Dictionaries for the Modern Musician
Hoch offers a practical resource intended for singers, voice teachers, and lovers of the art of singing. It is truly comprehensive, encompassing not only classical genres and styles, but also... — More…
$71.00 -
A source of reliable and accessible information about flute performance, construction, and history, this new edition of A Dictionary for the Modern Flutist considerably expands the number and... — More…
$146.25 -
professional musicians — More…
$130.00 -
Ambitious in its scope, this illustrated dictionary bills itself as a one-stop resource, covering all the terminology a modern string player could ever need. . . .The book is elegantly set out,... — More…
$140.50 -
[T]his new work by Brown offers many unique terms, revealing a trove of information about the practice and ethos of conducting. The entries vary in length from concise definitions to long entries... — More…
$137.50 -
This latest volume in the publisher's 'Dictionaries for the Modern Musician' series is a most welcome addition to the trumpet player's shelf. Aimed at the contemporary performer, the dictionary... — More…
$130.00 -
On matters pianistic [Siek] knows whereof he speaks, and his Dictionary, apart from being scholarly and elegantly-written, is far more than a bald Wikipedian recitation of facts: it is a hymn... — More…
$133.00 -
Strain is a respected percussionist and professor and historian of the Percussive Arts Society (PAS). The title's use of both "drummer" and "percussionist" is significant, indicating that the... — More…
$146.25Out of stock at the UK distributor