poznan Opera, Gabriel Chmura

    Magda Molendowska’s Halka is wonderful. Her voice is vibrant, capable of lovely soft singing that never loses tonal body, and equally capable of expressing pain and anger without the sound turning... More…


    2 CDs


    In stock

    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Marta Torbidoni, David Astorga, German Olvera, Aleksey Bogdanov, Matheus Pompeu, Paulina Boreczko, Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic Choir, Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi

    2 CDs


    In stock

    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    No digital booklet included

  • Ingrida Gapova (soprano), Marion Eckstein (mezzo-soprano), Sebastian Mach (tenor), Maximilian Argmann (bass), Goldberg Baroque Ensemble, Gellert Ensemble, Andrzej Szadejko




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    Usually despatched within 1 working day

  • Roberto Alagna (tenor), Morphing Chamber Orchestra, Giorgio Croci

    Jontek’s aria from Stanisław Moniuszko’s Halka is a lovely nod to the heritage of Alagna’s wife, soprano Aleksandra Kurzak, and Lensky’s ‘Kuda, kuda’ (from Eugene Onegin) is genuinely touching,... More…


    Original price ($16.25) Reduced price $13.00

    In stock

    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Aleksandra Kurzak (soprano), Morphing Chamber Orchestra, Frédéric Chaslin

    It is hard to miss Kurzak’s impressive vocal strength and projection. Her nuanced use of dynamics is well beyond the norm…every fluctuation is present in Cio-Cio San’s ‘One fine day’…The rapport... More…



    In stock - only 5 left

    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Podlasie Opera & Philharmonic Choir, Poznan Philharmonic

    This is Slavic mysticism at its best...And the performances are wonderful – soprano Wioletta Chodowicz in particular, the eponymous lead in both works, has a fabulous richness of timbre combined... More…


    2 CDs


    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Tina Gorina, Monika Ledzion-Porczynska, Matheus Pompeu, Robert Gierlach, Rafal Siwek, Karol Kozlowski

    Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi

    New textures are revealed in the playing of Europa Galante, full of lightness and colour, and Biondi finds authentic snap in the rhythms, not least in the invigorating mazurka that closes Act... More…


    2 CDs


    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

  • Ewa Gawrońska (soprano), various orchestras and conductors



    In stock

    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    This release includes a digital booklet